Real Vampires Live Large (29 page)

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Authors: Gerry Bartlett

BOOK: Real Vampires Live Large
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“Good. But a lot of the other people here tonight will be. That mural is killer.” Lacy smiled. “Flo's a genius. I don't mind the type of customers we're getting. Daytime, our usuals will still show up. And the commissions are really adding up.”
“Good. You deserve every penny. And as for Flo . . .” I sat down on the stool before I fell down. My Fangtastic had just worn off, big time. “I'm really worried about her. She's gone off the deep end with this new boyfriend.”
A customer sighed as she piled a fifties sweater set and pearl collar on the counter. “My girlfriend's got a loser boyfriend too. I'm afraid to say anything because I keep thinking she'll figure it out for herself. And I don't want to mess up our friendship. You know?”
“Yeah, I know.” Could our friendship survive if I was part of the posse going after Flo's beloved Simon? I shuddered thinking about reptilian lovemaking. I had to get her away from him.
I was dead on my feet, literally, by the time I unlocked my apartment door. I almost stumbled over the case of Fangtastic sitting just inside. AB negative. Okay, so Simon didn't stint when it came to peace offerings. And I wasn't going to turn it down. Are you kidding? Do you have any idea what that stuff costs? And Simon owed me for sending Greg Kaplan sniffing after me.
I took a moment to wonder what kind of “punishment” Greg had received. Cool if he'd been denied his VV fix. The guy was a mind-controlling creep. I couldn't work up any real concern.
I stuck about half a dozen bottles of the good stuff in the fridge, dumped a bottle of the O positive in a bowl for Will and threw down a half dozen Twinkies for Valdez before I hit the shower. I ignored Will's wheedling when he tried to get me to share the primo Fangtastic with him. No way. I thought about drinking one myself, but I was just too tired to savor it. So I fell into bed. Lights out in more ways than one.
I woke to pounding on the door. I glanced at the bedside table clock and realized I'd actually slept a little past sunset. My body keeps track of the daylight hours, but I like to check the exact times on the Internet too. I love the long winter nights. We were only a month away from the max.
“Okay, I'm coming.” I threw a robe over the cotton nightgown I'd worn to bed and staggered to the door.
“It's Mainwaring.” Will yawned and stretched.
“Thanks.” I threw open the door and saw Richard on the threshold. He looked tired, like he hadn't slept nearly as well as I had.
“Come in. What happened last night?”
“Nothing but talk.” Richard frowned. “I'm frustrated.”
Will snorted and I gave him a warning look. “I overslept and I've got to go down to the shop. You want to wait while I brush my teeth and throw on some clothes?”
“Sure. I'm sorry. I didn't think—” He ran his hand through his hair. “I should leave . . .”
“No. Stick around. Walk me downstairs. You want a Fangtastic? Simon sent me some premium brew.”
“No. I've already fed.”
I stopped next to Richard, then took a deep breath. Oh, yeah, he'd fed. I started to say something snippy, then let it go. Flo had told me he had this rather primitive habit of feeding from mortals, then praying afterward like that made it all right. Hey, maybe it did. He wouldn't
to feed, he gets just enough to take the edge off. Me, I'm usually okay with the bottled substitute.
Usually. I felt a pang for Steve the fireman who'd called me three times since our date. To get rid of him, I'd finally had to invent a committed relationship with an old boyfriend. Hey, it could happen.
“I'm glad to see you in one piece. When I left the gang at Freddy's, I was afraid that, if you and Freddy could find it, you'd try to storm the Bastille.” I sounded like an idiot and Richard smiled. “Well, you know what I mean.”
“I'd be all for it with the right plan. Problem is, we haven't found the Bastille yet.” Richard sank down on the couch and stared at his black loafers. No socks. A sexy look. Hmm.
“I'll hurry. I've got to relieve the day crew.” I grabbed a Fangtastic, some of the ordinary O positive, out of the fridge and headed for the bathroom. I wasn't about to gulp down my dream drink.
“Right.” He managed a smile and I remembered hot kisses and clever hands. Whatever Richard wanted, I was interested. Purely for stress release you understand. Right after I closed at midnight. With that in mind, I picked out one of my favorite outfits, a deep blue cashmere twin set (from my flush days as a dancer in Vegas) and matching wool slacks. I quickly did my thing with hair and makeup, by feel of course, then sat down to pull on black suede high-heeled boots.
I looked back at my butt. Too big? Too bad. I sucked in my tummy and threw open the door.
“You look beautiful, Gloriana.” Richard jumped to his feet.
“Thanks. Can you wait a sec? Got to feed the dogs.” I checked out the cupboard and found two cans of the chili Valdez had seen advertised on TV. I nuked it, then sucked in a lungful of the delicious smell. Okay, so I stuck a finger in it for a taste. Good, but not worth major pain and suffering. At least not while I had a hunky vamp waiting for me. I divided the stuff evenly and set it on the floor. Both dogs fell face first into their bowls and didn't even come up for air when I went back into the living room.
“So how are you going to find the EVs?”
“I got a few recruits who are going to start looking.”
“Someone could follow Flo when she leaves here to meet Simon some night.”
“They could try. She's pretty difficult to track and I have a feeling Simon asked her to keep his location a secret.” His face was hard to read, but obviously Richard had tried to follow Flo and failed. Maybe he
“I'm not jealous of Florence and Simon's relationship, Glory.” Richard's pale blue eyes pierced right through any mind shield I might have belatedly thrown up. “I'm worried about her. As a friend. That's all.”
“Sure, me too.” I sat down beside him, though I'd have to leave in just a few minutes. I hoped Derek had gotten there right after sunset to relieve Lacy and Melanie. “I had a feeling Bela, I mean Ralph, would be happy to make a buy of the VV if you think that would help.”
“He already offered. I wouldn't ask anyone to do it, but it may come to that. I keep thinking that it's only a matter of time before one of their customers leaks their location. They're probably sworn to secrecy too, but someone will eventually tell the wrong person.”
“So is this why you stopped by? To give me a lack of progress report?” I finished my Fangtastic then set the empty bottle on the coffee table.
“Not just that. You close the shop at midnight tonight. Right?” He leaned closer and I could see the gleam of male interest in his eyes. When they skimmed down my sweater and checked out the way it clung to my breasts, the sexy lace bra I wore didn't hide the bumps of alert nipples.
“I'd like to take you out. Either on the Harley or in my car if you'd rather not”—he brushed my hair back from my face—“mess up your hair.”
“Out where?”
“I know you like dancing. I'm not exactly Patrick Swayze, but I've learned a little over the years. There's a new club on South Congress. Rock and roll. What do you think?”
I think I love you
. I didn't say it and I sure as hell didn't let him read it in my mind. Instead I smiled and stood. I picked up my purse, a vintage Chanel bag that Flo had given me to sell, but which couldn't seem to make it past my own closet.
“Let's take the car, then.” I grabbed his hand and pulled him to his feet. I'm sure Flo had made him sit through
Dirty Dancing
more than once, so he probably did know a few dance moves. I twirled around him, then laughed. “And midnight can't come fast enough.” I reached up and kissed him, full on and nothing shy about it. The man had promised
“Excuse me? Aren't we due downstairs?”
Valdez dropped his leash at my feet.
I came up for air and loved the way Richard's eyes stayed half closed. His hands were under the back of my sweater and I felt the warmth of his fingers on my bare skin. He finally opened his eyes and smiled, his hands sliding down to my butt before he released me.
“Pick me up here after the store closes.” I looked down at Valdez, Will right behind him. “The dogs will stay home. I think you'll be guard enough, don't you?”
“I'll guard you with my life.” Richard took my hand and pulled me closer. He hummed a tune, then swung me away from him in a cool move.
“What is this?
Dancing with the Stars
“Shut up, Will.” I smiled as Richard leaned me back over his arm, then jerked me close until we were chest to chest. “Wow, Richard, you have some great moves.”
Valdez growled, but I ignored him.
“I've had centuries to perfect my ‘moves,' Gloriana.” Richard's smile sent sizzles right through me.
I bit back a sigh. I'm a sucker for a man with a good line. This promised to be a very interesting evening.
I was still in the shop when my cell phone rang about eleven. I was deep into a debate with a customer about whether redheads could wear pink. By the time I got to the phone, I saw that I had another message from Flo. Good. She'd be home Sunday night and we'd go to church. Hey, don't freak out. Vampires aren't demons from hell, at least not all of them.
The congregation of the Moonlight Church of Eternal Life and Joy probably didn't realize vampires dug their message. It was an upbeat nondenominational place that featured great music, a positive message and nighttime meetings. What's not to like? Flo and I got a lot out of it and we weren't the only vamps who attended regularly.
Would Flo invite Simon to tag along? I couldn't imagine she would or that Simon would be interested, not with his close association with a demon. I tried to call Flo back, just to give her a heads up about my date with Richard, but no answer. I really didn't want to think about what Flo might be up to with Simon the slimy snake.
After we locked the doors at midnight, I left Derek to put the cash away. Two days off. And tonight . . . I carried a dress upstairs with me that a shifter had brought in to sell and I couldn't resist. Full skirt, one of those stretchy cinch belts, deep vee to show off the girls, and the whole thing in the most fabulous sapphire blue velvet.
I grabbed a bottle of the AB negative out of the fridge— Thank you, Simon—fed the dogs more chili, then headed for the bedroom. I threw off my clothes, took a quick shower using liberal amounts of my lavender shower gel, then found some sexy dark blue underwear to go with the dress.
I finished the Fangtastic with a sigh. Damn, it was good. I had a craving for another bottle. Nope, my expensive stash had to last. Instead, I slipped into the dress and wished for the hundred thousandth time for a mirror. At least the dress
amazing, soft, and it fit perfectly, the full skirt disguising my figure issues.
I spun around, then fell, a little dizzy, on the bed. Umm. Soft. Silky. Cool against my cheek.
“Richard's here. Did you know he has a key?”
Valdez stared at me from the doorway.
“Flo probably gave it to him.” I rolled over and wiggled my toes. I'd probably need to wear shoes. Silver pumps? Or black suede?
Valdez nudged my foot. “
Aren't you afraid you'll wrinkle your dress
“Whatever.” I stretched, the velvet moving with me. I loved this dress. To hell with shoes. I'd just lie here and let Richard come to me. “Send Richard in here.”
“Uh, you sure?”
Valdez moved closer.
“What's the matter with you?”
“Nothing. I can invite Richard into my bedroom if I want to.” Like I had to explain myself to a dog. I tried to work up a mad, but I felt entirely too relaxed to work up much of anything. “Go out to the hall and close the apartment door. Take Will with you. I'll let you know when you can come back in.”
“I thought you were going out.”
Valdez nudged my foot again and I stroked him with my toes. He had the softest fur.
“Dancing? Remember?”
Dancing. I sat up. Of course. But first . . . “Send him in, V, now.” My answer was a snort. Yeah, Valdez is Blade's minion and his first loyalty is to his boss. Not that Blade expected me to be exclusive. We'd settled that issue centuries ago. And all the Valdezes had learned to ignore the parade of lovers through my bedroom.
Okay, honesty here, it was more like a trickle than a parade. This Valdez would just have to ignore the yummy vamp with electric blue eyes and platinum hair who'd planned to take me dancing.
I smiled when Richard appeared in the doorway. He definitely deserved a reward.
“Valdez is worried about you.” He grabbed my hand and pulled me to my feet.
“I'm fine.” I put his hand on my breast. “Don't you love this velvet? Isn't it soft?”
“Very.” Richard kept his hand there and the slight pressure suddenly seemed like the most erotic touch ever.
“What about this?” I moved his hand to the curve of my breast exposed by the deep vee.
“Even softer.” He rubbed his thumb between my breasts and I moaned. “The dogs are out in the hall. Did you tell them to leave?”
“Yes.” I popped open the buttons on Richard's dark green silky shirt. Wow. Had I ever seen a better, wider, more beautiful chest? I couldn't remember. This one was sculpted by some strenuous exercise, rowing a galley I guess. And his chest had the most precious brown nipples. I leaned in and licked one before pulling it into my mouth.

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