Rage and Redemption (Rebel Angels) (31 page)

BOOK: Rage and Redemption (Rebel Angels)
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The twitching in his nostrils intensified and a vein in his neck began to pulse. “That is
business. None of

* * * * *


Gideon paced Naomi’s chamber, feeling trapped and torn. Alyssa told him Naomi would return soon from her trip to the village but he’d never excelled at patience.

He’d stayed away from her, hoping time would allow her to see beyond her fear. But he sensed no stirring, no softening in her attitude. He was open, utterly vulnerable to her rejection. If she turned from him now…

The door opened and he turned, his heart pounding in his throat. She moved into the room and closed the door. She stared at him with wide, luminous eyes, but it was only when her chin began to tremble that he realized she was fighting back tears.

Rushing to her, Gideon wrapped his arms around her, holding his breath until she melted into his embrace.

“The world is so confusing,” she whispered, her warm mouth moving against his throat. “I think evil is just as easy to find in humans as it is in your rebel angels.”

He eased her away from his chest, needing to see her face. “Of what do you speak?”

“Father John is supposed to be a man of God, but he has allowed horrible things. I want him punished. Can you make that happen, Gideon? Can you see that he pays dearly for the things he’s done?”

Before he could answer, she continued. “I think
is Jack’s red-haired man. Jack saw him the day I arrived at
. He probably heard news of my coming and ventured to Monthamn to question the priest.”

“That would make sense.”

“I hate them,” she said. “With every fiber of my being, I hate them. I know it’s wrong, that we are called to forgive, that vengeance belongs to the Lord. But I hate them.”

He wiped her tears with his thumbs and kissed her gently on the brow. “Daniel has a talent for extracting information from unusual places. I have asked him to investigate—”

“Then who is guarding the children?”

Smiling at her vehemence, he assured her. “I altered the rotation of your personal guard. I didn’t think you’d mind.”

Her gaze turned thoughtful, speculative. “There was a different guard there when I left. I just thought Daniel was sleeping.”

“Daniel seldom sleeps,” he said. “He is ruthless once he has committed himself to a cause.”

“And has he committed himself to this cause?”

“Aye. As have I.” He kissed her softly, pouring all of his newfound tenderness into the caress. With great reluctance, he pulled away. “I want this settled, Naomi. I need to know I’m welcomed here.”

“Welcomed?” She smiled and traced his mouth her fingertips. “I welcome you. I long for you. I want you, regardless of how irrational that desire may be.”

Gideon framed her face with his hands, jealous of the thin material that separated his skin from hers. “Can you accept my love, knowing what I am?”

“I accept it eagerly and return it wholeheartedly. Gideon, I love you. Even knowing what you are, I love you.”

Her mouth was parted and waiting when he kissed her again. He traced her teeth and the velvety recesses with hungry abandon. She arched into him, stroking his tongue with hers.

All too soon passion burned through his gentleness, making him restless and wild. He drew back, closing his eyes and panting harshly.

“Don’t hide yourself from me. For the first time there is nothing between us, no secrets, no shadows. I love your wild heart. Your passion thrills me. Love me.”

Dark hunger raged in response to her words. He pressed his forehead against hers and drank in her scent. She touched his hair, brushing his temple with her thumb.

“I didn’t think it was possible to need someone so badly.” He spoke quietly, keeping his eyes closed. “I didn’t realize how black the darkness had become until I saw your face. I will never let you go, Naomi. I cannot live without you.”

“Then don’t try.” Raising his face until their gazes met, she said, “I love you. Come what may, I love you.”

Her arms circled his neck and he molded her body against him. They sank to their knees together, clinging to each other. Keeping her anchored with one arm about her waist, he removed her veil.

“Take down your hair. I want to feel it all around me as I move inside you.”

She reached for the end of her braid as he stood to quickly shed his clothing. By the time he stood before her naked, her thick chestnut hair spread all around her in rippling waves.

Naomi sucked in a ragged breath. Every sculpted contour of his body beckoned her attention. The breadth of his shoulders demanded appreciation. His wide chest made her palms itch. Long and strongly muscled, his legs promised power and aggressiveness. Naomi felt her skin burn as if she had tarried too long in the sun.

“Let me touch you,” she whispered. “I need to touch you.”

He didn’t reply. Moving closer, he kept his hands at his sides. Naomi still knelt but it felt right. She wrapped her arms around his waist and kissed his abdomen. He shook, his hands raised then lowered again to his sides.

She understood the gesture. He offered her control and she didn’t hesitate. Stroking his back and exploring the hard curves of his buttocks, she kissed her way across his abdomen. The heat of his flesh and the taste of his skin excited her as nothing had before. He had used his mouth to pleasure her and this was just as thrilling. He gasped and groaned beneath her lips, her willing captive.

His shaft jerked between her breasts and Naomi eased away, her hands lingering on his hips.

“Do it,” he murmured, his tone harsh and needful.

She looked up into his eyes. Already they glowed. Curiosity won the battle with her hesitation. Dragging one hand across his hip, she curled her fingers around him and squeezed. His hand covered hers but she frowned up at him. Immediately his fingers fell away.

Learning his length and thickness with a slow, downward stroke, Naomi marveled at the potent power so obvious in his body. She rubbed him again, passing her thumb over the wide head, smiling as he trembled.

Looking up at him again, she leaned closer, blowing her heated breath across the very tip.

Gideon shifted his feet farther apart and curled his hands into fists. “Do it,” he coaxed again.

“Do what?” she taunted, heating his flesh with her breath.

“Taste me.”

Sparks of sensation darted through her body. She felt her nipples gather against the fabric of her chemise and the core of her body began to throb.

She kissed the very tip then flicked him with her tongue.

“Blood hell, woman, do it now!”

Pleased by the urgency she had created, she slowly slipped him into her mouth. His flesh was hot and incredibly hard. She tightened her lips around him and swirled her tongue. His hands moved to her head, steadying and guiding her. Cupping his heavy sac with one hand, Naomi reveled in the silken friction, the slick movement and his raspy cries.

She slid her mouth forward and back, forward and back, swirling her tongue over the sensitive tip each time she reached the end. His thighs flexed and released as his hips rocked. Hot and hard, his shaft throbbed against her tongue. She tightened her lips and slowly pulled back, stopping when the swollen head still remained within her mouth. Circling the crest over and over with her tongue, she sucked deeply, waiting for his strangled groan to start moving again.

“No more.” The unsteadiness in his hoarse voice praised her efforts. He pulled her to her feet and attacked her garments.

Naomi laughed, exhilarated by his desperation. Her heart beat frantically and she raised her arms. He tugged each layer off until only her shoes and stockings remained. Kicking aside her shoes, Naomi dragged the stockings off, ribbon garters and all.

“Better. Much better.”

She laughed again, but the smoldering heat in his gaze took her breath away. Humbled to be the cause of his blatant need, Naomi rose and kissed him deeply.

His hands swept up and down her back, cupping her bottom and pulling her higher, nearly off her feet. Insinuating one hand between their bodies, he covered her breast. He growled into her open mouth and turned her away from him. Both hands cupped her breasts, dragging her back against him.

“Stand on my feet,” he ordered in an urgent whisper.

Hesitating only a second, she did as he asked. His hands moved to her waist, lifting and angling her. She felt him slip into her swollen folds and shuddered. Slowly, inch by glorious inch, he filled her.

Naomi trembled, reaching forward to steady herself against the wall. She could feel her body stretching, adjusting to accommodate him. “Oh Gideon.”

“Aye,” he muttered.

When he could go no deeper, he nudged her feet to the floor. His entire body pressed to her back, warming her skin and cradling her. Naomi shifted restlessly, desperately needing him to move. He was in no hurry now. Stroking her breasts, he worked her nipples into aching peaks. He caressed her belly and thighs, making her gasp and arch.

“Gideon.” She tossed her head back, sending her hair spilling over him.

“Be still,” he said. “Feel me inside you.”

His arm circled her waist, holding her snug against him. He toyed with her nipples for a few minutes longer then sank his fingers into the damp curls guarding her delicate folds.

Naomi dug her fingers into his forearms as he petted and parted her most intimate flesh. He touched her so gently, so carefully the shredded remains of her inhibitions disintegrated entirely. She was his. He would never hurt her. Resting her head back against his shoulder, she closed her eyes and let the pleasure unfurl.


Gideon bit his bottom lip to keep from howling like a madman. Her passage clasped him rhythmically as her pleasure built. Hot cream drenched his fingers and released her scent into the air. Her fingernails bit into his forearms and he welcomed the sting.

“Do it,” he whispered into her ear. “Do it for me.”

Her body shook and her core tightened around him. She moaned as the climax ebbed, leaving her panting and trembling.

Bending slightly, he swept her up into his arms and carried her to the bed. He needed to taste her before he took her. It would strengthen his control. He laid her carefully in the center of the bed and raised a knee to the mattress. She parted her thighs without hesitation and Gideon’s heart slammed into his chest. Her slit was flushed and glistening, open and waiting for his return.

He slipped his hands beneath her bottom and started to lift her to his mouth but she squirmed away. “No more teasing. I need you now.”

“I need this more,” he said gruffly.

Understanding gradually shaped her expression and she relaxed her legs, a subtle invitation. Lifting her hips, he covered her with his mouth. He pushed his tongue between her folds, filling his mouth with her essence. A violent shudder racked his body. He did it again and again.

She rocked against his mouth while he used his lips, teeth and tongue, always his tongue. He felt her tension, knew she was nearing another release. His own need responded in time. He surged up along her body, entering her in one forceful thrust. She cried out and he captured the sound with his open mouth. She hesitated then tentatively touched his tongue with hers.

Gideon was lost. He held tightly to her hips, moving in her with demanding depth. She arched and pulled her legs up along his sides, offering him more, taking him deeper.

BOOK: Rage and Redemption (Rebel Angels)
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