Rebuilding Stone (The Stone Brother Series Book 2) (16 page)

BOOK: Rebuilding Stone (The Stone Brother Series Book 2)
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I drove all night, and it’s now six in the morning. I let
myself into the apartment but decide not to wake her. I didn’t want to scare
her by having her wake up with a man in her bed. It’s killing me though. I’ve
texted her a couple of times, but she hasn’t responded. I think she’s still
ignoring me, so I decide to text her 911. It isn’t but a few seconds later that
she responds.

What’s wrong?-- K

Can you check really quick and see if Kelly left her inhaler
on the coffee table?-- M

K-- K

As she rounds the corner, she jumps back, startled at the
sight of a stranger. It only takes her a second to realize it’s me. Kerrigan is
beautiful, of course. Seeing her with bed hair and wearing flannel shorts and a
barely-there tank top, is the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.

“What are you doing here?” Kerrigan asks.

“I wanted to introduce myself,” I say.

“To whom?” She asks, looking at me like I’m crazy. I walk
over to her and place my hand on her belly.

“To my baby,” I say, as Kerrigan’s eyes grow wide.

“I’m going to kill Kelly,” she mutters.

“Why?” I ask.

“Because that’s something I wanted to tell you, and because
I was still trying to sort through how we would work out custody. I wanted to
be calm when we spoke.”

What the hell? Custody arrangements?

“What do you mean, work out custody?” I ask.

“I live here, Maddox.”

“That is about to change. You’re having my baby. We’re
starting a family.”

“Maddox, you told me not to come. I heard Donna on the
phone. I’m upset, and I don’t know what happened, but it hurt to hear you tell
me not to come.”

“Kerrigan, Donna is an event planner. I was working security
for her. I told you not to come because I was planning on coming here. My baby
will be raised with all of us under one roof. Either you’re moving back, or I
am moving here.” I’m pissed, and right now, I am not even worried about hurting
her feelings.


Maddox is here. He is excited about this baby. When Maddox
hurt me the first time, I was done with him and didn’t speak to him for over a
year. This time I didn’t let myself fully believe he did anything wrong. Maddox
fought too long and too hard to be with me, and with that in mind, I realize
now how much I’ve grown. I can’t move back to Chicago right now because I have
commitments, and I don’t want the added stress of the trial and all the news
coverage of it.

“Maddox, I will move back to Chicago but it won’t be for
several months,” I say. “I don’t know if you know this or not, but I love
decorating and designing. I’m helping a young couple with their wedding. And
Jay is so backed up at the church on filing and sending out invoices for the
missionaries from the church. I can’t just up and leave. I will move back,

“Alright, then I’ll move here,” he says, as if it was no big

“Maddox, you have a job, a career. Stay in Chicago. We can
work something out to see each other more.”

“That doesn’t matter. I’m not going to let my girl go
through her pregnancy on her own. I want to be there for every moment. I want
to see your belly grow. I want to feel my baby kick and listen to its

“Maddox, I know, and I want those things too. You can’t up
and quit, it’ll only be harder when we return. We will both be out of a job
with a new baby. I can make the exciting appointments far in advance so you can
request the time off and be here. That way, you’ll get to hear the first
heartbeat when we find out what we’re having.”

“I don’t like that idea, Kerrigan,” he says, though, I can
tell he understands.

“Me neither. Come here,” I say. He walks over, and I place
his hand on my belly. “That’s your baby in there, Maddox, our baby. We will do
what’s right for him. I love you.”

“Him?” Maddox smirks.

“Yes, him.” I say.

Maddox drops down onto his knees and brings my shorts down
with them. Uh, this is totally gross. I just woke up. I go to pull him up, but
he is a man on a mission.

“I’ve missed your taste, Kerrigan,” he says, his voice is
gruff. I watch as his tongue goes to my clit and his fingers slide inside me.
Right away, I start moaning. It feels so good, so right. I’m shocked when he
actually sticks his tongue inside me. No one has ever done that.

“Fuck, Kerrigan. Your taste makes my head go mad. I can’t
get enough.”

His tongue is so warm. I feel so wet down there from my
juices and his wet tongue. I’m so close— OH MY GOD. Maddox sends me over
the edge as his shoves two fingers inside me and sucks hard on my clit. I want
to slide down this wall that I’m backed up against, but Maddox grabs my ass and
holds me up firmly as I ride out another amazing orgasm.

“Thank you for breakfast,” Maddox says, his voice is silk.

,” I say
with a smile. Living apart from Maddox for the next few months is going to be


Over the next couple months, I work non-stop. I’m working
with Donna more and also pulling overtime at the station. Today was a long day
after working sixteen hours, and I’m ready to Skype Kerrigan. I make her show
me her stomach every time we talk, but there still isn’t a belly. Kelly jokes
with me that she is starting a tab for all the craving runs. I wish it could be
me doing it. I lie down in bed and hit the call button. Kerrigan answers and

“Hey, babe,” I say.

“Hi. I miss you,” she says.

“I miss you, too. I can’t wait until this is all over with
and you’re home with me, where you belong.”

“Me either. Guess what?”

“What?” I answer, as I watch Kerrigan raise her shirt. I
hope she keeps going. Just a quick peek at her nipple would make the stress of
today go away. She stops at her belly.

“You see that?” she asks.

“No. What?”

“The little bump.” She points to her belly. I still don’t
see it.

“Sorry, baby. I still don’t see it.” She pulls her shirt

“Well it’s there I promise. How was your day?” she asks.

“Long. Better now though.”

“I love you, Maddox.”

We tell each other we love each other all the time. I needed
to hear it right now. I’ve been missing her like crazy.

“I love you, Kerrigan. Always.”

We talk a few more minutes and hang up. I didn’t get to see
her nipple. Ah well, I have them memorized. After I jerk off to the thought of
her, I fall fast asleep.


Today is a good day. It’s my twenty-week appointment. Maddox
drove down yesterday because today we get to find out what we are having. In
the beginning, I thought it’s a boy but, now, I think it will be a girl.
Neither Maddox nor I care what we’re having, though, because both of us are
just so excited to be having this baby.

The trial is only about four months away and that makes me
nervous. But, I know, whatever happens, I am loved and safe in the arms of
Maddox. Aaron no longer controls any part of me. I’ve given my all to Maddox.

Long distance sucks. I hadn’t seen Maddox for a little over
a month. He had put in for a detective position and got it. I’m so proud of
him. It just means we can’t see each other as often, which means he hasn’t seen
my new found baby bump. It’s small but you can see it, especially when I’m
naked. Maddox and I showered with each other last night. He couldn’t keep his
hand off of my belly. He was beaming with pride.

“Miss Andrews?” the nurse calls.

Maddox frowns.

“What’s the frown for?” I ask.

“She called you ‘Miss Andrews’. You should be Mrs. Stone,”
he says.

I giggle. Yes, I’d like that, too. We haven’t talked about
marriage much. I assume once I am back in Chicago that’ll change.

We follow the nurse down the hall and into the doctor’s
office. The first thing I notice is the sonogram machine. Now, I am getting
even more excited.

“Any last guess?” I ask Maddox.

“I put a boy in you. I know it.” He smiles and I crack up

“We will see,” I smile.

When the doctor walks in, we make the introductions and he
wastes no time putting the cold jelly on my stomach. He starts by showing us
the face. I watch Maddox, who looks mesmerized. He doesn’t even blink. He does
however smile brightly. The doctor stops at all the important features making
sure everything is all right.

“Alright. You ready to find out what you’re having?” Dr.
Malone asks.

“Yes,” Maddox and I say in unison.

The doctor runs the Doppler over our proud boy displaying
his boy parts.

“Is that what I think it is?” Maddox asks.

“Yes. That’s your son,” Dr. Malone says with a smile.

“I’m having a son. Kerrigan, we are having a son,” Maddox
says. His voice is so excited that it’s infectious. I start laughing. He leans
down and kisses me way too passionately for the doctor's office.

“Thank you for this, Kerrigan. Thank you.”


I’ve been back in Chicago for a couple of weeks now.
Everyone at the precinct knows I am having a son. If I’m telling the truth, all
of Chicago must know, by now. I announce it to anyone who will listen. I’ve
never been so proud of anything in my life. My life would be perfect right now,
but Kerrigan still isn’t here and I am missing most of her pregnancy. I felt
like shit because I couldn’t help her through her morning sickness. Thankfully,
she is past that now. I’m proud of her and everything she’s overcome. Our son
has an incredibly strong mother.

Tonight, Evan is coming over for the first Bears game of the
season. Noah is unable to make it because he is busy with two kids. Molly
finally relented and allowed him to hire a nanny. She needs the help,
especially, if they are going to try for another baby.

My thoughts are interrupted by a knock at my door. It’s loud
and rushed. I know it’s not Evan or Donna. So, I look through the peephole and
see Lani looking over her shoulder. She looks terrified. Immediately, I open
the door and jerk her inside. I step into the hallway to make sure there isn’t
any trouble. Not seeing anything, I shut the door.

“What’s wrong, Lani?”

“Maddox, I’m in trouble,” she starts crying. But, it’s not
really a cry. It’s straight out terror. Her eyes are wide. She keeps pacing and
peeking out of the window.

“What kind of trouble?” I ask. Just as I say that, I hear
another knock. I know it’s Evan but it scares the hell out of Lani. She rushes
into the bathroom. I fling open the door so Evan can come in. I take off to the
bathroom. Looking back to Evan I ask, “Did you see anything suspicious

“No. Why?” Evan says, instantly on alert. I wait to answer
him because I know Lani is terrified.

The moment I open the bathroom door she runs straight into
my arms and starts shaking.

“Calm down. Breathe Lani,” I say, running my hands up and
down her back. I can feel her whole body tremble against mine.

“What’s going on?” Evan demands.

“I don’t know. She got here just before you did. She said
she’s in trouble,” I explain.

Lani takes a couple of deep breaths and calms down enough to
say, “Listen to me, both of you. If anything happens to me, I need you all to
get to Chicago’s First Savings bank. I have a lockbox there and it has files.
Please get them. Maddox, I left your name as co-owner.”

Both Evan and I are trying to process what she is saying.
Lani thinks she is as good as dead. That much is clear.

“Alani, talk to me. I can help,” Evan says. And, I know, in
this moment, he is going to step up and be who Lani needs. He removes Lani from
my arms and just holds her.

“You can’t help me. I dug too deep. I couldn’t let it go.”

“Let go of what Lani?” I ask.

“The incident in high school,” she whispers.

“Can we get that night out in the open. I know a little of
Kerrigan’s side and what Aaron is claiming,” Evan says.

I am confused but I wait before asking my questions.

“Kerrigan, Missy, and I all ended up at a party one night in
high school. None of us knew each other but, after that night, we shared a
connection that altered our lives. Missy and I were drugged that night. My
memories are foggy, but I know who gave me the drink that night. The guys had a
hold on me, pulling at my clothes and touching me. I could see a girl, who I
now know was Missy, passed out on the bed. I was fighting and trying to get
away. Kerrigan barged in. Two of the guys went after her and tried to take her
clothes off. I ended up getting free from the guy, and Kerrigan told me to run.
I was so scared. I did what she told me to but I also yelled at them that I was
calling the police. Thankfully, they let go of Kerrigan. That’s how we became
best friends. Over the years, I’ve kept tabs on the guy who gave me the drink.
From my foggy memories and investigation, I narrowed the other possibilities of
men down. Not too long ago, I showed Missy a picture. She couldn’t identify
this guy but she started shaking. I know she was drugged worse than I was and I
wonder if her subconscious knew. So, I started looking into him and found out
he has had charges brought against him but they’ve all been dropped. Evidence
would either go missing or the women would die.”

“Who is this guy?” I ask.

“Jackson Morgan,” Lani responds.

“The governor’s son?” Evan asks.

“Yes, that’s whose house we were at that night.”

Evan runs his hands through his hair. I know I want to hunt
these guys down and kill them. No doubt, Evan is feeling the same way.

“Why do you think he wants to kill you?” Evan asks trying to
make sense of all of this.

“I got this today. It was slipped under my door. He was at
my home. What am I going to do? He knows where I live,” Lani says and she
starts shaking again.

Evan pulls her in tighter while taking the note from her.

“Lani, I promise you. I’ll kill him before he gets near you
again.” Evan’s voice is eerily calm. I shake my head when I realize Evan is
telling the truth. He would kill him.

Evan reads the note first. After he is done reading it, he
throws my damn remote I just spent thirty minutes searching for.

I take the note from him. It reads:

My Dearest Alani,

I had my eye on you that night, the nice innocent virgin who
disobeyed her parents. I remember what your tits felt like in my hand. I’m
happy you came looking for me. I’ve been thinking about you.

I think your car is cute. I really like when you wear that
short black skirt. I’ve been lucky enough to see your panties as you part your
legs to get in.

I thought it would make me jealous watching another guy fuck
you. It doesn’t. He doesn’t fuck you the way I will.

Keep on searching for me. I’m closer than you think.


Your Jax


Tell Missy she is turning my son into a sissy. I’ll be around
to collect him, soon.

“Lani, give me the evidence and I will arrest him,” I say.

“I don’t have solid proof yet. I was trying to get close
enough to get a DNA sample. The only things I have are allegations with botched
evidence. None of it will hold up in court.”

“We have you.” And Kerrigan, I think. Fuck. I don’t want to
add this to Kerrigan’s worries.

“Jackson did grab us, but he didn’t rape us. Besides, he is
off the grid. He has millions in offshore accounts. If he doesn’t want to be
found, he won’t be.”

“Well, give me the information. I’ll do some digging. In the
meantime, you can crash here. Do not go home,” I say. I look over to Evan and
his stare burns a hole in my head.

“Fuck that. She is coming home with me,” Evan snaps.

“No, I’m not Evan. I’ll stay here,” Lani responds.

“I live on the top floor of the most secure apartment
building in Chicago,” he says.

It’s true. She is safest at his place.

“Lani, he’s right,” I say in agreement.

“No. Shit. I can stay at a hotel. I’ll think of something,”
she says.

“Why won’t you just stay with me?” Evan asks pissed. Lani
doesn’t answer and Evan looks down at her. “Why, Alani?”

“I’m afraid of you,” she whispers.

“Why are you afraid of me?” he asks.

“The way you talk to me. The way you look at me. You’ve
kissed me when I didn’t ask for it.”

“Alani, I won’t hurt you ever.”

“I can’t stay with you, Evan. I’m sorry.”

“Oh, yes you are. If I have to kidnap you to make sure
you’re safe, that’s what I’ll do,” he says.

“See, that’s what I mean. You want to control me. You want
me to submit and be some sort of toy for you. I’m not who, or what, you think I

“Alani, why does my behavior scare you? I’m a man who knows
what he wants. I want you. We’ve been around each other on and off for the last
two years. Have I ever done anything to you? Have I hurt you? Think about this
really hard and then answer me as to why you won’t stay with me?”

“Because my feelings for you scare me,” Lani whispers.

Both Evan and I back up as though she had smacked us.

“What? You’ve been nothing but a royal bitch to me.”

“Because I wanted you to hate me, to leave me alone. Why
couldn’t you just hate me?” she asks.

“Because, apparently, the universe decided you were mine,”
Evan offers as an explanation.

“Evan, if I stay with you, it’s not for the reasons you

“I want to keep you safe,” he answers.

We talk for a couple more hours trying to decide what we say
to Missy and Brayden. My hands might be tied here because there isn’t a judge
who would order a search warrant without undeniable proof, not when it comes to
the governor’s son.

I’ve never been this happy to have Kerrigan in Kentucky.

After we talk about it, we decided to keep Missy in the dark
for now. Evan called to hire personal security for Missy and Cade. They’ll stay
in the background. We decide to tell Brayden because Evan and I agreed, if it
were our girl, we’d want to know. Needless to say, Brayden went batshit crazy.

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