Ready for Him (2 page)

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Authors: Tanith Davenport

BOOK: Ready for Him
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The attacker was now directly in front of her. His dark hair was tousled, his skin sweaty. Jade could smell smoke on him, mixed with the tang of too much aftershave. He wore a black shirt and trousers, all the better to conceal him if he made a break for it in the dark.

“Look.” The blond man spoke, his eyes focused on the man.
He’s holding his attention.
“I don’t carry cash. This is pointless.”

“Cash?” the other man sneered, not moving, the knife still glinting against the blond man’s throat. “That doesn’t—”

Jade moved.

In one sharp motion she gripped his right arm and pulled it back, using her other hand to force his wrist into an unnatural bend. The man cried out, either in shock or in pain, and the knife fell from his hand.

Leave it.

Jade already knew what his next move would be. The man spun round, his left arm raised, ready to strike. Jade’s arm was already up, blocking the blow. She kicked out with one foot, catching his ankle, and with an angry shout the man was falling, his legs swept out from under him.

Before he could recover, Jade had dropped to the ground behind him, wrapping one arm tightly around his neck.

“Jesus Christ,” said a breathless voice behind her. “Fuck.”

Yeah, I know,
Jade thought grimly, tightening her hold as the man struggled against her.
Skinny little chick saved your neck. How terrible.

There were footsteps behind her, and the voice spoke again, this time angrily.

you rock up? Where the fuck have you been? This asshole had a
! Get him out of here!”

“I’m sorry, sir.” The second voice was also male, deeper, with a curious timbre to it that suggested military, or ex-military at least. Someone squatted down beside Jade. Turning, she saw there were two more men, both in dark uniforms, carrying walkie-talkies and weapons on their belts.

“I’ve got him, ma’am.”

Jade surrendered her position, watching as the newcomer—a bodyguard, possibly?—forced the attacker’s hands behind his back. Standing, she turned to face the blond man, who was glaring at his other guard, apparently oblivious to the stream of angry cursing and struggling that was going on behind her.

“We need to get upstairs and”—the blond man glanced at her appraisingly for a moment—“I need a drink. This young woman deserves one too.”

“Oh, look, you don’t need to—” Jade automatically responded, even though her mind was screaming.
Shut up! He’s offering to take you up to his room! Take it!

“Oh, I insist.” The blond man looked at her, cool green eyes locking with hers, and Jade met his gaze unflinchingly, forcing herself to ignore the tingling in her gut. He held out his hand to her.

“I don’t believe we’ve met. I’m Will.”

“I’m Jade.” Jade took his hand, feeling her face form into a smile that matched his own.

“It’s good to meet you, Jade. Not the best circumstances, I admit. Let’s go up to my room and I’ll make us a nightcap.”

It was the best offer she had had all night.




Chapter Two




, Jade thought.
This is just nuts.

Will had invited her up to ‘his room’ for a nightcap. By ‘room’, Jade had assumed that it would be similar to her own standard double room—or maybe a king or queen, since he was obviously able to afford his own bodyguards. At no point had she expected to be where she was now.

It was the fucking Penthouse Suite.

The ‘room’ covered the entire top floor of the hotel. At the moment they were in the living area, carpeted and furnished in shades of white and teal green with accents of gold. Through a door at the far end Jade could just make out a four-poster bed and a second door which presumably led to an en-suite bathroom.

Facing her as she sat on one of the chaise longues was a marble-topped bar, where Will was pouring two glasses of pink champagne.

“Okay. Who are you really?”

Will paused, a wicked smile crossing his face.

“Who am I
I don’t believe I lied at any point.”

“No, but you missed out a bit. Or a lot.” Jade looked at him coolly, not breaking her stare as Will crossed the room, placed the glasses on a carved coffee table and sat down opposite her.

“Actually, I’m rather surprised you didn’t recognise me.”

“Is that the polite version of ‘do you know who I am?’”

“No, I quite like it. But okay. My name is Will Vandenmeer.”

Jade caught her breath. Well, that explained the security and the Penthouse Suite.

Oh my God. Will Vandenmeer.

She had seen his photos, read his interviews. How had she not known his face? Will Vandenmeer, the public face of the Vandenmeer hotel and casino chain. Though his father, Eric Vandenmeer, was still owner and director, Will was the company’s main asset, always used for advertising, always quoted in the press.

She looked at him again as she sipped her champagne, hiding her eyes behind her bangs. Without the strategic lighting and makeup he looked quite different, although she could see now where the familiarity had come from. His blond hair was mussed rather than carefully styled, his green eyes paler than she remembered, catlike in an angular face, all cheekbones and pointed jawline.

And while he knew how to work a camera, the carefully chosen emotions he used publicly were absent tonight. He was watching her now, one eyebrow raised, his mouth twisted in a sardonic smile.

“Do I pass inspection?”

Jade smiled back at him.

“You don’t look like your photos.”

Will bowed in mock acknowledgement, then a darker expression crossed his face.

“Enough that that asshole knew who I was. And he won’t have been alone, either. I’m sorry, but I can’t let you leave tonight.”


Will held up a hand, cutting off Jade’s outrage.

“Don’t worry, you’re in no danger here. I’m putting the suite under lockdown. It’s not the first time this has happened, and I won’t have any more innocent rescuers hurt in retaliation. Bryn and Matt have radioed my team and they’re dealing with it.”

For fuck’s sake!

Jade screwed her eyes shut for a moment, forcing herself to calm down.

Okay. I don’t like it, but he’s right. Shit, what have I got myself into?

“Relax,” said Will, and Jade opened her eyes again to glare at him. “You’re safe with me. Despite what you may have heard.”

And Jade’s stomach spiralled as she remembered the other, less-publicised aspect of Will Vandenmeer.

His club.

It had created a frenzy in the press at first, but the stories had come to an abrupt halt—probably, Jade guessed, due to a heavy-handed legal team. The Sanctuary was hidden in the heart of New York City, a haven for those who lived the hardcore BDSM lifestyle. Patrons were protected, behaviour was strictly regulated, and membership was revoked for the slightest infringement. It was not a place for dabblers.

Will Vandenmeer was a dominant, and didn’t care who knew it.

‘You’re safe with me’.
Will was holding her gaze now, and Jade refused to look away, although her body was rebelling against her—torn between the flutter of nerves in her gut and a stab of desire in her cunt.

Maybe she was safe with him. Maybe she wasn’t.

Or maybe she didn’t want to be.

“Okay. Tell me what you know about me.”

Jade’s fingers involuntarily clenched around the stem of her glass.

“Wait.” Will picked up his own glass, holding his other hand out as though calming a spooked horse. “Scrap that for now. Let me tell you what I’m getting from you.”

Oh really?
Jade raised one pierced eyebrow at him.

“What’s your full name?”

“Jade Bleecker.”

“Nice. Jade Bleecker.” Will took a sip from his glass. “You’re a strong woman. You clearly know how to handle yourself. You’ve got at least three tattoos and two piercings that I can see, and probably more that I can’t, so you’re not afraid of pain. And you know what BDSM is, right?”

Jade nodded slowly.
Where are you going with this?

“Right. And you’re curious about it.” Will was watching her very closely as he spoke, and Jade held herself very still. “But you think it means all the worst things people say. You think dominants beat their submissives down, that we don’t give a damn about their pleasure, that we expect them to give up everything for our benefit. Right?”

I’m not telling you anything.
Jade could feel her face falling into a mask. If Will noticed, he made no comment.

“Are you single?”


“‘Mmm’? Okay.” Will’s eyes were dancing, and Jade’s jaw set in annoyance. “What would you say if I told you that BDSM is nothing like that, Jade?”

Silence fell between them.

“What would you say if I offered to—?”

“Wait.” Jade held up a hand, cursing inwardly as she realised it was trembling.

What the hell am I doing?

You want this
, a voice taunted in her head.

I don’t even know him and he’s talking about BDSM. I can’t do this. I can’t.

But the image from the bar of herself held down, tied down, putting all her trust in one man, still flickered in her head, and something inside her was urging her forward.

“Tell me what you’re thinking,” Will said, breaking into her thoughts, and Jade found herself answering without thinking.

“I couldn’t do it.”

“Do you

“That doesn’t matter. I couldn’t.”

“Why not?”

“Because I don’t trust any man with my body.” Jade snapped her mouth shut abruptly, hating the look that had come into Will’s eyes at the words.

Because I’ve been fucked over before. Because I’m a screw-up. Because I don’t need your fucking pity. Go to hell.

“That’s actually a very good reason why you

Jade looked up at him, torn between curiosity and defiance.

“What does that mean?”

Will tilted his head to one side, looking her up and down. “You look like a person who might like dangerous sports. Think of bungee jumping. The danger is what attracts people, but any reputable company has a thousand regulations in place before they let anyone do it, precisely because of that danger. Right?

“BDSM works the same way. You’re right not to trust just anyone—but in the community—in my club, for instance, relationships are tightly controlled. Every Dom has rules to follow, as does every sub. Break the rules and you’re thrown out. We protect our patrons.”

Jade nodded slowly.

“Not everyone uses contracts, but even without them, limits and boundaries are agreed beforehand. So are safewords. The universal word is ‘red’, but many people choose their own. If I did anything to you that you didn’t want, you would use your word and I would stop—no questions asked. The trust is absolute.”

“I see.”

Jade reached for her drink, but her hand was shaking, and hastily she put it back on the table. As if he could tell what she was feeling, Will’s voice took on a seductive quality, and Jade bit down on her lip as a rush of desire flashed through her body.

“It’s all about needs. Ours are different, that’s all. You take pleasure in doing what I want. I take pleasure in fulfilling your needs. It has to be reciprocal.”

I take pleasure… You take pleasure…
He’s talking as though we’re going to—

The thought made her catch her breath. Immediately Will’s eyes were on hers, and Jade found it impossible to look away.

“Do you still think you couldn’t do it?”


Will arched an eyebrow. “Would you like me to show you?”

I want…

“Yes,” Jade heard herself saying, unable to drag her gaze away from Will’s. He smiled.

“Then let’s begin. Let me see you. Take them off.”

Jade stood, narrowing her eyes at him. “Just me?”

“For now.”

Okay. I can do this.
Maintaining eye contact, Jade drew up the edge of her sequinned vest, slowly lifting until it was over her head. The glittering material dropped to the floor at her feet.

Her black trousers were more difficult—close-fitting, they refused to simply fall. She unbuttoned the top and crouched to lower them, standing again as they pooled around her ankles before kicking them aside. Her boots slid off at the same time.

“Do you always wear black underwear?” Will asked. His tone was casual, but there was an edge to his voice that made Jade shiver.

“Not always.”

“Good. Keep going.”

Reaching behind her, Jade unsnapped her bra and let it slide down her arms. She lifted her chin defiantly as Will’s eyes widened. This always got a reaction.

Will crossed to stand in front of her, looking down at her breasts. Jade bit back a smirk. She knew exactly what he was staring at.

“Big enough for you?”

“Perfect. Big enough, perky enough. Tell me, Jade—” Will reached out to cover one breast with his hand, drawing one thumb slowly over the peaked nipple. “What made you decide to get these?”

Jade glanced down at the tattoo, coloured a matching shade of pink, designed to give the illusion of heart-shaped nipples. “I like them. Do you?”

“Very much.” His thumb was still moving, and Jade caught her breath. “Did you know you can get this done surgically?”

“I had heard, but I don’t have that kind of money.”

Will’s eyes glinted. “I do.”

“Would you like me to take the rest off…
” Jade threw in the last word with a coy look, meaning to provoke him, but something in the deferential term sent a sting straight to her clit. The corner of Will’s mouth quirked slightly, as if he knew exactly what she had just done to herself.

“Turn around before you do. I want to check out your ass.”

Slowly Jade turned on the spot, hooking her thumbs into the waistband of her panties. She heard shuffling behind her, and guessed Will had stepped back for a better view—fine, then she would give him something to see. Rather than let them fall, she lowered her panties all the way down to her ankles, feeling herself grow wet at the thought of how exposed she was.

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