Raindrops on Roses: Book One of the Favorite Things Trilogy (19 page)

Read Raindrops on Roses: Book One of the Favorite Things Trilogy Online

Authors: Millenia Black

Tags: #romance, #cliffhanger, #betrayal, #love triangle, #trilogy, #new adult, #new adult romance, #new adult fiction, #trilogy book 1

BOOK: Raindrops on Roses: Book One of the Favorite Things Trilogy
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Paula had volunteered to
drive her to the airport and Priscilla was grateful for the
support, but she stayed mum about Michael.
I'm lucky to have such a good friend
, she thought. Paula knew something had gone wrong but she
wouldn't press her; she'd wait until Priscilla was ready to talk
about it.

Priscilla got her passport out and dropped
it into her purse, then checked to make sure she wasn't forgetting
anything important. She had only packed her favorites, the things
she really didn't want to be without. Whatever else she needed
while she was abroad, she'd just buy new.

Wait, the books!

She hurried into her
grandmother's room and pulled the three books Gran had been
planning to read next from her nightstand. A Jeffrey Archer, a
Louis L'Amour and a Ken Follett. She remembered she was bringing
her Kindle along, but then she thought,
e-reader will do for these babies

Back in her bedroom, she turned her phone
back on and read Michael's last message.

It's not over. I'm in love
with you. You're in love with me. And it's not over. — M. Frost

There was also a text from her mother about
calling when she got a chance. Deleting them both, Priscilla
wondered if France was far away enough...

When Paula arrived, she wheeled her two
Burberry cases out to the car then went back inside to get her
purse, and of course, to get Chewy before saying goodbye to the
house and locking up.

Luckily, she would be able to see Emerald
Leas securely online anytime she wanted but it was no real
substitute for actually being at home. She felt so sad, the biting
absence of Gran bubbling up once again.

"Leaving is hard, isn't it?" Paula said when
they were pulling away from the house.

Cilla nodded, tears in her eyes. "Yeah, you
bet it is." She took Chewy from the carrier. "But we'll be back,
won't we, boy? We'll be back."

Chewy didn't bark but she saw a comforting
yes in his little dark eyes.



here was a thunderstorm brewing outside the hotel and gift
shop manager Jodi Haywood was preparing to rush out to her bank
before it hit.

"Oh, my goodness," said a
customer as she dropped an assortment of cold and flu products on
the counter. "I've had
worst head cold since I stepped off the airplane
this morning. What a way to start a vacation in Florida,

Jodi smiled at the guest as she reached for
her umbrella behind the counter, just in case she was unlucky
enough to get caught in the rain. "I'm really sorry to hear that,"
she said sympathetically. "Hopefully, at least one of those will
work and you'll be able to enjoy Mayfair a bit more tomorrow.
Besides, today looks like a day for staying in anyway. You should
probably just get some rest."

"True," groaned the customer. Turning away,
she sneezed and her eyes barely reopened when she straightened.

"Bless you."


Dashing around the counter, Jodi called out
to the new girl. "Hey," she said as she went by the candy case that
the gift shop's newest employee was busy restocking. "I'm heading
out now. Can you help that lady at the counter for me, please? I'll
be back as fast as I can."

"Sure, no problem," she replied, shelving
the last of the Godiva. "I hope you make it without getting
drenched, it sounds pretty nasty out there." Then with a bright
smile—and sporting a brand new black wig—Amber Holland turned
around and walked over to the checkout counter. "Welcome to
Raindrops on Roses, ma'am," she said, greeting the ailing guest.
"Let's get you taken care of right away."

End of Book One

Stay Tuned For Book Two of the Favorite
Things Trilogy:

— Coming 2015!

Follow Michael and Priscilla to Europe!

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1. Did you see Priscilla Bauer as the only
reason Michael Frost decided to end his decade-long relationship
with Amber Holland? In your opinion, is it likely they would've
broken up eventually anyway?

2. Discuss the relationship between Amber
and Michael. Do you feel they simply grew apart, becoming more like
friends who slept together than a couple in love? And even though
they'd been together since they were teenagers, do you think
Michael was ever really in love with Amber? Why or why not?

3. How did you feel about the way Michael
handled the break up? After the first attempt, did you agree with
his decision to break things off with Priscilla and stay with
Amber? Do you think their ten-year relationship needed the extra
time to properly fade to black, or should he have left her the
first time? Discuss your opinion.

4. What do you think Michael experienced
with Priscilla that he never did with Amber? Do you think there's a
chance that Michael and Amber could ever get back together again?
Why or why not?

5. Discuss Priscilla and Michael's first
night together. Why do you think Priscilla went there so quickly?
Was it understandable, or a mistake, in your opinion? Why or why

6. After he had backed off, how did you feel
about Priscilla's decision to reach out to Michael again? Do you
think she needed more time to grieve? Should she have waited for
him to call her? Share your thoughts.

7. Priscilla Bauer never got into the
Favorite Things business while her grandmother was alive. Do you
think there was a reason why her brother Douglas did when she
didn't? Share your thoughts.

8. Discuss Priscilla's reluctance to give
interviews verses Douglas's willingness to do them. Discuss their
reasoning. In your opinion, who had the better perspective?

9. Discuss Michael and Priscilla's final
conversation. Who did you sympathize with the most? Why? Do you
think Priscilla should've forgiven Michael, or did she do the right
thing in ending the relationship? Should Michael follow her to
France? Why or why not?

10. Talk about the final scene of the book.
What do you think Amber's plans are in taking that job? Is it
possible Julie Holland put her daughter up to it?

11. What scenes stand out the most to you
from the story? Which was the most memorable? Why?

12. Will you be continuing on to read Book
Two of the trilogy, Blue Satin Sashes? What do you think will
happen next as the saga continues? What would you like to see
happen with the Michael-Amber-Priscilla love triangle?




All my love and thanks to...

The dear, dear friends who were kind enough
to read the draft of this manuscript and offer their generous
feedback and support: Darlene Smoliak of the wonderful book blog,
Peeking Between the Pages; Roberta Austin, Heather Catlin and
Nicole Rodriguez of the fabulous online book club, The Reading
Cove; and Pamela Kenneybrook of the marvelous Coconut Creek Book
Club. Thank you all so very much!

To Nadine Westmoreland,
editor extraordinaire who flexed her magical muscles and turned a
pretty good story into a polished masterpiece. To my lovely and
intelligent niece Alexis (who wanted Chewy to be the color of
coffee and Michael to be called Alex!), I loved all your input on
text messages and naming characters! To my dear friend Sherrie
Flack, the ultimate Nia princess, who reminded me that I
an author—I want you
to know that I've never allowed myself to forget it since, so thank
you! To Steven, who knows why. And to the many friends and die-hard
fans who kept sending me e-mails, asking when the next book was
coming out—you know who you are—and this one's especially for you.
I hope you find it was well worth the wait!

And, finally. I offer all the love,
appreciation and thanks in the world to my mother, Paulette, and to
my dad, Timothy, the Cosmic Philosopher and my own personal
champion in everything that I do. If only every daughter in the
world could be so lucky.




by Millenia Black











They had no idea they were about to be
discovered. Their rendezvous locale was a posh, cozy residence the
man had leased near the Intracoastal Waterway—nearly five years

Since that time, the quiet comings and
goings, as observed by a vigilant neighbor, suggested more than a
little impropriety…the elderly neighbor surmised that the couple
was having an illicit affair.

But tonight, even the neighbors would feel
the shock waves.

The powerful shock waves of the




Forty-five endless minutes.

That’s how long she lay in bed, anxiously
awaiting her lover’s arrival.

When she finally heard the front door
opening, the woman smiled, snuggling deeper into the fluffy pillows
and cool, silky bedding. Her breathing steadied, tension
disappeared, and her forehead relaxed.

He’d finally come.

They still had a solid hour to spend
together, and he was now all hers!

But if she’d only known what was to happen
on this night. That her secret was about to explode and change her
life forever…she would not be smiling.

The nature of their affair made the
explosion inevitable.

There was only so much sand in an hourglass,
and now their time was up…tonight would be the last.

The last of the secret rendezvous.




As he entered the house, the man noticed the
vanilla-scented candles illuminating the hallway that led to the

What was he doing here
with her?

He’d tried to end it so many times…why
couldn’t he?

Placing his briefcase near the door, he
allowed the soothing atmosphere to combat the effects of the day,
and took a deep breath.

Okay. One more time.

Inhaling the sweet ambiance, he removed his
tie and tossed it over a barstool.

Quietly he strolled into
the bedroom. And as always, there she was. Lying against the creamy
pillows, waiting for him.
No secrets. No
lies. No past.

Just lying there

Holding her gaze, he removed his clothes and
climbed into the bed. He breathed deeply, trying his damnedest to
release the burdens and disappointments of recent months.

Of recent years.

He took her into his arms and closed his
eyes. “Tonight,” he whispered, spooning the now familiar curves of
her naked body, “I just want to lay here and hold you.”

She laced their fingers. “You okay?” she
asked, concerned. “Something wrong?”

No more than usual. I
just…” He hesitated, squeezing her. He couldn’t say too much.
“Tonight I just want to lie here. Just need to shut out the world
and not think too much.”

Hmm.” Turning in his
arms, she planted a gentle kiss on his lips. “Okay, just relax
then. I’ll be right here.”

They nestled together, their legs
intertwining. After a little adjusting, his head rested lower,
cushioned by her breasts. They enjoyed the quiet tranquility they
had begun to find here. They never suspected that—this time—it
would not last.




“Oh, my God! Nooo!”

The violent, bloodcurdling scream broke them
apart. They both recognized the voice. It was her.



With a deafening crash, the bedroom’s window
shattered and shards of glass showered them on the bed.

They’d been discovered.

She—of all the people in the world—had found

They jumped from the bed.



—End of Preview


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