Randall Wedding (15 page)

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Authors: Judy Christenberry

BOOK: Randall Wedding
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“You look great, Izzy. And I’m starving. Let’s go.”

“I think I should change Angel now.”

“I just did. She’s gone back to sleep like a good girl. I put the bottle in the diaper bag and some extra diapers. Okay?”

“Definitely okay. You make a wonderful mom.”

“Dad. I’m the dad, remember?” he teased.

“I remember. I was very lucky to run across you in that snowstorm.”

“I think we were both lucky. What are you going to order for breakfast?”

“What do they do best?”

“Their pancakes are hard to beat. The cinnamon buns are famous. And they make great omelettes. The Denver omelette is their specialty. Casey, my little brother, loves their French toast.”

“My, they have a wide menu.”

“They need one. They’re the only place in town for breakfast,” he said.

They were glad to get out of the bitter cold and into the café. “I don’t remember it being that cold last night,” Isabella said. She breathed the warm fragrant air inside.

“It wasn’t. Must have been a temperature drop overnight.” He nodded to the waitress who then showed them to a booth. Isabella slid in the far side
and reached for the baby in her carrier, which Russ had brought in.

“Let’s put her over here,” Russ suggested. “This carrier takes up a lot of space. I’ll sit with you.”

Isabella started to protest, but Russ was already seated.

“That way we can talk without disturbing Angel, too,” he said.

The waitress handed them menus and turned away to escort another couple, who’d just entered, to seats.

“Oh, look, it’s Sarah and Nick.” Isabella waved to them and the pair approached.

“We were going to ask to join you, but I see Angel has this side full,” Nick said, nodding to them.

“We can pull up a chair and put her carrier in it,” Isabella said. “Then you can sit across from us. We’d love to have you join us.”

“Did you go back to the apartment?” Sarah asked as Nick fetched another chair. “We saw lights last night and hoped it was you and not some mischief maker.”

Nick moved the carrier and Isabella didn’t answer until she was assured her baby was settled. “Yes. It’s not too crowded. But we don’t have any groceries yet. I’ll have to do some grocery shopping today, among shopping for other things.”

“Me, too,” Sarah said. “I’m looking forward to
our shopping today. Will you be ready to start when we’ve finished breakfast?”

“Won’t it be too early for the stores to be open?” Isabella asked, looking at her watch.

“That’s the joy of shopping with the owner.
have a key.”

“We can do that?” Isabella asked, surprised laughter in her voice.

“You bet we can.”

Breakfast was thoroughly enjoyable. Isabella forgot the reason she needed to buy more clothes or why they were in the cramped apartment. She and Sarah talked about pregnancy and Jennifer’s experience with twins. The guys joined in occasionally and had other conversation at times.

“What a nice way to start the day,” Isabella exclaimed when they’d finished.

“It was, wasn’t it? And we don’t have to do the dishes,” Sarah added with a big grin.

“And now we get to shop all day. Maybe I should wake Angel and give her her bottle now,” Isabella debated, a frown on her face.

Russ leaned over and kissed her on the lips. “Nope. I’m taking Angel until after lunch. When she wakes up, I’ll feed her and put her back to bed.”

“But you said you have to work.”

“I do, but Angel can come to work with me. Bill’s a grandfather, Tori’s a mother. They won’t be shocked.”

“Are you sure, Russ? I mean, I can take her with
me. She’s not that much trouble, though it would be nice…”

“I’m sure. You two go ahead and scoot out. Nick and I’ll have another coffee before we pay the bill.”

Nick smiled, but his brow was furrowed. “Before you go, I have to bring up one unpleasant thing, Izzy. I had a call from your father. He wanted to know about your great-aunt’s estate. I told him everything went to you.”

“And he wasn’t overjoyed, I’m sure,” she said dryly.

Nick shook his head. “He told me you should forward to him the power of attorney for voting the stock right away. I told him I’d talk to you.”

“I’m not giving him the power of attorney, as you know. Thanks for talking to him, Nick. It’s more than I want to do. Ready, Sarah?” Isabella asked as she motioned for Russ to let her out of the booth. The two women hurried out the café, ready to start their shopping.

Nick waited until the door closed behind them before he spoke. “I think we should discuss some problems before I broach them to Isabella.”

“Sure,” Russ said, nodding expectantly. “What do we have to look forward to?”

Chapter Fifteen

“It’s not that bad,” Nick said, “but the sheriff called me this morning. He called the New York Police Department this morning to find out if Paloni has a record. He got no help from them since he has no hard evidence on Paloni.”

“I want to talk to Tori about unloading that stock as quickly as possible. I don’t want Izzy connected to her father at all.” Russ sighed and rubbed his forehead.

“I’ll walk over to the office with you,” Nick said, “if Tori is coming in this morning.”

“I think she is. Maybe she’ll be willing to keep an eye on Angel while I run over to the sheriff’s office, too.”

“Good plan.” Nick nodded. “I’m going to have to get used to making room in our lives for a baby. What’s it like?”

Russ looked at Angel, sleeping in her carrier. “It’s wonderful. Angel is such a good baby.”

Nick chuckled. “You’ve sold me, Russ. And I’m happy for you.”

Russ was embarrassed, because he knew Nick was referring to his change of behavior. “I let my mourning take control of my life. Thanks to Angel and Isabella, I’ve recovered.”

“I know. Your mom’s face shows it.”

“Yeah,” Russ agreed with a grin.

The two men picked up Angel, paid their bill and walked over to the accounting office.

“Bill!” Russ exclaimed when he discovered the older man hard at work. “I told you you didn’t have to come back this week. After New Year’s is soon enough.”

“Morning, Nick, Russ. I know, but my wife went to work today. And you know I love my work.”

Russ smiled. “You saved my bacon the last two years, Bill. I know Tori gave you your Christmas bonus. But I have your New Year’s bonus in my office. I’ll get it.”

He excused himself and went into his office with Angel, returning a moment later with an envelope, which he handed to Bill.

“Russ, you don’t need to—”

“Yes, I do, Bill. You’ve been an incredible asset to us. I want you to know I appreciate it.” He deliberately changed the subject. “Has Tori come in?”

“She called about half an hour ago and said she’d be coming in for a while.” As he looked at his watch, the door opened and Tori entered. “A
welcoming committee? Really, it isn’t necessary,” she teased the three men.

They all laughed.

Tori asked, “What’s up?”

“I need you to watch Angel for a few minutes while I visit the sheriff,” Russ said.

“No problem.”

“And can you tell me how the sale of that stock is going?” he asked. “I want Isabella’s father to know that Isabella has nothing to do with him or his company as soon as possible.”

“Me, too,” Nick added.

“Let me turn on my computer and I can tell you right away. I had a question about how much stock I had to sell. I should have a response by now.”

Leaving Angel with Bill, Nick and Russ followed her into her office. “Of course, it could be that everyone isn’t back at work, but we’ll see,” she said as she slid into her chair and turned on the computer.

Nick and Russ sat quietly as she played the keys like a concert pianist. “Here it is,” she muttered.

Russ felt tense, but a sound from Angel made him forget the other problems. He leaped to his feet and ran for his office. He found Bill already there, checking to see if she was all right.

“Thanks, Bill. She probably needs a change. I don’t think it’s feeding time yet.”

“Then I’ll let you take over. Grandpas don’t have to do diaper duty. Tori told me.”

Russ grinned. “Don’t mention that rule to Dad, okay?”

Bill laughed and retreated to his desk.

“Okay, Angel, I’m going to change your diaper now, so be a little lady, okay?” he asked. He was sure she smiled at him, but he didn’t know if that meant “yes” or “watch out.”

Once he had her changed, he carried her into Tori’s office. “Angel is joining us.”

“Good.” Tori said. “I want to hold her.” She held open her arms.

Russ gave Angel to her as he asked, “Did you find a response?”

“Yes. It gets a little complicated and I won’t do anything until I talk to Isabella, but there’s a company that wants to take over her father’s company. They’ll pay five dollars a share above market price if she’ll sell to them exclusively. Then they’ll do a hostile takeover. It means her father will lose his position. While most employees will keep their positions, he’s not one of them.”

“I wish I could tell you what Isabella will decide, but I can’t. I know she’s angry with her father, but…I have a fear that she’ll change her mind and go back to New York.”

“But you’re married!” Nick protested.

Russ regretted having admitted his fear. He’d worried about it, but he hadn’t told anyone. Now he’d told both Tori and Nick. He looked at Tori. Her eyes were serious as she said, “I think I should call her. Are she and Sarah shopping?”

“Yeah. If you’ll watch Angel, I’ll run over there and find them. It won’t take a minute.”

“Sure thing,” Tori said.

“I’ll go with you,” Nick said. “I miss Sarah.”

Tori laughed at what she considered his silliness, but Russ knew what he meant. He hated being without Isabella and Angel, too.


through the closed curtains, “I found a blue sweater that would go well with the denim jumper, Izzy. Want to try it?”

Isabella stepped out from behind the curtain, wearing a plaid flannel shirt with the jumper. “I like this combination. What do you think?”

“Oh, it looks good.”

“I love the big pockets. I can use my hands for Angel but carry other things in my pockets. And it’s so comfortable.”

“You’re right. And then you change the shirt and it looks like a new outfit.”

“Good point. Show me the sweater.” Sarah held up the sweater, a thin silk.

“Ooh, very nice.”

“Yes. Did you want a denim skirt? It goes with all the blouses and tops you’ve put aside.”

“Yes. A size ten. I don’t think I need to try it on.”

“Probably not. Oh, I bet you need socks. I’ll go— Oh! There’s Nick and Russ. I think they’re coming in.”

“Maybe Angel is causing problems,” Isabella guessed, and started toward them.

The men called a greeting and Russ noted Isabella’s anxious expression.

“Nothing’s wrong Izzy. Tori has a question for you, and she needs an answer right away. I thought you wouldn’t mind interrupting your shopping to step over to the office.”

“Of course. Where’s Angel?”

He wrapped his arms around her, unable to resist. “She’s perfectly safe in Tori’s arms.”

“I know I shouldn’t worry, but—”

“It’s your nature.” He looked down at her as she stepped away. “I like that outfit. Are you buying it?”

“Yes. I like it, too.”

“Keep it on. You can show Tori.”

“Is that okay, Sarah? I mean, I haven’t paid for it yet.”

“Yeah, but I know where you live,” Sarah said with a grin.

Isabella smiled back. What fun to shop with Sarah! What fun to actually have a friend. Her father had tried to keep her from making friends.

“Here are some navy knee socks to wear under the long jumper,” Sarah said. “They’ll keep your legs warm.”

Isabella took the socks and pulled them on. Then she slipped on her loafers. Those and her boots were the only shoes she had.

“Okay, Russ. I’m ready.”

He took her hand, knowing she wouldn’t fuss about that. Besides, he liked holding her hand. “I’ll bring her back in a few minutes, Sarah.”

“I’ll be here. Though Nick probably won’t. He should go to work since it’s after ten o’clock, right, lazybones?”

Nick didn’t answer because he was busy kissing his pregnant wife.

Isabella slipped into her ski jacket and stepped outside with Russ. A north wind caused snow to swirl about them.

Izzy shivered. “It’s still so cold,” she said. Russ put his arm around her shoulders, pulling her close. “It’ll warm up by June,” he said.

She made her fist and hit him in the chest. “That was mean.”

He kissed her in the middle of Main Street. Her cheeks fired up and she pulled away. “We could’ve gotten run over. That was dangerous.”

“Yeah, ’cause there’s such heavy traffic today.”

“Okay, you have a point,” she said, smiling as she stepped on to the sidewalk in front of the office.

When they were inside, Tori praised Angel and admired Isabella’s new outfit, then got down to business.

Russ asked, “Do you want me to stay or leave the two of you alone?”

“I want you to stay, of course,” Isabella said, surprised by his question.

He was gratified and sat down beside her.

“Okay, Tori, what do you have to ask me?”

Tori explained the offer for the stock and that the competitor wanted to do a hostile takeover of Paloni Industries. “Your father will lose control of his company and probably his job,” she finished. “I couldn’t agree to all that without getting your approval.”

Isabella drew a deep breath. “Thank you. I don’t want to be cruel to my father, but he would still have his money, wouldn’t he?”

“He could sell his shares for a great deal of money, probably more than they are worth right now. I don’t know what else he has, but he would keep any other holdings.”

Izzy thought of her father’s many investments. She knew he had spread his money around. In the past, whenever she’d asked for something expensive, he’d always claim poverty, but she knew better. If nothing else, they’d have her stepmother’s jewelry collection.

“If he’d left me an option, I might have refused to do that to him, but I can’t be a part of the company, so I have to sell. He would advise me to take the highest price without worrying about anyone else. As long as it wasn’t him. So, yes, Tori, do the deal.”

“Are you sure, honey?” Russ asked.

“Don’t you think it’s the right decision?”

“Yes, I do, but I want you to be sure.”

“I’m sure. Tori, when will this take place?”

“Well, it’s just a little after noon in New York, but I should be able to get hold of the buyer some
time this afternoon. By tomorrow morning, word should get to your father.”

Isabella wasn’t a coward. She stood. “I have to go to New York tonight.” She was going to look her father in the eye and tell him what she’d done. And why.

“What?” Russ gasped, leaping from his chair to take her arm, as if he was afraid she’d take off at once.

“I intend to face him with what I’ve done. And tell him my reasons, in case he hasn’t figured them out. Will you take care of Angel? I don’t want to put her at risk.”

“No, I won’t,” Russ returned, shocking her.


“My parents will care for Angel. I’m going with you.”

“Why would you do that? I won’t take the time to play tourist. I’ll only be gone two days.” It would be a difficult two days. She didn’t want Russ to see how awful her family could be.

“You’re not going unless I’m with you, sweetheart. I’m not letting you put yourself in danger.”

“Why would he hurt me after the deed is done?” Isabella asked.

“A man’s pride can be a fierce thing. Believe me, there is that possibility. Angel needs you to come home safely, and it’s my job as your husband to make that happen.”

“But I wouldn’t ask you to put yourself at risk, Russ. That wouldn’t be fair.”

“I don’t believe you did ask me. But ask or not, I’m going with you.”

Tori interrupted their argument. “I believe there’s a five-o’clock flight out of Casper that connects in Denver to the red-eye to New York. Shall I make reservations for you? I think you can make that one.”

“Great,” Russ said. “And get us reservations at some hotel in Manhattan. We’ll hire a car for in the morning.”

“But, Russ…” Isabella couldn’t voice her protest. The idea of having him beside her was too tempting.

He kissed her again, something he did frequently these days. “We’re either both going or neither of us is going. Your choice.”

“I have to face him,” she muttered.

“Then go pack a bag.”

“First I have to buy one,” she said. “Should I buy you one, too?”

“No, I’ve got a hanging bag in the apartment upstairs. Good thing I didn’t move all my stuff into the house yet.” He checked his watch. “It’s a two-hour drive to Casper. We should leave by one-thirty. I’ll meet you back here. Kiss Angel goodbye. I’m taking her to the ranch.”

“Kiss her goodbye now? But…but we’re not leaving for three more hours,” Izzy complained, going to Tori for her daughter.

“You’ve got a lot to do before we leave. It will be easier this way.”

Isabella reluctantly agreed. She cuddled Angel for a moment. Then she kissed her chubby little cheeks several times and held her against her. Giving her to Russ was hard. But even though she had tears in her eyes, she smiled. She wasn’t going to leave her baby looking unhappy. She wanted Angel to remember her as happy.

Russ took the baby into his office and settled her in her carrier. Then he wrapped the heavy blanket over her to protect her from the cold.

“Aren’t you going to call them first?”

“No, honey, I’m not. They’ll agree to take care of her. And everyone in the house is capable of doing that. She’s going to be just fine. Go buy what you need.”

He picked up the carrier and went past Izzy as if he were merely delivering the mail. She followed him to the door. Again he kissed her on the lips. Then he headed for his truck. Isabella sighed. Russ was such a wonderful man. She didn’t deserve the care he gave her, but she wanted it. She wanted more. She wanted a long life, beside him, wrapped in his arms and in his love. She gave a silent prayer. Then, she soberly returned to the store, a different list forming in her mind.

At night, during the week, the town of Rawhide rolled up the sidewalks a little after nine, when the café closed its doors. So at ten-thirty that night, no one was on the street when a black Cadillac drove into town.

The car stopped in front of the sheriff’s office. It
made a U-turn and parked facing the way it had come in. On the road to Buffalo. The man who got out was distinguished looking, wearing an expensive suit, carrying a lawyer’s case. He climbed the steps to the office and opened the door, stepping inside.

The deputy on duty had his feet propped up on the desk, watching a television. His feet came down in a hurry and he stood. “May I help you?”

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