Rescued Hearts (Hero Series) (5 page)

BOOK: Rescued Hearts (Hero Series)
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“I’ll have my rent in next week. I promise. Goodnighty, sleep tighty.”


Nick pressed all 6 buttons again, hoping he wouldn’t get the drunken guy again.


“Who is it?” Somebody responded over the intercom half awake and upset.


“This is the fire department, Buzz me in!”




Nick replied with calm and authority. “Sir, listen carefully. There’s a fire in the building next to yours. Buzz me in so I can help the person that’s trapped. Buzz me in now!”




He opened the door and sprinted up the 3 story brownstone building. The person who buzzed Nick in opened his apartment door as Nick reached the second floor, a middle aged man with fear in his eyes, “I smell the smoke.” The man said nervously.


Nick immediately told him “Call 911 and report the fire. Then knock on your neighbors doors and tell them to leave the building just in case the fire spreads.” Nick didn’t wait for the scared man to respond, but turned around and continued double stepping his way up to the rooftop.


Feeling grateful that the rooftop door wasn’t locked, he saw that the smoke was coming from the building on his left. Jumping over to Susan’s roof, he quickly dashed to the rear of the building and located the vertical ladder that led to the 2
floor fire escape. Rushing down the fire escape, arriving on the second floor, he noticed the brownstones small patio area had no exit that he could see.


Nick thought,
Looks like I’m leaving the way I came in.


Without wasting any more time he turned around, took off his jacket and wrapped it around his right arm and fist. He broke the window and cleared out any excess glass so no one would suffer any wounds on the way out. Nick made his way to the front bedroom, passing by the staircase where the flames were already making their entrance to the second floor. Already coughing himself, he found Susan unconscious on the floor by the open window she had screamed from.


Quickly pulling the blanket from her bed, Nick turned on the bathroom shower to wet the blanket. Covering himself and Susan in the blanket for protection, Nick carried her down the hallway to the back bedroom and exited through the fire escape. Carefully placing Susan on his back to free his left arm, he pulled himself up the vertical ladder safely making their way up to Susan’s rooftop. Laying her down on the adjoining building’s rooftop ledge, he then hopped over easily and placed Susan back on his back as he made his way down the staircase and safely to street level.


Exiting the building, he saw a number of the neighborhood residents already on the street. Crossing the other side of the street, Nick gently laid Susan down on the sidewalk pavement. Squeezing out the water from the bed sheet, he folded it into a small pillow, lifted her head, slid the pillow under to support her head and neck then lowered her. He checked for vitals and let out a sigh when he sensed her pulse. Nick couldn’t help but notice how beautiful the woman was but when he noticed the engagement ring on her finger, he immediately refocused on what he was doing.


Nick voiced into the crowd. “Was the fire called in?”


“Yeah. Yes.” A number of people responded.


Knowing that his engine company would respond to this call, he hoped the ambulance would arrive first. Nick truly didn’t want Captain Miller any more reason to change his indefinite suspension to permanent.


Although Susan wasn’t responding, Nick said softly to her, “I won’t leave you until the ambulance gets here.”


Nick couldn’t help but think how lucky this lady was that he was walking by when he did. Very lucky! And some of that luck spilled onto Nick as he heard the familiar sound of an ambulance nearing the scene.


“They’ll most like take her to Norwegian American Hospital since it’s the closest in the neighborhood. Nick remembered that the hospital was closer to his house than him walking all the way home from where he was now. He thought, would be nice if the EMS Techs will let me hitch a ride with them to the hospital, being not too far from home.”



Chapter 8



Susan was dreaming. She was dreaming of her dead father who seemed just the same age from the last photo they took together when she was a little girl. However in the dream, Susan was still her current age.


Her father said, “Susan, I’m so proud of you and how beautiful you’ve grown to be.”


The sound of her father’s voice vibrated her very being with such serenity and joy, she can feel the love coming from him like a warm blanket wrapped around her.


She hugged him tightly and said, “I’ve missed you, daddy! I’ve missed you so much!”


She released him from her hug and grabbed his hands, starring at his hazel eyes. “It’s so good to see you after so many years!”


“It’s good to see you too. More good things are coming your way.”


“What good things daddy?”


“Oh! Wonderful things! But you’ll miss them all if you don’t wake up.”


“But I haven’t seen you for so long daddy. I ‘m afraid I’ll never see you again and I want to stay right here with you.”


“Don’t be afraid Susan. I’m in your heart. Always have been and nothing can ever keep me away. I love you Susan.”


“I love you too daddy.”


“Trust me now and wake up. Wake up to the wonderful things I have in store for you.


Wake up Susan…
wake up now.”


Susan woke up to the sounds of sirens and the feeling of being in motion. She realized she was on a gurney in the back of an ambulance heading to the hospital. She looked to her left and saw a man. A handsome man smiling at her and thought she was still dreaming because the man looked like Ryan Reynolds. Nick was the first to speak. “Welcome back! We’re taking you over to Norwegian American Hospital. Sorry for the bumpy ride, a lot of pot holes on this road.”


Susan pulled off her air mask and spoke with a bit of scratchiness to her voice, “Was I in a fire?”


“Unfortunately, yes.” Nick said sorrowfully. “What’s your full name Miss?”


“Susan Taylor.”


Nick looked at the EMS tech, “Did you get that?” The tech nodded yes.


“How did I get here?” Susan asked


“I got you out. My name is Nick Gates.” Susan stared at him.
My hero is Ryan Reynolds
. She felt her eyes getting heavy.


Nick noticed that her eyes were slowly closing and thought it best to put her air mask back on, “Miss Taylor, I’m going to put your air mask back on.”


She mumbled just before her eyes shut completely, “Thank you. Call me Susan.”



Chapter 9



Susan woke up at the hospital the next day remembering the dream she had with her father. He was so alive. I touched his hands and could feel their warmth. Wish I could’ve stayed in such a vivid dream. And that fireman; what an attractive hunk of a man. Even though it was a brief moment they shared she remembered the tenderness of his light brown eyes. His eyes that communicated to her that she was safe and still had a long life ahead of her.


She reached the remote to buzz the nurse’s station, “Yes?”


“Can you send the nurse in please?” Susan asked.


“She’ll be there shortly.”


“Good morning, how are you feeling?” The nurse asked. “Other than my sore throat and chest hurting when I breathe, I’m alright.”


“Do you remember what happened?”


“I was in a fire.” Susan said.


“Yes and the soreness you’re feeling as you breathe is due to the smoke you inhaled but the antibiotics we’re giving you will help with that and you’ll be good as new in no time. Is there anyone you would like me to contact for you?”


The nurse handed Susan a pad and pen. Susan wrote down Tom’s Liz’s names and phone numbers including her assignment editor at the news station.


“By any chance, do you know the name of the fireman that rescued me and the fire station he’s assigned to? He told me his name but I can’t remember and I would like to thank him properly.”


“According to the report the EMS tech provided, the fireman’s name is Nicholas Gates from the Logan Square Fire Station. I’ll Google it for you and give you the stations address and phone number. Meanwhile, get some rest as it’ll be a few days before you’re released.”


“Ok, thank you.”


“No problem Miss Taylor. I’ll check on you later.”




Later on that evening Tom entered the hospital room, “Oh Susan thank God you’re fine. I took the next flight back as soon as I heard the news. “How are you feeling darling?” Tom asked.


Susan replied, “I’m feeling a whole lot better now that your here.”


“Is there anything I can get for you?”


“Some water would be great.” Tom grabbed the water bottle on the movable bed tray that was out of reach for Susan and handed it to her. Susan took a few sips while Tom wheeled the bed tray to arm’s length of Susan’s bed.


“How did everything go in Arizona?”


I’ll have to fly back there but let’s not talk about that now I’m more concerned about being here for you and getting you out of this hospital.” Susan was so happy to see the genuine compassion and love coming from Tom’s eyes. She felt so lucky to have him in her life.


Tom asked Susan, “Since this unfortunate accident happened would you like to just move in with me since you’re in between homes right now?”


“I’m not really comfortable with that idea Tom. “I’ll get a hotel room in the meantime until I could figure things out.”


“Not a problem sweetheart. I know you feel strongly about not living together until we are married and I respect that however if you change your mind you know that my home is always open to you.”


“That’s very sweet of you. Thanks.”




Having booked a short term furnished apartment at the Marriott ExecuStay hotel, Susan walked into her temporary home. “Hopefully you won’t have to stay here that long.” Tom said as he placed a small box on the table.


Susan asked, “What’s in the box?”


“That was all that was recovered from the fire.” Tom pushed the box towards Susan.

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