Raspberry Crush (25 page)

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Authors: Jill Winters

BOOK: Raspberry Crush
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As he walked into the room, she felt a pang of self-consciousness about the T-shirt she'd borrowed. By the tight way it clung to her breasts and belly, she could only assume it dated back to around the seventh grade. She felt a little embarrassed to have her soft stomach and heavy breasts on display.

Then Billy noticed Seth's eyes drop. When she glanced down, she saw that her nipples were erect and protruding... and when she glanced up, she found Seth still watching her—staring glazed-eyed at her breasts. His nostrils flared almost imperceptibly, while his chest rose and fell. Billy trembled and bit her lip, looking away to break the spell, and that was when she noticed the bulge in Seth's boxers.

Her breath caught in her throat, her mouth ran dry, and suddenly, in two steps, Seth was in front of her—dropping down, just as Billy was climbing up—and hazily she thought,
This is going to change everything,
as Seth pulled her to him.




Chapter 19


Billy tugged on Seth's neck, pulling herself up higher as she crushed her mouth on his. He felt so unbelievably good pressed against her—so warm, so strong, so powerful. God, she never wanted to let go of him.

With their mouths fused, the kiss turned savage and devouring. Groaning, he licked into her mouth and sent shivers rolling through her body—right to the apex of her thighs, where she was already damp and trembling.

"Ohh," Billy moaned from deep in her throat. "Ohh..."

She angled her head to take more of him, and felt herself losing her balance. Seth gripped her to him, and with one of his arms around her waist and the other just below her butt, they both sank onto the floor. Then he tore his mouth from hers and ran his tongue down her neck.

Rocking her hips, Billy felt her crotch flame as Seth trailed his tongue back up her neck and took her earlobe between his teeth... then sucked it... then slid his tongue deep inside her ear. She squirmed and moaned while flames licked up her legs and blood rang in her ears, and she couldn't even think straight when Seth shoved up her tight little T-shirt. "Oh,
..." she cried out as Seth trailed his tongue up her stomach and over her swollen nipples.

"God, I want you so much," he murmured frantically, and sucked a nipple into his mouth. The sensation jolted her. She plowed her fingers through his soft, blond hair, and gripped his head to hold him in place. When he finally released her nipple, he buried his face between her breasts, pushing them together with his hands. Billy twisted and groaned as her legs fell open. "You wanna go upstairs?"

"No," she said, pulling on his hair to drag him up for another kiss. "No..."

He slid his tongue inside her mouth, and they rolled over together so she was on top, nestling his hard cock into her soft crotch... then, feverishly, they rolled again, and Billy ended up flat on her back—with her legs spread wide, and Seth's hand digging into her sweatpants.

As his fingers brushed her bare flesh, he grunted. "Christ, you're not wearing panties."

"They were wet from the rain," she explained brokenly, as Seth growled and rubbed two fingers against her. Back and forth, he sensually glided his fingertips over her opening until they were both panting. "Please..." Billy begged breathlessly. "Do
it... do

He must've understood, because abruptly he slid one finger inside her. She moaned as her back arched off the floor. Seth slid another in, stretching her, stroking her... again and again... until finally he shoved Billy's sweats all the way down, and when her bare butt hit the carpet, his hand returned to her. Now he was rubbing her, moving in a slow, circular motion. She rose up to meet each press of his fingers, aching for more pressure.

Soon his slid his fingers inside her again and she rocked against his touch with sharp cries of excitement, inevitably coaxing him to go deeper—harder—until she almost couldn't take it. Her body felt weak, trembling, nearly battered, and they hadn't even had sex yet.

With a shove Billy pushed on Seth's shoulders, and he rolled with her until he was on his back. She captured his mouth in a deep, sucking kiss while her hand reached for his penis, squeezing and stroking until the tip was wet. Seth groaned, as Billy ran a finger over his testicles, pressing gently in between. "Oh...

Boldness overtook her, and she crawled down his body until her lips brushed his cock—and then she started to suck. Sliding his fingers into her hair, Seth made harsh, guttural sounds, and it was all happening so fast, in such a blur of passion, that Billy barely registered the exact taste of him, or the tangible reality of what she was doing.

Finally Seth slipped his hands under Billy's arms, pulled her up, and rolled her again. "I'm gonna burst," he whispered as a tiny flicker of light from the fireplace cut across his face. He was so savage and beautiful when he was aroused. Suddenly he pulled away and came to his feet.

"Where are you going?" Billy asked hazily—but fretfully.
Please don't stop now.


Thank goodness.
He was back in no time, completely naked except for a condom, and he fell right back into place, tossing a couple extra condoms down on the floor beside them. After he climbed onto Billy's wilted, wanton body, he lifted himself on his hands and stroked her G-spot with the tip of his erection. She arched her back off the floor, and they both moaned. Seth pushed his penis harder against her opening, and Billy squeezed her eyes shut and heard her own choppy breathing. Locking her legs around him, she tried to piston her lower body off the carpet so she could feel him.

"Oh, man," he whispered, his voice sounding strained, then gently rocked his pelvis until he was partway inside her, and already she felt a heavy pressure between her legs. "Jesus," he muttered tightly. "You have done this since we broke up, haven't you?"

..." She groaned as he moved a little deeper. "Yes...

With a long, low groan, Seth thrust all the way inside her, and Billys body shot up, shocked by the fierce penetration... but excited, electric... inflamed. "Oh, God, oh, God," she said, "Keep going..."

Seth's thrusts picked up rhythm as Billy moaned and twisted on the carpet, and the longer it went, the closer she felt to orgasm. With each hard plunge, his cock drove deep inside her and her back arched. She let out a strangled yelp every time she felt him slide into her, and a tortured moan every time he slid back out—almost all the way, but he was never far, never gone. God, he was there, really doing this to her, this dirty, sexy, raunchy thing, and—

Finally the friction became unbearable, and Billy began to shake. Panting and sweating as her climax racked her body, she cried out in ecstasy.

And Seth pumped faster, his mouth dropping open, his eyes rolling closed, and seconds later he started to come. Billy moaned at the pleasure of her subsiding orgasm, the sound of Seth's low groan, at the feel of his body convulsing and his back muscles contracting.

Afterward it took several moments for her body to stop shaking. Seth gathered her up in his arms, still breathing hard, and rolled them so they were lying side by side on the carpet. Sleepily, his lids dropped closed, and Billy smiled a faint, weak smile. She couldn't help thinking that no matter what the consequences, what had just happened between her and Seth had been better than anything else she'd ever experienced in her life.

For this one perfect moment, there was only her and Seth.

* * *

About an hour later, Billy stirred beside him on the carpet, suddenly cold and aware of her own nakedness. "Mmm..." Seth murmured, nuzzling his face against her hair as he pulled her closer. She felt limp lying there, but anxious at the same time. Instantly she became aware of sensory details—like the musky, lingering scent of sex, the residual smell of burning wood, the sound of Seth's breathing, the trickle of drizzle across the windowpanes.

"Hi," he whispered, and leaned over to brush a kiss across her cheek. It seemed innocent enough... until she felt Seth's open mouth running down the back of her neck. Almost soundlessly she sighed as Seth's hot mouth rekindled her libido.

Smiling, she reached her hand up to cradle the back of Seth's head. Her fingers laced through his feather-soft blond hair, and she savored the reality of Seth's body lying right beside hers. He murmured, turning her head enough to kiss her. It was slow, deep, and wet—he tasted a little tangy from sleeping, but mostly he tasted... familiar. Holding his head with her hand, Billy kissed him back, drowning in the sensual movement of his tongue.

"I can't believe that happened," he said thickly when the kiss broke. "I've fantasized about that for so long."

Her eyes widened. "You have?"

"Hell, yeah. You are the sexiest girl I've ever met."

"Please," Billy said, stifling a laugh.

"You are," Seth insisted, and kissed her again.

"I've fantasized too," Billy said. "When we were going out, I used to think about making love with you all the time."

"You did?"


"But I thought you weren't ready," he said, studying her face.

"Well, I wasn't
but I was getting there. Then you moved."

She shouldn't have thrown in that last part; she didn't want to reopen that topic. But Seth just let out a strained laugh, shook his head, and buried his face in the crook of her neck. "Jesus, don't tell me that. You're torturing me."

She giggled. "What do you mean?"

"You're telling me that if I hadn't moved we would have been having sex like this for the past four years? Christ, I think that is the most tragic thing I've ever heard."

Of course he was only kidding, but still... did he really think the sex was as hot as she did?

Maybe he read her mind then, because he rolled back on top of her and kissed her deeply. Billy wrapped her legs around him until her heels touched his thighs. His erection was hard and probing, but he didn't inch forward. With her eyes half-closed in arousal, she smiled at him.

"Listen, Billy... I want to tell you something."

God, she was afraid she knew what was coming—afraid Seth was going to spoil this moment by dousing her with a bucket of ice water called reality.
No, please... I just want to have this moment.
"No, don't say anything," Billy said softly, her eyes searching his. "Just kiss me."

"But I just want to explain the situation—"

"I already know the situation: You live in Seattle now, and you're going back in a couple of weeks." He didn't deny it, so she threw in, "And my life is here." Not that it was all that rip-roaring of a life, but it wasn't bad, either. Her family was here, Pike Bishop was here, and it wasn't like Seth was going to ask her to move, anyway. If he hadn't done it four years ago, he certainly wasn't going to do it now that they'd been barely hanging out for two weeks. She needed to let him know that he shouldn't worry about apologizing for making love to her when there was no real future there; and more importantly, she needed to save some face.

"Oh," Seth said after a pause. "Yeah, I mean, you're right. I just... well, I'm glad it happened anyway."

"Oh, me too!" Billy said, smiling at him and kissing his mouth, his cheek, his jaw. "It was so unbelievable, so...
she added for lack of a better word, because her mind was still a little dizzy, and then she coiled her arms around his neck and hugged him tighter.

When they were nestled this close, his penis found the target on its own, and Billy let out a soft, strangled moan in... frustration? anticipation? "Please..." she whispered, as Seth slid inside her, and they both sighed at the pain and the pleasure of such a tight fit. He began to move, thrusting slowly and deeply, again and again—he had to be getting rug burn on his knees—and Billy rolled her head on the carpet, antsy with the need for direct stimulation at the exact speed and pace and that would make her come.

As Seth pumped his hips faster, with his face buried in her neck, Billy used two fingers to rub herself hard until she climaxed; Seth followed her mere seconds later.

* * *

An hour later Seth was wide-awake and Billy was fast asleep, curled in a little ball on the carpet like a cute, round angel. Smiling down at her, he draped a blanket over their lower bodies and strummed his fingers lightly down her arm. For the first time in a while, Seth felt a fullness in his chest—it was like something was finally filling up the void inside, the hollowness he'd started getting used to. In Seattle he constantly filled his mind and his world with work, with numbers, with building client networks, and now that he'd left it behind—it was a huge fucking cliché—but a weight had been lifted. He supposed it was counterintuitive to be hollow and weighed down at the same time, but life was full of contradictions—in fact, one of his favorites was lying right beside him.

It made no sense that he hadn't seen Billy in four long years, but that she still seemed to hold the power to make him happy.

But then again... she'd been right: His life was in Seattle, and hers was here. Would it really be fair to ask her to pick up and move across the country so they could... what? Date?
He almost laughed at how stupid that sounded. They could always try a long-distance relationship, he supposed, but...

Wait, he was getting way ahead of himself here. Jesus, he still didn't know what was going on with that other guy in her life! In fact, that other guy might be the real reason Billy didn't want to talk about the future—maybe she wanted a future with someone else.

It was better if he simply enjoyed this fling with Billy and didn't analyze it. In another week or so his mom's house would be fixed up and on the market, and Seth could return to Seattle. Back to his empty apartment, back to his real life.

Just then Billy stirred in her sleep, and Seth leaned down and kissed her cheek. He smiled as he remembered how flustered she'd been at the Rusty Canoe, looking like she'd rather be shunned than hit on. Or the way she still jumped at thunder and lightning—but not enough to keep her from breaking into Ted Schneider's boat. Now
had been fucking crazy. How had she talked him into that one?

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