Reluctant Hero (The Dunamis Covenant Book 1) (19 page)

BOOK: Reluctant Hero (The Dunamis Covenant Book 1)
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"I almost didn't make it; I missed this one so bad." He started making faces and tickling his niece. She loved when he would puff his cheeks out as far as they would go and then press his hands together over them, releasing the air. Each time he did it, she squealed in delight. Kendra just stood there taking it in with a content look on her face. The two people she loved most in the world got along so well. "Sis, did you hear? They're calling the whole Undaraii clan back to New York. It looks like Devlin is gonna try to put his end-of-the-world plan in motion and they need everyone."

"I can't go, Trev," she motioned to her desk, piled high with paperwork and to her daughter still smiling at her uncle. "I've got a good business going, a baby to take care of and no powers to help with. I'd just be in the way and shirking my responsibilities to boot. I can't afford to not work. The clan won't support me until things are patched up with mom and dad, which will be never unless they come to me. There's only so many times I'm willing to have a door shut in my baby's face."

"Someone's got to be supporting you, Sis. How'd you get the start up cash for the business if no one's helping you?"

"Thomas gave me five thousand dollars the day he brought the bike by for you. He didn't want to see us in need. He told me I could pay him back by putting it all in a college fund for Sarah when I started making money."

"A UT fund, I hope," he said with a grin while pointing to his tee shirt.

"That's exactly what he said," she replied with a chuckle. "The business is doing so well, that I've already put some of the five grand away for Sarah and have also begun putting your tuition aside for next year."

"You don't have to do that, Sis. You need to take care of you and Sarah." He looked down and put his hands in his pockets before he continued. "Besides, if things get as bad as the elders think, college will be the least of our worries."

"You're not seriously thinking about going, Trev, are you?" She pleaded with her eyes while he put Sarah down in the crib. "I know you're a powerful Mage, but you're young, and your training is not complete. You could get hurt, or worse!"

"I have to, Thomas needs a Mage not named Asa watching out for him, someone he knows and trusts. That's me; besides, it's not like I have a choice. I have to or the clan will brand me a coward."

"Well, in that case, we're all going. I'll bring my laptop and paperwork, it won't be too bad. Someone has to look out for you, little brother." She sounded optimistic but she silently hoped her business wouldn't suffer.

"Thanks, sis, I don't know if I could go the whole break without seeing my favorite girl." He picked Sarah up and started making the faces again as he repeated, "Yes you are, you're my favorite, yes you are." He was rewarded with a joyous look on his little niece's face. He looked to Kendra and said, "We should start packing, it's going down soon."

Kendra nodded her understanding, then she got on the computer and purchased the tickets to Newark airport."Hey, Trevor," she called to get his attention. "We will be leaving the day after tomorrow. It was the first flight I could get us."

"Sounds good, sis. I'll watch my beautiful niece so that you can get some work in before we go."

"Thanks, Trevor. I'll need the time to get everything ready for me to miss most of a day for travel. The business won't be to the point of running itself for a long time," she said while Trevor was putting Sarah in a stroller. "Where are you guys going?"

"To the park to pick up chicks," Trevor winked and looked down at his happy niece. "You're my little chick magnet, aren't you?" He tickled her some more, and his sister just laughed.

"So that's why you love my daughter so much..."

"She's a guaranteed win with the ladies for Uncle Trevor."

"All right, get out of here, you goofball. Have her back in two hours for dinner. If I feed her any later, she won't sleep, and neither will you." She smiled and waved and then he was out the door with his favorite girl. While he was pushing the stroller, he took his mind off all of the Ethereal problems and began singing; "Cause you're amazing, just the way you are" to his niece as he pushed the stroller down the street.


Chapter twenty-two

It was almost time for Thomas to appear before the council. He still didn't have much strength yet, but his wound was healed and the infection was gone. He would only get stronger from here on out. Abby ached to be with him. This whole situation was so unfair.
Why does my betrothed have to be the child of destiny? Why does the final battle with Devlin have to take place so soon? Why couldn't it just wait another couple weeks so we could finally be married?
She had all of these thoughts in her head and she was frustrated because she couldn't do anything about them.

She decided to go for a walk to clear her head. She was not allowed before the council. That would change when her family took control of the clan, but as of now, only her grandpa could go with TJ. She walked to the nearest deli and went inside. She poured herself a cup of coffee, paid the cashier, and set about walking towards the park she had loved so much as a kid. She remembered trying to get her parents to change the name to Tigers Pond Park, not realizing it wasn't their park to name. So, the name had remained, Wolfs Pond Park, but she loved it anyway.

The seasons were changing, and the leaves had turned many different colors. Festive trees lined both sides of the path she walked, and they swayed a little in the gentle breeze. The leaves made a yellow, orange, red and maroon canopy over the path, but she could still see the blue sky through the gaps in the leaves. It wasn't quite sunny, but it was a nice autumn day. Stone benches were set along the trail every so often, and she couldn't wait to sit on one of those benches, taking in this beautiful sight, with TJ by her side. While she walked, she became aware of someone following her. She brought her senses to full alert and she recognized a scent. No, several scents. She pulled out her cell phone and called her brother, Connor, while she continued a casual stroll.

"Connor, I'm walking in the park on my favorite trail and I'm being followed by several of Asa's people. Is anyone around that can come to the park and escort me back to the safe house?"

"I'm on my way with Liam and William," came the tense reply. Abby knew her brothers loved her. A couple minutes later Malachi and Stephen came into view. Stacy, Sam and Jake slowly sauntered up behind her as Malachi began to speak.

"You have got a lot to answer for, young lady."

"What are you talking about, Malachi?"

"For starters, not informing Asa when you had found Thomas."

"And just when should I have done that? Was it after he cut me off, or after he sent his goon squad to attack me in my hotel? I'm a little unclear." She was in no mood for Malachi's attempts at intimidation. She couldn't stand to be near the man to begin with.

Malachi bristled at her response. "You've developed quite the smart mouth, Abby. We'll see what Asa has to say about all of this." He motioned to Sam and Jake to bring her along.

"Sam, Jake, I have no quarrel with you, but if you touch me you may lose an arm. I am going to walk home now, and the rest of you are going to leave me alone."

"And just why would you think we would do that?" Malachi asked with a predatory smile.

"Because, if you lay your filthy hands on my sister, I will cut your head off and feed it to the fish," Connor called out, while stalking up the path with two of his brothers and three of his cousins in tow. "You should know by now, Malachi, if you mess with one Fitzpatrick, you mess with all of us."

"And if you mess with little Abby, we kill first and take names later," William added with an almost feral snarl.

"What's it gonna be, Mal? You and your goons against the fighting Fitzpatricks, or do you just walk away?" The trees continued to sway in rhythmic fashion, and the gentle breeze continued. The beautiful surroundings were betrayed by the tense situation that threatened to descend into violence.

"The council will hear of your threats," Stephen replied while Malachi seethed.

"And the council will hear of your harassment. Thomas is meeting with them right now. There would be no reason for them to wish to speak to Abby. She would have been happy to stay by her betrothed while he spoke to the council, but they asked that she not be present. So, to me, that means it is either you, or Asa that wishes to speak to her for another one of your little games."

"You can think what you want, Fitzpatrick, I do not care. Keep sticking your head in clan business and I shall enjoy removing it from your body."

"I'm right here, Malachi!" He winked as he tapped the hilt of his sword. "The time is coming when our family will be in charge of the Undaraii clan, and when that happens, you and Asa will be so far down the chain of command, you will have to look up to see the bottom."

Malachi flew into a rage. His sword was out and he stalked towards Connor. Abby hurried to stand with her brothers and cousins. The breeze picked up, in seeming anticipation of the brewing showdown as the two mighty Paladins were about to find out which one was the clan's best swordsman. Connor's demeanor was cocky while drawing his sword and awaiting Malachi's first strike. If Malachi struck first, according to clan law Connor could kill him. Malachi's first attack was quick and aggressive, but Connor matched his speed, and he blocked his first swing. Undaunted, Malachi began to weave a complicated pattern of attacks and blocks. Connor took a step back and waited for an opening. He parried Malachi's next three attempts. Then he spun, leading with his sword and connecting with a left-handed punch to Malachi's jaw. Malachi staggered back, but was quick to regain his composure. He acted as if Connor's blow had no effect and came at him again. Abby's brothers and cousins were spreading out to make sure none of Malachi's associates would be in a position to help him as the duel continued.

Malachi really is as good as the stories say
, Abby thought while Connor blocked another attempt to sever his head.
But my brother is better
. She continued to watch as he blocked a backswing. The clash of swords and the distinctive clang of metal on metal rang through the park. They went back and forth for several minutes, swing, block, thrust, parry, neither man backing down. Malachi took a huge overhand swing that Connor dodged by rolling to his left. His move was unexpected and Malachi was unprepared. Connor had found his opening. He popped up from his roll bringing his knee up into Malachi's gut. Malachi doubled over and was met with another knee to his face, breaking his nose. Connor disarmed him with a slash to his arm and a leg sweep put Malachi on his back. Connor was about to strike the killing blow when Abby shouted out, "Connor, no!" The breeze had died down and the colorful leaves continued a gentle sway. Several birds flew from a nearby tree, startled by Abby's yell.

"It's legal, Abby, he attacked me," he shouted back, not taking his eyes from his fallen foe.

"I know it is, Connor, but this won't help us accomplish our goals. Remember what dad said. You've already beaten him, now everyone knows who is better. Take his sword as a prize and let's go." She pleaded with her big, green eyes, and Connor began to relent.

Liam picked up Malachi's sword while Connor thought over his sister's words. He began a slow withdrawal from Malachi without turning his back on him or his people. Abby and her family began making their way back down the path. "This is better, Malachi will have to live with the stink of failure, and in front of his protégés no less," Abby said. When Connor was far enough down the path that he was sure Malachi would not come after him, he caught up to his brothers. Abby wrapped her arms around her protective big brother and leaned into his chest.

Abby felt a sudden tinge of guilt that Malachi was still alive and might one day come after her big brother. "I'm sorry I stopped you from killing him, you will always have to watch out for him now."

He put his arm around his sister and kissed her head. "No, Abby, you were right. Dad would be proud of your cool head. That's rare in our family."

"Dad will be proud of both of us, Connor." She continued with her arm around him while they walked the colorful path.

When they arrived home, their grandmother was waiting at the door and she did not look pleased. "So, gone off to war against Asa's people, have we? I thought we were smarter than that. I thought we were waiting for our six families to call for the vote of no confidence and then unseat Asaph for good. Any conflict between us until then could seem like we're angling for power and that we might not be willing to wait,"

"I'm sorry, Grams, they had Abby cornered and weren't going to let her go. Then, Malachi attacked me. I beat him fair and square and claimed his sword as my prize."

A look of horror came over their grandmother's face until Abby added, "Don't worry, Grams, he let Malachi live."

She exhaled noticeably, "Well, at least there's some good news. I'm glad you had the common sense to show a little restraint, Connor."

"Abby made him," Liam said to a glare from his older brother.

"Figures. At least you had the common sense to listen to your little sister, then. Come on in, I'll get some lunch started," They each gave Grams a hug, and then all went inside to eat and wait for Grandpa and Thomas to return from the council meeting.

Abby went to her room while her brothers and cousins enjoyed Gram's cooking. They were always hungry and Grams loved to feed them. Her family made her happy, but her thoughts were quick to turn back to TJ, and what was going to happen to him... to them. She almost couldn't stand it. She knew the council was going to make him fight Devlin, and one of them would not come back. Devlin was the most powerful Ethereal anyone knew about, but TJ was powerful enough that they thought he had a chance to win. Abby hated this. On one hand, she hoped TJ was the child of destiny, but on the other, she wished he was just a regular guy that she could settle down with. She wanted nothing more than for this to end, the faster the better.

TJ was going to have to fight, and she had to face the fact that her happily ever after might not be in the cards. She began to dwell on that depressing thought when TJ's phone rang. He had been asked not to bring it to the council meeting so he left it at the safe house. Abby grabbed it thinking it might be TJ with some news. She answered, but did not recognize the voice on the other end.

"Thomas, it's Trevor. We just landed at Newark Airport. We're here to back you up, buddy."

"Trevor? Trevor who?" Abby asked, not sure she should be talking about TJ to someone she didn’t know.

"You must be the beautiful Abby Fitzpatrick, Thomas' betrothed. I am Thomas' friend from Texas. I just landed with my sister Kendra, her daughter Sarah and his Aunt Laura and Uncle Pete. We're ready to help him in his battle against Devlin."

"TJ is not available right now. Can I have him reach you at this number when he gets home?" She was still unsure, but she figured she would give TJ the opportunity to decide if this, Trevor, was indeed a friend.

"That will be fine, I realize you don't know me, and you have to play it safe, it's no problem. We'll be in a hotel by the airport waiting for Thomas to call."

"Thank you for understanding, I'll have him call you as soon as he becomes available."

"That'll work, thanks, Abby."

"Goodbye, Trevor." She hung up the phone and now had one more reason to await the return of her love."

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