Quinn II (Undaunted Men #2)

BOOK: Quinn II (Undaunted Men #2)
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Meet Quinn

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19


Author Notes

Author Notes


Published by ©
J.C. Cliff LLC, 2014

Quinn - Undaunted Men Series - Book 1

Copyright © 2014 by J.C. Cliff

All rights reserved



Edited by Kayla Robichaux


Final Editing by Soni Gillette

Wildfire Editing

Cover Design ©
Sommer Stein

with Perfect Pear Creative Covers


Cover Photography by: Eric David Battershell



Cover Model: Matt Zumwalt

Instagram: @katokid78


Back cover photography from

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  The Blyss Trilogy, and Blyssfully Undone is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places and events portrayed in the book either are from the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, establishments, events, or location is purely coincidental, and not intended by the author. Please do not take offense to the content, as it is FICTION. The characters and story lines are created from the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

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  Except for the original material written by the author, all songs, song titles, lyrics, book titles, and excerpts mentioned in this novel are the property of the respective songwriters, authors and copyright holders.




Not intimidated or discouraged by difficulty, danger, or disappointment.

Quinn is back…and shit just got real.

Undaunted Men

a new series by J.C. Cliff 

(Undaunted Men Series Book 2)


*If there ever was a term for "ravished, consensual violation", this is it, and only J.C. could pull it off * If you’ve read the Blyss Trilogy, you’ll know JC likes to write in “Gray-Matter.”

**Mature Audiences Only** This book is intended for adults of mature age only (18+). This book contains themes that could be considered offensive. This erotic romance book is full of suspense, mystery, action, and adventure. An edgy, erotic thriller that will have you hanging on to the edges of your e-reader.


QUINN IS BACK and pushing the limits on it all -- suspense, sex, love, gut-wrenching emotions -- with a fiery intense conclusion to his and Lexi's story. The more Alexis runs, the harder Quinn fights for her.


It's an undeniable truth; bad things happen to good people, and Lexi is not impervious to the realities of the life she left behind.


Keeping Lexi safe at all cost, Quinn remains unwavering in his duties, constantly putting his life on the line, time and time again.


Two tortured souls are pushed to the edges of their sanity and their love will be put to the test. Tempers flare, emotions burst, and love flickers, but after the ultimate explosion, can forgiveness be found amongst the rubble?


Alexis needs Quinn more than ever...and Quinn must decide if Lexi is truly his fate or if their romance was never meant to survive beyond his mission. One thing is for certain: neither Quinn nor Alexis will be the same after surfacing from the mountain trails. Now that they've survived the wild, can they survive each other?


*Join Quinn and Alexis in the final chapter of their happily ever after!

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I see nothing but red at this point. There's no telling how long Lexi has been in danger. Twenty different scenarios run through my mind all at once, and none of them are pretty. She could be held at gunpoint for all I know. I slow my pace, being more careful about where I place my feet to help cover any sounds, as I go into stealth mode.

As I near Lexi, I can see the shadows of two men. Their large profiles are lit up from the moon above, and there’s a small campfire off to the side, putting out enough light, increasing my visibility. Lexi’s crying and screaming masks my approach, and from the looks of it, the men have their hands full. They’re too busy trying to contain Lexi to notice me.

“Hold her the fuck still, Ray. I want a piece of this ass.”

My heart comes to a screeching halt, and what I see next has me going ape shit. God, please tell me I’m not too late. Her pants are halfway down around her calves and a set of large hands were wrapped around her neck in order to stifle her wails, forcing her to hold still. I don’t know what their intentions were, besides robbing and raping her, but I imagine they wouldn’t have the slightest amount of heartburn over killing her once they used her up.

I don’t remember much after drawing my gun and aiming for the bastards. All I know is this isn’t going down on my watch, not as long as I’m alive.

Kimber seems to know what I’m about to do because she hangs back with me. She waits on a command from me to attack, but I don’t believe that will be necessary.

I’m glad for the close range because I’m already frustrated that the darkness will impair my shooting abilities. Knowing Lexi will be on the other side of an exiting bullet, I squat down to get an angle on the man hovering over Lexi, as he strangles the life out of her.

I wind up clipping his shoulder with the first bullet. He screams out in a prolonged high-pitch cry of great torment and rolls to Lexi’s side while I quickly twist my body, setting my sights on the next man. I wind up shooting him directly in the thigh muscle, and he drops to the ground, howling out at the top of his lungs.

I was trained that when I draw a gun, it's for one purpose only — to kill. If it's for anything less, you could seriously be looking for trouble, and he who hesitates....

The dark has definitely handicapped me, and a part of me is glad I'm not a good aim right now because I'm not sure Lexi wouldn't have nightmares about watching the men drop to their bloody death before her eyes. I, on the other hand, would love nothing more than to put these cocksuckers down. Regardless, the wounds I inflicted should be enough to keep them busy for a while.

Both men have woken up the entire mountainside with their high-pitched shrieks and cries, but with the amount of adrenaline coursing through me, I can hardly hear them. I need to make sure they’re both unarmed before I can deal with Lexi. I give Kimber an order to watch the man who wasn’t on Lexi, knowing if he moves an inch she’ll have him for dessert. I point my finger at him and bark out an order, “You don’t fuckin’ move, and you might make it out of this alive.” I point my gun at him and add, “Even though you sure as fuck don't deserve to.”

I turn my attention to the asshole who was getting ready to sink his dick into my girl. I stalk over to him, full of outrage, wanting this man to feel my wrath. I have zero sympathy for the fucker. He’s rolling on the ground, clutching his shoulder in what I know to be horrific agony. He’s too busy dealing with his own level of pain to see me advance. I bend down and cold-cock the son of a bitch, my fist connecting with his face and jaw. He squalls out in pain, unable to shield himself. I can’t stop, there is no reigning me in as I pound on him relentlessly, over and over again until he finally passes out. I step back and take great satisfaction from seeing his face covered in blood. I shake my hand out, my knuckles burning with pain and I'm sure, coated with blood. It didn’t actually take much effort for him to lose consciousness; the gunshot wound already had him on the brink.

These men are ruffians. I’ve read about men who live on the trail and prey on innocent hikers. Usually they just rob them, but given that Lexi was a female and all alone, I’m sure they couldn’t help themselves. They’re probably involved with some network of criminals, maybe even running drugs, but who knows. I’m so wound up; my chest is heaving with the unspent rage.

Kimber lets out a low, menacing growl, and I pause to look over my shoulder. It dawns on me I’ve taken a huge risk by losing it on Lexi’s perpetrator, and not having checked this other guy for weapons first. The man isn’t doing anything other than trying to breathe through his pain.
I don’t care if they fucking bleed to death out here, but they probably won’t, not unless I hit a main artery in his leg. “I would be scared to breathe if I were you. When she gets pissed, she may or may not listen, and right now she’s passed the point of seeing red.” I chuckle menacingly. “She’s just like a woman. She’s got a mind of her own. Quite frankly, I hope she decides to rip you to shreds.”

I stalk over to him, and as I move closer, he shrinks back as if he can disappear. Both his hands are busy, tightly clutching his right thigh. His hands are covered in blood, and his entire body is shaking. Kimber leans forward baring her teeth, dying for me to give her permission to tear this asshole apart.

“Please don’t kill me,” the man half-whines, half-cries.

I kick him in his side with my steel-toed boot several times out of sheer anger. He lets out multiple grunts and groans as he tries to shield himself from my attack, but he can't. “You bastards don’t deserve to breathe my air.”

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