Resilience (31 page)

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Authors: Bailey Bradford

BOOK: Resilience
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Todd’s arms until he found his hands, then Adam pushed them over his hard cock.

Adam dropped his head back, his eyelids dropping almost shut as he hissed air through his clenched teeth. He pressed Todd’s hands a little harder and thrust. Todd could feel the heat from his dick through the denim of his jeans and he sucked harder, inhaling through his nose to soak in the sweat and musk odour he loved so much.

A primal need was building in him, something he rarely let loose, but when he had—

oh, when he had… Todd growled and scraped his teeth over already copper-tanged skin at the same time he moved one hand down to cup Adam’s balls. He gripped Adam’s cock firmly and squeezed it as well as Adam’s sac.

Adam arched, an erotic perfection in the mirror and in Todd’s arms. Todd wanted to devour him. He raked his hand up, letting go of Adam’s dick, and let his fingers drag and his nails catch where he knew it’d drive Adam insane with need. It did, Adam’s abs clenching, spasming under his touch, his chest heaving, his little nipples pointing out, begging for more as Adam reached up and locked his hands together behind Todd’s neck. Offering himself, opening himself.

Todd pressed Adam’s sac up, careful with the pressure. Adam whimpered and Todd

pinched one taut nipple. He twisted the nub, drawing animalistic grunts from his man. He eased his hand up to unfasten Adam’s pants, managing it with the one hand while

continuing to work Adam’s tits with other.

Adam’s neck was well and truly marked, at least in the one spot, so Todd found the

sweet little patch under his jaw, right in front of his ear. A nip there had Adam almost keening, wordless pleas spilling from his lips.

Todd got the jeans open and Adam’s cock was right there, no underwear in the way.

The wet tip batted his hand as it was freed. Nipples, jaw and dick, Todd worked each, setting a slow grind of his own against Adam’s ass+. The firm globes of Adam’s butt felt amazing despite the clothing in the way. Todd rubbed eagerly, the friction to his cock a temporary balm to the desire threatening to overpower him.

And it did, all with one low keen from Adam, one eager, hungry rub of his buttocks

against Todd’s groin. Todd’s control snapped, hunger pounding into him. He didn’t

recognise the sounds coming from him as he shoved Adam’s jeans down. Somehow they got off one ankle and that was all Todd needed. He pushed Adam forwards, up against the bathroom counter in front of the sink.

Adam dropped down to his elbows and braced himself, his gaze demanding, daring.

Todd had his pants shoved down enough to get his cock out, then he leaned and rubbed in the warm furrow between Adam’s cheeks. It was so tempting, the thought of pushing right into Adam’s tight little hole, but Todd would never be so far gone as to hurt Adam. He rutted for several seconds, rocking hard, one hand on Adam’s shoulder and the other on his hip. It felt good, and Todd knew if he wasn’t careful he’d blow his load all over Adam’s back instead of inside where he wanted to be.

There was no lube at hand, but Todd remembered seeing a bottle of lotion. He nipped the back of Adam’s neck, watched goose bumps roll over his back, then stood and reached for the lotion on the counter. A glance at Adam, an arched brow and a nod, and it was good.

Todd pumped out a palmful of the cold lotion and grinned at Adam. Neither of them wanted easy, comfortable, not now.

Adam hissed when the coolness coated his crack, but came to his toes and pushed his ass up when Todd fingered his hole. Without hesitation, Todd pushed two fingers in.

“Yes!” Adam shouted, that tight ring stretching, so hot and silky past it, Todd’s fingers encased in Adam’s body. Inner walls contracted around them and Todd had to close his eyes and bite the hell out of his cheek as his cock leaked pre-cum. He was dangerously close to the edge, and seeing Adam, hearing him, feeling him, was making Todd ache from his balls to his chest with the urge to come.

Todd kneaded one of Adam’s ass cheeks while he twisted his wrist, pumping in and

out of Adam’s pucker rapidly. Adam rocked back, fucking himself on Todd’s fingers as much as he could.

“More,” Adam demanded, and, yeah, Todd was all for that. He pulled his fingers out

all the way on the next withdrawal, and, when Adam slammed back, Todd had his cock

lined up. “Agh! Fuck, yeah!”

Silence obviously was no longer the unspoken agreement, but Todd couldn’t make a

sound as he sank his dick into Adam’s velvety heat. The tight grip of inner muscles, the clench of that hole around the base of his cock, was driving Todd mad. He put his hands back on Adam’s shoulder and his hip and pounded into him, giving them both what they needed, this hungry, consuming mating.

Adam’s wail was almost eardrum-piercing, his body shaking as he shoved back, his ass battering Todd’s hips, their balls slapping together. Todd might have yelped, he might have shouted, he couldn’t tell because of the rushing of his pulse, the pounding of his heartbeat was all he could hear. He wasn’t like this, hadn’t been, but something drove him, drove Adam until they were driving need and instinct.

Todd grunted as he fucked Adam with harsh strokes, his rhythm already shot. Sweat burned his eyes and made hanging onto Adam difficult. Todd curled his fingers, some part of him knowing he was possibly leaving marks. Adam spurred him on with words Todd couldn’t make out but the eagerness in Adam’s tone was unmistakable. Just as there was eagerness in each shove back, their movements were almost violent as Adam fought to be taken harder and Todd met his need with a snarling force that later would puzzle him.

“Fuck me,” Adam cried out, roaring the words over the chaotic racket in Todd’s head.

Todd let go of his hip and grabbed the back of Adam’s leg. He hitched Adam’s thigh

up, propping his knee on the counter. Todd wanted in deeper, hitched his own leg up, winding his arms under Adam’s torso to grab at his shoulders that way. Sometime during their fucking, Adam had got a hand under him, and for a second there was a tangle of arms and hands, then Todd got the grip he wanted. He couldn’t pull out as far, but he could jackhammer his hips against Adam’s ass, fucking him with hard, short strokes.

Breathing was a challenge, Todd’s lungs burning, his stomach muscles on fire as he

pounded away at Adam. Todd’s vision blurred, his balls growing warm as they drew up.

Pleasure spread in waves from his sac to his cock, and Todd pressed his head against Adam’s shoulder then bit the salty skin tempting him so.

And Adam screamed, his entire body tensing, his ass clamping down around Todd’s

cock so tight that he swore his heart stopped. Then he bellowed and ground his hips against Adam’s ass as his orgasm ripped out of him in thick spurts, cum pumping from him into his lover.

Todd gasped with the last shot of spunk, an overload of sensation making his spine

sizzle. He couldn’t open his eyes, couldn’t move, could only draw in uneven, raspy breaths as he all but collapsed on Adam. A part of him was stunned by the way they’d gone after each other, the way he’d taken Adam, but Todd could still see that look, the challenge and need in Adam’s eyes. He couldn’t chastise himself for doing what Adam had wanted, and, even though he hadn’t known it, what he’d wanted as well.

But why now? Todd couldn’t figure it out, and he was probably overthinking it as

usual. He had that tendency. He should be grateful they could still find new ways to excite each other. And that was what he was going to do, quit worrying. Tomorrow they were

leaving to go try to find Jameson and Luuk. Tonight he and Adam were going to explore more of this newly discovered need between them.

Chapter Forty-Six

It was decided, with Adam’s input, to search outside of the Netherlands for Jameson

and Luuk. Adam pointed out that Jameson had loved hiking, loved spending time in the mountains. He’d not particularly cared for the cold, which showed how much he loved

Luuk, to move here. But would he be capable of hiding out in any of the mountainous areas?

“If he were a wolf, I’d think so,” Adam mused. “But if he wasn’t then I just can’t picture it.”

Alex, one of the dozen shifters Marcus had sent over to help with the hunt, growled and tipped his head down to glare at the floor. “Well, where would he go then?”

“I don’t fucking know!” Adam snapped, rubbing at his temples. “I mean, it’s not like we discussed a secret escape-from-the-evil-shifters plan!” As soon as the words were out, Adam cringed and held up a hand. “I’m sorry, I am. I just, I don’t know how to help here.

My fucking head is pounding, like there’s a bunch of little bombs in there that go off every few seconds. It’s driving me fucking nuts.”

Todd was immediately at Adam’s side, massaging his tense shoulders. “Have you

taken anything?”

“Ibuprofen and some heavier shit, but it hasn’t even made a dent in this pain.” He

closed his eyes and sagged against Todd.

Adam’s normally tanned skin was pale and held a faintly green tint to it. His eyes,

when they’d been open, had been bloodshot and underscored by heavy bags.

“I’m going to take Adam back to our room and try to help him rest,” Todd told the

others. Alex looked like he wanted to argue, but Aidan nodded.

“We’ll figure out something. There’s got to be clues here. I can’t believe Maarten

doesn’t have some idea of where Luuk would go.” Aidan turned and arched a brow at


Maarten shrugged. “I do not. My brother is the European Alpha Anax. I am his

subordinate, his beta, but he and I didn’t confide everything in one another. I wish we had. I only knew of Adam because Luuk expected him to visit and we had discussed how to hide who and what we truly are. I’ve kept an eye on Adam as much as I could over the past few years, but that isn’t saying much. I just lucked out in discovering he was coming here.”

Todd had heard it before. He started to steer Adam out of the room but Adam stopped

and inhaled sharply.

“Did Luuk have any close friends in the shifter hierarchy? Anyone with some power

who could help him?” Adam asked.

Maarten nodded. “Yes, but Luther has killed or displaced them.”

“And where are they?”

Maarten opened his mouth to answer Adam then huffed. “I don’t know. Luuk’s closest

friend was Yannis, who led the Greek packs. He was the first one Luther went after once Luuk and Jameson disappeared. I’d heard Luther had captured Yannis but he escaped.”

“When?” Aidan asked in an aggrieved voice.

“Last year.” Maarten stood and walked over to a window. He peered out and his broad

shoulders rounded in either defence or guilt, or perhaps despair, Todd couldn’t tell. “I don’t know what’s the truth anymore. I have no reliable spies to tell me what Luther does or if the rumours that come back to me are true or not. But if Yannis has escaped, he can’t return to Greece. More likely he’d leave…Europe…altogether,” he finished lamely. “Oh fuck!”

“Indeed. Alex,” Aidan gestured at the dark-haired man, “see what you can find out

about any gathering of ousted alphas from Europe. Maybe I’m off track here, but I would think Luuk would be working on building up an army of shifters to take back what was stolen from him since he can’t do it how we do in America.”

Maarten snorted. “Yes, Luther wouldn’t honour the traditional challenge. Luuk would

tear him apart limb from limb. Luther would act cowardly as he did before and murder his challengers before they could defend themselves. Fucking bastard.”

“At least they seem to be making some progress,” Todd tried to reassure Adam as he

resumed guiding him out of the room and towards their bedroom. “Do you think if I give you a thorough massage it will help?”

Adam groaned and melted beside him. “It sure won’t hurt. I’m sorry. I’ve never had

headaches like these before. Honestly, I’d have thought you would be the one hurting up here.” He touched his temple. “You had the bad hit to the noggin.”

“And I have occasional residual jolts of pain, but nothing like what you seem to be experiencing. I hate that you’re hurting.” Todd’s chest ached just knowing Adam was suffering. “Maybe Dr Spiegel should come—”

“No.” Adam huffed and clung to Todd. “He creeped me out last time, and, if he gives me another disgusting concoction to drink, I might just pour it over his head. I barely kept the last one down.” Adam shuddered and Todd wasn’t entirely sure he was faking it. “I’ve never tasted such vile shit before.”

“Okay, so no Spiegel.” Todd opened their bedroom door and soon had Adam on the bed. “Let me get you naked.” He waggled his eyebrows and Adam chuckled then slapped his hands to his head.

“God, don’t make me laugh.” Adam had gone a couple of shades lighter. “Maybe I’m allergic to shifters or something.”

“Nah, I think it’s just stress.” He hoped. Todd undressed Adam gently, careful not to jostle him. “On your belly, honey.” He helped Adam to roll then he straddled Adam’s strong thighs. Adam’s butt was right there in front of him, and it was exquisite, but Todd forced his gaze up to the broad shoulders hunched down, evidence of Adam’s pain. “I’m gonna help you,” he promised, then Todd began massaging Adam’s shoulders, taking his time. He

worked out every knot he found, from Adam’s neck to just above his ass. Instead of

stopping, Todd started all over again.

Adam’s muscles were bunched into hard lumps again, and Todd frowned. It was no

wonder, really, that Adam was so tense. Everything that had happened, everything they’d learned since Gabe’s confession—Geez, it was mind-boggling, and that was a frickin’

understatement. And what had happened here in Amsterdam, that was the stuff of

nightmares and crap. Todd didn’t know how he managed not to have a nervous breakdown.

“Ahhhh,” Adam sighed dreamily as Todd began massaging his scalp a second time.

“Guh, that helps so much.”

“Good.” Todd bent and dropped kisses down Adam’s nape. “Anything for you.”

Adam opened one eye and peered at Todd with a devilish glint. “Anything?”

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