Read Raising Kane Online

Authors: Lorelei James

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Adult, #Western, #Red Hots!, #Western Romance

Raising Kane (11 page)

BOOK: Raising Kane
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“Part of bein’ a mom.”

“Do you ever still feel guilty?”

Kimi pinned her with an arch look. “Yes. Especially when it’s pointed out to me that I don’t know my own son as well as I thought I did.”

Ginger blushed. “I didn’t mean—”

“I know you didn’t. I’m glad you talked to me. I really liked seein’ Kane through your eyes, Ginger.

And I hope…” She waved dismissively. “Forget it.”

“No, Kimi, tell me. You hope what?”

“I hope Kane knows how proud I am of him, not only for helpin’ you out, but for the time he spends with Hayden. I’ve never thought of him as overly responsible besides when it comes to his duties at the ranch.”

“Maybe you should tell him. It’d be good for him to hear it from you.”

“Maybe I will.”

Ginger’s head pounded, a byproduct of thinking about her mother.

Kimi stood. “Come on. Let’s get you a pain pill and tuck you in. I fear my son’d have my hide for talkin’ your ear off when you’re supposed to be restin’.”

“I can’t believe how tired I am.”

“Which is a sign you need to get some shut-eye.”

Kimi stayed by Ginger’s side until she drifted off, offering comfort and silent support. Her last coherent thought was
Like mother, like son.

“Hey, Red.” A soft kiss teased her forehead.

“Am I still dreaming?”


Lorelei James

“Are we nekkid in this dream?”

“Yes. Completely. Rolling around on satin sheets and you’re kissing me in that panty-drenching way of yours.”

Kane chuckled. “Maybe we’ll have to act out the good parts of the dream later. But it’s time for you to get up.”

Ginger opened her eyes, sighing dreamily that Kane’s handsome face was so close to hers.

“What was that sigh for?”

“Because you’re just so damn pretty, Kane McKay.”

His neck flushed. “How many of them damn drugs did you take?”

“Funny.” She ran the tips of her fingers down the section of skin where the blush met his goatee.

“You could have any woman in town. You have had most of them, to hear your mother talk. So what are you doing with me?”

Hurt flashed in his eyes. She could’ve bitten her tongue for her careless comment.

“My ma was here tellin’ stories about me, was she? Fillin’ you in on all the women I bedded and discarded? Did she tell you that the reason Kade and Sky ended up together was because he pretended to be me after I was an asshole to her on our first and only date?”

“No. She didn’t mention that one.”

Kane stood abruptly. Angrily. “Don’t matter. We’ve been back awhile. Are you hungry?”

Ginger reached for his hand. “Don’t run off in a fit of pique.”

“Say what?”

“Don’t leave because you’re mad. Kimi didn’t name off your conquests, Kane. She just said you used to be quite the wild one and you’ve mellowed. Now instead of worrying about you being too rowdy, she worries about you being alone too much.”

He frowned. “Ma said that?”


“I’m alone by choice.”

There was more to his statement, but she didn’t push. Instead, she brought his hand to her mouth and placed a soft kiss in the palm. “So does that ‘alone by choice’ comment include tonight?”

“Is that an invite, counselor?”

“Yes. But I feel the need to point out it is an open-ended invitation.”

Kane’s eyes turned dark with liquid heat. He cupped her chin in his hand, sweeping his thumb across the inside of her lower lip. “Know one thing about me that ain’t mellowed? That I’m in charge even when
touchin’ me.”

His bold statement caused her belly to jump. She stared at him, wondering how far he’d take things.

“You look nervous, Red.”


Raising Kane

“I’ve never met a man like you.”

“Simple? Or highly experienced?”


He huffed, “Then what?” a little impatiently.

“You distract me to the point that’s all I can think about…being with you.”

Kane’s lethally sexy grin appeared. “I can live with being a distraction, sugar. In fact, I intend to bump up my attentions and see if I can’t become your obsession.”

Hours later, Ginger reflected on Kane’s words when he waltzed into her bedroom and she realized he could become an obsession.

Hayden had hit the sack earlier than usual. Her father had retreated to his room directly after Hayden.

And now Kane had come to her.

A thrill of anticipation electrified her, starting at her toes, ending at her scalp.

She’d purposely dimmed the lights to enhance the mood. Hoping the ambient glow would mask her physical flaws and her nervousness.

Instantly he flipped on all the switches, growling a warning, “No hidin’ from me. Ever. I like to watch.”

“Watch what?”

“You.” Kane gestured to the edge of the bed. “Sit there.”

“Am I supposed to get undressed?”

“Did I tell you to get undressed?”


“There’s your answer. This time you’re undressing me.” Kane stood in front of her, legs braced apart, arms crossed. A master directing his slave. “Pants first.”

His high-handed behavior wasn’t what she’d expected. No kissing, no seduction. Using her good hand, she tugged one side of the elastic band, then the other, until the flannel pooled at his bare feet. He kicked his pajama pants aside.

Ginger’s gaze didn’t waver from her first up-close look at his cock. Oh wow. Circumcised? Check.

Long? Check. Thick? Check. She wanted to rub the smooth and shiny purple head across her lips.

He grabbed the edges of his tank top and yanked it off.

Confused, Ginger met his eyes. “I thought I was supposed to undress you?”

“You were. Until I saw the way you were lickin’ your lips. I’m dyin’ to feel your mouth on my cock.”

Kane wrapped one hand around her jaw. The other hand circled his dick and he brought it in line with her lips. “Use your mouth only, and only on the tip.”


Lorelei James

He painted her lips with the polished skin of the head. Once the slit was close enough to taste, her tongue darted out to catch the drop of fluid beading in the center. She moaned at her first taste of him.

“You keep makin’ sounds like that and this’ll be over too damn quick.”

“You want me to make those sounds when this bad boy is completely buried my mouth?”

“Eventually. For now, focus on the head.”

She circled her lips around the crown and sucked, alternating with flicks of her tongue. Working the sweet spot beneath the thick rim brought forth Kane’s masculine groans of approval, but it wasn’t enough.

She wanted to feel the rigid length gliding over her tongue. She wanted to feel his girth stretching her mouth wide. She wanted to feel his pubic hair ticking her nose as she took him deep. She wanted total submersion in this intimacy.

So yeah, maybe she resented his dictate of control.

Without warning, Kane tilted her head and pushed past her lips, over her teeth, across her tongue, bumping her soft palate, until his cock was fully seated in her mouth and halfway down her throat.

Ginger fought the gag reflex, focusing on her breathing. Trying not to feel smug she’d gotten exactly what she’d wanted.

Brusquely, Kane said, “Look at me.”

The only things she could move were her eyes. She gazed up at him. God. He was something. So overpoweringly male.

“You were testy about me parceling out a taste of my cock an inch at a time, weren’t you, sugar?”

Her affirmative growl traveled up his shaft.

He trembled.

Ginger smiled, hard as it was with her lips stretched around the base of his cock.

“You are stubborn about getting your way,” he murmured. His thumb traced the hollowed section of her cheek. “Truth is, that makes me fuckin’ hot.” He let his fingers drift up her face to circle the shell of her ear before coming back to rest on her jaw. “But I’m gonna enjoy teachin’ you obedience.”

His big, rough-skinned hands landed on her head. “Hold on.”

Her left hand gripped his muscular quad.

Kane pulled his cock out, letting the rim of the cockhead rest on her lower lip. Then he thrust back in fully. He did that three more times a slow withdrawal, a fast plunge to the root.

Saliva built in her mouth, coating his shaft, making the glide easier. Ginger kept her eyes closed, reveling in the silken push and pull of his hard flesh across her soft tissues.

“That’s it,” he rasped. “Get me wet.”

She let her teeth graze the underside of his cock as he eased out. Then she playfully flicked her tongue into the slit.


Raising Kane

“No teasing.” He shoved deep. “Now suck harder. That’s it. Lemme feel those throat muscles workin’.”

Kane picked up the pace.

Ginger loosened her jaw, loving his loss of control with every grunting thrust into the wet recess of her mouth. Her panties were soaked. Her sex throbbed with want, jealous her mouth was being so thoroughly filled.

The strokes increased. Kane’s breathing turned even more ragged. “I’m close. Jesus. Fuck.” Two more deep thrusts and he stilled. His cock twitched on the back of her tongue and he groaned, “Swallow.

Now. All of it. Christ.” His hips continued to bump against her face.

Her cheeks were compressed tightly to the rigid shaft. Her throat muscles contracted around the head as his seed flowed down the back of her throat. A pleasant buzz reverberated in her head.

First time she’d experienced that euphoric feeling from giving a blowjob. Usually her orgasms gave her that floating, melting sensation.

Seriously fucking hot, seriously fucking heady, this obedience stuff.

“Hey. Red. Look at me.”

She blinked at him.

Satisfaction and pure possession were etched on his face. And his mouth. That sinful, talented, knowing mouth, curled into a naughty smile. “You liked that.”

Ginger couldn’t even nod with the fierce grip he had on her head.

Kane’s cock remained in her throat. “Beautiful, sexy Ginger. Prim and proper mama no more. Christ, woman, you blew my fuckin’ mind.”

She kept her eyes riveted to the fire blazing in the blue depths. She finally understood his need for control—because his sexual hunger could be overpowering. All encompassing. Addictive.

“But you can let go of my dick now. In fact, sugar, you’re teeth are startin’ to hurt a little.”

What? She was keeping his cock in place? Not him? That was new. She relaxed her jaw.

Kane’s greedy gaze was locked on his semi-hard cock slipping from between her lips. “Soon as you catch your breath, we’re goin’ again.”

She nuzzled his hip, breathing his musky scent deep into her lungs. Her fingernails were still embedded in his thigh with enough force she’d marked him.

He seemed content to stroke her hair, brushing back the tendrils sticking to her sweat dampened face.

Several insistent knocks on the door brought them both out their sexual trance.


Ginger’s head snapped up.

Kane said, “Shit,” and quickly—and rather comically—dragged on his pajama bottoms and pulled on his tank top, inside out.


Lorelei James

Good thing she had her clothes on and she looked sleep tousled, not sex-ravaged. Kane unlocked the door, ending up behind it as it opened.

Hayden rushed in and started to fling himself at her, but Kane deftly stopped him mid-leap.

“Gently, sport. Your mama still ain’t up to tackle hugs.”

If it surprised Hayden that Kane was in her room, he didn’t show it. He burrowed into her.

“Sweetie? What’s wrong?”

“I had a bad dream. And you died and Grandpa changed into a tornado, with robot arms and he chased me in his wheelchair. He was gonna cut off my head!”

“Sounds scary. But I’m thinking no more
before bed,” she murmured, looking up at Kane.

Kane mouthed, “Sorry.”

“Can I sleep with you?”

Hayden rarely asked to crawl in bed with her so she knew he was shaken up. She kissed the top of his head. “Of course. Do you need a drink or anything first?”

“No. Just need you, Mommy.”

Her heart tumbled. “I’m here. Not going anywhere, okay?”

“Okay.” He released a heavy sigh. “I’m tired.”

“Maybe Kane can tuck us both in.”

“No problem.”

Ginger rolled back onto the mattress. Hayden snuggled beside her, heeding Kane’s warning not to jiggle her sling. They wiggled until comfortable positions were attained.

Kane tugged the blankets over them. “Do you want pillows to prop up your cast?”

She shook her head.

He clicked off the lights. “I’ll leave the door open in case you need anything.”


Usually Hayden was a restless sleeper but it didn’t take long before his breathing leveled. He mumbled, “Love you, Mommy.”

“Love you too, baby.”

She thought she’d be too keyed up from the sexual shenanigans with Kane to fall asleep right away.

But right after closing her eyes, she drifted off.


Chapter Eight

By the time Ginger hobbled into the kitchen the next morning, Kane had already showered, shoveled the steps and the wheelchair ramp and brewed a pot of coffee.

Yeah, he was a little anxious.

She didn’t wait for him to bring her a cup; she walked right past him poured her own. “You’ve been a busy bee this morning,” she said, gazing out the window.

“I’m used to getting up early. Did Hayden settle down all right last night?”

“Surprisingly, yes. He’s still completely sacked out.”

“I checked on you guys about three and you were both sound asleep.”

Ginger turned around. “Why’d you check on us?”

“Habit. I’ve been checkin’ in on you at some point every night since I got here.”

She stared at him. Hard. “So? Do I drool? Snore? Babble in my sleep?”

BOOK: Raising Kane
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