Read Red Phoenix's Passion is for Lovers Collection (Boxed Set) Online

Authors: Red Phoenix

Tags: #Romance, #erotica, #Novella

Red Phoenix's Passion is for Lovers Collection (Boxed Set) (22 page)

BOOK: Red Phoenix's Passion is for Lovers Collection (Boxed Set)
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Having taken her twice before, he was familiar with her vocalizations and didn’t stop. Lauren was grateful, not wanting anything to stop the intense feeling. “That feels so good, Cyril.”

He groaned in response. “I know. It feels

Cyril began pounding her more rapidly. The sound of their flesh slapping against each other filled the tiny apartment. Lauren started screaming when she was fully opened by his huge cock. “Quiet, sweetness. The neighbors are still sleeping,” he said in a husky whisper.

She clamped her mouth shut. A tingling feeling started in her toes and traveled all the way up her body. This was what she wanted; this was what her body and soul needed. “Fuck me harder,” she begged.

His pounding took on a more desperate pace as he gave into her desire to be taken completely. He forgot himself and yelled, “Take all of me, Lauren!” He slammed into her repeatedly in rapid succession.

She couldn’t breathe it felt so good. Tears of joy ran down her face as she concentrated on the fire building inside her. His cock continued to hit a spot deep inside that shot bursts of electricity throughout her groin. “More, Cyril, more!” she panted.

“I’m giving it all,” he groaned in answer. All of the sudden she felt warm pressure deep inside her. Cyril started grunting even louder as his cock rammed that special spot. The stimulation was too much and her body clamped down on his cock, caressing it with its pulsations.

“Are you coming?” he croaked. Lauren couldn’t speak; she just nodded her head and whimpered in ecstasy. “Good… come for me, baby girl. Come all over my cock.”

She had never felt anything as profound as sharing her ecstasy with Cyril deep inside her. For one beautiful moment, the two were one. He kissed the back of her neck as she finished coming for him.

“Oh baby, baby…” he murmured. Cyril slowly pulled out afterwards, his cock still rock hard and needing release. Lauren moved down and kissed his wet cock. It tasted of her own sexual juices, all salty and sweet. Lauren started licking and sucking, cleaning him thoroughly.

Cyril’s cock was about to explode and pulsated under the caress of her tongue. He groaned from the exquisite torture her eager mouth provided. Her tongue traveled down the length of his shaft until it came to his balls. She took one into her mouth and sucked gently. He grunted in pleasure. Lauren released the suction and moved to the other one, sucking it gently into her mouth as well.

“I’m so ready to come.”

Lauren readied herself and started stroking his cock with her hands as she teased the head of it with her mouth. She could feel him tensing and knew he was close. His balls suddenly retracted as a large amount of come shot into her mouth. Lauren swallowed it, letting the excess travel down her chin as another load burst into her mouth. She drank him up with enthusiasm.

His whole body shook as the powerful climax took hold of Cyril. The ability to make him orgasm so forcefully was intoxicating to her. His unrestrained groans in the throes of passion made her wet again.

“You’re too much,” he said afterwards. Cyril got up and retrieved a washcloth. He gently cleaned her face with the warm cloth and then took her into his arms. She thought they would go back to sleep in each other’s arms, so she commanded her body to relax even though she was still hungry for more.

Thankfully, Cyril was sensitive to her unspoken need. She soon felt one of his hands slip between her legs. She opened herself to him and purred when he penetrated her with his fingers. They slid deep inside to that sensitive spot his cock had stimulated before. His long fingers swirled over it. Cyril kissed her deeply, murmuring how sexy she was as he played with her. It wasn’t even a choice for Lauren—within minutes she was panting as a second wave of pleasure hit. She cried out in surprise as she came around his fingers.

“Two?” he questioned seductively. Lauren nodded her head against his chest too overwhelmed to answer. “Sexiest woman alive,” he announced to the room.

Cyril rolled to the side and pushed his semi-hard cock back inside as he spooned her. He covered them with the blanket and laid his arm over her protectively.

“Good night again, Lauren. Sweet dreams.”

She snuggled against his warm body, pushing him in deeper. Life couldn’t get any sweeter than falling asleep with her lover deep inside her. She fell into a profound slumber and didn’t awaken until Cyril came out of the bathroom the next morning showered and dressed. “Sleep well?”

Lauren stretched out lazily and then winced. There was no doubt she was sore from their enthusiastic romp the day before. “Slept like a baby,” she answered.

However, Cyril noticed the wince and asked in concern, “How are you feeling today?”

She smiled. “A little sore maybe, but other than that good. Better than good, actually.”

He came over to the bed and stooped down to give her a kiss. “Would you like me to stay home today?”

Lauren looked up into his midnight eyes with confidence. “No, I think I am going to get a newspaper and start looking for a new job.”

“Shall we meet up for lunch then? I can show you where I work.”

She sat up in his bed. “I’d love to see what you do.”

“It’s not all that exciting, trust me. But it pays the bills and I seem to have a knack with cars.”

“Guess what? I’ve decided to work at a fancier restaurant so I can make more in tips. I’m going to save my money for college and finish my degree just like my mom wanted.”

“That sounds like an excellent plan, baby girl. Your mom would be very proud.” He kissed her on the forehead. “I hate to leave you, but I gotta go if I am going to make the subway. I have just enough time to make you a latte if you want.”

“That would be awesome!” Lauren watched as Cyril became her own personal barista, whipping up two professional lattes in no time. He handed one mug to her in bed. “I think I could get used to this,” she joked.

“Me, too,” Cyril replied under his breath. She barely heard him, but it made her heart flutter. He took a long sip and announced, “I left directions to my garage on the counter. Meet me at noon?”

Lauren jumped out of the bed and pressed her naked body against him. “Bye-bye, dear!”

His cock responded to her proximity. He held her at arm’s length, laughing. “I can’t leave with a raging hard-on, Lauren.”

“Sorry, Cyril. I just lov—” She instantly shut her mouth, realizing she’d said the word too soon. She attempted to recover. “… like you too much.”

He bent down to kiss her, whispering just before their lips touched, “I love you, too, Lauren.”

She squealed and wrapped her arms around him, kissing his lips repeatedly. Cyril was everything she needed: rescuer, lover, friend.

After he left, Lauren curled back up in bed and wrapped his blankets around her, drinking in his masculine smell. She slowly sipped her hot latte, basking in the joy she felt. Cyril hadn’t just rescued her from death; he had saved her in every possible way.

Lauren thought back to the dream she’d had the night before. It made her reflect on her mother’s last moments.

“I’m sorry, Lauren. I can’t hang on anymore.”

“But you have to, Mom. I can’t live without you!”

“We weren’t given a choice, sweetheart.”

The tears blurred her vision. “Mom, I won’t have anyone when you go. Please, don’t leave me!”

“I’m so tired of the pain…”

Lauren wiped the tears from her eyes, knowing what she had to do. Keeping a steady voice, she said, “I know you are, Mom. You fought really hard. Thank you.”

“Thank you for caring for me, sweetie. Now you can head back to college and become the big-shot I always dreamed you would be.”

Lauren smiled, even though she knew she would not be going back. “Yeah, a big-shot executive, but no one will love me like they loved you at the diner.”

Her mother slowly raised her hand and Lauren grabbed it. “Yes, they will. You are my beautiful daughter.” She winced in pain and stated coughing.

Lauren got a washcloth and wiped away the mucus and blood that covered her mouth. “It’s okay, Mom. You fought bravely, but now it’s time to let go. I’ll be fine, just like you said.”

Her mother smiled weakly and closed her eyes. “Yes…”

Lauren sat there in the room listening to her ever-shallowing breaths, knowing the time was drawing near. Everything in her wanted to scream, “Don’t leave me!” but Lauren quietly hummed
You Are My Sunshine
. The same tune her mother had sung when she was a little girl.

Suddenly, her mother’s eyes opened. “Lauren,” she said in a barely audible whisper.

Lauren leaned in close to her mouth to listen.

“I won’t leave you, Baby Girl. Not until someone takes my place.”

Lauren hadn’t understood what her mother meant at the time, but now it was beautifully clear.

“You’ve been with me all along, watching over me and guiding me,” she said aloud. Lauren knew she was exactly where she needed to be.

She got out of the bed and put on her shirt before approaching the window. She threw it open and breathed in the brisk morning air. Lauren watched the sun cresting the horizon marking the start of a new day and smiled.

“You can go now, Mom. I’m going to be just fine.”

Play With Me at Noon

An inspiring story for couples

about creating intimate connections

(With an ending that may surprise you)

Play With Me at Noon

Copyright © 2012 by Red Phoenix

This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only.

All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the author.

[email protected]

Edited by RJ Locksley

Book cover design by Red Phoenix. Phoenix symbol by Nicole Delfs.

This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental.

Adult Reading Material

Disclaimer: The material in this book is for mature audiences only and contains graphic sexual content. It is intended only for those aged 18 and older.

BOOK: Red Phoenix's Passion is for Lovers Collection (Boxed Set)
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