Queen of Angels (8 page)

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Authors: Greg Bear

Tags: #Fiction, #General, #Science Fiction

BOOK: Queen of Angels
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He began to write:

The gnawing in my head. This is where it began. It ended in blood and carved flesh, but it began with a chewing, a dream, a reaiizatwn of my inadequacy.

Africa empty show me Mother the way of your New land. You have made a desert of bone sand where Once your children danced Will the lighter peoples of Earth Enjoy your broad thighs, now that your children are Weak and fewer? Wilt you cast a new mantle of sleeping sickness Whites only To shelter your firstborn? On foreign shores, your far-flung have labored to Become white wear suits L/earn white money Sprung from your ground, they walk above the ground Feet never touch any ground They do not know any center They are the black white men This your far-flung son I am a black White man Weep for me my mother As I weep for you I cannot love.


!AXIS (Biologic Band 4)> Roger. I believe I am seeing structures. This Is exciting. Is It not? The coins have entered B-2s atmosphere and fallen. I could write a poem about their voyage. Two thirds have Survived and are returning enormow amounts of data. They are seeing great green sand deserts and wide lands covered with foliage like grass seas. This Is a green planet as we thought; grass and sand and two deep broad green seas. one on the equator and one in the south. There Is one small blue sea at the northern pole. All the seas, my coins tell me. are fertile with microorganisms. The land does not appear to have any large life forms; there are no signs of animal life on the land yet there Is sufficient oxygen in the atmosphere to support such We. Perhaps all animal forms exist in the seas, or the oxygen cycle differs from Earths. Of course. It Is always possible that large insect colonies exist underground. At any rate, there Is life here. (Judgment algorithm check affirmed.) There are seasons of a kind here, generated by B-2s axial tilt of nine degrees. They are gentle seasons, apparently, and there Is nothing like Earths winter or summer; the difference seems to be that between spring and fall. Roger. here perhaps Is my most significant observation. On land, my scattered coins see weathered towers arranged in circles. These circles measure from a few hundred meters to ten kilometers In diameter. The towers are up to a hundred meters high, flattened ovals or circular in cross section, wIth the cylindrical towers seeming to predominate in the smaller circles. The circles or rings are seldom more than two or three hundred kilometers from the edge of one of the seas, and broad lines resembling roads or pathways reach from the shores to the formations. With my long range telescopic cameras I confirm these observations from a quarter of a million kilometers. My coins report no signs of living or moving things In these circles or on the linear pathways. The mobile observers launched yesterday are decelerating now in preparation for aerobraklng and will be landing In five hours ten minutes. I expect reporh from them within twenty eight hours. I have directed five to come down on land masses, two in the grasslands and three near separate tower circles; and of the three fluid capable mobile observers I have dispersed one to the polar landlocked sea, the only ocean not green but blue, one to the equatorial sea like a circumferential river, and one to the southern sea, largest in area of them all. (Burst 5.6 picoseconds]

LitVid 21/1 A Net (David Shine): AXIS has confirmed discovery of the first life beyond Earth! Wake up, historians, this is a signal moment In the history of the human race: we are not alone! And as ii this were not enough, AXIS reports the possibility of intern-gent life, or some form of life capable of building tall towers in circular formations. Australia North Cape promises that low-resolution pictures of the planet and what AXIS isor rather, was seeing will be available later today, and weU bring them to you as soon as they are released... Who can help but feel a moment of glowing pride? AXIS, perhaps the most expensive achievement in exploration of all time, has paid us back in full. Today we have learned that there is lile elsewhere in the universe. Will our own existence ever be the same? And as if for lagniappe. AXIS informs us that it may have discovered the remains of cities. We will provide complete coverage of all revelations from North Cape and expert analysts around the globe as we receive them. LltVid 21 is not given to hyperbole. We try to put a different spin on what we report, to change vectors and aim for the truth beyond what mere facts present, but today we are flabbergasted into uniformity with other vidnet casts. AXIS has found what might be cities on another world, a green world. B-2, the second planet of Alpha Centauri B. Throughout time, humans have wondered whether we are alone, whether we would have the entire universe to ourselves. For most of our history, except for a few visionaries, we thought travel in space was unlikely, and travel to the distant stan seemed beyond imponibllity, raw fantasy. Yet our technological progress and our innate urge to explore ever outward compelled us to travel to the moon and planets. We found them empty of life. Our space telescopes confirmed the existence of planets much larger than Earth around distant stars; we could not know whether any Earth sized planets existed, but our instincts told us they did, and in 2017. five nations, headed by the young technological giant China, decided to build the first interstellar probe. Reluctantly, the United States was persuaded to join, making six, and contributed Its own considerable expertise in space to the project. Built in orbit around the Earth using the largest Chinese orbital platform Golden Dawn as a base. AXIS, the Automated explorer of Interstellar Space, came to life. . . In a manner of speaking. Roger Atkins. a senior executive at Mind Design Inc and the head designer of AXISs intelligence systems, put together a combined bioelectronlc thinker with capabilities far beyond a single human individual, yet without sell-awareness. As Atkins said in 2035, five years into his part of the project:" (Vid interview playback. Atkins short and stout with feathery thinning brown hair, wearing a black skinlorm) We do not want to send an artificial human out there. AXISs thinker will do a better job than a human would; It will be designed especially for its job. But we will not neglect the poetry aspect, nor will AXIS be blind and incapable of opinion. Alter all, one cycle of communication with AXIS will take more than eight and a hall years by the time It reaches Its goal; its going to be very alone out there, and its going to have to think and make important decisions by itself. It will have to make judgments heretofore reserved for human beings. Weve also designed it with a built in and very strong desire to communicate with others, besides Its builders; AXIS will be social In a unique new way. It will want to meet and communicate with strange new intelligences, should there be any.

David Shine: Right now. It looks as if AXIS will have Its chance.. .In brief, our scientists have made a simulacruxn of a human being, better than human but not fully humana challenge for philosophers.and sent it on Its fifteen year journey to Alpha Centauri. Those decades of effort and travel have returned a discovery that may change the way we think of ourselves, of life, of all that is important. We are not alone. Frankly, we at LltVld 21 believe It Is time to celebrate...But AXIS scientists urge caution. AXIS has almost certainly discovered life. But the towers that AXIS has seen may yet prove to be something other than buildings or cities. What do you believe? Cast your votes on our turnaround link and send your home vid comments care of your account number. Perhaps your opinion will make It to the entire LltVid 21 audience...


Mary Choy debarked from a pd interjag minibus and glanced up briefly at East Comb One, upright stack of narrow horizontal mirrors with four sectors aligned into silver verticals, preparing to reflect hours from now the lowering westerly sun on the sixth jag where E Hassida lived. The city lay beneath uniform pewter clouds pushing in from the sea, decapitating the combs. There might be no usable sun this evening perhaps even rain but still the combs arranged themselves as if motivated by guilt for their shadowing presence. Mary stood on the porch waiting for the home manager to announce her. Ernest Hassida opened the dark oakpaneled door and smiled warmly; short and muscular and round faced with sad eyes balanced by naturally amused lips and round cheeks. Mary smile back and felt the worst of the week slip away in the glow of his silent welcome. He stepped aside with gallant sweep of arm and she entered, hugging him, his head level with her breasts. He nuzzled the black uniform there briefly pushed away with a shake too much for him grinning broadly small even white teeth gleaming, incisors projecting tiny roses. He gestured for her to sit. May I dytch? she asked. Of course, he said voice soft as velvet. In a rough? Theres been a nasty murder. And a Selector jiltz. In a while Im off to Oversight to make a query. So. Not a smooth. Not at all. E Hassida seldom tracked the nets or LitVids yet he was certainly not averse to technology. His small ancient bungalow was filled with choice equipment that often dazzled her. Ernest was a technical wizard at scrounge and integration, pushing disparate elements into harmony at a tenth the cost: music from all around at a gesture. Dancing art light could transform walls into operatic backdrops, dinosaurs could peer into win- dows grin wink; angels floated above the bed at night singing soft lullabies while ancient Japanese sages advised on the mahayana, heads like long melons, wise eyes crinkling with cosmic humor. He stood back bowed returned to his visual keyboard and sat down to work again as if she were not there. More relaxed in his presence, Mary began the long impromptu tai chi dance, arms twisting, as she had the morning before but with more grace assurance fluidity. She thought herself a lake a river a fall of rain over the city. She found her center hung still for a moment there and opened her eyes. Lunch? Ernest asked. The three wide flat screens mounted behind his keyboard revealed fearsome faces long angular barely human tracking them with eyes like glowing coals of ice. Neon drew their edges, childs chalkgritty tempera colors filled them in. One sported for a nose the skull of an animal, cat or dog. Frightening, she commented. Aliens, he said proudly. Borrowed some details from barrio holograffiti. E Hassida specialized in aliens. Half Japanese half Hispanglish, he alternated between bright primary colors of Mayan/ Mexican motifs and the calm earth pastels of old Japan; between landscapes and transformed pop. His work frightened and exalted. Mary would have accepted Ernest without his talent; with it he complemented her perfectly, disruptive disturbing enlightening, opposed to her administration calmness worldliness. Can you talk about it? he asked, sitting next to her on edge of couch, gesturing machine sign language his own invention for food to be brought. Three foundscrap arbeiters shaped into graceful abstractions urceolate curves and cubist edges of black and gray rolled and spun into what served as kitchen and nursery for nano projects. Im probably going to Hispaniola, she said. Clearances are being arranged in advance. Suspect flight. Suspected of what? Eight murders. One night orgy. Ernest whistled. Poor Mary. You take these hard. I hate them, she said. Too much sympathy. Look; youve dytched but youre stiff again. She uncurled her fingers and shook her head. Its not anger, its frustration. Her black eyes searched his face. How can they do this? How is it possible for something to go so terribly wrong? Not everybody is as balanced as you.., and me, Ernest said with a small smile. She shook her head. Im going to find the son of a bitch. Now that sounds like anger, Ernest said. I want it to be all over. I want us all to be grown up and happy. All of us. Ernest clucked doubtfully. Youre pd. Like a surgeon. If everybody is well adjusted, youre jobless. I wouldnt mind. You.. . Mary groped for words, found none. Display of her doubts and weaknesses. Ernest had been her wailing wall for two years. He played the role calmly, her own mental surgeon solace. I dont even have time for love today. Given a choice of lunch or love, you take my lunch? Youre a good cook. Youve been on for how many hours? Too many. But I had a break, and Im having another now. Dont worry. Ernest, have you heard of Emanuel Goldsmith? No. Poet. Novelist. Playwright. Im a visual man, not a lit. Hes the suspect. A big man. Lived in a comb foot. Suspected of killing eight young followers. No motive. Hes vanished and I think he might have fled to Htspansola. He has an open invitation from Colonel Sir John Yardley. You once told me you knew some people from Hispaniola. Ernest scowled. I wont be happy if you go there, Mary. If you want to learn about Hispaniola, why not go to the pd library and look it up? Im sure it has all you need. . Ive already done that but I still need an insiders view. Particularly somebody from the underside. He squinted one eye. I have friends who know people who worked there. Not nice people. They trust nobody. She caressed his cheek smooth black hand against thinly bearded brown face. Id like to talk to your acquaintances. Can you arrange? Theyre out of work, untherapied, soon illegaleven so, theyd leap at a chance to see you. Youre entertainment, Mary. But theyre here under Raphkind entry laws. They were deserted by Hispaniola when the egg dropped in Washington. They fear being sent back. Theyre running from immigration and from Selectors too. I can turn a blind eye. Can you? You sound like an angry woman to me. You might want them put away, therapied. I can control myself. Ernest looked down at his work gnarled hands. Nano scars. He did not show due caution with some of his materials. How soon? If I dont trace Goldsmith in this country by tomorrow, Im off to Hispaniola the next day. I can talk with my friends. But if youre not going, well forget it. I always need contacts in the shadows, she said. Humor me. You dont need these. The arbeiters brought out lunch, urceolate arbeiter leading with tray of two wine glasses, cubist rolling behind carrying a tray heaped with sandwich delicacies. Mary, you know I adore you, Ernest said as they ate. Id give up a lot to be with you lawbond. Mary smiled, then shivered. Id like nothing better, but I dont want either of us to give up anything. We havent peaked yet, professionally. After we peak. Ernest had seen her shiver. Dont joke with me. I might give up and clink a barrio sweet. He poured her a cup of tamarindo. Ernest drank no alcohol took no drugs. But I say that almost every time, dont 1? They toasted each other. Mary lifted her hand and stared at it as if it were detached. So what else is wrong? Ernest asked softly. Theo called. Nervous Theodora, Ernest said. Does she have her hearts desire? Mary shook her head. She was passed over again. Third time. Thats not what I mean, Ernest said. Oh? You tell me shes your friend, Mary, but I never saw such a friend. She reflects off you. Doesnt love you. Wants to be like you, but hates you for being different. Oh. She put down her glass. Did she cry on your shoulder? Your lunches are like love, Mary said after a pause. I sincerely regret not being able to stay longer. She lifted in salute an exquisite lacework bread cage filled with herbed

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