Punished by Passion (3 page)

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Authors: Cara Nottingham

BOOK: Punished by Passion
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She tried to slide off
of him, but both his engorged cock and his firm hands at her hips held her in
place. “Where do you think you’re going?” he demanded. “The only time I know
you’re staying out of trouble is when you’re impaled on my cock. I intend to
keep you there as much as possible now that I’ve discovered the key.”

“I’m not going
anywhere,” Madison said. “But I want to pleasure you. I just don’t know how.
I’ll need you to tell me what to do.” He was so surprised by her declaration,
that he relaxed enough for her to climb off of him. She knelt on the bed next
to hip, reaching for his raging hard-on.

“Do you like when I do
this?” She lightly grasped his cock and slid her small hand up and down a few
times on his shaft. It was still wet from her juices and the head glistened
like a dark purple gem. She stopped when he groaned.

 “I’m sorry,” she
whispered, inexperience fueling her uncertainty. “Please tell me what you like.
I want to give you this at least.”

Nate looked at her as
if she had just fallen from the heavens.  “Be careful what you say little girl.
Men like me have a very large but very dark appetite.” He lifted his head from
the pillow to search her face for the signs of fear he’d seen in the other
women who’d made him empty promises.

“I’m not afraid,” she
told him, looking him squarely in the eyes. “Whatever you want, I want to give
you. I’ve loved you since the day we met. Maybe this is the only way I can
prove that to you.”

He let his head fall
back against the pillow and sighed. Madison knew he was battling some fierce
emotions, but she didn’t know how to help him. She let her instincts decide as
she said the words Nate needed to hear. “Please Nate, I am completely at your
mercy, but I don’t want to be anywhere else. I am your to command.”

With a low growl, Nate
swung his legs over the side of the bed, nearly unseating Madison in the
process. He stood up in fluid motion, his erection standing at attention near
her eye level. She glanced at, smiling at the effect she was having on him.

“Get on your knees.
Now.” Nate ordered. Madison tried to hide her smile and rose up on her knees on
the bed.

Nate laughed. “No
Madison. On the floor. I want you on your knees, on the floor.”

Madison scrambled to do
as he had requested. She knelt down at his feet, resting her behind on her

Fisting his hand in her
long silky hair, Nate tugged. Gently at first, then a bit harder. “Up
sweetheart. NO resting on your laurels now.”

Madison rose up, so her
back was straight and her mouth was, well, it suddenly became evident to her
where Nate wanted this to go. She reached out to take hold of his cock, but
again Nate pulled back on her hair, forcing her to look up at his face.

“Hands clasped behind
your back.” Madison smiled up at him, her eyes shining with the love she felt.

Nate sucked in his
breath. “Two hours ago I thought I must have been the unluckiest man alive to
have you to deal with.” He relaxed his grip on hair and massaged her head
lightly as he looked further down at her breasts jutting out, brushing against
his bare thighs.

“And now?” Madison
asked, her breath warm so close to his balls.

“Now I can die a very
happy man.” He smiled at her, then set his mouth in a firm hard line. One that
Madison had seen before. This was the serious marshal face she knew and had
fallen I love with. “Open your mouth Madison. I’m going to fuck that pretty
little mouth of yours.”

Madison felt a streak
of nervousness flash through, but tried to stifle it. “What if I hurt you?” She
whispered. “I don’t want to bite you.”

“Don’t use your teeth,”
he said harshly. “Use your lips and tongue. Suck hard, like your trying to get
an egg out of its shell.”

She nodded and opened
her mouth for him, watching his face for signs. Slowly he eased his cock
inside, guiding it with one hand, while the other remained in her hair, gently
guiding her head closer. Madison sealed her lips around him gently and began to

As she grew more
confident, Nate began to pump in and out, speeding up his tempo when she began
to swirl her tongue around the head. When he hit the back of her throat, she
felt the automatic gag reflex, but he pulled back so quickly, that it passed.
Again and again, he bumped her there until she grew accustomed to the feeling.
She tried to take more of him into her mouth, still suctioning her lips around
him as if her life depended on it.

Nate exerted more pressure
against the back of her head, pulling down to angle her mouth in a more upward
position. This opened more access to her throat and Nate pushed farther in,
groaning as his entire cock filled her mouth and throat.

“You are doing great,”
he told her, his breath coming in short pants. “A little too good. I’m about to
cum in your mouth.  I want you to get ready for it. And swallow every drop.”

Madison nodded
slightly, careful of the precious package between her teeth. She ran her tongue
faster and harder against him and braced herself when he grabbed two handfuls
of her hair. His pubic hair tickled her nose as he pressed his cock down

She felt him ejaculate
a split second before he shouted. “Oh God. Oh Madison, here it comes.” He
continued to thrust himself as several shots of cum hit the back of her throat.
She struggled to swallow all of it as he had ordered, but a small trickle slid
out of the corner of her mouth.

With a final thrust,
Nate eased himself out of her and smiled down. “That was unbelievable,” he told
her as he helped her to her feet. He laid her on the bed and rubbed the
circulation back into her feet and lower legs. That was when he noticed her

“Wow, I didn’t think
you could get any sexier, but laying there with my juices leaking down your
chin almost makes me hard enough to go again.

Madison reached up to
scoop up the escaping fluid. “I thought you wanted me to swallow all of it.”
She sounded disappointed, afraid she had somehow let him down.

“No baby, nothing about
that was disappointing. The exact opposite actually. You were amazing.”

Madison stared for a
moment at the cum on her finger then looked up at Nate. She opened her mouth
and slid her finger inside, cleaning all of it off and swallowing before
removing her finger with a loud pop.

Again Nate groaned. “Darlin’
I think we’re both going to need a nap after all.” He slid onto the bed next to
her and pulled up the blankets to cover them both.

Madison lay on the bed,
curled up at Nate’s side. She was exhausted, but still she fought sleep, afraid
she’d wake up and find this to have been a dream. Nate loved her, truly loved
her. Her heart sang at the thought. She was the one who could die happy now.

“Madison?” Nate asked.
“You still awake?”

“Mmmhmm,” she nodded
against his chest, snuggling her face against his dark curly hairs.

“I need you to do one
more thing for me.” Gone was the domineering marshal voice. He spoke softly,
almost cajoling, but in her sleepy state, Madison barely noticed.

“Yes, Nate?” she
answered. “What is it. I think you know by now that I’ll do anything.”

Nate sat up a bit and
tightened his grip on her waist. Almost as if her were preparing for her to
run. Madison noticed, but thought how silly it was. Nothing on this earth could
ever cause her to leave his side now.

“I want you to tell me
what you did with the God damn money.” Nate grabbed hold of her as Madison
tried to struggle. Tears now threatened and the last she wanted Nate to see was
how hurt she was by his sudden betrayal.

“You knew?” She was
shocked and felt the panic rising as each fact led to a new and disturbing
realization. “All this time, you knew?”

“Madison, I arrested
all but one of the train robbers before I came to see you. And even if every
one of them hadn’t pointed the finger to you, I can read every though in that
pretty head of yours. Your eyes don’t hide a thing, at least not from me.”

“You just wanted the
money?” she said, her voice trembling. “You did all this to me to get to the

“No Madison, I did all
this to you because I was mad as hell that you’d put yourself in danger. Since
I have wanted to fuck you for more than five years, I had a lot of pent up
sexual frustration was unleashed when I lost my temper. I’m sorry that I lost
my temper, but I will never be sorry that I finally fucked you.”

Madison cringed as he
suddenly made it all sound dirty when just minutes before she had felt like the
most beautiful woman alive.

Nate cupped her chin
gently and forced her to look up at him. The tears spilled over and slid
silently down her cheek as she tried to avoid meeting his gaze. “Look at me
Madison,” Nate’s command forced her to obey even as her mind rebelled at the
automatic reaction. Her own stubbornness kept her looking. She didn’t want him
to think she was a coward now.

“I need that money.”
Nate explained. Madison rolled her eyes.

“Stop that,” he
ordered. “You are acting childish again. “As I was saying, or trying to
explain, if you could stop being so fucking mad for a few seconds, is that I
need the money so that I can turn it in. I can’t very well propose to you while
you are wanted for being an accessory to an armed robbery.”

“I can’t believe that
you would be so heartless…” Madison froze. “Did you just say propose? You’re
proposing to me. Marriage?” Her voice squeaked as she realized what Nate was

“No, I definitely did
not propose. But if you were to hand over the money so I can return it to the
sheriff and then meet me down by the creek, say around sunset, I would really
like to do this proposal thing up right.”

Madison threw herself
at Nate, kissing his cheeks, his eyes, his lips. She was finally, FINALLY,
going to have everything she had ever hoped for.

Nate laughed at her
enthusiasm. “Okay, okay, first things first darlin’. Where’s the money?”

Madison smiled, ready
to give up everything to this man that she loved so desperately.  Now she knew
that her brother would get straightened out quick and she could live happily ever
after as Mrs. Nate Marcus. She climbed off the bed and reached under the
mattress. The very one that made love on for the past couple of hours. As she
slid the money bag out and held it up for Nate to see, he shook his head in

“You had it right here
the whole time? You didn’t even try to hide it?”

“There was no time.
Foster warned me you were coming so I shoved it under the bed, thinking I would
hide it after you got done lecturing me. Again. I didn’t know you’d end up
proposing instead.”

Nate held his forehead
in his hands. “I haven’t proposed. Yet. Give me an hour to take care of
business and then we’ll see.  All I know is it’s a damn good thing I know that
you crave my cock more than all the trouble you’ve been making. I’m gonna have
my hands full keeping you busy.” He pulled her close and gave her a long,
heated kiss.

As he finished
dressing, Madison still lay curled on the bed, admiring his long graceful form
and remembering how well that form had worked out in her bed.

“One hour,” he reminded
as he opened the door. “Don’t be late.”

That gave Madison a new
idea. “And if I am?” she asked sweetly, a devilish gleam in her eye.

“I sincerely hope you
get the chance to find out.” Nate said as he walked out the door, leaving
Madison with a lighter heart and the anticipation of a very exciting evening.


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