Resilient (2) (5 page)

Read Resilient (2) Online

Authors: Nikki Mathis Thompson

Tags: #Divorce & Separation, #Humor, #Romance

BOOK: Resilient (2)
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Good, I can down a few drinks before I have to meet the new girlfriend.

The commuting cluster of friends made their way inside. The high vaulted ceiling of the entryway was illuminated by a large antique crystal and bronze chandelier and a large staircase curved toward the left of the room. There was a quaint sitting room to the right with several rolling coat racks. After the group took off their coats and stored their purses, they moved into the main living area. The light wood floor was covered in an elegant patterned rug. Thick white crown molding butted against soft gray walls. The furniture was a mix of wood and pale blue striped fabrics.

“For someone who has such a dirty mind, you sure have impeccable taste,” Katrine joked as Charlie approached them.

“Happy Anniversary, Charlie!”

“You know us Texas girls. Part elegant hostess, part drunken sailor,” Charlie said as she herded them towards the bar in the next room. “And don’t get me started on this anniversary business. Michael is circling like a shark, and I’m wearing a chum flavored thong. I told the bartenders to keep his glass full at all costs. I want him to have a case of whiskey dick so bad that the only thing getting up, is me in the morning. Or even better, I want him completely passed out.”

“Come on, Charlie. For the love of fuck, give it up on your anniversary!” Maddie yelled, catching the attention of other guests. Maddie saw them staring, raised her glass in their direction, and nodded. “Hi, bite me, bitches.” She said the last part in an indecipherable sing song way.

“You’re in a mood tonight, Mads,” Katrine said.

“Sorry, guys. I haven’t had sex in over a few weeks and it’s starting to make me psychotic.”

“It’s been six months for me. You would be in a padded cell by now,” Katrine joked.

“On that note I think I’ll go find the husband section.” Marcus walked away, shaking his head.

“Hey, Paige, over here, sister!” Izzie hollered. She smiled, waved, and said something to her husband. He went to the male section and she made her way over to the group.

“Wow, you girls look beautiful!” Paige said.

“You too, that dress makes you look like a pipe cleaner with boobs. I mean that as a compliment,” Charlie teased as she grabbed the side of Paige’s short, form-fitting dress. It was a royal blue scoop neck that she wore with black heels.

“And I’ll take it as a compliment. Happy anniversary, friend!” Paige said as she hugged the hostess. They all had drinks and decided to check out the food situation. To say they were impressed and a little in awe would be an understatement.

“My god, Charlie, this looks amazing!” Jane was the first to say. Everyone else followed suit because it

“Tell me you didn’t do this all on your own?” Katrine asked.

“I didn’t do the desserts or the mushroom tarts. I got those at the French bakery up the road. But the rest I did myself. With the help of Costco, of course. I know it would be easier to hire a caterer, but this is one culinary endeavor I enjoy doing.”

“I don’t even know where to start, but I’m so glad I wore this dress, because I’m about to get my eat on,” Maddie said as she dove into the shrimp tower. Katrine smiled at her sister. She had thrown something together and she did look gorgeous, just like they’d predicted. She wore a billowy teal dress, that make most women look like a gypsy on Halloween, but with the scarf and accessories, Mads looked like a model. The rest of the girls filled their plates as well and made their way into the kitchen. They wanted to pig out in private.

Later, after they had a few rounds of wine and food, they made their way back into the living room. They formed a loose circle and began to chat.

“So anal is never a good idea, in case you were wondering,” Paige said dryly. Katrine’s wine went right up her nose.

“Please tell me there’s more.You can’t drop a line like that and just back away from it,” Izzie said.

“Bryan has been asking me for years. No, asking isn’t the right word. Begging and pleading is more like it. Anyway, I’ve never been interested in such things, so I’ve always said no. But he just wouldn’t let up. So finally a few weeks ago we had been out to dinner and I had a few glasses of wine. Well, maybe more like a whole bottle. So my inhibitions were low and my resolve finally crumbled due to the amazing foreplay session. So to make a long and painful story short, I let him.” She sighed.

“So what’s the problem, Paige? Yeah, it can hurt, but you don’t have to look so defeated,” Maddie.

Paige stepped in closer and bade them do the same. When all of their foreheads were almost touching, she began to speak quietly.

“Well, after I had the kids, I had some “hemmy” issues, which happens. But I haven’t been bothered by them for years. Well, now Mr. Butt Wonder had to go and do that. Half of my large intestine is now hanging from my nether regions!” Oh no’s and gasps were heard all around.

“I expressed my anger about my current situation and he had the nerve to say ‘Why do you have to blame everything on me? How is this my fault?’ Well, my response was, ‘Who else should I blame? Was someone else’s dick in my back door?’… That shut him up.”

They were all rolling. One, because Paige said ‘dick in my back door.’ And two, because anal sex-induced hemorrhoids was just funny, in a depraved way.

“Sweetie, I am so sorry. I hope your situation…dissolves? Retracts? Um, I hope the turtle goes back in its shell? Sorry, not sure what to say in this type of situation,” Katrine said, trying unsuccessfully to keep a straight face.

“I would love to see you explain that to your doctor. ‘So, Paige. What brought this on?’” Charlie laughed.

“Ha, ha, mock if you must. But this, my friends, was a cautionary tale that I hope you take to heart. Just-say-no.”

“No to anal!” They all clinked their glasses and giggled. It was a little louder than appropriate, but now that music was playing, no one seemed to notice.

“Speaking of things up the ass…Charlie, these chicks from your neighborhood are suffering from some serious PUB. Why do you hang out with these bitches?” Maddie asked.

“What the hell is pub?” Charlie asked.

“P-U-B. Pole Up the Butt,” Maddie said dryly, like everyone should have known what her made-up acronym stood for. “And you need to tell Tarantula Lashes to ditch the extensions. They look ridiculous.”

Katrine laughed. “I think PUB must be contagious because they all seem to have contracted it.”

“I know, I know. But, it’s one of those necessary evils. I have to associate with them. Our kids go to the same schools. We’re on the PTA together, the women’s league, our husbands play golf together. That type of thing. You know me. I don’t put up with anyone’s bullshit and I don’t kiss anyone’s ass. And if they have a problem with it, they can kiss mine.”

“That one over there has your exact haircut and isn’t that the same dress you wore to the New Year’s party?” Jane asked.

“Oh, her,” Charlie said with an eye roll. “She has some
Single White Female

“Well, they do say imitation is the best form of flattery,” Paige pointed out.

“Or, it’s just creepy as fuck,” Charlie replied.

“I’m going with choice B,” Katrine said. The others totally agreed.

Maddie straightened up and elbowed Izzie. Izzie then cleared her throat. Katrine was in front of both of them so she couldn’t see what had caught their attention. She slowly turned her head. Ian was in the entryway wearing a dark blue fitted sweater with black slacks. He looked over his shoulder and extended his hand. Katrine didn’t breathe for a few moments. She waited. Waited to see the person who had grabbed onto Ian’s hand. The girl was petite and slender. Her hair was very dark and cut in an inverted bob. They walked hand in hand towards their group.

For the love of God, wave or smile. Do something!

Her hand flew up in a spastic wave and she heard herself say, “Hey, Ian!” Her voice was bubbly and false.

Okay, we’re going with poodle on crack. Didn’t realize that was one of the options. Tristan would be loving this.

As they approached, Katrine noticed the girl was striking. Her eyes were large, but almond in shape. She looked to be Asian or maybe Hawaiian. Her skin was tan even though it was January, so not fair. Katrine had to pry her eyeballs from the poor girl; if she stared any longer it would start to get weird, or bitchy.

Act normal, act normal, act normal, act normal…

The chant continued in her head as the two new-comers joined the circle.

“Hello, girls,” Ian said cheerfully. He was greeted with hugs. They all loved him. He then turned to Katrine.

“Hey, Katrine. Wow, you look amazing.” He gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. Her skin seared where his lips had been.

“Ladies, this is Amber.” They all greeted her with genuine enthusiasm.


Katrine just smiled. She was afraid her words would come out fake and she didn’t want that. So she drained the last of her wine, hoping it would mellow her out. To say she was on edge was putting it mildly.

There aren’t enough grapes on the planet.

“Hello. It’s so nice to meet you all. Ian has told me all about you.” She turned to Katrine. “Especially you, Katrine, I feel like I already know you. I’m just glad to finally put faces to the names. Gosh, Ian, you said Katrine was pretty, but I think you were being conservative in your description,” Amber said kindly. It didn’t even sound ass-kissy, damn it.

Oh great, she’s nice.

And pretty…Well that’s just…well…shit.

“Thank you for that, Amber. It’s so nice to meet you. Ian’s a wonderful guy.” She smiled. Their gazes locked for a split second then Ian put his hand around his date’s small waist. “We’ll be back. I think we should hit the bar.” Amber smiled, no beamed up at him and nodded. They promised to be right back as soon as they greeted their hosts and scored some alcohol.

“Looks like she’s got it bad,” Maddie said.

“Which one?” Izzie smirked.

They all turned and looked at Katrine. She rolled her eyes a little and put her glass
to her lips. It was most unfortunate that the glass was empty.

“I need more wine,” Katrine announced.

“Well, then, go get some more,” Paige said.

“I don’t want to go over there while they’re over there.”

“You’re being a baby, just go. Look, he’s by himself. Go, go!” Maddie urged.

Katrine was doing her best not to speed walk over to the bar. She slowed and threw her shoulders back, trying to look casual. With her ‘nonchalant’ in place, she stood beside Ian and waited for the bartender to notice her. Ian noticed her first. He turned and pulled her into a hug. “How ya doing, little lady?” He seemed really happy and that made her feel like the biggest asshole on the planet.

“Good. Amber seems great. Way to go, bud!” She was surprised that she really meant that. He deserved to be happy.

“So, you here with a date or did you come with your girls?”

“No date. There’s this young fellow from class sniffing around, but I don’t think I’m interested.”

“Good.” That was all he said. She had no idea what that meant.

“Cab, please, thank you.” She smiled and grabbed her now full glass. She turned towards him, knowing she only had a few moments until his date reappeared. She put her hand on his arm and looked into his eyes. “I’m glad you’re happy, Ian.” She smiled and pressed her lips to his cheek, then walked away.

Chapter 6

She walked briskly to the bathroom. She sat down on the seat and put her head into her hands. Katrine emptied her lungs and her bladder. She was grateful that was over. She had seen him with
and introductions had been made, pleasantries exchanged. How did she go from the pursued to pouting on the pot? She shook her head and stopped that line of thinking.

It is what it is… And ain’t, what it ain’t.

And wasn’t that the truth. Now she was going to go out there and enjoy the fact that all of her girls were under the same roof.

And get sloshed. Okay maybe not sloshed, but severely buzzed.

Mature? No, but who the hell cared. Teddy wouldn’t get home until after lunch, so she had plenty of time to sleep it off, or run it off.

She did her best to ignore the attractive couple and that was easier now that they were mingling with other groups. The girls were deep in conversation when Charlie came up to them with the most delectable man ever. She had their complete attention.

“Friends, I would like you to meet our neighbor, Shawn Brooks. He just moved here from Baltimore last month and has joined a law firm in town.”

No one spoke, they were all too busy salivating. He was at least six foot with hair trimmed close to his perfectly shaped head. His skin was the color of rich caramel and his perfect white teeth peeked out from under some seriously lush lips. He made Denzel look like Homey the clown.

“Good evening, ladies, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” Holy shit, his voice was like a soft vibration to their nether regions. They were all gaping at him with their mouths open. Katrine was the first to get the blood flow back to her head. “Welcome to Texas, Shawn. I hope you enjoy it. This is Paige, Izzie, and my sister, Maddie.” He nodded hello to Izzie and Paige, but then he locked eyes with Maddie. Katrine was looking back and forth between the two of them.

Katrine discreetly nudged her mesmerized sister. “What about Wes?” Katrine whispered out of the side of her mouth.

“Shut up, drooling over here,” Maddie said, ventriloquist style. Eventually he excused himself from the group and Charlie smirked knowingly.

“I cannot believe you’ve kept him under wraps!” Izzie squealed.

“I was just waiting on the chance for the big reveal.” Charlie was enjoying their hormonal fluctuations way too much.

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