RED HAZE: A Werewolf Story for the 21st Century (22 page)

Read RED HAZE: A Werewolf Story for the 21st Century Online

Authors: Ian Redman

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Action & Adventure, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Thriller & Suspense, #War & Military, #Thrillers & Suspense, #Military, #Supernatural, #Werewolves & Shifters, #Fantasy, #Thriller, #Thrillers

BOOK: RED HAZE: A Werewolf Story for the 21st Century
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Doctor Lana Franke leisurely slid the gearlever of her hired, red coloured BMW 3 Series a notch higher and drove on up the winding mountain road. She was excited. Her luggage had been packed carefully with the greatest of attention, including a selection of her brand new, highly fashionable clothing and her finest lingerie. Slowly, her lips creased into a gentle but evocative smile. Otto would be so pleased to see her, she thought. She had missed him greatly over the last few days and was so looking forward to pleasing him again.

With a slight hint of excitement, Doctor Franke’s thoughts turned to the packing of her bags. Her white physician’s coat had been folded neatly next to the small box containing the sterilised needles, and this time she had brought a surgical mask, just for a change! As if teasing herself, a thrilling feeling ran slowly through her veins, her skin developing goose pimples as her thoughts focused on the latest recording she also carried, for her lover to view. She giggled in anticipation of the evenings ahead. Of the fun, the excitement…and the pain she would once again inflict on the man she was so utterly obsessed with. Oh, the thrill of it all!

And then…there was the castle itself!

Feldtberg Castle! The magnificent sixteenth century building just nineteen kilometres North of Innsbruck and a stone’s throw away from the German border, grandly sited in its own, mostly forested grounds. Otto Von Kurst had seized the opportunity to purchase the old fortification in the mid nineties and people from all over the world had attended the auction. But for Von Kurst, the castle was already his, the bidding lasting over an hour, the German millionaire businessman outbidding all comers again and again.


How he had revelled in his new purchase, for with Feldtberg Castle came the development of Otto’s boyhood dreams, the dreams he had discussed with his father time and time again. So it was that Camelot developed, based on the concept of Heinrich Himmler’s Black Knights, the SS, and the legendary tales of England’s King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. Feldtberg Castle was to be no ordinary castle and certainly no tourist attraction. Upon its purchase, the now private lands had been closed to the general public. Work on the castle’s refurbishments had started within two months and had lasted well over a year. The beautiful castle, set high on a craggy, forested ridge remained true to its original form, but now its hardened concrete walls, built up to heights of between thirty to forty metres, were reinforced. The outer perimeter of the castle was octagonal in structure and surrounded the formidable castle tower, commonly known as The Keep. Built into the central grounds, The Keep stood over eighty metres high, with extended ramparts sectioned on different levels. Perfect for defensive positions! The work beneath the castle’s foundations had also proved a great success, with several offices, two armouries and sleeping quarters all in place. Now, Feldtberg Castle was certainly a sight to behold, with Otto Von Kurst being very proud indeed of his own newly fortified Camelot.

His own…Black Camelot.


“Good morning Doctor Franke, it is a pleasure to see you again.” The two men beside the castle gates seemed genuinely pleased to see their guest.

Smoothly, the electric window of Lana’s BMW slid down as the cold, chill Austrian air breezed into the car’s luxurious interior. It was still misty at this altitude, but the day itself would be full of sunshine, she was sure of that! “Good morning Jakob, I trust you are well?” The physician’s smile would have melted the heart of any man.

“Indeed Doctor,” the stocky, tough looking guard returned the smile as he thought about what ‘he’ would like to do with Doctor Lana Franke. “The Fuhrer is expecting you,” he turned to his colleague, “open the gates.” From within the well built outer gatehouse, a button was pressed and the castle’s thick reinforced electronic oak gates silently slid open.

Lana smoothly slid the BMW once more into gear and drove slowly through. What a perfect specimen of a man, she thought, absolutely perfect! Mischievously, she gazed back through her rear view mirror as the gates slid by. All of a sudden, she noticed something about Otto’s guards. Both men had handguns in holsters attached to their thick military belts. Their security uniform was also different! This time the two wore padded, mottle patterned camouflage jackets. It must be nearly time, she thought. The war has been brought forward!


“READY!” Ash Piper swung the Heckler and Koch USP 45 SOCOM Pistol into a front facing two-handed grip. For five seconds a loud metallic buzzer rang through the target range. It was a warning telling all in the vicinity that firing was about to commence. An accented voice spoke through Piper’s headphones, “targets at varying distances Sergeant, they’re all yours!”

The first one, to the left! A board with a figure painted on it. Piper fired…a critical hit! The next, to the right, thirty metres, Piper aimed and fired, another hit! Perfect! Now, up front, fifty metres, he fired again, a major stomach wound! Over to the right, forty metres, this time a Double Tap, just to make sure! And so it continued, until all twelve rounds were emptied.

Piper released the USP’s ammo clip, letting it drop to the floor as he shouted down the Com-link attached to his headphones. “CHANGING MAG, SPORADIC TARGETS, MOVEMENT DEFINED, READY!” This time the targets moved along rails, back and forth, to left and right. Another twelve shots struck home! Piper was pleased. He released the spent ammo clip once again. “CHANGING MAG, ATTACHING SUPPRESSOR!” There was a pause and Piper continued, “KEEP WITH THE SPORADIC TARGETS, BUT INCREASE SPEED… READY!” This time the flash and noise of the USP’s twelve shots were muffled, dampened. Piper hit his targets again and again.

“Nice shooting Sergeant, we’re ready to reduce the lighting.” Another empty ammo clip clattered to the floor along with the cases of spent bullet rounds.

“OKAY, CHANGING WEAPON,” Piper picked up another USP, this time with a lethal targeting device attached under its barrel.  ‘NOW UTILISING USP WITH LASER AIMING MODULE, SPORADIC TARGETS, KEEP THEM MOVING… READY!” The firing and targeting continued for over half an hour. Soon enough, the final ammo clip dropped to the floor. As usual, Sergeant Ashley Piper had tested himself to the limits on every target. Slowly, Piper walked out of the CEATA firing range booth, his face showing signs of annoyance.

“Good shooting Sergeant, ninety four percent success.”

“That’s not good enough for me Pierre, not good enough at all.” Piper had a great deal on his mind as he handed over the two handguns.

“So why are you so keen to practice with the USP 45 SOCOM?” Pierre Anray, the chief armourer at CEATA wore an inquisitive yet slightly mischievous look on his face.

Piper answered, his blue and amber eyes meeting Anray’s, “Pierre, the SOCOM is ideal for infiltration and assassination assignments. As far as I am concerned, nothing else can match it!”

CEATA’s chief armourer replied, nodding his head slowly, “mmm, yes, quite possibly so, although I could recommend…”

“Sorry, I’m not interested!” With Piper’s blunt answer hanging in the air he hastily walked to the armoury’s exit door then, almost as an afterthought he briskly turned around and spoke again. “Pierre, do me a favour! Keep the USP with the LAM attachment ready for me will you, along with the suppressor and several clips of ammo?”

Anray’s inquisitive look returned, “of course Sergeant Piper, but why?”

“Because I have a feeling I’m going to need it!”


“Hello Wotan, hello Wiki.” Lana Franke had only just opened the boot of the BMW when the German Shepherd dogs raced to greet her. Although not overly fond of animals, she did enjoy making a fuss over Wilhelm Oratz’s dogs, mainly because it annoyed him so much. “How are you both?” she leaned down and stroked her hand through their ruffled fur, the two dogs rolling onto their backs enjoying the attention.


Lana instantly recognised the bellowing voice across the courtyard, even before she had looked up. “Good morning Wilhelm,” the physician’s voice, as usual, held a hint of sarcasm and distaste.


“I see you’ve brought your only friends with you.”

Wilhelm Oratz did not reply as the dogs leapt up the steps and into the castle’s main hallway. He turned his back and walked in.

“Thanks for offering to help with my bags, pig!” she whispered.

“Fraulein, please…” one of Von Kurst’s guards rushed to her side and picked up the two cases, “allow me.”

“Thank you.” The two walked hastily up the steps into the main hallway, Lana gazing once again at the medieval armour and weaponry that adorned the walls and so many corridors throughout the castle. Fleetingly, she remembered Otto’s words upon her first visit, ‘never touch the blades of the weapons Lana, they are extremely sharp.’


“This memo needs to be sent to Mister Bertulusi as quickly as possible Helga, the sales meeting at our Rome facility is very important. Mister Oratz will follow up as soon as he can.”

Helga Zeist finished writing her notes. “Of course Mister Von Kurst. I will send the e-mail immediately.” Otto Von Kurst’s secretary casually walked to the door of his office, her usual happy, smiling face set like stone, for she knew Lana Franke had just arrived.

Helga turned and faced her ex lover, a myriad of emotions seeping through her troubled mind.  “Otto,” her voice was practically a whisper.

“Yes, Helga.”

“Thank you for allowing me to join you. The Castle is as beautiful as ever!”

Otto Von Kurst did not need to see Helga’s expression, he could sense her sadness…and jealousy! “It is time for you to join us here Helga…” deftly, he pointed his right index finger at her, “you know that…don’t you?”

Von Kurst’s voice was still business like, but there was something different in the way he spoke, making Helga tremble slightly. “Yes…yes, I have felt the changes over the last two months or so, and I am starting to eat more raw meat.” She paused, “I still think of you…so much.” A tear welled up in Helga’s right eye. She gently dabbed at it with a tissue, being careful not to smudge her make-up.

“You are slowly joining The Were Helga. As I told you before, the changes will take place over time, but you must make provision for your future. I will help, for I have sensed the changes in you.” In the ensuing silence, they both heard brisk footsteps moving closer to the office. A woman’s footsteps!

“Thank you Otto,” Helga whispered, her voice still full of emotion.

“Do not be afraid Helga…do not be afraid!”

The office door flew open and Lana Franke made her grand entrance, “Otto, my darling…” her words stopping in mid sentence, her eyes swiftly focusing on Helga Zeist. “Oh Helga…how nice to see you again.” Lana Franke’s attractive face swiftly registered displeasure.

“Doctor Franke, it is very nice to see you too.”

Helga exited the office and closed the door, Lana’s piercing gaze saying everything as she glared at Otto Von Kurst. “WHAT THE FUCKING HELL IS SHE DOING HERE OTTO?” she yelled.

Von Kurst remained calm and patient. He smiled, stood up and slowly walked over to his beautiful, breathtakingly sexual mistress. Ever so gently, he wrapped his arms around her and whispered in her ear, “business my love…strictly business.”


“Twenty minutes to final position Nick, we’re on schedule.” Jean-Paul was clearly excited, so was Nick Lucas. “You worked wonders with the CIA to obtain the SPYSAT Nick, but then again, they did owe us…BIG TIME!”

“Too right  Jean-Paul!” Nick smiled, “do you remember all the hassle we had last year, when we assisted the Langley crowd with extra communications for that Al-Qaeda job? Shit, the NATO 3 System was nearly blowing a gasket, anyway, I need another Coke. Do you want anything from the drinks machine?” Nick enjoyed working with the young Frenchman. Just like himself, Commander Hertschell had ‘talent spotted’ Jean-Paul, this time from French Intelligence. The rest as far as Nick Lucas would say, was history.

“No I’m fine, thank you Nick.”

“Okay, well, I’ll drop in on Ash and Doctor Descard and give them an update.”


“Not long now,” Ash Piper sat down in Jeanette Descard’s office as she finished a report on her laptop.

“This is a very unusual request Sergeant Piper,” said Jeanette, her concentration fully focused on the small screen in front of her.

“This is a very unusual war, Doctor Descard.”

Jeanette finished typing and sat back in her chair, her sultry gaze now fixed on Piper’s.

The dark blonde haired CEATA agent leaned forward, “so, tell me a little bit more about yourself Jeanette, seeing as we have a few minutes left before we spy on Von Kurst Electronics.”

“Well, let me see…what is there to tell?”

Her voice was sultry, almost erotic thought Piper. Is she flirting with me?

Jeanette stared up at the ceiling, then again at Piper. “For your information, Ashley,” the seemingly teasing tone of voice made Piper smile, “my interest in criminal psychology began when I attended a four year doctorate at the ‘Universite Pierre Mendes’ in Grenoble, from which I received, how you would say, an honours degree. From there, my career took shape…” she laughed quietly, “…sorry, that wasn’t meant to be a joke.”

Ash laughed, his blue and amber eyes fixed as if hypnotised on the woman sat across from him. Here he thought, was a very beautiful, intelligent and very sexual lady. Yes, he was beginning to like Jeanette Descard, and her radiant outlook on life.

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