REGENCY: Loved by the Duke (Historical Billionaire Military Romance) (19th Century Victorian Short Stories) (28 page)

BOOK: REGENCY: Loved by the Duke (Historical Billionaire Military Romance) (19th Century Victorian Short Stories)
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Chapter 4

Amelia stared dumbly, sure she had mis-heard.

“I’m sorry, what was that?”

“I’m a were-lion. Half human, half lion.”

“Oh my god, you’re nuts.” she felt frozen as she tried to take in what he was saying. “I think you need to leave.”

“Give me chance to prove it, ok? Then you’ll have to believe me.” The side of his mouth kicked up in a half grin. How did being clinically insane not lessen how incredibly handsome he was, or have any affect on her reaction to him.
He’s crazy
, she told herself.
So stop drooling

“Just watch…and try to keep an open mind.” His golden eyes peered deeply into hers, trying to judge how she would react, but he could only show her the truth and hope for the best.  He took a few steps back until he was standing in the middle of the kitchen, and then stopped looking at her bashfully.  “Actually, I should go into the other room to transform. I wouldn’t want to rip my clothes.” Amelia’s brain stalled at the image that statement conjured, but in her mind it was her who was doing the ripping. She cleared her through hoarsely, hoping her blush wasn’t giving her away.

“Sure, the bathroom is just down that hall on the left. Go do…whatever it is that you need to do.” She said dubiously, gesturing with her hand in the right direction. What did she expect, that he was going to pop out of her pink tiled bathroom in a lion suit or something?

She waited, bemused at the entire situation and hoping that she hadn't made a terrible mistake by letting a crazy person in her home. Even though she couldn’t really bring herself to regret it. She would have risked a lot to get a second look at him. Or third. Or fourth. Really, it wasn't fair. He was so incredibly gorgeous, and she was…she looked down at her figure. She used to hate it when her grandmother called her ‘big boned’ when she was younger, but eventually she grew into her curves and learned to appreciate the beauty of her body even if it didn’t match the stick skinny fashion model ideal she saw in every magazine.  Amelia had a true hourglass frame that made it hard to find clothes that fit, which had led to her eventually finding and falling in love with vintage clothes. They just seemed to fit her better, and she especially loved that they were unique, not factory made or generic.

Amelia heard the door creak open, snapping her out of her musings, and she glanced up barely holding back a terrified shriek at the sight of a giant gold and tawny lion padding calmly into her kitchen.

“Oh my god!” She grasped the edge of the counter at her back to keep herself from bolting as adrenaline spiked like a drug through her veins, demanding she flee. She inhaled deeply, trying to slow her wildly racing pulse.  Mentally, she knew this must be Kaeden, as impossible as it seemed, but her body was still kicking into overdrive at the sight of the massive beast that had taken a seat on its back paws not three feet away from her. He looked terribly out of place in her robin’s egg blue kitchen with racks of copper pots and a sweet smelling lavender plant in the middle of her small table.

Amelia cocked her head, trying to see
, to see Kaeden behind the fur, and the teeth. The really big teeth.

“It’s really you. You’re a…Were-cat?” A grumbling whine echoed out of his mouth, conveying his annoyance at the diminutive title. It made her giggle, and a little of her initial panic drained away as a sense of awe rose in its place. He really was incredible. “Can I…can I touch you?” A different growl, almost like a purr, made her think it was more than okay, and he stood and slowly sauntered closer until she could feel the surprisingly soft fur of his mane under her fingertips.

“This is amazing. More than amazing, really. Who are you? I mean, are you human or a different species entirely? Do you have the same physiology as a human when you are in your, what do you call it, man shape?”  She rambled off the questions, a million more filling her head and demanding to be answered. He rolled his eyes, and his long pink tongue lolled out of the side of his mouth in an expression she could only call humorous. He nudged her hand one final time before turning around and pacing back to the bathroom.

A few minutes later he came back out, and Amelia was still frozen in the same spot she had been in throughout the entire surreal ordeal.

“Hey, are you okay?” He was suddenly standing so close, it was hard for her to draw a full breath, like he was using up all of her oxygen.

“I’m…I don’t know.” Amelia stared back at him, unable to tear her gaze away from his. She flicked her tongue across her suddenly dry lips, and his eyes followed like a hawk, narrowing as they focused on her mouth. She really did lose all the breath in her lungs as he drew even closer, yet still not touching her. The look on his face left no doubt what he was thinking, and all the reasons she shouldn’t let him fled in the wake of the waves of desire that were rolling over her, dragging her under. She could feel her arousal pool between her thighs, and she watched him watching her, the gold in his eyes catching the last of the day’s light and turning molten.

She just had time to catch her breath before his lips were on hers, demanding, aggressive. Not a typical first kiss, there were no tentative forays or teasing pecks. He plundered her mouth, pressing his tongue against her lips and she opened, intuitively leaning towards him, asking for more. His leg slid between hers, the denim rough against the overly sensitive skin of her inner thighs. She moved forward unabashedly, overcome by the passion welling from deep within her body unlike anything she had felt before.

Granted, she hadn’t had many lovers, but she had never felt the keen edge of hunger and desire that was clawing at her body, making her feel wild and wanton. His leg eased hers further apart, the hem of her dress riding up on her pale thigh, and his big callused hand followed. Slowly, he inched the lacy material higher and higher until her revealed the edge of her satin panties. His mouth still dominated hers, his other hand caught in her auburn hair tilting her head to allow better access. She felt delirious. Like a bubble just waiting to burst. 

Her focus was captured by his hand, so hot it felt like a brand as his long fingers inched under the satin material, separating it from her skin, and following it down until they reached her center, his knuckles just barely brushing her warmth. It made her breath catch as she felt like she was standing on the edge of a cliff, waiting, desperately wanting him to touch her. His fingers brushed over her folds teasingly, making her press her hips deeper into him trying to get closer to his hand.

With his lips still against hers, he thrust two fingers deep inside her, his mouth taking in her gasp at the feeling of being deliciously filled. Like his kiss, his fingers moved without hesitation, like he already knew her body, exactly what she needed. Amelia arched deeper onto his fingers as they moved rhythmically inside her, building the tension in her as she leaned her head back, eyes closed. Kaeden moved his lips down until they reached that spot right below her ear, his teeth sending more tingling waves that added to storm that was building inside her.

He increased his pace, his fingers working magic in her body, the thumb of his other hand dipping below the top edge of her panties to land on her clit. Once, twice, Amelia exploded as the pressure built to a pounding crescendo. Her muscles tensed as she let out a husky groan, glad for the support of the counter and Kaeden’s body as she went boneless as he wrung the last ripple of pleasure from her. He reluctantly removed his hand, righting her underwear and pulling her dress back down with a look of resigned displeasure at covering her back up.

“Wow.” Amelia said breathlessly, then blushed at how ridiculous it sounded to her still ringing ears. “I mean…I guess I just…”

“Hush.” Kaeden pressed his lips, now softly, almost reverently, against her kiss- swollen ones. “Thank you.” His voice was deep and hoarse, a hint of a growl held within.

“I should be the one thanking you!” Amelia was surprised at how comfortable she was with him, not the least bit embarrassed by her completely out of character response. Overwhelmed and a little confused, maybe, but it felt like the most natural thing in the world for him to touch her. She glanced down at his obvious arousal. Her voice became even huskier, “I could do something that you could really thank me for.”

She started to reach for the worn silver buckle of his belt, but he backed away.

“If you start that, I…” He shook his head, making his long, jet black hair swing in front of his face, momentarily blocking her view of his gorgeous eyes, and the expression of intense desire that had turned them to golden flame at her offer. His arm swept up, smoothing the hair back as he had looked at her, for the first time uncertain.

“How about tomorrow, I’ll take you to get coffee?” He was already backing towards the door, “Let’s meet at Lutticia’s on Madison, you know the place?” She nodded slowly that she did, and was opening her mouth to speak just as he reached the door knob. “Gotta go, I…I’ll see you tomorrow! At eleven!” And with that he was outside, closing the door before she had a chance to respond.

Chapter 5

Kaeden was at the cute, local coffee shop before Amelia. It was one of his favorites, and funny enough the co-owner, Roxanne, was a Shifter as well, although she was a part of a family of bear shifters that ran the coffee shop, and a bar a few blocks away as well. They had met years ago, and she always treated him like a little brother, even though she was four years younger than his twenty nine.  He had been sitting for just a few minutes when he looked up and saw Amelia walking towards him. The world seemed to tilt as he watched her, her body so much smaller, so much softer than his.

She was curvy, exactly what he liked. Her breasts more than a handful, and his mouth watered at the thought. He checked himself, hoping he wasn’t drooling all over the countertop.  Her torso nipped in at the waist creating the sexiest curve as her hips flared perfectly before sweeping down lush thighs and the delicate turn of her calf. He remembered the day before, the image of her coming on his hand branded indelibly on his memory.

He wondered at the twist of fate that had allowed him to meet her. Not only was he incredibly, unfathomably attracted to her in a way that had never happened before, especially so fast, but Amelia was also able to have his child. In fact, was already pregnant with his child. He was so hard at the thought he had to shift in his chair, trying to easy the ache. All night his thoughts had circled around and around, alternating with thoughts of making love to her, seeing her grow and ripen with their child, of a future with this woman he barely knew.

There were myths his people told of Star mates, True mates, but they were stories that most of his kind ignored. His species was incredibly sexual, and the idea of spending an entire life with just one partner was enough to make many grateful that it was just a myth.

But Kaeden felt something when they were together that he couldn’t explain. It was explosive, and instantaneous, and he couldn’t deny it. 

“Hi.” Amelia’s shy hello had him reaching out his hands toward her, the need to touch her too much to even try and resist. He pulled her down to the chair beside him rather than let her sit all the way across the table from him. Looking into her big, grey eyes made him want to believe in the story of true mates.

“I was thinking we should go buy some things for the baby.” His large hand swept possessively over her stomach, and a fresh wave of desire threatened to sweep her under. Amelia felt like her body was out of control, especially after the sleepless night she had spent twisting and turning to thoughts of Kaeden and his magic hands.

She looked up at him through her lashes, wishing she could read the thoughts swirling behind his golden eyes.

“Okay. I have a crib already, it was mine when I was a baby. I have a bunch of other stuff too, that I’ve been collection over the past couple of months. But I need a stroller. Wanna help me pick one out?”

“Uhh…sure, yes.” She tried not to laugh at his look. It was obvious he wanted to help, but even more obvious he didn’t really have a clue about what to get.

“Don't’ worry, I’ve been researching for years about what to buy for a baby. But I would like it if you came with?” Amelia left it as a question, uncertain with how much he wanted to be involved, and hating that uncertainty. But he grinned, beaming his pleasure at her, and she felt an unfamiliar warmth. She had been living a lonely existence for so long, she hardly knew what it felt like to be around another person who cared about her, and she realized that’s what it was when he looked at her like that. Like she was the only person to exist to him in the whole world. A girl could get used to those looks.

They waited for their coffee, then spent the rest of the afternoon searching through one baby store after another looking for the perfect this or the best that. It felt so natural that when the sales assistant at one of the stores asked how long they had been married, and Kaeden had slid his arms around her and placidly said “they weren’t yet” she didn't even blink an eye.

After about the fifteenth store, Amelia pleaded for a rest. She found it remarkably adorable the way Kaeden looked over every option, compared every tag to make sure they were getting the best, but she was exhausted and starving, and her feet were killing her by the time they returned to her home with her car stuffed full of new things.

Amelia unlocked the door, and headed straight for the couch as Kaeden carried in the biggest item they had picked out, which was the new stroller. In swirls of reds, blues, and yellows it made a bright, happy statement sitting there in the living room. She felt tears prick her eyes as she thought for the millionth time how incredibly lucky she was to finally be bringing a child into the world, and into her life. This baby was a miracle in every way.

“Hey,” Kaeden said softly, suddenly beside her, his thumb brushing away the lone teardrop that had escaped. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. For the first time in…Oh, I can’t even remember, nothing is wrong. Everything feels right. Perfect.”  He placed his other hand on her cheek, framing her face as his eyes met hers.

“You’re right. This does feel perfect.” His hand moved to play with the curling wisps that had escaped the messy bun piled on top of her head. Oh so softly, he touched his lips to hers, breathing her in. Her scent, all woman, exploded in his mind, driving every thought from his head except to possess her. This woman that had barreled into his life like a whirlwind and now felt like an integral part of it. The need to claim her for his own drove his body forward, but he held himself back, his desire to satisfy her even greater.

Torturously slow, he lifted the hem of her fluttery blouse, the slippery material shifting over his skin. He looked at her questioningly, waiting to see any signs of reluctance and sighed in relief when all he saw was complete surrender. He almost tore her shirt as he hurried to finish removing it. Knowing she wanted this as much as he did nearly undid him as he tried to maintain a grasp on his patience.

His gaze drifted over the sweet swell of her breast curving seductively above the black lace of her bra. The sight of all that black against the pale white of her skin had him drooling, he ached for a taste. Unable to deny himself, he lowered his mouth to the tops of her curves, first the right, then the left. All the while his hands were working on the clasp in the back, which finally came undone allowing him an unobstructed view of pale pink nipples that tightened under his gaze.

He turned, taking off his own black t-shirt and throwing it heedlessly on the carpet. He was completely captivated as Amelia slowly eased herself back until she was laying full out on the couch, her chest completely bare, and the skirt that fit snug around her waist, then flared out, had slid down baring her matching black lace thong as she bent her knee.

He growled deep in his throat, his restraint decimated by her unique combination of honest sweetness and unbearable sexiness. He pounced. That was the only word that Amelia could think of as he leapt onto her, her trembling body bracketed by his legs on either side of her thighs and his arms, supporting himself just inches above her.

His mouth descended on hers, his tongue sparring with hers as her heart pounded wildly in her ears. His hands were suddenly everywhere, sliding over every curve until they reached the hem of her skirt, and he made a sound of annoyance in the back of his throat at the obstacle. His lips followed the path of his hands, pausing to suck at her nipple, sending shockwaves through her system. She shifted, unable to keep her body still under the attentions of his devastating mouth, feeling her dampness as she rubbed her thighs together, aching to be filled.

Kaeden continued his journey south laying an achingly tender kiss over each rib until his lips met the dip of her hipbone, his tongue explored the curve leading to the spot at her center that was melting for him. Where she desperately wanted him to be. He pushed himself up, impatiently finding the buttons that held the skirt together, trying to undo them but ended up popping them off instead.

“I’m sorry.” He whispered, his voice like gravel

“It’s fine, just don’t….don’t stop.” She helped him pull away the offending material. “Please.”

He groaned, spreading her thighs, reveling in the contrast of how soft she was compared to him, and the idea of all that softness wrapped around him as he pushed into her over and over again. The scent of her arousal drove him over the edge as he lowered his hungry mouth to her core.

Amelia gasped, then moaned as his hot tongue flicked over her. She could feel herself tensing, the pressure building as he licked her up like he was starving. 

“Wait.” She grabbed his shoulders trying to pull him. He didn’t budge but to look up at her from under a dark slash of brows. “I want…I want to come with you inside me.” His eyes flashed. “Please.”

His natural dominance rose up at the sound of her sweet begging, and he lifted himself over her, his erection now straining against the fabric of his jeans. He quickly kicked off his shoes, and his pants soon followed adding to the pile strewn across the floor. He looked at her, spread out like a feast, her pussy wet and ready for him. He reached for her, the fingers of his hand stretching her, but only for a moment as the need to be inside her filled him, urging him on.

He paused, the tip of his thick erection at her entrance. In one slow thrust he was seated all the way inside her. Amelia cried out at the incredible feeling of being filled, the friction as he slowly slid almost all the way out and then in one motion drove all the way back in. Again and again he continued the rhythmic motion that was slowly driving her insane.

Kaeden's breath hitched on a low groan as he began to thrust faster, amazed at the incredible feel of her wrapped so tightly around him. Wanting it to never end. He reached his hand down, easing his thumb over her most sensitive spot and she exploded around him. Feeling her climax sent him over the edge, and he slid into her one final time as his body tensed. With his release came an overwhelming sense of happiness as Kaeden stared down into her heavy lidded eyes, shining with emotion.

Even though they had just met, somehow, this woman had wound her way around his heart. The thought of Amelia, already pregnant with their child, warmed his heart in a way he never thought any one could. For this chance at happiness, he was willing to break all his rules, and maybe, just maybe take a chance that sometimes the heart really does find its true mate.

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