Punished Into Submission (4 page)

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Authors: Holly Carter

BOOK: Punished Into Submission
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“Want a hand?” Sailor asked, coming in and shutting the door.

I tensed under Hunter’s hands. I didn’t want Sailor to see me like this. But I wasn’t going to let this situation bring satisfaction to ... either...

“Hmm, I don’t know,” I said turning my head back to Hunter. “Do you need help finding the spot? Because I’m all for giving directions, but maybe we should ask someone who has found it already.”

He nuzzles my neck a few times, roughly laughing. Then bites my sensitive flesh.

“Oh, I know what I’m looking for. And when I find it, you will know it, because it’s going to hurt like hell,” Hunter says, speaking against my skin. I also earn myself a firm slap on the ass and a hard pull of my hair.

Hunter and Sailor laugh in unison as I stand there lost for words...

“I need to talk to you in private for a minute, if you can keep your dick in your pants.” Sailor says through laughter, taking a seat at desk.

I fixed myself up as Hunter left me. Did I want him to keep his dick in his pants? I wasn’t sure anymore. I was definitely up for a challenge and this man was going to challenge me more than anyone I knew. Sailor challenges me, but only to the limit he thinks I can take. I need something more. So maybe, after all, this was a fucking good idea.

“Give us a few minutes sweetheart,” Hunter says, taking a seat with Sailor. “I will call for you soon and we can pick this moment up again.”

I pass Hunter over to Sailor, leaning down I kiss his cheek. I let my lips trail up his cheekbone towards his ear.

“You, my friend, are going to fucking pay for this.” I whisper with a bite.

I don’t stay long enough to hear his response. I walk out leaving Sailor and Hunter to their little chat and go in search of this new room I’m calling Kat’s Heaven.

Chapter Three

eaving the boys to have their chat, I wander the halls and rooms for something that resembles fun. And I am not seeing anything fun about, room after room of beds and nothing else. I think I have opened maybe twenty doors along the top floor hall and been disappointed every freaking time. I walked back down the hall towards my room, but stopped when I came to the door next to mine. I had this instinctive feeling that it was Hunter’s room, and curiosity got the better of me.

I turned the handle and push the door. Inside was a room twice the size of mine, but set out the same. His bed was like nothing I have ever seen before; it looked like just a rounded mattress on a wooden base. But it was fucking sexy. The thought to trade rooms crossed my mind, but then I remembered my iron framed bed, and massive bathroom.

There are several doors to the left of the room, and I walk towards them. I open the first door and find out that his bathroom is exactly the same as mine. The room smells of him, fresh, spicy, and manly. Walking over to the sink, I pick up the soap and smell it. I mentally remind myself to steal the soap when I leave in thirty days.

I put it back, and pick up a glass bottle containing green liquid. I smell it and note the smell of Joop. No wonder this man smells good, he wears fucking Joop. Sailor isn’t the cleanest man I know, but Hunter is immaculate, everything has a place in this room and it’s fucking firmly there.

I walk out of the bathroom, making sure to close the door behind me. The next door I open turns out to be a walk in robe. This man has more clothes then a clothes warehouse. And fuck me; everything is in order by color. I laugh lightly to myself and I go through the racks of clothes. He’s a suit and pant man, but also has a long row of jeans and button up shirts. I’m a little jealous to find that he also has more shoes then I do, and briefly wonder if he is in fact gay.

One, he has the looks. Two, he has more shoes and clothes then I do. Three, he’s a fucking clean freak. Or, he could have a nice little tramp that does it for him. Lazy fucker. I find nothing of else to amuse myself with, so I exit the walk in closet. The massive bed continues to grab my attention, and without thinking, I walk over and jump on the bed; my body bounces a few times then sinks into its softness.

“Oh my fucking god,” I say aloud. “I want this fucking bed.”

“Can’t help yourself, can you?”

I sit up instantly. Hunter walks into the room, looking unimpressed with my actions. I messed his bed, and he’s not happy.

“Find anything interesting?” he asks, taking his watch off and putting it on the table.

“Nope. Only that I think your gay, or your girlfriend has a cleaning fetish.” I stand up and straighten my clothes.

“Don’t insult me, Kat.” Hunter bites, walking towards me. “We have a few things to go over, and firstly, you stay the fuck out of here. This is my space, not yours.”

“But I’m scared of the dark, and what If I get lonely during the night and need to come? Will you want me to do it myself or will you demand that I only allow you to make me come?” I reach out and grab his shirt, as I speak seductively to him.

Hunter smirks and removes my hands from his clothes.

“Everything to do with pleasure belongs to me, and if I say you can’t come, baby, you can’t come.” He leans in close, I think he’s going to kiss me but he doesn’t. He pulls away and steps back. "You will work downstairs in the bar, unless I say otherwise. It will keep you busy when I am busy; my plan is to keep you out of trouble.”

I hold back a laugh. He isn’t fucking serious.

"Are you kidding me? I’m here for punishment, Hunter. That consists of you doing your worst then leaving me the fuck alone."

"Does it look like I'm kidding, Kat?" Hunter says sternly.

His words make me laugh out loud. I can’t control it. He’s a funny fucker when he isn’t a sour puss. I search his face and I can’t stop staring. His brow lifts and I know one thing for sure, he's fucking serious!

This is bullshit.

"I'm not a bar bitch, Hunter, and I'm not working for you. Give me my punishment and send me on my way." I look around the room as I speak, but my eyes fall back to Hunter’s.

He smiles and shakes his head. This man makes me nervous for some reason. More nervous than anyone has ever made me, Ever. I step forward and open my mouth to speak my mind. But something happens and in seconds I'm on my back on the bed, hands above my head, Hunter nestled between my legs.

"You are very fucking testing, Kat. I have a lot of patience, but you’re pissing me off." Hunter leans in close, his breath warm on my face.

I try to struggle out of his hold, but he's too strong. He must work out, because I can see his biceps bulging. He’s fucking toned. I want to see him shirtless, sweating, moaning...

"Stop struggling,” he bites

"Let me go, you jackass."

"I like it when you beg, makes me hard." He presses himself into me, touching my sensitive spot and I gasp. “Oh, you like it too. It's going to be so much fun making you mine for the next thirty days. I can almost taste my success now." I close my eyes and turn my head away from his.

Instantly I feel his breath of my neck, followed by his tongue. He licks and nips at my skin.

"You have no idea what I like and what I don’t," I whisper.

“I’m sure I can figure it out.”

His hard body is pressed against mine. I try to move my hands again under his grip, but he only tightens his hand on my wrists.

"Struggle, Kat, I like it." Hunter nips my neck and I actually moan when his teeth bite into my skin.

The feel of Hunter rubbing himself against me while I’m restrained does something to me. It’s so quick and new; I’m a little thrown to begin with. But then it all falls into place; it’s the challenge, the game. He wants me to kiss his feet, and submit to his every desire. While I will play the game, it will be my rules we play by, not his. The question is, how long will it take for him to find this out?

“We are going to have a drink tonight, get to know each other a little better, go over a few rules,” Hunter whispers in my ear.

“If you want to get into my panties, all you need to do is ask, Hunter.”

A rough laugh erupts from him that vibrates against my skin.

“Oh, Kat. You act so tough now, but how tough will you be when you’re restrained and gagged?”

I turn my head to look at him; his green eyes burn bright, those dark pupils dilated with something fierce. He is so god damn handsome that the thought of having him for thirty days to tease and play with makes me weak with anticipation.

“Are you going to fuck me, Hunter? Because if you’re not, get off me so B.O.B. can have a go.” I struggle some more as I speak.

Hunter growls and my insides clench. The thought of his mouth on my core when he growls like that comes to mind and I die a little. He lets my wrists go and removes his body from mine. He puts out his hand for me to take, and I hesitate before placing my hand in his. Hunter pulls me to my feet and steps back.

“I’m going out for the afternoon, a car will pick you up at six and we are going to a friend’s club for drinks. I expect you to behave and remember your manners.” he says, starting to unbutton his shirt.

Me, behave...

I’m always well-mannered and behaved. Well, that’s to my standards anyway. I continue to stand there and stare as each tiny button pops open. The tight skin underneath starts to show and it takes every bit of self-restraint for me not to lick him. His chest is tight and muscular. Fuck the six-pack, it’s a ten pack with extras and I like it.

“Do you like what you see?” Hunter’s voice breaks through the dream.

I look to his eyes and smile.

“No, I’m repulsed. You should try working out sometime.” I turn on my heel and head for the door.

The sound of laughter follows me out the door and down the hall to my room. I have a few hours to kill before I need to get ready to leave; the bed was calling my name but so was the shower and that fucking Punishment room Hunter spoke of. I was a woman; I could do anything at any time. The question was what was more important? The shower, sleep, or finding temptation?

I looked to the bed and agreed that sleep was first priority. Curse those nightmares for keeping me awake at night. The pit of my stomach hurts at the thought of having to sleep alone without Sailor holding me close. This was my downfall. Having to be dependent on Sailor to comfort me when I had these flashbacks, when I felt the pain of being cut, or when I saw their faces.

Shivering, I pushed those thoughts away and stripped off my clothes before climbing into bed. Sleep needed to take me again, and it needed to take me peacefully and pleasantly. Sleeping during the day was more successful than sleeping at night; bad things happened in the dark.

The sheets were cool on my bare skin. I cover my body completely with the sheet and close my eyes. Images of beaches and sunsets come into my head and I know I’m relaxed. Sleep takes me to the ocean where I run free, with no cares, no worries and nothing matters but the fear of drowning alone.


iss, wake up.”

I roll over and snuggle deeper into the sand.

“Miss, please wake up, you’re late.”

I’m late? I’m lying on the beach; how could I possibly be late? Images flash through my mind. Hunters pretty face pops into my head. Warm hands shake my shoulders and mumbled voices fill my ears. I mumble a few curses before opening my eyes.

A pretty little face fills my view. Blonde hair, blue eyes, light growth and a mighty fine face attached to a body wearing a black suit looks back at me.

“Hi, my names Martin. I’m here to pick you up for dinner,” he says stepping away from the bed.

“What’s the time?”

“It’s six, miss.”

“Stop with the fucking miss business. Call me, Kat.” I stretch my body before climbing out of bed.

“Oh sweet Jesus.” Martin turns round and puts his hands over his eyes.

I look down at my naked body then back to him. It’s like this idiot hasn’t see a naked woman before, either that or my body is worse than I think it is. Maybe I should work out more, and I might inherit a ten pack. I stroke my flat stomach instinctively.

“Is there something wrong with the way I look?”

“Umm, no. No ma’am. It’s just that, you’re, ah... you’re naked.” He stutters.

“And your point is?” I say walking past him and into the bathroom.

He doesn’t answer; well, he may have but I don’t hear him. I turn the shower on and jump under the flowing water. I take my time washing, even though I know I am late, which in turn is making Martin late. I noticed the collar wrapped tightly around his neck, so I know he belongs to someone. A collar is not something I would never have, nor would I ever want one. I belong to no one.

I think about having an orgasm before I exit, but the poor slave outside might blush a little too much over dinner and I wouldn’t want that. It’s always been my intention for people to remember me, but without delivering some sort of inflicted torture isn’t the way I want them to remember me.

Once I’m clean and the only smell that flows through the bathroom is cherries, I get out of the shower. Looking around, I notice the absence of my towel.

“Umm, can you throw me the towel that’s on the bed out there?” I yell out the open door.

I hear the footsteps then see arm extend around the doorway before the towel is coming towards me. I catch it with one hand, while laughing to myself.


“Please hurry. Your Master doesn’t want you to be late.”

That makes my laughter explode and I choke before I end up in fits of laughter.

“Hunter isn’t my Master.” I correct wrapping the towel around my body and walking out of the bathroom.

I look at Martin and see the confusion splayed across his face. Obviously he hasn’t been told the story behind the mystery. I open my mouth to tell him, but his cell rings loudly. He pulls it out of his pocket, bites his lip than answers it while walking away. I hear the brief greeting to Hunter then nothing.

He said we were going to his friend’s club. There are different kinds of clubs and I have no idea which one I need to dress for. I choose to wear what I want anyway. Skin-tight leather shorts and a tight t-shirt is the covering of choice. I pull on my knee-highs and put my hair into a messy bun on the top of my head. I pick up my makeup bag and walk back into the bathroom, opting to put on minimal make up for the night. A little black eye liner, red lip gloss and mascara and I am ready for the night.

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