Red Mesa

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Authors: Aimée & David Thurlo

BOOK: Red Mesa
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Title Page

Copyright Notice


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Twenty-Four

Chapter Twenty-Five

Chapter Twenty-Six

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Chapter Twenty-Eight

Chapter Twenty-Nine


Also by Aimée and David Thurlo




To Linda Maestas—friend, neighbor, and possibly the best cook in New Mexico


It was already dark before Special Investigator Ella Clah, head of the major crimes unit for the Navajo Tribal Police, was able to call it a day. As she stepped out the main entrance of the Shiprock station, the cool September air made her realize how stuffy her office had been.

A relatively uneventful afternoon working on reports had made the passage of time excruciatingly slow, and Ella
was looking forward to seeing her daughter and playing with her tonight. The time she spent with Dawn was always the best part of any day.

Ella shook her long black hair loose from the confining silver barrette and looked across the cobalt blue sky to Ute Mountain northwest of Shiprock. The image was said to be that of a sleeping warrior, and tonight, in the light of a bright full moon, it appeared
peaceful. Yet, as the wind blew a gust of cold air against her, Ella couldn’t quite rid herself of the feeling that the Rez was due for a change.

Adjusting her dark brown leather jacket, Ella walked down the steps toward her vehicle. Her young assistant and cousin, Officer Justine Goodluck, had just pulled out of the station’s parking lot. Justine had only recently started dating again after
a failed relationship, and from her rush, and the scent of her perfume still lingering in the station lobby, was apparently going out again tonight. They’d not even crossed paths today because Ella had been wading through paperwork, and Justine had been in her small crime lab, conducting tests and writing reports.

It was probably a good thing that they hadn’t spent any time together today, because
Justine had been a bit testy lately. The fact that they were shorthanded was a major cause of the stress, undoubtedly. Justine had been forced to do a lot more of the work formerly done by Harry Ute, who had resigned the department to become a federal marshal. Cutbacks had prevented the department from finding a replacement.

Ella settled into her dark blue Jeep and backed out of the parking space.
She always had a slot close to the entrance because she was one of the first cops at the station every morning. Of course, with all the funding problems, and the closure of their only branch station, there were fewer cops these days. Even the last officer to arrive had a close space available in Shiprock.

As she drove through the small reservation community, the lights of the supermarket’s parking
lot shone on her hands. It suddenly occurred to her how much they looked like her mother’s, not old, but familiar and strong.

Families. They were at the core of everything she valued these days, though as a single, working mother she couldn’t say that much else about her lifestyle was traditional. Yet, despite that, she still felt strongly connected to everything on the Rez. All things were interrelated,
particularly here. Justine, for example, was her second cousin as well as her assistant at work. That family connection was why Ella couldn’t help but feel a little protective about her at times.

Admittedly she also saw a bit of herself in Justine. That drive to succeed, to become better at her job and make a difference to her people, also defined Ella’s years in law enforcement.

Ella thought
about Justine and the endless possibilities still before her. A woman needed more in her life than her job. In that respect, she was glad that Justine was dating again.

Ella remembered the last time she’d been on a date. It was when she’d told Kevin that she didn’t want to go out with him anymore, that their relationship had been a mistake. She hadn’t known she was carrying his child at the time.
Of course, when she’d told him she was pregnant, Kevin had asked her to marry him, but she’d refused, knowing that they were too different in the ways that mattered to make a marriage work. Kevin had accepted her decision, but had been faithful about coming to see his daughter, a right Ella would never deny him.

Although Kevin was a good weekend father to Dawn, Ella was glad his interest in Dawn
was limited. She wanted to follow the Navajo tradition that said children were the mother’s property, in a very loose sense of the term, and belonged with her. She had a gut feeling that Kevin’s ambitions and his desire for success would someday create no end of trouble for him and everyone who was a part of his life.

Ella brushed those thoughts aside and instead focused on seeing her eighteen-month-old
daughter’s smiling face when she got home. Dawn was growing like a weed, and Rose, her grandmother, was the most loving sitter Ella could have found. Rose still disapproved of Ella’s job and would have rather seen her married and settled, but for the most part, the three of them had become a tightly knit family.

Ella passed the new housing area where the old helium plant employee houses had once
stood, and now Ship Rock was visible to her right, standing several miles from the highway.

Hearing her radio crackle and her call sign coming through, Ella focused on the transmission.

“This is dispatch, requesting assistance for Officer Goodluck at the Cortez Highway Food N’ Fuel. A 2-11 is in progress. Go Code One. Be advised that the officer reports one perp armed with a handgun. Perp is
wearing a stocking mask, jeans, and a dark leather jacket.”

“Dispatch. This is SI One. I’ll respond to the 2-11. ETA five minutes.” An armed robbery was in progress and the PD wanted a silent approach. Ella clicked on her high beams and glanced ahead and then into the rearview mirror, verifying that no vehicles were close. Braking with a practiced amount of pressure, she turned the steering wheel
with the skills honed on FBI training courses and spun the Jeep around in a one-eighty. With another officer and civilians at the store in danger, she couldn’t afford a wasted motion or a second’s delay. Keeping her siren off but switching on the flashers, Ella raced back north again.

Fortunately most of the traffic was heading her way, so she was able to pass through town quickly. Turning off
her flashers, Ella drove another mile across the top of the mesa. The convenience store was only a bit farther up the road. Ella purposely held off on using her radio, not wanting to compromise Justine’s position if her partner was still undetected by the suspect.

Suddenly a frantic radio call broke her concentration. “Ten thirty-seven at the Food N’ Fuel! Officer needs help. Ella, what’s keeping
you?” Justine’s voice came in loud and strong.

Shots had been fired. Ella could now see the convenience store ahead on her right, and she turned on her flashers and siren, letting both Justine and the perp know that more cops were approaching. The element of surprise had already been lost.

“I’m almost there, Justine. What is your 10–10?”

“I’m heading around the building in pursuit of the suspect.
Leather jacket, jeans. Tall, with long hair and a stocking mask, according to the clerk. I haven’t gotten close enough to see his face yet. He headed around the back. Ten-four?”

“Hold your position, Justine. Which side of the building are you on, north or south?” Ella didn’t want the perp to get away, but she also didn’t want any confusion in the dark. Any officer would be on edge and quick to
fire after being fired upon. Ella waited for a response, but all she got was static on the radio.

“Justine? Confirm your location.” Ella looked ahead anxiously as she pulled into the dimly lit parking lot. The sides of the building were cloaked in shadows as black as velvet. Ella tried to raise Justine again, but the static was even louder than before.

Ella looked around and saw that Justine’s
car was parked in a space to the left of the entrance, a strategy most of their officers used when approaching a convenience store during peak robbery hours, usually from dusk to dawn. When exiting the vehicle, officers would have their own car for protection in case they encountered an emerging, armed robber.

Ella pulled up directly behind the only other vehicle there, a beat-up pickup. If this
was the perp’s transportation, her position would deny the driver a getaway.

Slipping out the driver’s side, keeping her car’s engine block between her and the gunman in the building for protection, Ella gave the scene a quick survey—from left to right there was an ice machine, double-door entrance, and newspaper rack. Inside the store, no heads or bodies were visible. If the clerk was alive,
he or she was staying on the floor. She listened for the sound of footsteps, but the night was silent.

Ella tried her radio again, but heavy static still prevented her from reaching dispatch or contacting Justine. Pistol in hand, she ran to the store entrance and crouched down low, peeking around the doorframe and listening.

On the floor beside the dairy case was a clerk in the store’s standard
red shirt. “Police officer. Are you alone?” she whispered, watching for movement elsewhere in the store.

“The guy’s gone. The other officer ran after him. He took a shot at her, but I think he missed.”

“Which direction did they go?” Ella half turned and looked out toward the ice machine.

“To your left out into the dark. That’s all I saw.” The man started to sit up.

“Stay down till we catch
this guy, but get behind the counter. More help is on its way.” Ella heard footsteps on the cement outside. She looked out and saw someone in a stocking mask peering around the right side of the store. Seeing the barrel of the person’s gun from where she stood, she dove flat and brought her own pistol up and around, but by then her target had disappeared. Rolling quickly to her right, Ella sprinted
out, using Justine’s car for cover, and looked in the direction the perp had gone.

Not knowing if her partner was lying wounded somewhere out in the darkness, Ella hurried quickly to the corner of the building and looked down the side wall. The perp disappeared around the corner just as she came into view.

Fearing an ambush, Ella moved away from the building and circled wide, slowing to move
as silently as possible through the darkness and across the rocky ground. The perp would probably assume she’d hug the wall, and her approach from farther out might throw him. She kept her pistol trained on the corner as she inched forward, the faint radioactive glow of her special tritium sights giving her an edge in the darkness.

As she approached the rear of the store, Ella caught sight of
the perp flattened against the side of a Dumpster by the back door, underneath a single dim, flickering light. She took aim and walked slowly forward, hoping he wouldn’t notice her until she was close enough to guarantee a hit in the uncertain light if she needed to fire.

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