Replace Me (4 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Foor

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Literature & Fiction

BOOK: Replace Me
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The girls didn’t keep me waiting long. I heard my name being called from the foyer and made my way to the base of the steps. Amber stood there at the top wearing nothing but her bra and panties. I couldn’t help but lick my lips just knowing what I was about to get involved in.

Each step felt like it took forever as I made my way up to where she waited for me. I felt like a kid that got a free run inside of a candy store. Amber took my hand and smiled as she led me into one of the rooms. Her friend was sprawled out on the bed and patted the spot beside her. I climbed there, allowing room on the other side for Amber. While laying on my back, I watched the two of them sitting up on their knees on either side of me. Each of them took one of my hands and lifted them to their bras. They giggled when they did it. “This is Leesa. Leesa, this is Shayne.”

The bubbly girl smiled and looked right into my eyes. “Nice to meet you, Shayne.”

I ran the back of my hand over her ribcage. “Likewise.” What else could I say to some hot stranger that was going to let me have my way with her?

Amber climbed on top of me first, straddling me. “Are you ready for the night of your life?”

“Does a bear shit in the woods? Of course I am. I’ve been waitin’ my whole life for a night like this. Why don’t you tell me what’s off limits so we can get this party goin’?”


She bit down on her lip and looked at her friend before grabbing my shirt and lifting it over my head. I sat up to get it off of my head and then fell back down on the pillow. “You’re going to get naked and watch us until you can’t stand it anymore. That’s when you’ll get your turn.”

Amber lifted her legs and climbed on top of the bed, away from me. As much as I wanted my turn with these two girls, watching them going at it was going to be equally enjoyable.

I put both of my arms back behind my head and watched them lean closer until their lips pressed together. There was something so hot for a guy, watching two women caressing each other.

They kissed opened mouthed, giving me a view of their tongues playing together. As intriguing as that was, I couldn’t help but notice their wandering hands. Amber reached around and unhooked Leesa’s bra. She then tossed it right toward me, before leaning down and kissing her friends soft nipples, all the while watching me watch her. I cleared my voice and tried not to let the undeniable lust for them get the best of me.

It was difficult.

Each slip of her tongue hardened Leesa’s nipples and left a wet shine as it traveled.

When Amber sat up again, they wasted no time removing her bra. Her friend played with both of her breasts, squishing them together and giggling before kissing each one. My hands were ready to play and I was fighting the urge to whip out my dick and start stroking it. I know that if I did, I’d be done in seconds and unable to perform for when it was my turn.

Leesa was pushed back to lay on the bed, while Amber slid down between her legs. She ran her fingernails up her thighs and then started kissing up one of them. Leesa closed her eyes and reached down to play in Amber’s hair.

Amber was so close to her friend’s pussy. I was captivated as my eyes watched, in slow motion, her taking her tongue and licking it over her friend’s panties. She repeated the process, and then grabbed the fabric with her teeth, moving it over to be able to get to the main prize.

Her lips puckered and she placed soft kisses over the exposed pussy. My mouth was watering, wondering how her friend tasted. Hell, I wanted to know how both of them tasted and I planned on finding out when I had the chance.

Amber’s tongue slid between her friend’s folds and she began to devour that pussy in a way that I’d never seen. She licked her bud over and over, making her friend cry out in passion. Even after it appeared that her friend had climaxed, she kept doing it.

The room was on fire and I knew I couldn’t wait any longer. Without asking, I leaned over and played with Amber’s ass, over her panties. She stuck her ass up higher and moaned something as she continued pleasing her friend’s pussy.

With her ass up in the doggy position, I got behind her and ripped down the fabric coming between me and her sweet cunt. With the underwear down to her knees, I ran my fingers against the base of her pussy and felt the moisture. She was hot and bothered from licking off Leesa. I pulled my pants down enough to get my cock out and slapped it against her naked skin. She moved her ass in a shimmy, letting me know she wasn’t going to fight.

Amber reached over the bedside table and handed me a rubber. I was glad they were still in the right state of mind, because I was all fucked up in the head. There was nothing responsible about this. This was raw and for the first time in my life, I didn’t know what to do. After applying protection, I positioned myself and thrust into her. She lifted her head, looked back at me and licked her lips, before diving back down into that hot muff.

I closed my eyes and pictured what her tongue was doing while I continued to pound into her. Leesa sat up and massaged Amber’s head as she looked right at me. “Smack her ass, Shayne.” She bit her lip. “Make it hurt!”

I smacked her friend’s ass and heard her moan.

“Again. Fucking smack her!”

I smacked her ass again, this time trying my hardest to keep from exploding inside of this girl, but it was too difficult. With one last smack I leaned into her and let myself go. It felt too good to be able to control it any longer.

When I finally was able to pull out of her, she flipped around and started rubbing her pussy, while laying in Leesa’s lap. She licked her lips and laughed. “Mmm, that was a good start, but we have much more to do before we’re finished with you.”

When I dove down between her legs, nothing else was on my mind. I was too caught up to care about anything or anyone. It was fantastic.





So what, if I was riding on the back of a motorcycle with one of the biggest jerks I’d ever met. What I needed was to do something ridiculously insane to get my mind off of losing Shayne. Thinking about him, especially when I was supposed to be sleeping, was starting to affect my sense of self. I wanted to feel alive again and not dwell on the fact that I’d wasted my time and energy on a relationship that meant nothing to him.

I needed to feel free, like my old self again.

Then I met
; this man that was so bad, in all the right places.

Joey wasn’t my type. He was a badass, who thought he was hot shit. I’ll give it to him for having good looks. If you could overlook his rude comments and conceitedness, you’d only see how genuinely gorgeous the man was. He didn’t have a single flaw that I could find about him physically. As much as I hated the man, I still wondered how sexy he was under that shirt he was wearing.

Climbing on the back of the bike wasn’t the hard part. When my arms wrapped around his waist, I could feel heat coming off of him. We made it to the stop sign before I leaned my head against his back and closed my eyes. This was my first time on a motorcycle and as much as it frightened me, it also excited me. I was doing something so dangerous and I loved it.

We drove for a while, not having to say a single word to one another. The air was brisk albeit the heat of our close bodies kept me comfortable. After a while, we stopped at a gas station and he hopped off, leaving me straddling the seat. “You want somethin’ to drink?” he asked.

“A water would be nice.” I smiled, but feared having to hold a full conversation with the man. As much as I was enjoying the distraction, I knew I wanted nothing personal with the guy. Bad boys were no longer on my radar. If I wanted to change my life and find happiness, I needed to be with someone that shared in my beliefs. Not every woman could be as lucky as Sky and get rescued by the man of our dreams, like Ford had done for her.

This was my call and I knew that taking this ride was going to be my first step at moving forward.

Joey came out with two bottles of water and twisted mine open before handing it to me. “You havin’ fun?”

I didn’t want to admit it to him, since he thought he knew everything already. “It’s alright.”

He smiled and took another drink. “Yeah, you keep tellin’ yourself that when I know you’re goin’ to be thinkin’ about me later.”

I cocked an eyebrow and moved the bottle away from my lips. He irked me so much that I wanted to toss the whole thing toward him. “Do you always act like this?”

“Like what?” he chuckled.

“Like you can have anything you want.”

He shook his head and kept smiling. “Woman, I
have whatever I want, because I don’t stop until it’s mine. Most people don’t have a set of these to push them along.” He grabbed his crotch, like his testicles had magical powers, or something.

I pointed towards that area. “You think they give you the ability to be a dick and still get play? You’ve got to be joking. The only thing I can see coming out of that is a low kick to that precious area of yours.”

Joey walked over and got close as he reached behind me and put the helmet back on my head. When our eyes met, he smiled, displaying his bright white teeth. “It’s goin’ to happen.”

“Fat chance,” I said as he climbed on the bike in front of me.

When he started the motor I knew he was done talking. It was just enough conversation to have me stewing the rest of the ride home. He was so arrogant that I wondered how anyone could give him the time of day. I’d never met someone like him and I hated it. Part of me wondered if it was all some game he was playing with my head. At any rate, he’d succeeded to get me all roiled up.

When we arrived back at the apartment, he waited for me to climb off of the bike first. He turned off the ignition and followed behind me. Knowing that he had no furniture in his place, I wondered what he was doing. “Are you planning on sleeping on the floor?”

Joey turned me around to face him. He caught me off guard and my hands went slamming into his chest. As I looked up in his eyes, I could sense his intent. His breath was on my face and I was certain that he was going to lean over and try to kiss me. While preparing my hands to react to his boldness, Joey leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. “Thanks for the company. See you around, gorgeous.” He turned and walked back down the sidewalk, applying his helmet before he started his bike and pulled away. He didn’t wave or wait for me to respond. He just left.

Once inside the finally quiet house, I climbed into the guest bed and stared at the dark ceiling. My heart was still beating fast from the excitement of the ride and I couldn’t stop thinking about his tender thank you when it came to an end. It made no sense and seemed out of character, but it was sweet aside from who was giving it to me. I reached up and touched the place where he’d kissed my skin. I got chills when I pictured his lips touching me. As difficult as it was, I finally fell asleep. For the first night in a long time, Shayne wasn’t what was on my mind.




Chapter 5


After hours of sober euphoria, I was passed out with two fine ladies in my arms. My fantasy had been fulfilled and as much as I thought I’d feel better about being single, I actually felt worse. In fact, I felt so guilty and I couldn’t understand why. After much consideration and an emotional fight with my own conscience, I climbed out of bed, leaving the two naked girls, and gathered up my clothes.

What should have been something that I wanted to gloat about had turned into something that I didn’t want to admit to doing. By the time I made it back to the hotel room, the sun was starting to come up. Thankfully, my sister was wrapped in the covers of her bed, sound asleep. I plopped down, still in my clothes, on the other bed and put a pillow over my face.

Why couldn’t I lay there smiling about what I’d done?

What was causing me to feel so bad?

I knew what it was, but I didn’t want to admit it to myself, and especially to anyone else. Doing that would just remind me of how I’d definitely never have it again. I’d fucked that up and with my newest conquest under my belt, and it was undeniably setting the result into stone. I thought I wanted two women and to be able to do what I wanted when I wanted, but what if that wasn’t what I needed at all? What if I had that one thing and let it go?

I slept for about an hour before my parents were beating on the door for us to get up and meet downstairs for breakfast. We were taking my brother and his girlfriend out, so my parents could get to know her more. With his big secret leering over my head, I didn’t feel that great about starting a relationship with the girl.

My sister said nothing as she walked into the bathroom and jumped in the shower. Since we were used to sharing a bathroom at home, I went in to use the facilities and brush my teeth. Through the fogged up glass, I saw the shower curtain move and her head peek out. “What time did you get in?”

“This morning. What about you?”

She closed the curtain and continued talking. “I guess it was around one. That guy was a total flake. Seriously, he’s lucky I hung out that long.”

I ran water through my hair and sprayed it to look like I’d showered. My sister took forever and my dad would bitch if we weren’t downstairs promptly.

While walking to the elevator, Peyton put her arm through mine and leaned her head on my shoulder. “Thanks for takin’ me out last night, Shayne. You’re a great big bro.”

I leaned my head on hers. “I feel like shit!”

“So which one of those girls did you hook up with?”

I looked at her and shook my head. “Does it matter?”

“Geesh! What’s your problem?”

I realized that I’d snapped for no apparent reason. She stared at me, wondering why. “Sorry! If you must know, I was with both of them. Happy now? Save the disapprovin’ grin, I know I’m an asshole.”
She backed away and covered her mouth. “Wow! Have you done that a lot? Do you totally get off on bein’ with two at once? You’re such a dog.”

“Um, no! Don’t go tellin’ Parker either. I don’t feel like his young ass lecturin’ me over it.”

“Parker isn’t a saint you know. He’s done that before with these two girls in high school. I think they were just making out and stuff, but he still went there.”

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