Realm of the Dead

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The Third Heaven


Realm of the Dead





Donovan M. Neal











© 2016 Donovan M. Neal


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I dedicate this book to those who dare to dream and see it through to completion.  May your imagination ever lead you to new realms.



2 Cor 12:2

I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago, (whether in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;) such an one caught up to the third heaven.

1 Cor 2:7, 8

But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory: 8Which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.

Matt 12:40

For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.

1 Cor 15:1-4, 45

Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; 2By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. 3For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; 4And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures
45And so it is written, the first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit.

1 Peter 3:18-20

For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit: 19By which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison; 20Which sometime were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water.


To the Lord Jesus Christ, who for some reason loves me. 

To the Pastor of Labor of Love Church, Charles Hawthorne, who nurtured my pre-existing love of the Bible.

To my children: Candace, Christopher, and Alexander – you can do great things!

To the authors, comic books artists and writers, game developers and filmmakers who have come before, and who unknowingly have breathed on the embers of my imagination. 

To all my beta readers and friends who shared both critiques and encouragement.

To my editor Debra Owen who helped me put the polish on my draft.

To Nettie, who cheered me on when I had nothing and said, "Wow!" after reading the prologue of my first novel.



Dearly Beloved,

If you are reading this book, you have taken the journey with me into what is now book three of The Third Heaven series. As always, expectations run high when people experience entertainment, and thus I provide a disclaimer for those who seek perfect alignment with their understanding of Biblical theology.

In no way should one read this fictional account and come away believing one can postpone their obedience to the Gospel in this life. The Bible consistently teaches that no one will be permitted a second chance. This earthly life has been provided by God for all human beings to determine where they wish to spend eternity. That decision is made by each individual based upon their personal decision made towards the person of Christ. Once a person dies, his eternal destiny has been sealed. He is "reserved for judgment." (2 Peter 2:4; cf. vss. 9, 17) . His condition will not and cannot be altered (Luke 16:25-26; Hebrews 9:27).

This novel, therefore, should not be taken as prescriptive or doctrinal in any sense. It is simply a story, albeit one with a Christian worldview...a story based on Biblical texts to create a tale of wonder. Consider this a work of Biblical fan fiction, if you will.  Approach it as one might approach Star Wars for example. In Star Wars you suspend belief regarding the physics of how ships in that story fly. I would ask you to apply the same mindset here.  If you can approach the novel on these terms, you will enjoy the demonstrations of God's mercy, love and severity.  If you approach the book looking to see how much the story doesn't conform with scripture you will miss the greater lessons resident in the story itself that are indeed scriptural.

Be warned, there are descriptions of torture in this book. Describing the pain of the damned was a prayerful and uncomfortable endeavor that may spill over.  This is a darker book because we are entering the darkness of sin and death.  Rest assured, we will emerge into the world of light.  

It should be known that Christians differ on what happened during Jesus' three days in the grave. This tale is highly speculative in that regard and is merely this authors continuation of the story from book two in this series.

What did Jesus do while he was in the grave three days?  Perhaps this book could be used as a catapult in biblical discussions with others regarding the subject.

For the sake of entertainment and Biblical discussion, behold, this author's speculative version of what has been classically called---the harrowing of Hell.


Donovan Neal


The Distant Future

Michael ruminated on the loss of Raphael and muttered El's words to himself..."I AM the Resurrection and the Life."  He lifted his head to look upon his grinning brother. A brother who sweltered in the blistering flames, grinding his teeth, struggling to prevent the release of his own screams, straining to speak with composure above the anguished cries of the damned that echoed throughout the air. Michael smiled and rose to his feet, his royal white and gilded robes gleaming in brilliance. His halo flared with reflected sunlight as he spoke with authority to Satan.

"Dost thou think me so small that ye could tempt me to raise arms on thy behalf?   Thou art eclipsed in the sins of thy past, overrun in the pit of fire. Thou art lost, forever refuse to the universe, the choir master of screams, the conductor of wails, and thy music the harmony of gnashing teeth." 

Michael raised his voice as awareness came over him that soon their conversation would come to an end, and it would cease as it was always destined - with victory for El. Thus, Michael released  himself from the hurt of past wounds, to speak to his living apparition of guilt in the person of his brother.

"Those in Christ once had a saying about thee, my brother. A saying I find fitting to speak to thee now for though thou hast spoken much, thy words are bereft of power. Thus, hear the words the Clayborn have said of thee, a proverb from those whose victory hath now overcome the world, and let it be an echo for eternity in thine ears, 'When the Devil seeks to remind you of your past,' Michael paused and stared deep into Lucifer's eyes. Remind him of his future.' Therefore, I call Heaven and Earth against thee and rehearse in thy hearing both past and future, for it was not I who smote the mountain of God, nor I who sought to strike down the Author of Life. It was not I who sought to put the Lord to death or make death itself a rabid pet to be unleashed upon the world of men.  No, Lucifer, it was thee!" Michael shouted above the cries of the damned. Their wails sailing across the sweltering sky. 

"And what future dost thou see before thee now, oh Son of Perdition? What future dost thou see in the eons to come?  Tell me, Lucifer, what glory dost thou see before thee now?"

Lucifer stood silent , and his face was stern, then opened his mouth to speak. "I..."

"SILENCE!!" Michael roared.

Lucifer stood stupefied, unable to speak, as though an invisible force constricted his vocal chords.

"Thou art no longer allowed to breathe lies into the Earth's air. I forbid it."

              Lucifer struggled to open his mouth, but remained gagged. He glared as Michael continued in his berate.

"What words can come from thee, but lies and provocation? Thus, let me proclaim thy future, oh ye that would be King. Behold your chaise that burns with fire... a bed of flame padded by thine evil, engined by the lust of thy compatriots and fueled by the passions of dreams and purposes counter to God. This is what I see for thee, Lucifer... flames, imprisonment, forever to broil for thy collusions. To swelter in the work of thy hands, and grill in the sins of thy making. Behold, now, the end of thee and the reaping of what thou hast sown!"

Michael waved his hand rearward, and Lucifer scowled as he looked beyond his brother at the approaching slow march of a dark figure. Fire and plumes of smoke trailed him, and the air itself separated into its component parts and screamed in hissing wails of decomposer in the wake of the creature's shadow.

Lucifer knew only one being in all of creation had such an effect on the Earth. 


Chapter One

Know Those That Labor Among You

Suspended in a lattice of flame, Talus awoke. Smoke wafted into his eyes. It burned and grated against his red, swollen pupils as ash clawed against his corneas. Darkness surrounded all he surveyed, and the ever-present stink of charred flesh invaded his nostrils.

Blinking to clear his vision, he saw a figure standing before him. A sole source of light within the living flames of Hell. A source that purported to be God. A lying light that mouthed consolation to his pain. A deceptive balm to ease the excruciating spasms that sought to tear the fiber of each muscle and limb from his torso. For thirty years, he had listened to the unbroken song of lies mixed with truth. For thirty years, Lucifer cackled, tempting him repeatedly, and had now come once more to begin anew his interrogation.

"Worship me," Lucifer said.

Talus's eyes were glazed over, and his defiant silence echoed in the room.

"What is thy name? What is thy rank and title?" queried Lucifer.

Talus raised his head slowly and spoke in agony, "I am Talus, Chief Prince of House Arelim."

Lucifer smiled and spoke to Charon who stood by his side. "He is ready. Let Hell feast upon his stone at this level." Lucifer then spoke to Talus. "What is thy mission to Earth?"

Talus replied, "To rescue the renegade, Iblis."

"How many others were a part of this mission?"

Talus remembered that El had told him he would be a lying spirit to Lucifer and fed him misinformation.

"It was a small cohort of four to secure the angel's rescue."

Lucifer looked at a lieutenant who shook his head. "My sources," the dark prince replied, "indicate that this is a lie. Nevertheless, what were their names and rank?"

Talus raised his head to speak in coughing exhaustion. "Belteshazzar, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. All ministers of flame."

Lucifer smiled at his captive's defiance. "Again, this is a lie. Whom do you serve?"

"El!" Talus screamed for all surrounding daemons to hear. Then his head collapsed onto his breast.

Lucifer spoke to Charon. "Increase the level of Hell's suckling."

Charon roared to the creature and immediately pulses of light streaked through Talus's body.

Talus screamed in agony. Muscles bunched in spasms, and his body contorted as his physical features withered before Lucifer's eyes.

"Let us begin again, shall we? What is thy name, thy rank and thy title?"


*   *   *


The visage of Lucifer morphed and twisted from the regal brother Talus once knew in Heaven, to a face that grinned with gleaming incisors. For thirty years, Talus had waited for Shiloh, clinging to the hope of rescue that El had given before his capture. Once a muscular angel that moved stars and roamed atop the back of astral winds, Talus hung as a gaunt and lanky captive before Lucifer, suspended within the very bowels of Hell. Yet despite the pain, despite the three decades of torture, there was a part of him that refused to be comforted. A part that still believed he deserved the lash for leading his house to anger and rage. Undeserving of El's forgiveness, the ache for absolution still haunted him, and within the flames and smoke, there was yet a lie embedded within his mind. A lie that he might free himself from condemnation through his works alone. A lie that Lucifer pinpointed and exploited, and through the smoke, fire and torture, Lucifer spoke incessantly.

"El forgive you? If so, why art thou laid bare before me, strapped against the intestinal coils of Hell's web? Thou art forsaken, for it was by thy hand that war entered Heaven, by thy hand death was unleashed throughout the realms, and here I now stand, merely cause in the chain of thy actions and stead holder to serve as El's judgment upon thee."

For three decades Talus listened to accusations, sandwiched within temptation.  A meal presented daily for Talus to savor. Lucifer was ever-ready to wait upon his captive host.  Yet despite Lucifer's whispers of freedom, despite his song for Talus to surrender his will, somewhere in the fire, through the corridors of the beast that was Hell, the high prince of House Arelim searched for forgiveness of self to move on, to be free of the condemnation that ached at him.

"Worship me," the melodic voice called repeatedly.

The words of the flatterer flowed soft and scented within the furnace of ash and moans. Soft. Sensual. Soothing. Each word streamed with rhythm and soothing pentameter against the marked howls of the damned. As the worms of Hell suckled upon Talus's kilnstone, screams and echoes of screams reverberated in his ears. Moans, wails and the gnashing of teeth chaperoned his imprisonment, while Lucifer sat in the dark, smirking, taunting Talus with a long golden key that would unshackle him if he but confessed Lucifer as lord.

"Worship me," Satan's harmonic voice whispered. "And you shall return to Heaven."

How much time had passed? Talus thought. He could no longer tell. Lucifer issued the only mark in time, and that only to tout El's continued absence of rescue.

Talus's nude body dangled from tendrils of phlegm within the mucus membrane that was his cage. Though he abode in the realm of the dead, life still beat within his stony heart.

"What good can come by worshiping a false god?" Talus said. He spat on the ground before his eyes rolled into the back of his head, and he slipped into unconsciousness.


*   *   *


Lucifer smiled as he looked upon him, smug in the knowledge that he would exhaust his captive's will and turn his errant brother to his cause. He watched in amusement as Talus squirmed while the angelic flesh-eating bacteria that lined Hell's villi slowly ate his captive alive.

Ahh, he entertains the suggestion and weighs the actions of my cause. Soon...very soon now.

The Usurper sneered, turned from the torture and rose to the Earth's surface to continue his search for El's Son, for Yeshua had taken on flesh and was hidden. Lucifer, relentless as a wolf on the hunt, for decades made the Horde search for the Son of God. Searching for the moment that he might mark for destruction, He who would dare cloak eternity in flesh.

Ashtaroth entered his master's presence and bowed. "My king, I bring report."

"Speak," Lucifer said.

"My Lord, a man has been baptized by the prophet John, and our Grigori report the Heavens opened and El Himself spoke, and even El Pneuma lit upon His head in open manifestation. We thus confirm that it can be none other but He whom thou seek."

The King of Darkness smiled. "Show me," he said.

Ashtaroth retrieved a book and opened the tome. It flashed and showed a man by the name of John preaching in the wilderness of Judea saying, "Repent ye, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand."

Lucifer recognized the prophecy from Isaiah that said, "The voice of one crying in the wilderness, prepare ye the way of the Lord, make His paths straight." And the same John had camel's hair for his raiment, and a leather girdle about his loins; and his meat was locusts and wild honey. And Lucifer watched as Jerusalem, Judaea, and all the region round about Jordan went out to see him and were baptized of him in the Jordan River, confessing their sins.

"Is this it?" said Lucifer. "This lone voice for El is not Shiloh. Did I not do battle so that El's voice would be silenced in the Earth? For lo, these 400 years, none hath preached of Heaven. Now go to and silence this whispering voice of God in the Earth, before a wellspring arises and men turn to El."

Ashtaroth bowed, "Nay lord. Be not angry with thy servant, but watch on."

Lucifer growled his displeasure but stayed on the image until he saw one man that walked differently than the others. The Grigoris also took notice of the man and moved closer to transcript John and the man's speech. John the Baptist looked upon the man, and forbade Him to be baptized saying, "I have need to be baptized of thee, and comest thou to me?"

And the man said unto John, "Suffer it to be so now, for thus it becometh us to fulfill all righteousness."

And John suffered Him. And when the man was baptized, He went up straightway out of the water and lo, the Heavens opened unto Him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon Him and lo a voice from Heaven, saying, "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased."

The image stopped and Lucifer glowered.

"What is this man's name, Ashtaroth?"

"He is called Yeshua."

Lucifer swore in the ancient tongue of angels, grabbed Ashtaroth and shook him.

"How old is this report?"

Ashtaroth cringed in discomfort. "Days old, my Lord, but He may still be by the water."

Lucifer pushed him away, then took flight toward the Jordan River. Finally, the search would be over. And after searching forty days, he found Yeshua in the wilderness, hungry. He eyed the man and cautiously approached, but nothing stood out to draw notice that this man was the Son of God. Lucifer, confident in his invisibility to human sight, lowered himself next to the man and stared into His eyes.

Yeshua returned the stare.

Lucifer, startled that Yeshua could see him while cloaked, stripped away all pretense and appeared before Him in all of his beauty. He gestured invitingly towards the rocks that lay before them and spoke as one might give advice to a friend. "It is unthinkable that one who is begotten of God would starve here in the wilderness. Therefore, if thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread."

But Yeshua answered, "It is written, man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God."

Stymied that the man did not seek to satisfy His flesh's desire, Lucifer transported them to the holy city and seated Yeshua atop the pinnacle of the temple, thinking that he might commit Him to self-destruction, and add to El's already stated public confirmation.

Lucifer then said unto him, "If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down, for it is written, He shall give His angels charge concerning thee, and in their hands, they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone."

Lucifer swelled with pride at quoting El's words, thinking to tempt Yeshua to justify Himself and to show His power before men, demonstrating before all that He truly was who He claimed to be.

Yeshua stood unmoved by Lucifer's ploy to move God's hand in presumption and replied, "It is written again, thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God."

The Prince of the Power of the Air stood baffled and hardened his resolve to commit Yeshua to sin. Thinking that the pinnacle of the temple was not high enough to motivate Yeshua to worship him, Lucifer took him up into an exceeding high mountain. There the angel of light projected a spectral array of all the kingdoms of the world, from the mighty cities of the Roman and Chinese empires, to the pomp of thrones and stately palaces. A barrage of light and fancy did he display that showcased all the wealth, pleasure, and gaiety of the world; and when he was done he said unto Yeshua, "All these things will I give thee if thou wilt fall down and worship me."

Yeshua smirked, unmoved by the glitz and splendor and spoke in authoritative rebuke and warning. "Get thee hence, Satan, for it is written, 'Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and Him only shalt thou serve.'"

Lucifer scowled, and seeing that Yeshua would not be moved, turned away from Him in a frustrated huff, and left Him for a season.

Immediately a cadre of angels materialized. Azaziel bowed his head in reverence and gave his master food that He might strengthen himself. The angel looked toward the direction Lucifer had gone, then spoke to his Lord. "This thing that you are doing can lead to only one outcome, my Lord."

Yeshua nodded. "Indeed."


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