Redemption (Book 3) The Fixer Series (10 page)

BOOK: Redemption (Book 3) The Fixer Series
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My buddy had come through for me
, once again.  Tristan was like a brother, and although we had our differences of opinion, we supported each other.  I knew he had my best interest at heart, but I was a married man now, and my priority was my wife.  I needed her well, for herself, her family, 

I myself was worn
-out and tired.  I was still dealing with my father's death and trying to sort through my feelings of guilt and grief.  No one in my family would understand, and my mom had already started asking questions about what had happened over there.  Whoever had cleaned up that crime scene, knew our secrets and had done a fantastic job of making it look like a deal gone wrong.  I wondered if that person, really knew what kind of deal it was.  And that was my biggest issue.  Trying to sort all of this shit out and looking into the company's books to see how my father had funneled the money through. 

My mind drifted and I noticed that Brooke was off in her own little world
, too.  Neither of us said a word to each other, as we sat at the breakfast bar and ate dinner.  I stood, walked and grabbed her medication off the counter.  I pulled out a pill and a glass of water, then handed it to her.  I knew she'd be out like a light, as soon as the pill took hold.  Our repeat of announcing to the world that we belonged to one another, would have to be done at another time. 

I threw away our plates, then headed for bed.  We both lay face to face, looking into each other's eyes as
the lights from outside illuminated our room.  Her eyes closed, her breathing turned heavy, and the last thing I remember, was whispering, "I love you."    



Dr. Marks had given me one the hardest assignments I would ever endu
re.  And reliving my childhood wasn't something I looked forward to.  I had been fighting my emotions since I'd returned home.  I was afraid to face the past, because I knew deep down that I'd have to do it alone.  But I knew that as long as Thomas was breathing the same air as me, I'd never fully heal. 

I woke before Dylan, showered, dressed and got ready for my appointment to have the few stitches I had in my hand removed. 
I also had a plan.  One that I was not willing to share, until I could fully execute it.  I watched Dylan sleep peacefully, before heading into the kitchen.  When I walked in, Tristan was fully dressed and ready to drive me. 

"Good morning, sunshine," he said in a sarcastic tone.  "Did you have fun last night?"

I shot him a "
don't fuck with me"

He laughed,
"You know I'm only messin' with ya, Brooke."

"Yeah, I know.  Don't think I don't know that you were watching and listening in the car yesterday."

"Moi?" he asked, pointing to himself.

"Yeah, you.  I'm not an idiot.  I hope you enjoyed the show, because that's the last one you'll be watching,"

"Oh, I see.  You know what, Mrs. Prescott?  I think you have a thing for challenges."

"Oh please, Tristan.  As if you'd ever stand a chance with me.  Besides, Dylan would kick your ass and Stephanie would have you by the balls."

He laughed a hard, throaty laugh.  "You're probably right, Brooke.  I just like giving you shit, because you dish it right back.  And I'm sorry for listening in, but that was fucking hot!"

I felt warm hands around my waist.  "Hey
, fucker!   Are you hitting on my wife?" Dylan asked.

We all laughed.

"Nah, man, she's all yours.  But she does have a great sense of humor.  She doesn't take shit from no one.  You might want to be careful with that one, D.  I know how you like to pull one over on the ladies."

I rolled my eyes,
"And, you don't. Right...Tristan?" 

"Oh, Brooke.  You think you've got me all figured out, don't you?"

"Well...does the term, douche bag, mean anything to you?"

His jaw dropped and he grabbed at his heart.  "I'm hurt that you would
say such things about me,

"If the shoe fits, and in this case
, it does."

Dylan cracked up,
"I think you've met your match, T.  You better be careful, she's a lot smarter than you." 

"Don't worry,
Cowboy.  One call to Stephanie and Tristan will be minding his p's and q's.  Otherwise, she'll cut him off and he'll mope around here like a little bitch, until she gives it up to him, again."

"Damn, Brooke.  That's harsh."

"You also know it's true.  We need to go, or we'll be late for my appointment."  I turned and gave my love a kiss on the lips, "Have a nice day at work, I love you."  I headed toward the elevator and then looked over my shoulder, "Oh...and thank you for last night!  You were amazing!" 

Both Dylan and Tristan's
jaws dropped.  I kept walking until I got in the elevator, waited for Tristan, and then pressed the button to the basement.   Tristan was dead silent. 

I looked over and saw my car sitting next to Dylan's truck.  I hadn't driven in so long, I wondered if I'd even remember how.  The thought made me giggle as I entered the back of the black SUV.  Driving had to be like a riding a bike.  It was just something you didn't forget
, once you'd learned how.  Once I got these stitches out of my hand, I'd be able to return to normal. 

Dr. Tether
's office wasn't far from the penthouse.  Under normal circumstances, I probably could have walked, but my overprotective husband insisted that Tristan drove me to every appointment.  And after what I'd been through, I didn't see any reason to argue. 

I was beginning to understand Dylan's reasoning for many things.  I had wasted so much time arguing and trying to prove him wrong about his intuitions, that I'd nearly gotten us all killed. 

The car came to a stop and Tristan opened my door.  "I'll be waiting right here when you're done.  Unless, you'd like me to come in and wait with you."

I shrugged my shoulders
, "It's up to you.  If you want to come in, you can.  I know sitting in the car can get boring at times.  Not that sitting in a doctor's office is any more fun."

"I'll just wait and crank some tunes while you're in there."

"Sounds good.  I'll see you in a few."  I walked in through the glass doors and took the elevator to the second floor.  As I entered through the heavy, wooden door, I noticed that I was the only one there for an appointment and I was sure that had been purposely been set up by my
I signed in, ready to take a seat, when the nurse called my name.  "Mrs. Prescott, we're ready for you."

I followed her back to the exam room, and sat on the little table covered in white paper.  "Dr. Tethers will be in to see you in a few minutes."

"Okay," I said. 

I picked up a magazine that was lying on the counter, and began flipping through the pages.  I was shocked when I saw a picture of my husband on
page twelve, with the caption,
Dylan Prescott:  Is He Back on the Market?
  I chuckled to myself a little bit at the stupidity of this magazine and their claim, until I saw pictures of him with other women.  I could handle looking at the ones from dinner parties in the past, but one of the pics really stood out at me.  And, it was recent.  A picture of Dylan and Misty outside of Prescott Oil and Gas International.  He was dressed in the same suit that he had worn the morning he'd come to visit me in the hospital with Dr. Marks.  I was so pissed, I couldn't see straight.   There had to be an explanation, but I wasn't sure that anything he had to say, would matter. 

took another look at the picture.  I could see the smug look on that bitch's face as she stood next to him with her arm around his waist. Dylan's face was expressionless, and he wasn't reciprocating the exchange.  Misty was an evil bitch.  I had hated her from the moment I met her, and over time, my feelings hadn't changed.  The bitch needed to be dealt with.

I shoved the magazine in my purse, just
as Dr. Tethers knocked on the door.  "Come in," I said, trying to reel in my temper. 

"Good morning, Mrs. Prescott.  Ready to get those stitches out of your hand?"

"I sure am.  I wish I could stop the itching too," I laughed. 

"All in due time.  You cut yourself pretty good
, young lady.  I can give you some ointment to help with the healing, but you should be able to resume all regular activities once I remove these stitches."

"Do you think I'll be able to drive?"

"I don't see why not.  I always look at this way.  If whatever you're doing causes you pain, then stop until you are able to do it pain-free.  But, driving?  That shouldn't be a problem."

"That's great news!   Thank you."

"Alright, let's see that hand."

I held out my hand
, so the good doctor could snip and pull the stitches out.  There weren't that many, only about seven little stitches, but it certainly felt like there were a lot more in there when they had stitched me up.  

"Ouch," I jumped. 

"Sorry about that.  That one was a little tough to get out.  You're all done and free to go."

"Thank you," I said, as he handed me the little tube of ointment.

I left the office and got in the car where Tristan was waiting, jamming out to some new techno group.  I opened the passenger door and slid in the seat.  He gave me an awkward look, turning down the radio, "What the hell are you doing?" 

"Getting in
.  Now, drive."

"You know you can't be in the front seat, Brooke.  Dylan would be pissed."

"Tristan, right now, I don't give a shit if he'd pissed or not."

"Oh boy.  What happened?  You were fine when you went in and now you're all fired up."

I reached down into my purse, pulling out the magazine.  "This is what's wrong," I said, holding it in front of him.

"You can't believe all of the shit you read, Brooke.  What did you expect when you married him?  He's one of the richest men in the world and the media loves writing about him."

"He's married to
!  What the fuck is he doing with that slut, Misty?"

"You need to calm down.  There is nothing going on.  He wants nothing to do with her."

"It isn't Dylan that I'm worried about.  It's her!  The crazy bitch doesn't take
for an answer."

"You're right.  She doesn't."

"So, you knew about this?"

"Brooke," he sighed.  "Yes, both D and I knew about it."

"Damn it, Tristan!  We haven't even been home for three weeks and this shit is already starting."

"What do you want him to do?"

"I want him to tell her to fuck off!"

"From what I've seen, he already has.  He made his choice and he chose you.  Why does this bother you so much?"

"Because I don't trust her.  She's bat-shit crazy!"

"What do you want to me to do?" he asked.

"I want you to drive me to the office, and this time, don't fucking call him to give him the heads up that I'm coming."

" you can catch him in the act.  I see.  I can guarantee you, you won't catch Dylan doing anything wrong.  He despises that bitch.  But...if that's what you want, then I'll take you there."

"It is.  Now, drive."

Tristan kept his promise.  He didn't bother calling Dylan to let him know I was coming.  I stormed up and blew past his secretary before she could say anything. 
I opened the door and Dylan and Luke were sitting, looking over documents.  Dylan looked up and before he could say anything, the most annoying, female voice filled the room.  It wasn't mine. 

I turned to see Misty, coming out of the bathroom in Dylan's office.  My blood boiled, as she stood there
, smiling and winking at me. 
One day, I am going to kill that fucking bitch,
I thought to myself.  I knew better than to make a scene in front of Luke, so I smiled politely back. 

Dylan stood and walked toward me
, "Princess, is everything alright? "

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