Reader Abduction (Alien Abduction Book 7) (4 page)

BOOK: Reader Abduction (Alien Abduction Book 7)
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he look
on his purple face when she giggled? Priceless.

The state of her damned panties? Not discussing it.

“I fail to see the humor, female.”

“It’s funny because it is so not happening. I mean, seriously, you might be hot and really alien, just like in one of Eve’s books, but that does not give you the right to tell me I’m going to have sex with you.” Even if she really, really wanted to.

And he knew it, too, the jerk.

“You desire me.”

“Do not.”

“Cease lying, female. I can smell it.”

“Then I’ll shower.”

“An excellent plan. Please disrobe and place your garments in the incineration chute.” He pointed to a spot on the wall that, when his hand ran past, shimmered into a dark opening.

Cool trick and not the reason she shook her head. “No. I am not getting naked and tossing out my clothes. Because you are going to take me back to Earth.”

“You will not be returning to your planet. I chose you.”

Hot words, but his attitude? “Chose me? That’s all well and good, except you should have tried asking.”

“A Kulin warrior never asks. He takes.” He puffed out his chest.

Damn, why did he have to have such an impressive chest?
Don’t stare at it. Keep your gaze on his eyes.
His glowing, super-sexy eyes. “You will be taking me home. I didn’t sign up to be your space slut.”

“You talk as if you have a choice.” He smirked. “You don’t. None of the females we’ve abducted do. So, strip. Or don’t. That is the only choice you currently have. But you should note that, if you don’t obey, I will remove your clothing from you.”

She crossed her arms over her chest, even as she knew he meant what he said. She’d read Eve’s alien abduction books. She knew they were pompous, overbearing, arrogant, sexy, freaking purple hunks and awesome lovers.


Why did she have to remember that part? He noticed the heat flushing her cheeks and took a step closer. Being a girl, she did a very girly thing. She squealed and ran for the only opening she saw…right into a dead end.

“I knew you would come around to obeying,” he stated from behind her. “Now that you are in the bathing chamber, remove your garments so that I can begin the decontamination process.”

“I don’t have germs.”

The only warning she received involved him blowing out a breath. He lunged and caught hold of the fabric of her dress.
In a moment, she could only gape at him, as she stood clad in her panties and bra.

“You ruined my dress.”

“I did. I will find you another. Maybe. If you obey.” He said the words without looking in her eyes, probably because he stared at her breasts spilling out of the cups of her brassiere. For a hysterical moment, she wondered if the lack of gravity in space would remove the need for a bra.

“Obey? You know, that kind of attitude might be sexy in a book, but I have to say that experiencing it firsthand? Not so much.” She scowled at him as she crossed her arms over her chest.

“Obedience is expected of a Kulin mate.”

“I am not your mate.”

“No, you are not. I am unmated and shall stay that way.”

“But I thought you said you wanted me for…” She couldn’t say the word sex, but her cheeks responded with a heated blush.

The corner of his lips quirked. “Oh, I intend to take you many times during our trip to my home world. But you don’t have to be my mate to give me pleasure.”

Surely she didn’t feel a pang of disappointment that he found her good enough for sex but not his wife. “Do you always have to kidnap women so you can get some?”

“Get some what? Speak clearly, female.”

“My name is Brigitte. And I was implying that you couldn’t get a woman to have nookie with you willingly and had to resort to kidnapping.”

The smile widened, and good grief, did she spy a dimple? Wasn’t there a galactic law against sexy alien pirates with killer dimples and mischief-filled eyes? “Would you like me to prove your willingness?”

Since she was pretty sure he could, she ignored him and gave him her back, which left her staring at what she thought might be the alien version of a bathroom. Plain gray, seamless walls. There was a mirror embedded on one side, but no sign of a sink or vanity. She could have giggled when she realized the stumpy-looking stool with a hole in the middle was probably the toilet.

Did aliens poop or pee? Not exactly a sexy thought and not something Eve had ever covered in her alien books.

“What is that?” she asked, pointing to the donut-holed stump.

“It is where we evacuate bodily waste.”

“So where’s the sink to wash your hands after?”

“Do you often urinate on your hand that it requires cleansing?”

“No!” Vehemently said. “But, after wiping, a person should always wash their hands just in case.”

“Wiping?” His brows arched. “What barbaric ritual is that? On my ship, we are equipped with the latest in waste evacuation technology. There is no wiping involved.” He curled his lip. “The unit removes without a need to ever touch.”

“You mean it’s like a bidet?” She peered at the toilet. “Where’s the nozzle that shoots the water?”

“Water? Female, you are speaking in riddles. We do not use water in the cleansing chamber. We are not stuck in the dark times before technology came along.”

“No, but you are stuck in a misogynistic mindset that we so-called barbarians overcame decades ago.”

“Females have their place. Usually naked and in my bed.”

“Your mother must be so ashamed of your attitude.”

“My mother beat this attitude into me. Now, enough talk. You do it on purpose to avoid my order. Get in the cleansing unit that we might remove your Earthling taint.”

“Got something that gets rid of your arrogance?” she muttered under her breath.

He still caught it and laughed. “No.”

Given she was mostly undressed, and his conviction she carried germs, perhaps she should allow the decontamination. From the books she’d read, she knew this was actually pretty standard. She stepped into the stall that she assumed passed as his version of a shower. She peeked around and noted it missed a few things such as a drain, showerhead, and knobs. “How do I turn it on?”

“You have not removed all your garments.”

She turned to peek at him and noted he leaned against the wall, his eyes glowing as he regarded her. “Stop being so bossy and let me keep my underthings. Please.” Because she really wasn’t comfortable baring it all, even if he seemed to like her curvy shape.

His nostrils flared at her plea. “And what will you give me if I accede?”

He wanted payment? Of course he did. He was a pirate. What did she have of value, though, to trade? “How about a kiss?”

The noise he uttered bordered on disdainful with a touch of mirth. “I can take one of those anytime I wish.”

“Take, yes, but what if I give you one?”

“You think your kiss is that valuable?”

“Why don’t you find out?” She did her best to give him a flirtatious smile.

It must have worked because he stalked closer, his tall frame towering over hers. “Let us see what you would bargain with.”

His words roused a nervous flutter. She licked her lips and wondered how to proceed. When he kissed her, she easily lost herself in the embrace, content to let him command the moment. Now, he expected her to dazzle him.


I can do this.

She placed her hands on the hot skin of his upper body. The open shirt he wore felt silky smooth under her palms. She wished she dared to lay her hands on the flesh tempting her, but she hadn’t yet reached that level of brazenness. She lifted herself on tiptoe, only to realize he stood too tall.

“Can you lean down?”

“You wish me to aid you?” He arched a brow but complied, bending enough to bring his mouth within reach.

Oh boy.

She pressed her lips to his. Sizzle. The contact never seemed to fail to shoot an electrical current of awareness through her.

“Is this it?” he mumbled against her lips when she didn’t move.

She really had to wonder at her sanity in offering him a kiss. What had possessed her?


Lust made her speak. Lust made her wrap her arms around him, open her mouth, and suck his lower lip between hers. Pure, molten lust made her into a brazen hussy who poured all of her insane attraction for this dude into a scorching kiss.

She suckled at his flesh. Let her tongue dance along his. Even bravely tested the sharp points of his teeth. Her body pressed close to his, and her hands, those naughty hands of her, slid from the safe fabric to the skin hiding underneath. She rubbed her palms over his smooth flesh, exploring his hard ridges, dragging her nails across his skin.

A low growl rumbled against her mouth before his hands grabbed her around the waist and hoisted her. He held her against the wall, his firm thigh pressing between hers, pressing against her core. Her hands slid up to caress the broadness of his shoulders and dug into the muscle there as their kiss turned ferocious, their hot breaths merging into a single steamy one.

He lifted her higher, forcing her legs apart, grinding his groin against her, his hard cock perhaps hidden by his pants but so evident.

A shudder went through her as he rubbed against her. His hips rotating with rhythmic madness while he sucked on her tongue. Over and over, he pushed, rubbed, and to her embarrassment, but great pleasure, she couldn’t help a small ripple from clenching her sex. Then another, and another, as a small climax swept through her pleasure-starved body.

She cried out as her channel contracted. Dug her nails in so hard they might leave marks, and he rumbled against her skin, his lips buried at her neck, his motions slowing as she came down from her high.

He set her on the floor, holding her as her wobbly legs tried to recall how to stand.

She could do nothing to stop him when he leaned away and tore her bra and panties from her with two firm grasps of cloth and tears.

Gaping at him, she sputtered. “What the hell? You said I could keep them if I kissed you.”

“No, you assumed you could. I never technically agreed. And, even if I had, you owed me.”

“Owed you for what?

“For this.” Holding her obviously damp panties up to his face, he closed his eyes as he took a big sniff. When they opened again, they glowed, and he smirked.

“I didn’t ask for—for—” For a mind-blowing orgasm?

She might not be able to say it, but he didn’t have a problem saying, “You’re welcome.”


er screech
of outrage brought a chuckle to his lips. How entertaining his female was proving. Sure, she might protest a tad much, but he’d begun to realize it was but a front. Her passion knew when to stop talking.

Upon exiting, he locked the bathing chamber door before he activated the decontamination unit. Or at least he meant to. The female refused to obey and pounded on the door, demanding he let her out.

He spoke aloud. “Female. Get in the stall that I might begin the process to remove any taint you carry.”

“Taint? I’ll taint you, you purple, pompous peckerhead.”

“If that was meant as an insult, then you will have to strive to do better.”

“I hate you!”

“I’m fine with that.” Hate. Lust. Preferable to her liking him overly much and causing a ruckus when he went to auction her to the mother with the biggest dowry.

Or I could keep her.
After all, he didn’t have a steady mistress.

But keeping meant cutting into his bottom line. It meant paying out of pocket to his comrades, who expected a share of the dowry she’d fetch.

First rule of pirating—profit first, pleasure later. Those who consumed their cargoes never made the credit needed to ensure their career lasted.

Still, though, one female out of twelve, surely that wasn’t too much?

“I’m in the shower thing, jerkoff. Start the stupid decontamination before I change my mind.”

He didn’t believe her, so he unlocked the door and eased it open enough to peer in. To his surprise, he noted the female, naked in the unit, arms crossed, lower lip jutting.

She shivered. Cold?

She is frightened.
Yet she kept pretending otherwise.

He opened the door fully, and she turned a startled gaze his way. “What are you doing? Is it done already?”

The hands divesting him of his clothing did not falter. He stripped his shirt, his pants, his boots, everything, until he stood without any impeding garments. Then, and only then, as she stared at him, eyes slightly out of focus, did he reply. “I touched you. Therefore, it occurs to me that I should share the decontamination sequence with you.” He stepped into the corner with her, crowding her with his body.

A sound escaped her. “Eep.”

His translator could not find a meaning, but he could guess given she tucked herself tight against the rear wall, her breath came in short pants, and she stared at her toes. Her red-painted toes.

I will enjoy having those around my ears later.

First, though, a cleansing. At his touch, the wall revealed a control panel. A few taps and the unit went into its sequence. A force field shimmered into place, containing them in the small space, made smaller when he bracketed her body with his arms and leaned in close.

“Um, shouldn’t you give me some space so this works better?”


“Is it going to hurt?”

“Never.” He whispered the word against her ear as he leaned forward and brushed his mouth against it. Her hair provided a silky curtain, but no deterrent.

The first waves of the cleansing protocol began, a familiar quivering sensation as the beams traveled the length and width of his body. But she gasped.

“That feels funny. Tickles a bit, too.” She giggled.

Laughter while intimately pressed to him? Talk about a blow to a warrior’s honor. He growled and caught the lobe of her ear, giving it a firm bite.

She gasped, she trembled, yet she didn’t move.

He sucked at the lobe, pulling it with his lips, teasing the soft flesh. It was an erogenous zone for his kind, and apparently hers.

As the second wave of decontamination started, she shivered. “That feels cold.”

Then he should warm her. He pulled her to him, pressing her into his body, wrapping his arms around her.

A soft moan escaped her.

He let his hands slide from her back down the smooth skin along her spine to the curve of her buttocks. Palming them, he squeezed and enjoyed their fleshy weight.

His cock throbbed between their bodies, caught against her belly. Touching her. But he wanted her to truly touch him.

“Grip my shaft.”

“I can’t.”

“Grip it.”

“I shouldn’t.”

There was that damnable denial again. Did she not yet understand that he felt her desire? Why did she fight it?

He took her hand and brought it between their bodies. She sucked in a breath as he forced her to feel the strength of his arousal.

“You’re so big.”

“I know.”

Her head finally tilted to peer at him. “Arrogant, too.”

“My thanks. A male does his best to show his assertiveness.”

Her fingers curled around him and squeezed. “I’d say you’re showing something.”

His turn to suck in a breath as her simple touch enflamed. “Perhaps you should get on your knees for a better look.”

She uttered a small laugh. “I’m sure you’d like that.” She stroked him. “But I wasn’t kidding when I said I didn’t want to have sex with you.”

“Then why are you stroking me?”

On tiptoes, she whispered against his chin, “Because when I stop, I hope you cry.”


Indeed, she relinquished her grip on him and moved away from his body.

He scowled. “Finish what you began, female.”


“No?” He smiled. “Very well then, you may watch and lament the pleasure you deny yourself.”

He wrapped his hand around his cock, intent on shafting himself until he shot his seed at her. And she would watch; he knew she would. Already she couldn’t stop her gaze from dropping to his groin.

Except, Earth took that moment to notice their presence in orbit and attack.

“Commander,” the intercom blared. “Incoming missiles from the barbarian defense system.”


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