Red Hot Liar (9781617738654) (22 page)

BOOK: Red Hot Liar (9781617738654)
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Suge didn't give Bunni so much as a glance, but the look he gave me was cold and hard. “Chill out, Mink. I got some business going on and I need you to play your role, lil mama. Be a big girl and let me handle this thang, a'ight?”
“Let you handle
?” My whole body felt like a question mark as I stared up in his face. “What the hell is up with that shit? You bring some stray chick up in here—the
damn heffa I saw you with on TV, and then you tell
to calm down?”
“I told you I had some business to take care of, didn't I? I told you that you could trust me, right?”
“Trust you?” I smirked. “Are you fuckin' kidding me? I wouldn't trust your ass as far as I could throw a—”
“Superior?” The back door opened again and the Asian chick peeked her head inside and called out his name.
“Oh, there you are!” She smiled and stepped in the house, and that's when the wrath of Bunni came down on her and damn near knocked her on her ass.
“Excuse me, Miss Thang!
me! Can't you see black folks is talking?” She pointed toward the door. “This is an A and B conversation so heffah can you kindly C-C-C your damn way out of it?”

me!” that bony heffa blasted right back! She had the nerve to pop her neck and imitate Bunni with her booty stuck out and her hand on her hip. “I'm looking for my date, if you don't mind. And yes, black folks
tawkin'—” She twisted her lips and stuck out her chin, and then rolled her lil beady eyes real ghettoish and said, “So why don't you try being quiet for once,
“Trick!” Bunni screeched, bopping up on her with her fists balled up. “Who you marking? I'm 'bout to bust you in your grill and snatch you by your extra-silky Remy and wax this whole fuckin' floor up with your ass!”
“Please don't attack me!” the chick shrieked and cowered near the door when she saw Bunni coming at her. Looking scared, she covered her mouth like Bunni was about to knock the taste off her lips.
“Ay!” Suge loomed tall and shot Bunni an evil glance and warned, “Don't even think it, goddammit. That right there is a
, so don't you threaten her and don't you disrespect her either. You better back up and act like you got some sense.”
Bunni was on one. “Fugg
! Don't nobody give a damn about
! You better carry her starving ass back to the greasy little take-out joint where you got her from!”
“I'm sorry.” The chick had the nerve to bust a little tear from her eye as she went back to playing her role. “I didn't mean to be nasty, but I won't be insulted in this manner, Superior. Not even by your family members. Perhaps I'd better go.”
!” Bunni hollered.

I screamed.
“Hold up, Miyoko!”
As booming as his voice was Suge sounded like a dick-nipped puppy as he damn near broke his neck rushing over to her, and just seeing another bitch put the hold on him made my heart fall down to the floor.
“I'll drive you home, baby,” he said, coddling her ass. “Just let me get my keys and I'll drive you home.”
I broke. “
? Nigga, please! Why in the hell is you calling her scrawny ass
The girl glared at me with the same hater face she had given Bunni. She looked like she wanted to get loose and pop some more yang, but when I raised up toward her she jetted past me and took off toward the front door.
“Lil Bit wait—” Suge reached for her as she went by.
“No,” the chick said coldly, staring me down as she held her hand up like a stop sign and then turned her frosty eyes on Suge. “I'll drive myself. And don't bother to pick me up tomorrow either. I'm cancelling our meeting with my father. You were never serious about your promises to me. I'm calling the whole thing off.”
Bunni was steady cursing the chick out as she marched her skinny ass toward the front door, but Suge never moved another muscle and neither did I as I stared up into his dark, flashing eyes.
When he finally opened his mouth his voice sounded like ice being scraped off the inside of a deep freezer. “You fucked everything up Mink,” he said quietly. “Just like a little kid. I told you, no matter what it looked like I needed you to trust me, and you said you was grown enough to do that.”
“I coulda done it!” I protested hotly. “But I ain't
“No,” he agreed as he walked away. “You ain't stupid, but you jealous as fuck and you're insecure too, and when you fucking with a nigga like me that's even worse.”
hat banana-shaped
!” I fumed as me and Bunni followed Dane outside to his SUV and jumped in with him. This was the last fucking straw! I wasn't fuckin' with Suge Dominion no more in life!
“Did you see that hater-look that snake-faced bitch shot me? That slinky-looking chick was smirking and rolling her eyes like she was a winner for real! Heffah ain't have a bump on her nowhere. That ironing-board ass was straight up and down!”
“Nah, she had a lil bump back there,” Bunni admitted, settling into the front seat. “About the same amount of meat that's on a chicken drumette. But she was hatin' all right. Hell yeah, she was hatin'. She's lucky I didn't put my foot in that narrow ass.”
I crossed my arms over my titties and fumed in the backseat. I couldn't believe Suge had played me to the left like that, bringing some long-legged Asian chick on the scene when he had just gotten freaky in the sheets with me!
“That nigga Suge is a dick swinger!” Bunni said as Dane pushed the whip down the long driveway. “I told you my left titty been itching, Mink,” she said solemnly. “I
something was up with his shady ass—”
“Bunni please! No you didn't—”
“Yo watch out!” Dane hollered. He jerked the steering wheel hard to the right, bouncing the shit outta us as he stomped down on the brakes and left burnt rubber on the road. Pilar's Lexus came barging through the gate. She hit the speed bump hard and sailed in the air, then came down straddling the centerline as she damn-near ran us off into the shrubbery.
Peals of laughter cut into the air as Pilar and her passenger cracked the hell up and kept right on rolling.
“Stupid ass!” Bunni yelled, giving Pilar the finger as I stuck my head out the window and watched the Lexus go weaving down the road toward the mansion.
“That fuckin' girl be buggin',” Dane said, shaking his head as he pulled back onto the road and the laughter faded in the air. “What the hell is wrong with her?”
“She's dizzy as hell, that's what,” Bunni snapped, rubbing her neck. “And who was that nigga wildin' out in the whip with her?”
I shrugged in the backseat. “Who knows. Some dark-skinned cat with dreads who had a real big head,” I said, and then muttered halfway under my breath,
“and who put me right in the mind of Gutta.”
Miyoko was mad as hell and looking to wreck Suge's world in all directions.
“I'm not helping you get
from my father, Superior Dominion!” she blasted on him as they stood outside the mansion blowing up the spot. People were coming and going and giving them the eye, but Miyoko didn't give a damn. “You let those horrible ugly
treat me like dirt just now and you didn't even step in to protect me!”
“C'mon now, Lil Bit.” Suge followed her over to her Bentley and posted up in front of her so she couldn't get in. “Forget them chicks. They didn't mean nothing by it.”
“Forget them?” she shrieked, her screwed-up face red as hell. “How could I forget them? They were
to the barbeque! They were treated as honored guests while I was snubbed and insulted like a party crasher!”
“Nobody meant to insult you, baby,” Suge put his big hand on her shoulder and pulled her close as he leaned back on her luxury ride. “Just relax, girl.” The valet was over there giving him a look like, yo, should I call somebody or what, but Suge shook his head and nodded him off. “It was all a mistake, Lil Bit. Just a big mistake.”
“A mistake?” she shrieked, pushing away from him and putting her hands on her hips. “Yeah, just like the mistake you made when you told me the barbeque was tomorrow instead of today, right? Tell the truth for once, Superior!” she demanded, shrieking and snotting like she was creeping real close to the edge. “You didn't want me around here today, did you? That's why you told me the wrong day,
isn't it
Suge was weary as fuck and the hysterical chick was making a scene, but he dug deep down into his manhood and gave it one last try.
“Let me take you for a little ride,” he said, holding out his hand for her keys. “We can have a couple of drinks down at the marina and talk this thing out, a'ight?”
“Go to hell!” she spit, jerking her keys out of his reach. “You're screwing one of those ugly bitches!” She slammed her tiny fist into his washboard stomach and accused him with narrowing eyes. “Which one is it?” she demanded at the top of her lungs. “Ugly? Or
? Which one of those filthy black bitches are you fucking?”
An icy waved washed over Suge and the killer in him peeped out. He didn't give a fuck what it cost whoever. Nobody was gonna disrespect Mink and get away with that shit. No fuckin' body.
“Ay, get gone, Miyoko,” he said quietly, keeping himself in check as he got up off her ride and motioned for her to climb in. He wasn't one for disrespecting women but he had been forced to fold a few bitches up in the past.
“It's time for you to go, baby. Get gone.”
The chill in his voice stilled the stupidity in Miyoko and immediately the hysteria dried up on her tongue.
“I was willing to do anything for you, Superior.” She sniffed and got all weepy on him again. “Anything. Even betray my own father!”
“Gone,” he said coldly, pushing his hands down in his pockets as he nodded toward the gate.
“Okay. I'm leaving. But if you still want to meet tomorrow I'm sure noon is still good for my father.”
“Fuck your father.”
She paused with her hand on the door and a startled expression on her face. “Pardon me?”
“I said,
fuck yo' muthafuckin' daddy!

She pressed her hand to her chest like she was deeply offended. Suge chuckled darkly. The same chick who had just called Mink and Bunni a couple of black ghetto bitches had the nerve to get vexed.
“That's just wrong!” she said. “For someone whose whole family is depending on the Su generosity you don't sound very grateful.”
Suge walked up on her slowly. He towered over her and stared coldly down into her eyes, wondering what in the hell he had ever seen in her, even in his youngest, horniest,
He pulled his hand out of his pants pocket and reached over and yanked her door open.
“You best get on past those gates before I pick this lil piece of shit up and toss it across the street, ya heard?”
Miyoko sniffed and climbed behind the wheel of her extravagant convertible and slammed the door. She clicked a button and the engine purred to life. Then she pressed another button and lowered the window and turned to hit Suge with a murderous glare.
“One day you're going to get exactly what you deserve, Superior! I hope your brother loses this election! I hope my father's testimony sends him to prison for the rest of his life and leaves Dominion Oil penniless! I hope the commission takes one look at those papers and gives every dime of every dollar you've ever made to Zeke Washington and his family! I hope your lying, cheating, rotten ass gets—”
Suge took a menacing step toward the car and Miyoko yelped and stepped on the gas.
“Go to hell, Superior Dominion!” she shrieked as she peeled down the driveway and zoomed toward the gates. “I hope you go straight to hell!”
Pilar had scooped Gutta up from his hotel and headed over to the Dominion mansion late in the afternoon. Gutta was dipped in designer Gucci from head to toe, but he couldn't hide his thugged-out swagger even if he wanted to. He looked over at Pilar, who was dressed to kill and drenched in some old sex potion perfume that had her smelling sweet enough to eat. He couldn't hardly keep his eyes off of her tight waist and bubble ass.
“I see you checking me out with the crazy face.” Pilar smiled as she glanced over at him. “What's the matter? You don't like what you see?”
“Of course I do,” Gutta responded as he licked his lips like LL Cool J. “I'm just kinda nervous 'cause you look good enough to snatch and I didn't bring my pistol with me. Yo, if one of these fools tries to get at me are you gonna protect me?”
Both of them played an image in their minds of Pilar's little petite ass trying to protect Gutta's Hercules-looking ass and they started cracking the fuck up. Pilar had been laughing so hard she took her turn late and swerved real wide into the driveway that led to the Dominion Estate.
“The gate!” she blurted as she hit the gas and zoomed forward. A black SUV was coming out of the gate and Pilar lurched forward and damn near crossed the center-line as she tried to beat the gate and get through before it closed.
“Damn, girl!” Gutta laughed his ass off, grabbing hold of the overhead handle as the SUV veered off into the bushes and blared its horn like the driver was pissed. “Is the food in there that damn bad you gotta kill us before we get to eat it?”
“My bad, but that's your fault,” Pilar said as her stomach ached from laughing so hard. “You got me over here dying and shit!”
They pulled up in front of the Dominion house and Gutta saw the joint was packed out. A whole bunch of political folks, old, young, and even small children, were all over the place eating, shooting the shit, and hanging out.
Yessirrr! I'm up in this muthafucka! They done let a gangsta in the house and they ain't even know it! I'm
bout to turn this shit inside out. I gotta relax and keep my shit sharp, though. The mission is to scope this shit out real tight so I can get inside later on and catch Mink's little lying ass slipping.
Pilar led Gutta through the maze of people and introduced him as her friend named Gutta. She'd wanted to create a little stir up and she got the exact reaction she was looking for. Those uppity tight-asses looked frightened and confused at Gutta, but they shook his hand and tried to act as normal as possible anyway. It was a huge gathering with a lot of people but she was only looking for one person and it didn't take her long to find him. Barron was standing in line by a huge grill where they were serving ribs, and as soon as she spotted him Pilar put her plan in action.
“What you pouting for, ma?” Gutta asked. He had been searching the crowd for Mink when he noticed that Pilar's mood had changed and she was suddenly looking pissed off. “You a'ight? What's the problem?”
“Nothing.” Pilar folded her arms over her titties as she scrunched her face up and put some extra stank all in her attitude. “It's just that this guy I used to talk to is over there and he fucking disgusts me! He used to beat on me and treat me like shit! I can't stand to even look at his ass. I don't want no trouble I just don't like being in the same place with him, that's all.”
Pilar had planted the seed and it didn't take long for her to see the fruit sprout from the tree. She could see Gutta zero in on Barron and his posture change very quickly.
“Yo, that nigga over there looks kinda familiar. He the type to put his hands on females? Well I'ma go say w'sup to his punk ass,” Gutta said, like he wasn't known for knocking bitches on they ass up in Harlem too. “He look soft as shit anyway.”
“No baby. Please don't do that.” Pilar gave a half-hearted attempt to hold Gutta back but it was too late. “It's okay, really. I don't want to start anything out here in front of all these people.”
Gutta was already making his way through the crowd, and when he got up to Barron he bumped him so hard his plate of ribs fell from his hand and hit the grass.
“Damn bruh!” Barron said as he looked up at the menacing Gutta and immediately froze in place.
“Whattup? You look like you seen a ghost or somethin',” Gutta barked as he narrowed his eyes. “Do you know me or somethin', nigga? You grillin' me with the screw face and shit. Nigga, do you know me?”
What Barron wanted to say was,
Hell yeah, I know you goddammit! I paid you good fucking money to get rid of Mink, my nigga, and you fucked it all up!
But of course he couldn't say that shit. How the hell was he gonna admit to knowing somebody that he had paid to kill his long-lost sister and dump her scandalous ass in the East River?
“Naw man, I don't know you,” Barron said, but the look of shock and alarm never left his face. “It's all good, homey.” Barron held up his hand and waved Gutta off. “It's just food, man. I'll make another plate.”
“Yeah, nigga,” Gutta growled. “And while you at it fix me one too, pussy,” Gutta said as he glared down at Barron and challenged him with the killa grill. “But if you feelin' some type of way nigga make a move!”
Barron was stunned.
What the hell is this nut doing at my house and how the fuck did he get here?
“Yo, who you talking to? Man,
bumped into
” he said, pushing back with the disrespect. He hoped like fuck Gutta wasn't strapped and about to pop off, but he wasn't about to get played out in his own backyard. “This is Texas, not Harlem. I suggest you watch your mouth.”
“Aye, you lil
Before Gutta could start barking off again Pilar stepped in to defuse the situation. She loved the panicked look she saw lurking in Barron's eyes. It was a look of fear and turmoil. The same look that had been on her face when he walked up in her house and told her he was leaving her.
Gutta was swelling up mighty big, and Pilar decided to jump in before he slammed Barron through the ground in front of all of their guests.

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