Quarterback Sneak (15 page)

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Authors: Unknown

Tags: #interracial romance, #white men, #football, #black women, #anal, #Erotica

BOOK: Quarterback Sneak
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“Nope,” he said with a grin. “But just in case, I’ve got the ointment all ready for any potential damage you may encounter.” He laughed. They both knew he would never let anyone hurt her.

“Ointment, really?” Galynn said with a smile.

“Yep, ointment. So, are we going tonight?” Alceo asked as he turned around.

“I guess,” she said as he stepped toward her with another million-watt smile on his face.

“Perfect baby, just perfect.”

She wasn’t sure how perfect it would be, but she would go anywhere with him, she just didn’t want him to know it. In the back of her mind, she was still worried about Jasmine. But, maybe everything was over. That’s all Galynn could hope for. After all, it had been weeks, and what is it that Jasmine could really do?


Galynn could feel the pavement shaking before she had even seen the frat house with the bright red Greek letters she couldn’t discern. Galynn wasn’t nervous until the massive frat house came into view, and she could see people milling about the front lawn, red Solo cups in hand. The closer they got to the front door, the sweatier her palms got, but Alceo wouldn’t let her hand go, he just held her tighter.

From what Galynn could tell, the house was packed. She could feel the bass rattling her rib cage, and the fillings in her teeth. She smiled to herself knowing that if it weren’t for Alceo, she would never have set foot in at a party like this.

Everyone said hi to Alceo as they passed, while she just got strange looks. She began to fidget with her clothes.
She knew she couldn’t pull this look off.
The skirt was very long, and it had a deep split up the right side that could only be seen when she walked. With the heels Alceo had bought her, the skirt just touched to tops of her feet. The thigh-highs made her feel sexy, though. They came all the way up to her crotch and felt incredibly sexy as she walked. But it was the back of the shirt she was worried about. The shirt was white, and it clung to her skin. She was worried about how much it clung to her skin, but when she emerged from the bathroom wearing it, Alceo had looked at her hungrily.

She thought he looked delicious in his stone washed jeans and crisp white button down shirt, his hair resting on his shoulders.

As they walked through the house, a couple people smiled, but most just looked at their joined hands, back up at Alceo and kept it moving. Galynn felt herself begin to relax. Stepping over the threshold, they didn’t get much farther than the foyer before the crowd began to crush them. If anything, Galynn liked this better. In the sea of people, she was anonymous. In the sea of people, she felt like she could be more of herself.

Instead of resisting the pull of the crowd, Galynn began to move with it. She was there to have fun right? So, why not? She let the music move her hips, and the crowd sway her body as she let the beats take over.

When was the last time I went dancing? Never,
she chastised herself.
I love to dance. I need to do this more often.

Finally, for the first time in weeks, everything began to melt away. No more fear, no more worries about not being good enough, just really, really good music. Her curly brown hair was down around her shoulders, and when it fell into her face, she didn’t bother to push it away. Tilting her head back, she let out a deep sigh. Her eyes closed, as her feet moved her. She felt sexy, she felt in charge. Galynn felt wonderful, and when Galynn felt a pair of very strong hands grab her hips, she felt wanted.

She placed her hands over those on her hips and let her fingers walk along the backs of those strong fingers. She tilted her head to the side, wanting a kiss from Alceo, when she realized something was wrong. The hands seemed right, but this guy was too short. Straightening her head, her eyes shot open.
Dear Lord, somebody is touching me.
Had it not been for the fact that Alceo was the first guy to touch her in ages; maybe some random guy’s touch would have been welcome, but not tonight.

Turning her head, her ear met the lips of the guy behind her. “Don’t you look good tonight?”

“Well, thanks,” Galynn replied as she tried to move as far away from the guy as she could. She still had yet to see his face. Her eyes scanned the crowd for Alceo. When she didn’t see him, she began to panic. What was the protocol for a situation like this? Did she turn around and slug the guy? Did she try to run? She knew in her head she was being dramatic, but the last thing she wanted was to not act the right way the first time went to a party with Alceo.

Now what?

Bodies pushed her and the stranger closer together, and it became harder for her to move, but it did become easier for her to feel something hard pressing into the small of her back.

Is he hard? Are you kidding me?

Her eyes scanned the crowd again, and before she could find Alceo, she smelled him. That masculine mix of cologne and the scent that was uniquely him. Surely, he would come to her rescue now that he could see this guy grinding up against her bottom, right? But she wasn’t some damsel in distress; she could take care of herself.

Turning herself around as forcibly as she could with people mashed up against her, she faced her suitor. Shock registered on her face before she could fully comprehend whom she was seeing.

“Hey, Galynn.” His voice was still like caramel pouring over her skin, but this time, it didn’t feel the same. Her knees didn’t get weak; her heart didn’t skip a beat. But her heart did begin to hammer in her chest.

Seriously? Now?

“Hey, Jake.” Galynn was a little more breathless than she would have liked.

“Yea, hey Jake.” Alceo’s voice was ice. Galynn could feel goose bumps rise along her skin as she waited for Jake to acknowledge Alceo. He didn’t. His eyes remained trained on her as if she were the only one in the room. Not good.

Stepping back into Alceo’s voice, she felt his rigid chest, not giving way to her warmth like it usually did. When Alceo’s hand possessively grabbed for her waist, she finally watched Jake’s eyes lock onto Alceo.

“This is Alceo, he -”

“I know who he is.” Jake said with a smirk. “My, how things have changed, Galynn.”

What the hell was that supposed to mean?

Alceo’s hand was painfully gripping her waist now. From behind her, she could feel Alceo begin to tense further. Not good at all. Galynn didn’t have to look at his face to know that the only part of Alceo showing his anger was his eyes. The rest of him, besides his fingers digging into her hip, refused to show what he was really feeling towards this guy.

“Wanna go somewhere and talk? I think we have a lot to catch up on.”

Maybe it was the music, maybe it was the crushing presence of Alceo behind her, but Galynn began to feel like she was suffocating. This was too much, and she said so.

“No, I don’t want to go talk. I’m fine right here,” she said as she grabbed Alceo’s arm and wrapped it around her body.

“A party of three? Wow, Lynn, you really have changed. I can get down with that.” Jake stepped forward and walked into Alceo’s hand.

“Keep moving asshole, and we are going to have a problem.”

“The way little Lynn was moving a moment ago, I already have a problem. Don’t be mad bro, I heard you like to share.”

Now it was Galynn’s turn to tense. Whatever Alceo did before her is fine, but she definitely didn’t want to hear anything about it.

“Back off, man.”

“Back off? Ha. I had her first, and from what I can remember, I was all she ever wanted. Don’t act like you’re a hot shot because you can toss a football around, bro. Just relax. I like to share too. There’s more than enough of her to go around.”

Galynn watched in horror as the hand Alceo had on Jake’s chest balled into a very large fist. But before he could raise it, she watched as Jake stumbled back, holding his jaw.

“I’m not sure what was going on, but it looked like he needed to be decked. You know you can’t put those delicate hands of yours in harms way. Coach would kill me. Was I right?” Alceo started laughing before Galynn could process that it was Will that had punched Jake in the face.

“Bro, where did you come from?”

“I was walking in the door with Marie. I saw you standing here with that look on your face, and I knew whatever was happening, it wasn’t good. He saying’ something about your girl?”

Galynn’s face heated.

“Yea he was.”

“I was just telling the truth. She’s nothin’ but pussy man, and you can find better. Believe me, I know.” Jake as he straightened up.

“Get the fuck outta here,” Will said as he shoved Jake towards the door.

“You alright?” Galynn heard Alceo’s question, but honestly, she was still having problems processing what just happened. “Babe?” Alceo turned her to look at him.


“Are you alright?”

“I’m fine,” she said staring at where Jake has just stood. “What the hell was that?”

“I got a better question, how do you know him?” Under the scrutiny of his gaze, Galynn began to fidget. It wasn’t a pretty story and she also didn’t want to tell it in front of the whole party. No one was paying them any attention, but she could have sworn that she felt eyes watching her every move.

Will came trotting back. “I think he got the point this time.”

Alceo turned back to his friend and smiled. “My man.”

“You know it. I’m gonna go find Marie, she and I have some unfinished business. See you guys later,” he said with a wink towards Galynn, and then he was off as quickly as he came.

For a brief moment, she felt Alceo tense as he watched his friend melt into the crowd. She knew questions were inevitable, and she wasn’t sure if she was ready to answer them to his satisfaction. With Will out of sight, Alceo grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the back of the house, away from the crowd. He led her through the kitchen, and out the patio door. It was still crowded outside, but at least here, she didn’t feel like everyone was watching her.

Alceo led her into the corner of the deck. With a smile on his lips, but his eyes still angry, he pulled himself up to sit on the deck railing and dragged her to stand between her legs.

“Okay, so how do you know that guy, Jake?”

Raising an eyebrow, she decided to give him the short version. No need to drag things out, right?

“I used to have a crush on him.”

When she said nothing else, Alceo pulled her into his arms, planted a gentle kiss on her forehead and told her that she wasn’t getting off that easily.

“It was back when I was a freshman. He was in one of my classes and I had the biggest crush on him. He wouldn’t give me the time of day. Then finally, we ended up becoming kind of friends and one night, he got drunk and we had sex. He wouldn’t talk to me after that. Turned out he had a bet going with his friends on how long it would take him to get into my pants. They all picked a girl from our class, and I was his choice. I am jut as shocked as you are that he said something.” After a pause she added, “What did he mean when he said that you like to share?”

“What do you think he meant?”

“Don’t give me that shit, answer me straight.”

“I have been known to engage in a threesome or two in my time.”

Galynn stepped back. She knew that, but hearing it from his mouth was a different story. It hurt more. It hurt a lot more.

“Don’t do that.”

“Do what? Cringe at hearing that you like to whore yourself around?”

“Are you done?”

“Am I done? Don’t act like I’m being unreasonable.”

“You asked me and I told you the truth.”

Galynn sighed. He was right. It would have been futile for him to lie to her, but still. Hearing how experienced he was made her stomach hurt.

“You really had sex with that guy?”

“Yea why, you don’t believe it?”

“No, I believe you. I just thought you had better taste than that. I must really be a schmuck then.” Galynn was about to get mad, but she realized Alceo was just trying to make her feel better.

“You are a schmuck, but he was worse, now that I think about it. I don’t know what I was thinking.”

“So,” Alceo said with a smile. “You wanna tell me why you were grinding all up against the guy?”

“First off, I thought it was you, and second, don’t change the subject.”

“I’m not, I’m just wondering where those sexy moves came from.”

“I like to dance,” Galynn said shyly. “I love to dance, I just never do it,” she replied looking at the ground.

“Well then, we will just have to change that.” Alceo used his legs to pull her in closer and wrapped his arms tightly around her. “I have to admit, seeing some guy grinding on you got me mad and excited at the same time.”

“Why mad?” Galynn asked into his chest, avoiding the question she really wanted to ask.

“Well for one, I have never seen those moves from you, and two, I am the only one you are supposed to be using those moves on.”

Galynn laughed. “Take me out dancing, and maybe I will show you some more of my moves.”

“Yes ma’am.”

“We good?” Galynn asked into Alceo’s chest.

“Of course baby,” he replied as he turned her face towards his and kissed her.

“Good, because I have to go pee.”

“I’ll be waiting.”

Galynn turned and walked away with a smile.
, she told herself. This isn’t so bad.

Major catastrophe averted.

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