Quiet Strength

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Authors: Tony Dungy,Nathan Whitaker

Tags: #Biographies

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Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.
Carol Stream, Illinois




“Tony Dungy’s life is a living testimony of a man’s faith in God. He has given us a new picture and definition of a ‘Coach.’ Good guys do come in first!”

—Lovie Smith,
Head Coach, Chicago Bears


“Winning the Super Bowl is an extraordinary achievement. Being the first African American coach to do so is monumental. But the Lombardi trophy does not reflect even a fraction of the greatness of this man and his message. Tony Dungy is an inspiration—a true champion both on and off the field. Now, in
Quiet Strength
, you can learn the principles that have propelled him to the top of his game.”

—Peter Lowe,
President and CEO, Get Motivated Seminars, Inc.


“In this fast-paced American culture with so many people driven by the lure of material success, Tony Dungy reminds us what truly matters in the game of life. At the pinnacle of NFL success, he has taken time to show us the value of making memories and not just money, focusing on family instead of fame, and building up a storehouse of eternal wealth that can never be depleted. Don’t just read this book; listen to it with the ears of your soul.”

—Priscilla Shirer,
Author and Speaker


“In today’s world where sports figures and movie stars are idolized, Tony Dungy is a true hero because his life is a testimony to the fact that if you ‘do your best and let God do the rest,’ not only will success follow, but your life will have a positive impact on others. This is the reason I consider Tony a great friend and role model.”

—Benjamin S. Carson, Sr., MD,
Professor and Director of Pediatric Neurosurgery, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutes


“My good friend Tony Dungy has demonstrated in his personal life and in this powerful book that it is possible to be a committed Christian on and off the field and still come out a winner. This insightful work will challenge, encourage, and inspire all who read it to uncompromisingly integrate our faith into every aspect of our lives, so that we too, will be victorious in spite of the challenges and obstacles that life brings our way.”

—Tony Evans,
Senior Pastor, Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship; President, The Urban Alternative


“‘No excuses, no explanations.’ I first heard Coach Dungy say these words in 1996, when he explained how we were going to turn the Bucs franchise around. But Coach challenged us to be more than just a winning football team. He wanted us to be winners in life—and he led by example. There are not enough pages in this book to share all the stories of the lives Coach Dungy has touched. You don’t have to win a ring to be a champion . . . but I am so glad he has won a Super Bowl ring so he can continue to use the platform God has given him.”

—Derrick Brooks,
Outside Linebacker, Tampa Bay Buccaneers


“Amid the deafening roar surrounding the machinery of earthly glory, the spiritual man leaves quiet footsteps of inspired faith. Tony Dungy’s footprints can be traced back to God and family. This foundation has provided him with the love, strength, compassion, and tolerance to fill his earthly run with man’s greatest gift and purpose . . . to be of service to God and his fellow man.”

—Jim Irsay,
Owner, Indianapolis Colts


“In the twenty-one years I’ve known Tony Dungy, I have consistently found him to be a man of integrity, sincerity, and openness. As a man of faith, no matter what trials or tribulations he’s faced, he has embodied the Scripture found in Proverbs 16:32—‘Better to be patient than powerful; better to have self-control than to conquer a city.’ Dungy has followed the biblical prescription for success. In football and in the game of life, Tony Dungy is a winner.”

—James Brown,
The NFL Today,
CBS Sports


“Tony Dungy is a world champion in every way. His quiet strength both on and off the field has been an inspiration to millions. His sense of priority is uncommon and uncompromised. His purposeful desire to turn the spotlight off of himself and onto Christ is admirable. Even more impressive, however, is the character and dignity he exemplifies when there are no cameras . . . when there is no spotlight. This is a man of tremendous faith, and he lives it every day of his life. He has inspired me, and I’m so thankful for his friendship.”

—Michael W. Smith,


“To say that I am a football fan is an understatement. I love it. But I love even more my friend and coach of the Indianapolis Colts, Tony Dungy. He has had a profound impact on Indianapolis that goes far beyond football. Tony Dungy is a man who uses football and its lessons to share with all of us his journey with the Lord. He walks with quiet strength each and every day.”

—Sandi Patty,


“For over a decade, Tony Dungy has quietly taught me significant lessons in leadership and in life. Now he’s sharing them with you in this thought-provoking book. In
Quiet Strength
, Tony leads us on a journey that reveals profound principles for living and our ultimate purpose in life.”

—Mark W. Merrill,
President, Family First and All Pro Dad


“Tony Dungy has become an icon of strength, character, perseverance, and faith.
Quiet Strength
is a road map that can help each of us draw on the God-given reserve of ‘character, fortitude, and peace’ that will allow us to stand tall during the low points of life and to be humble during the times of celebrated triumphs. I applaud Tony for his inspiring testimony that he has penned in this work.”

—S. Truett Cathy,
Founder and CEO, Chick-Fil-A

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Quiet Strength: The Principles, Practices, & Priorities of a Winning Life

Copyright © 2007 by Tony Dungy. All rights reserved.

Cover photos courtesy of the Indianapolis Colts. Reprinted with permission.

Published in association with the literary agency of Legacy LLC, Winter Park, Florida 32789.

Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are taken from the
Holy Bible,
New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

Scripture quotations marked NIV are taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION
. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved.

Scripture quotations marked KJV are taken from the
Holy Bible,
King James Version.

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