Queen Bitch: Part 4 (Bitch Series) (19 page)

BOOK: Queen Bitch: Part 4 (Bitch Series)
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"That's why I told you to thank the man upstairs,
because something kept pulling me back to that house. I
couldn't bring myself to leave. Precious, when I saw you
I was afraid I had lost you for good."

"I can imagine how fucked up I looked when you found
me. Shit, for a minute I thought I was dead too."

"Luckily I have some dealings with these Dominican
cats in LA. They told me to take you to this private doctor they all fuck with if one of their crew members get fucked
up during some criminal shit and they don't want to take
them to the hospital. "

"So that's who bandaged me up."

"Yeah, he pretty much saved your life."

"No, you did that, Nico."

"Okay, well he followed my lead. He also prescribed
you some medicine for the pain, which you're going to
take after I feed you this soup. Precious, I know you're a
fighter, but you won't be able to win the war if you don't
let me take care of you."

"I know. I can't go back to LA looking like this anyway. I
would scare the shit out of Aaliyah and Supreme wouldn't
recognize me. I need to get strong."

"I'm glad you get that."

"Shit, I don't have a choice. I can barely get out of bed...
forget about walking."

"What in the fuck did Maya do to you?"

"She had her flunky, Devon hold me while she hammered
my face and body with her fists. To make it even more
painful, she wore brass knuckles on both hands."

"Damn, that's brutal," Nico said, shaking his head.

"Maya will get hers though."

"I'm sure. If I was a betting man, I would no doubt put
my money on you."

"Good choice. Right now all I want to do is get better
and look halfway normal again."

"You will. The doctor said there was no permanent damage
and you would make a full recovery in a few weeks. He also
gave me this topical cream called Arnica to treat the bruising.
I heard this shit really works too."

"Well, give it here," I said with a slight chuckle. I couldn't
laugh too hard or it would feel like a knife was poking
me in the ribs.

"I got you. I put some on last night when we got here."

"How long did I stay at the doctor's?"

"For a few hours. He didn't feel you needed to stay
overnight. I was glad I had chartered that plane because
it was waiting for us and I didn't have to go through no
bullshit. You were medicated up so you didn't know what
the fuck was going on. This the first time you woke up
since all this shit went down. I can finally relax a bit."

"Nico, I'll never forget what you've done for me."

"You better not. Now be still so I can put this cream on
your face."

"Fine. I'll use the time to give you the play by play on how
Maya's wicked ass orchestrated all this shit. Take your time with
the cream `cause this gon' take a minute."

As Nico began the process of nursing me back to health,
I sat back to tell him the drama of how I went from LA to
now saying "Hello, Brooklyn."

"Cheers!" Devon and I said in unison as we clicked our
champagne glasses in a hotel suite at the Peninsula Beverly
Hills. When we left the burning house I knew I needed to
shower and change clothes, and what better place to do so
than a five star hotel, especially with my newfound riches. I hit
the jackpot three times in one day.

"I can't believe I'm finally rid of Precious fuckin'
Cummings. This has to be the best day of my life."

"Dang, ma, that chick really got under your skin. I ain't
like her neither, but you hate her ass."

"Ha W She's past tense now. The bitch is dead, remember."

"I was there. I can't forget about her or Mike."

"Mike," I repeated out loud as if it was now hitting me
that my brother was dead. He wasn't only dead but that I had killed him. "It's a shame what happened to Mike but
he left me no choice."

"Right," Devon said, nodding his head and sipping
on his champagne from the thousand-dollar bottle I
purchased. "So what's next?"

"Next?" I asked, not knowing what next he meant.

"We got rid of Precious and Mike. Is the detective next?
What are we doing?"

"We're not doing nothing. I don't think the detective
will be a problem."

"Don't you think it will be best to get rid of all the loose ends"'

"Devon, let me do the thinking."

"I'm only considering your best interest. They will find the
bodies in the house and eventually identify them as Mike
and Precious. You know when that happens, Detective
Moore will come sniffing around you."

"He can sniff all he wants, but making a case against
me is something entirely different."

"It's on you, but hey, I'm more than willing to put the
nail in his coffin."

"I'll keep that in mind," I said, standing up. "Enjoy the
suite and I'll be in touch."

"Where are you going? You not staying to enjoy the suite
with me?"

"Not tonight. I have to go."

"But I thought this was our celebratory evening
together," Devon said, grabbing my wrist.

"And we did celebrate," I shot back, pulling my wrist
from his grasp. "And now I'm leaving."

"That wasn't our agreement. You told me I would be
fully compensated for my services."

I reached in my purse and pulled out one of the thick
roll of bills I had got from the briefcase. "This should be
more than enough compensation," I said, tossing the cash
in his lap.

Devon flipped his thumb through the hundred dollar
bills. "Where did you get all this cash from? I'm sure you
got some good pussy but not good enough for Supreme
to hit you off with this kind of cash."

"Watch your mouth, Devon. And don't worry about
where I got the cash, you've been compensated and that
should be your only concern."

"The money is good, but I want a taste of that right there."
Devon stuck out his thick pink tongue, pointing his finger
towards my coochie. "I want what I was promised."

"So you rather get some pussy than all that cash?"

"Oh no, I'm keeping my money," he said, gripping the
loot tightly. "But I'm getting both."

"You sound real confident in that."

"I am. We share a lot of secrets. I know you'll do the
right thing. Come on, it won't be so bad. When I lay
this pipe on you, trust you won't never want a piece of
Supreme again."

"Is that right?"

"I promise you. Come over here and get a feel." Devon
rubbed his hands over his crotch area as if I was going to
come crawling over begging for the dick.

"I tell you what. Hold that thought. Supreme is expecting
me and I don't want to raise any suspicions with all the shit
that has gone down. But how about we meet back here
tomorrow around the same time? You can show me what
you holding down there." I walked right up on him and brushed my ass against him.

This fool had the audacity to grab my hand and press it
against his dick. "Feel how hard you got my shit. You getting
all this tomorrow night," Devon boasted.

I wanted to scream, "All what, you little dick nigga",
but I needed him, so I kept my mouth shut. "That's right,
baby, I can't wait. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Okay, and don't give Supreme none of my pussy until
after I tap that ass. I want that shit nice and tight. Oh, and
so you know, first thing tomorrow morning I'll be giving
my boss a call to tell him I quit!" Devon hollered as I
was walking out of the room. That comment stopped me
dead in my tracks.

"Why in the hell are you quitting your job?"

"I'm tired of kissing that nigga's ass and talking all proper
and shit around him like a corporate professional."

"Devon, you need your job."

"Not anymore. Shit, why I need to be on that nigga's
payroll when I can be on yours?" he said, holding up the
wad of cash I dropped in his hands. "Plus your benefits
package is much better suited for my needs."

"That's a mistake," I warned.

"It's a mistake I'm willing to make."

"What are you going to tell Supreme?"

"The truth; that I got a better job offer and I'm
moving on. I'm sure he won't have a problem replacing
me. I mean he is Supreme."

"Have it your way."

"I plan to. We can work out my payroll schedule after I
get done twisting your back out tomorrow."

All I did was smile at the dumb fuck before closing the door. If I had to stay in the room with Devon's nasty ass
for one more minute, my head was going to explode.
Getting thousands of dollars wasn't enough for the greedy
fuck. He had to get between my legs too and quit his job.
Now he looking at me to be his full source of income like
I'm an ATM. It seemed that after I got rid of one problem
there would always be another lurking around the corner,
and the shit had me stressed.

When I got to my car I popped open the trunk and
pulled out the briefcase. When I opened it up and saw
the stacks of endless amounts of hundred dollar bills it
was the only thing that brought me solace. "I'm a rich
bitch!" I beamed.

I shut the briefcase back up and closed the trunk. And to
think, if I hadn't been the curious chick I am, all that money
would've burned up in flames with Mike and his beloved
Precious. There were so many things I wanted to do with
the money; for one, I wanted a fresh ride. I was tired of
driving around in this same of Jaguar. I wanted some new
hot shit. But before I went out splurging like a fool, I had to
be extra careful. I didn't need anymore unnecessary heat.

After pulling up to the estate, I was disappointed
because I didn't spot Supreme's car or his driver out
front, and I was looking forward to seeing him. Ever since
we had sex the other night, he was distant, as if he was
purposely trying to avoid me. I knew it was out of guilt,
but Supreme had to get over that shit.

The house was ghostly quiet and empty. When I turned
on the lights the first thing that slapped me in the face
was the life-size painted portrait of Precious and Supreme
from their wedding day. It was as if Precious was haunting me in death. I wanted to take a knife and slash that shit
in shreds. "I killed you! Would you die already and go
away for good?" I screamed at the portrait as if Precious
could hear me. As I was about to continue my hysterics I
heard the door open. I quickly turned my head and saw
Supreme coming in.

"Is everything alright? I heard yelling. Who were you
screaming at?"

"That picture of Precious."

"Huh?" Supreme gave me a quizzical look like I was
wilding out.

"I'm frustrated and hurt that Precious is gone. I want
to yell at her, but since I can't I yelled at her picture. I
know it sounds crazy, but all this anger has built up and
I exploded. I feel betrayed that my best friend left and
hasn't even reached out to me."

"I know what you mean," Supreme said, tossing his
keys down on the table. "I can barely stand being in this
house anymore. Everywhere I turn there is a reminder of
her. So I know what you mean about exploding. Every
second of each day I'm one second away from doing
just that. I can't even stand being around people at this

"Is that why you've being avoiding me?" I asked, Supreme
as he poured himself a drink.

"No, I've been avoiding you for a slew of other reasons."


"Like, I had no business having sex with you in the
first place."


"Why? Do you really need to ask that question?"

"Because of Precious. At this point, what do we owe
her? She left us both. How long are we supposed to
mourn over her?"

"You mourn over people who are dead. My wife is
very much alive which makes this shit that much more
difficult to deal with."

"Do you want to deal with the fact that Precious left you, or
do you want to hang on hoping she'll come back?"

"I don't know what the fuck I want." Supreme's face was
riddled with emotions, from agitation, pain and confusion.

"You need to man up and figure it out."

"Excuse me?"

"You heard what the fuck I said. Your wife left you,
accept it. You ain't the first man that had their wife leave
them. Besides, you knew what type of woman Precious
was before you married her."

"Now you saying I brought this bullshit on myself."
Supreme stood up pounding on his chest.

"What I'm saying is there is truth to that adage, When
you play with fire you might get burned'. Precious burned
you, so get over it."

"Yo, fuck you, Maya!" I had Supreme raging and I was
loving it.

"Fuck you too!" I said, pointing my finger in his face.
I felt I needed to change up my approach and go hard
core with Supreme. That sweet shit wasn't getting quick
enough results with him.

"Get your fuckin' finger out my face."

"I'll do more than that. I'll get out your face for good. I
don't need some confused nigga crying over a bitch that
don't even want him and left for the next man. You can sit here and whine by yourself. Fuck you!" I stormed away and
I felt Supreme grab my arm.

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