Queen (Mistress & Master of Restraint) (24 page)

BOOK: Queen (Mistress & Master of Restraint)
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“Oh, Mrs. Whittenhower,” he groans as he spills on my chest and neck. I freeze in confusion and hurt as he shudde
rs and quakes from his orgasm.

He deviously smiles down at m
e. I know he can read my hurt.

“Marry me, Regina. Do me the honor of having a woman by my side that I would be beyond proud to call Mrs. Whittenhower. You’ve earned the name more so than I have. Please, be my wife.”
His face is serious as his eyes dart around my face trying to read me.

“You already have a Mrs. Whittenhower, Gran
t,” I whisper in confusion.

“Not anymore,” he laughs jovially. “I said I wanted to talk. Cora signed the papers two weeks ago and they were finalized this afternoon. Cora is no longer a Mrs. Whittenhower. It seems she has her sights set on a more influential family- go figure,” he rolls his eyes and smirks.

“Father doesn’t know yet, but he soon will. Operation
Escape Misery
commences in the morning. Our apartment is all set up and waiting. We will be free in less than twelve hours.”

I feel wild, wide-eyed and flushed. Can we pull it off?

“Say yes, Regina.” He kisses my mouth so tenderly that I would weep if I could. He trails kisses down
my neck and laps at my chest.

“You’re a kinky fucker, Mr. Whittenhower,” I tease him as his cleans his release off my skin.

“It’s a good thing I am, Mrs. Whittenhower. You wouldn’t love me any other way. You feed off my hedonism.”

He trails his tongue down my bre
asts and rims my belly button.

“Say yes, Regina,” he commands against my belly.

“I’m pregnant,” I say under my breath. I know he hears me when I feel, rather than see, his smile.

“And I love you,” he whispers back. He gently kisses my rounding belly and gazes up at me from beneath
his lashes. He is devastating.

“Yes,” I moan as his tongue delves betw
een my aching folds.

“Yes, lick my pussy, Mr. Whittenhower,” he laps at my slit and I cry out in ecstasy. “Or yes, I’ll be your Mrs. Whittenhower?” He pop
s his brow at me making sure I’m watching him. He extends his tongue slowly and swirls it around my nub. I combust.

“Yes, I’d be proud to be your wife. I want to be your Mrs. Whittenhower, Grant. Marry me, but first make me cum. I’m dying here.” My voice is shaky as I be
g the man who usually begs me.

His eyes glint with victory as he lowers his face to feast. I feel the slide of cold metal on my left ring finger as I slip into my Grant made ecstasy.




















A nudge to my shoulder pulls me from sleep. The fingers are too bony to be Grant’s elegant

“Ade,” I mumble drowsily.

“You have to wake up and get dressed, Regina. You’re needed in the study.” Her voice is rough and my body goes on alert.

“What’s wrong, Ade?” I reach over and turn the lamp on. It’s four in the morning.
What the hell? Where’s Grant?

She looks down at me with red-rimmed eyes. I bolt upright from the bed and almost pitch forward and beam myself in the head on the footboard. Her hand clasps
my upper-arm to stabilize me.

“You’re pregnant,” she states. Her eyes drink in my naked form noticing the swollen belly and breasts.

“Six weeks,” I murmur. She turns her face from me, hiding her expression. I can see tears flowing down her cheeks and soaking her hair. She pulls my robe from the chair and hands it to me. I belt it into place never taking my eyes from her face.

“What is going on, Adelaide?” She slowly closes her eyes and whimpers.

“Come-” her voice cracks and she swallows. “Come with me.” Her grip returns to my arm and she pulls me from the room. She drags me through the maze of hallways, down the South staircase to the foyer, and into the study.

“Please sit, Regina,” she requests and locks the double-doors.

I don’t sit. I scan the study. I haven’t set foot into this room in almost five years. Not since the day Grant’s father tried to rape me. Said father is sitting at his desk with a wild expression marring his face.

“What’s going on, Daniel?”

“Make her sit or she’ll fall,” he says in concern. His concern terrifies me.
“She won’t, Daddy.” Ade crumples into the closest chair she can find. I stand before his desk waiting for answers.

“Where’s Grant?” Ade’s wail jolts me, but I don’t take my eyes from Daniel.

“Well played, Regina. Even I didn’t see this coming. My son finally grew into his name and I have you to thank for that. Even though you won this battle, we’ve both just lost the war.”

“Where’s Gr
ant,” I command and he winces.

“Cora was beside herself with grief. She poisoned herself and called Grant to say goodbye.” I cut him off b
efore he can say another word.

“Bullshit! She wanted the divorce or it wouldn’t have happened. We both know Grant better than that. Is she dead?” He shakes his head yes. “How convenient that she dies the exact same way that Gwen died. Did you kill them both?” He looks terrified for a moment before he schools his face.

“Why not just poison me? Or didn’t you want to lose your sparring buddy?” I ask sarcastically.

“You’re nothing to me. You’re not a Whittenhower and you
’ll never be.” He says arrogantly.
I hold up my hand and show him the infinity band circling my left ring finger.

“Never going to happen, Ms. Regal.”
He shrugs. “It’s too late.”

“What do you mean, it’s too late?” My voice betrays my fear.

“Grant’s gone.” His voice breaks.

“What do you mean, he’s gone?” Tears prickle my eyes and release for the first time in five years. “NO
!” I fist my hands in my robe.

“Grant’s dead. My son is dead.” Daniel’s hand covers his mouth and he screams. I don’t want to believe it. I still feel Grant with
me. My heart doesn’t ache as it does for my parents. He can’t be dead. But the look on Daniel’s face confirms it.

“I don’t believe you,” I say in den
ial. “How?” My voice shatters.

“Poison- we think she poisoned a water bottle and he drank so
me.” He, too, looks in denial.

“I want to see him,” I demand.

“NO! Absolutely not,” he screams back at me.

“I will see him. I have to see him to believe it. It doesn’t feel real. I need to say goodbye.” Through our grie
f we still battle one another.

“You may see Cora if you don’t believe me, but not Grant.” His eyes
close as he speaks. He knows that isn’t good enough and that it doesn’t make any sense.

“I will see him.”

“No,” he says softly. “Grant’s gone and that’s all that matters.”

A blood-curdling scream erupts from my throat and I fall to my knees. I keen his name until it echoes around the room. I
wail until no sound leaves my throat. I cry all the tears that refused to fall since my mother’s death. I’m a pestilence to those I love.

Daniel covers his ears to my onslaugh
t and silently weeps. Adelaide’s curled into a ball rocking back-and-forth chanting gibberish on the hardwood floor. Eons later we all sit in stunned silence.
“This is your fault,” Daniel hisses at me with venom. “Had I known that you weren’t just trying to control my son and actually loved him it may have turned out differently. When we started this dance, you threatened to ruin me at any cost. Well, you fucking accomplished that didn’t you, you fucking cunt! You almost had my family. This morning you planned on taking all my male heirs from me. I had to stop you, you fucking bitch. He found out his secret and used it against me. He was going to marry you the second you left this house and I would’ve been ruined.”

He picks up a
Steuben Glass
paperweight and throws it like a softball at my head. He misses, but hits my shoulder. Pain erupts and my flesh splits from the force. I don’t even react.

“I won’t leave without my son. You’ll have to kill
me first.” I say hollowly. I’ll live for my children, but the prospect of death looks inviting right this moment.

“Oh, I can fucking
arrange that. Don’t tempt me. It’s unnecessary, nevertheless. You have no legal rights to your son. His legal parents are dead. He’s mine now. I’ve lost a son and I get to keep two others. Fair is fair. GET THE HELL OUT OF MY FUCKING HOUSE!” He screams so loud the foundation rocks.

“NO,” I protest.

“Your cunt partners are waiting for you at your not-so-secret-anymore apartment. You can keep the trash. If you contact any minor Whittenhowers I will have you thrown into jail. You will not say goodbye to my
- any of them, in any capacity. Get the fuck out!” He picks up another figurine- his favorite- the eagle Grant bought him. He puts it down and selects another and cocks his shoulder. Ade steps in between us because I would’ve just let him stone me for my sins. He arcs his hand at the last instant to avoid his daughter and connects with a stained-glass windowpane instead. The shatter is deafening.

Ade crouches down and rapidly whispers in
to my ear.

“Niel an
d Whitt have each other. They’ll protect one another. Niel is treated as a king. Daddy will do no harm to him. He’ll leave Whitt alone for Niel’s sake. You have this one to worry about,” she rests her hand on my budding abdomen.

He would torment a daughter. I won’t allow you to hurt my brother’s child for foolishness. Get out of here. Kristal and Fate are waiting for you. I’ll come as soon as I can. The boys will be spoiled beyond belief. Mom and I will try to instill values in them. You’ve had them for five years and your influence will stand the test of time. I won’t let them forget you. I’ll tell them where to find you on their eighteenth birthdays. I promise to keep your secret even under threat of death and that is a strong possibility because I really think he murdered them. If he has to look at you for a moment longer, I think he’ll target you next. Please go,” she begs.

She helps me stand. I numbly hang in her embrace.
She kisses my mouth and I stay passive under her touch. Adelaide sobs, “I love you,” against my lips and pushes me from the study.


~Turn the page for Queened~


















Copyright ©2012 Erica Chilson

First Edition:
November 2012


***Note to Readers***
Make sure you’ve read the Revised Editions of Restraint, Unleashed, Dexter, and Dalton.

The story is drastically different during Dexter and Dalton from their first editions. You can download the revised editions for free from B&N & Amazon if you purchased the first edition.



Mistress &
Master of Restraint
The story of Restraint began with Katya Waters. We followed her journey of self-discovery as she merged the mysteries of her past with her twisted present. Join the characters of Restraint as they tell the story from their points of view. The following book delves into the mind of Queen, Mistress of Restraint. We begin our journey of Jaded Innocence by experiencing the catalyst that brought Regina Regal to the dungeon at Restraint


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No part of this may be reproduced, copied, scanned, or distributed in electronic or printed form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Purchase only authorized editions.

This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be resold or given away to other people. If you wish to share this ebook with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with.

Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.




Publisher Notice:

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons living or dead, is entirely coincidental.





This is a work of erotic fiction. The author does not endorse nor condone any of the behavior enclosed within. The subject matter is not appropriate for minors. Please note this novel may contain explicit sexual situations that include but are not limited to, dubious consent, BDSM activities, bisexual acts, ménage, and multiple partners. If any of the above mentioned acts offend, please do not read. Readers, please play safely, responsibly, and consensually.




Titles by Erica Chilson


Mistress and Master of Restraint
series order






Queen Omnibus*






The Playroom

Good Girl


Coming soon:
Shattered (Atticus Fox)


Chrysalis (The Lilies)
Coming early 2013






My parents for their support as my life shattered around me. They allowed me to the pick up the pieces and put myself back together again in the warmth of their unconditional love. No words could express the depths of my gratitude. Thank you both for allowing me to chase my dream of bringing my imagination into reality.
Thanks to my lovely sister for her contribution of the cover art.


My Wicked Readers, I want to thank you for enriching my daily life. You bring entertainment, joy, and a ton of laughs. I want to thank all of my betas! Kris, Amber, Sass, and Cassie, I couldn’t do this without all of your help. You keep me sane when the muse is in overdrive. Thanks for all the advice and a shoulder to
vent on!


I thank the readers for sending me encouraging emails and comments. Writing is my passion, but entertaining even one person with my imagination is a massive rush.

Please contact me via email:
[email protected]




is dedicated to all the females who have yet to find their true voice and the ones who have felt the power of exceeding their own self-perceived limits. Don’t bother reaching for the sky when your fingertips already touch the stars.



























Table of Contents:

Copyright Page


Titles by Erica Chilson



Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Twenty-Four

Chapter Twenty-Five


About the Author          

















Book 2



Mistress of Restraint
















Six Years p
rior to the present











Chapter One

“Auntie, look what I made today,” Ella’s prim voice echoes to me from the breakfast-nook.

I close my laptop. Twenty-hours of work today
is plenty. I try to rub the eyestrain away and all I accomplish is making my eyes sting more. I toss my glasses on the desk and leave my office.

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