Raine on Me (22 page)

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Authors: Laurann Dohner

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Fiction

BOOK: Raine on Me
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Sweat beaded her brow and fear inched up her spine. “Tomorrow? You said he’d gone fishing and I’d get bailed out when he got back. I thought you meant today.” She stared at the cop with horror. “You can’t keep me until tomorrow. It’s a long story but trust me, I can’t stay here. I need to go right now. I swear I’ll return for my court date if one is needed.”

“I can and I will. Like I’d trust the word of a two-bit thief.” He snorted.

“A thief?” She gasped. “What do you think I stole? That car is mine.”

The paper rose. “Shut up. I’m reading the sports section.”

Brit paced, remembering her one phone call—a number she had dreaded to call but knew by heart. Kevin’s longtime secretary had answered…

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“How may I help you?”

“Hi, Darleen. This is Britney.”

The silence on the other end of the phone stretched and then the woman finally spoke. “How dare you call after what you’ve done? We got word about what happened to Kyle. I always knew you were trash. You―”

“You’re having an affair with your boss, Kevin is married, and you’ve been with him for years so don’t talk to me about trash,” Brit cut her off. “I need to speak to him and I’m pretty sure he wants to take my call.”

“He’s not here. The police are looking for him because of you. Is that why you’re calling? Are they listening in?”


“Really?” The woman snorted. “We have caller ID, you twit. I see this is coming in from a police station. The name is clearly displayed on my screen. You really think I’m stupid, don’t you? I have no idea where Kevin, um, Mr. Marthum, is.”

“This is not a trick and it’s not being recorded.”

“Sure. You think I’m going to tell you where Kevin is so you can send the police to arrest him. Go to hell. I have no idea where he is and I told that to the police.”

12“I want you to give him a message, okay?” Brit’s gaze was fixed on the outer door of the office, making sure it remained closed and that no one overheard her conversation. “Write it down.”

“I don’t take orders from you.”

“You work for Kevin and he’ll want you to do this. Now write. Ready?”

Darleen hesitated and then uttered a soft curse. “I’m not saying I know where he is or that I have a way to reach him but I’m ready.”

“I’ve had hours to think and I know Kevin is way too smart for me to fool,” Brit rushed the words out, purposely attempting to sound frightened. “I also know it’s only a matter of time before he finds me and discovers the truth about how I’m really the one who shot Kyle. That guy who said he did it only took the blame out of fear he’d get into trouble because I used his gun to do it. I kind of flirted hard with him to sweet talk him into saying he did it.” Brit rolled her eyes, the lies so appalling it hurt to say them, but Darleen hated her and would easily believe the worst. “Tell Kevin that I’ll confess to murdering Kyle if he lets me live. I’m sure,” she tried to hide her sarcasm, “he’d much rather see me in prison than dead. That’s why you are seeing a police station come up on your caller ID. I’ll tell the cops the truth about who really shot Kyle if Kevin agrees to my terms. I’d rather spend my life behind bars than end up at the mortuary.”

Brit held her breath, hoping Darleen believed she was a complete idiot to think making a deal with the devil could be possible. Anyone who knew Kevin would know she didn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of him actually agreeing and following through on a bargain he made. He wouldn’t stop coming after Brit until she took her last breath but now he might believe she’d pulled the trigger instead of River.

“I knew it,” the woman hissed. “The second they said some asshole had shot Kyle to death I pegged you for the shooter. I tried to tell Kevin that but he said that rancher guy confessed.”

“I have a conscience.” Brit paused. “I totally manipulated that cow chaser into taking the blame but I realized Kevin would figure it out. The guy wasn’t even home when Kyle found me. The owner of the house walked in a good ten minutes after Kyle died. His only crime was being nice enough to offer me a guest room when my car broke down. Please give Kevin my message and I’ll call back in two hours for his answer.” She hung up.
By that time I’ll be out on bail and far from here.
And Kevin will leave
River alone and come after me…

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The slight sound the paper made when the cop flipped the page drew Brit from her memories of the conversation that had taken place hours before.

The doors opened and fear made Brit’s heart pound until she saw who walked in. It wasn’t some stranger sent by Kevin to kill her. Drake Raine, in full leather gear, walked into the station. His blue-eyed gaze looked decidedly chilly as he sought and found Brit standing in her cell.

12“Who the hell are you?” The cop stood, dropping his newspaper to the floor as his hand reached for his weapon.

“I’m Drake Raine.”

“Really?” The cop’s hand hesitated over the handle of his sidearm. “You got identification? You don’t look like no fed I ever saw before. They don’t wear chaps and biker jackets.”

“They do if they are off duty and drive a Harley. If you check with them, they’ll vouch for me. I can prove who I am but I don’t have a badge.” Drake pulled out his wallet, flipped it open, and handed it over. “I’m here to take the prisoner.”

Brit had to close her mouth after it had fallen open at the pure nerve River’s older brother had at imitating a fed trying to bust her out of police custody. Sweat beaded her brow and her fearful gaze fixed on the cop.

“It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Raine. When I got the bulletin to be on the lookout for that little lady and her car, it didn’t say what she stole. Is she a bank robber who hid the money or something? It said to not hurt her under any circumstances, so I was careful with her. Are you going to have to find out what she did with the money?”

Drake accepted his wallet back, shoved it into his back pocket, and frowned.

“Where did you come up with that theory?”

“I read about a bank robbery in the paper from yesterday. I just put two and two together.”

“Your math is off.” Drake turned his head, blue eyes narrowing on Brit. “It wasn’t money she stole.”

The cop turned, lifted his key ring, and approached the cell. He unlocked the door and opened it wide. “Out you go.” He glanced back at Drake. “You need cuffs for her? I hope you’ve got backup outside. You aren’t planning to transport her on a motorcycle, are you?”

“I’ve got a transport coming right behind me. I drove a little fast to get here before it did so I’d have a few minutes to talk to the prisoner.” Drake crossed his arms over his chest. “Let’s go, Brit.”

She stepped out of the cell, stunned that Drake had fooled the cop into believing he had a right to take her from the station. If she stayed in one place for too long Kevin would find her and the caller ID had given him her location.

“So what did she steal that was so valuable to get an all-points bulletin put out on her?” The cop frowned.

“My damn heart,” a familiar deep voice answered from the open door.

Brit’s eyes flew to River’s, his words hitting her as though he’d physically struck her. Her mouth parted in shock and she noticed how angry he looked as he limped across the room toward her.

12“What the hell were you thinking, Fuck And Run?” River halted in front of her.

“And don’t even deny that’s exactly what you did to me again. Have you lost your mind? You were safe at the ranch or would have been once we set up camp.”


He cut her off. “Don’t. I’m so pissed right now I’m tempted to put you over my knee and give you some swats for the damn anguish you’ve put me through the past few hours. I imagined the worst, damn it.”

“What the hell is going on here?” The cop glared at Drake.

“It’s complicated. She’s a victim of abuse and her abuser got himself killed. A family member of his has ordered a hit on her. I’m sorry for the lie we told about why we needed to find her but you saved her life when you arrested her.” Drake blew out a deep breath. “We need to go right now. If Marthum has any law enforcement contacts, he could learn where you detained her. We don’t want her to still be here if he sends someone to kill her. Her safety is priority and catching that jackass is secondary.”

Brit hesitated. “I called his office and gave his secretary a message to tell him I’m the one who shot Kyle. I thought I would be able to bail myself out and be long gone by now.”

“Why would you do that?”

She met River’s stunned, angry gaze. “I don’t want him coming after you.”

“Did you say where you were?” Drake tensed.

She forced her attention from River to his brother. “No, but the caller ID did.”

“Shit.” Drake shook his head. “We need to go. He definitely knows where she is by now.”

“Wait until we get home,” River said under his breath. “Your ass is mine.”

She glanced up at him but then his hand gripped her wrist, strong fingers gently but firmly curving around her skin. He gave her a tug, turning her to face the door, and pulled her after him. Drake moved ahead of them but then froze at the open doorway.

“Shit,” he hissed. He jerked the door closed and twisted the deadbolt to lock it. He spun to face the room. “There are two thugs walking this way. It could be nothing but call me paranoid. Get her over there by those file cabinets, bro.” Drake unzipped his jacket, his hand reached inside and he pulled out a big, black gun.

“Unlock the door,” the officer ordered softly.

“Are you on the take?” Drake’s gun rose to point at the other man, his frown deepening.

“No.” The cop shook his head. “But we can control the situation better if we let them walk right in. Otherwise they are going to be firing through the walls, fishing to hit something. You said there are two of them and there are two of us. I’ll take the one on the right, you take the one on the left, and we’ll come out of this alive. Call me J.P.

We should be on a first name basis if we’re about to face a deadly situation together.”

12Drake lowered his weapon until it pointed at the floor. His other arm shot back to twist the bolt free. “Good plan. I want to know the location of their boss.”


Drake glanced at River. “Cover her, bro.”

“Got it.” River jerked his head in a sharp nod.

Brit opened her mouth to ask what that meant but then she gasped as River released her wrist, grabbed her around her waist and the back of her knees, and her feet were jerked from the floor. He shifted her into the cradle of his arms, moved a few feet to a heavy desk and knelt behind it. He laid her down flat on the cold, hard floor, and his body crushed down on top of hers.

“What are you doing?”

“What does it look like?” He arched a black eyebrow. “They may have guns and there’s nowhere to go but the floor. I’m protecting you with my body in case the desk doesn’t stop a stray bullet.”

The situation sank in and Brit reached up, cupping his face. “I only left you because I’d rather let you go than have you die.”

Something softened in his gaze. “You’re still in hot water with me.”

“I stole your heart?” She still couldn’t believe he’d said those words. “What exactly did you mean by that?”

“You want to talk about this now?” Dark eyes widened. “Really?”


River’s mouth silenced her as he dipped his head, his full, sensual lips sealing over hers. His tongue delved between her parted lips, tasting her mouth with a teasing swipe. Brit kissed him back, her arms sliding around his neck, and enjoyed the passion that flared between them intensely until the door banged open. Their lips parted when they jerked their heads in the direction from which it came.

Brit could see the bottom of the front door from her position under the desk. Two men walked in wearing boots.

“Freeze,” Drake ordered. “Drop your guns.”

“Fuck,” a male hissed.

Two shots rang out immediately. River suddenly blinded her when he slumped over her totally, his body crushing down, and his face pressed hard against her cheek.

Something heavy hit the floor and a male groaned loudly.

“Damn it,” Drake ground out. “You should have dropped the damn guns.”

River’s head jerked up. “You okay, bro?”

“Yeah. We’re great but these two idiots need ambulances.” Metal clamored across the floor. “Clear,” Drake suddenly said. “Why don’t you call this in, J.P.? The one you shot looks like a through and through to the shoulder but this asshole took one to the gut when he lunged at me.”

12River lifted off Brit, slowly getting to his knees. When she tried to sit up, he reached out a hand to help her, pulling her up to a standing position next to him. Brit took in the scene in front of her.

Two men she’d never seen before lay by the door on the floor. One held his stomach, blood on his hands, and a grimace etched on his features. His companion gripped his shoulder, blood spreading slowly down his blue shirt, and he leaned against the wall next to the door. He glared at her.

“This is Officer J.P. Jenkins,” the cop said into a cell phone. “We need two ambulances sent to the station. I have two perps down with gunshot wounds.”

“What happened?” River inched over, blocking most of Brit’s body from the guy glaring at her still. He glanced at his older brother.

“These two idiots walked in here gripping guns.” Drake jerked his head. “I kicked their guns over by the cells so they aren’t stupid enough to go for them.” He kept his gun trained between the injured men. “But I’d love for them to try to go for one of them. I’m a real believer in the death penalty and assholes who walk into police stations pointing guns are prime reasons why.”

“Is she still alive? I want to watch her take her last breath,” a man called out as the sound of running feet approached.

Brit watched in stunned silence as Kevin Marthum jogged into the room. He came to a halt when he nearly tripped over the gut-shot thug he’d obviously hired to kill her.

His startled expression over the situation he’d run into changed to anger quickly when he saw her unharmed across the room.

“I heard the shots,” he gasped. “I thought you’d shot her and the cop.”

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