Respect for the Dead (Surviving the Dead Book 1) (25 page)

BOOK: Respect for the Dead (Surviving the Dead Book 1)
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              “I’m serious.  I think we should start thinking about another place to stay.”  Wes whispered to Steve. 

              “I really don’t see what you do.”  Steve replied. 

              “I can’t put my finger on it but there is something not right about…”  Wes broke off as a woman tiptoed by them in the darkened church. 

              Steve and Wes watched her move quietly to a pew a few rows up and to the left of them.  A child coughed and the woman raised its head to give it a drink.  Wes continued to stare until Steve hit him on the arm. 

              “Something not right?”  Steve questioned. 

              “Yeah, about the Father.”

              “Such as?”

              “Why are we up here?” 

              Steve pulled a face.  “What do you mean?”

              “Why are we up here in the exposed church?”  Steve made to protest, but Wes held up a hand and continued, “I mean I know the windows are high and the doors are thick, but the school isn’t so protected and it is attached right through those doors.”

              “There is a ten foot high fence and the area that isn’t exposed has bricked up windows.  Remember he said they had trouble down here.”

              “That is fine for a few vandals and thieves but you get ten, twenty, thirty, a hundred of those things and that fence is coming down.  You know it and I know it.” 

              “I prefer to be up here with several exits than sitting down in that shelter.  If this place is overrun I don’t like the idea of the walking around up here when the lights go out down there.”  Steve explained.  “Plus you were the one who didn’t want to be all Heaven Gate down there.   Dude you need to make up your mind.” 

              Wes sat silently digesting what Steve had just explained.   Steve adjusted on the floor, trying to get comfortable on the mat that was pulled in from the gym to sleep on.  “This thing smells funny.” 

              “I remember a girl in kindergarten that peed on one of those.”  Wes snickered at the look on Steve’s face. 

              “Was it Beth?”  Steve asked smirking.

              “No.”  Wes laughed, “And she is going to kick your ass when I tell her you said that.”

              The woman a few pews over shushed them.  Wes stifled his laugh, then his face turned serious again.  “Ok so why keep it locked then.”

              “What locked, oh the shelter?  I guess like he said. It locks on its own and so no one runs off with stuff that would benefit the whole group.”

              “If he decided we need to pool our weapons…I am not going to give up my guns.”  Wes stated.

              “You sound like one of those militia guys.”  Steve laughed.

              “Wish I was one of those guys right now.  I bet they are safe out in their compounds in the woods.  They have guns, food, mines…”


              “Just because they thought it would be the government and not the undead…well the government was brain dead.”

              “Go to sleep dude.”

              “Seriously Steve, let’s think about getting out of here. ”

              “I am, I am.”

              Wes was quiet for a while then he whispered, “We need to find Beth.  I don’t think she is coming here.” 

Now Where?       


“How did they find us?”  Beth gasped.  The adrenalin was still pounding through her veins making it hard to sit still.    

  “They must have followed us.”  Bill replied grimacing and rubbing his ankle. 

Gillian moved over to him to take a look.  She pulled up the pant leg and frowned.  His leg was already swollen and black and blue. 

“How!"  How did they follow us?  We didn’t see any of them on our way there.”  Beth demanded.

  “Because he drove so damn slow! You let them know where we were.  We could have stayed there for days but you led them right to us.”  Stancy cried pointing at Devin.

Devin just silently drove away from the factory. 

“Listen stupid!  We couldn’t have stayed there for days we had no damn food.”  Beth shouted.  Her annoyance reaching its breaking point with the older woman as she remembered the comments she made about her.    “They found us!  So now we know we have to find a more secure place.  One without so many ways in.” Beth finished glaring at Stancy.

“Next place needs to be defendable.  I think someplace on a second floor or higher.”  Hector mused. 

“I don’t know if that is good enough.  I saw what happened back at the factory.  Yeah they don’t do stairs well, but they will crawl over each other to get at us.  They ended up making a ramp out of each other.  The best thing might be to tear up the stairs once we’re up.”  Beth explained.

“Oh that sounds brilliant.  Let’s trap ourselves.  Stupid little girl.”  Stancy fired up.

“I’ve had just about enough out of you.”  Hector shouted, “She is right.”

Stancy furiously sputtered.  Martin slammed his fist against the side of the truck.  Everyone turned at the noise.   The former Mayor was furious.  “We have been forced out of every place we have tried so far.  It is damn early in the morning.  Our first order of business is to get some damn food and water.  Then we need to locate someplace where we can hold up for a while until we can figure a way out of this deep shit we’re in.” He finished by glaring around at everyone as if daring them to contradict him. 

“Feels like I just got yelled at by my dad.”  Matt whispered to Beth.   She just nodded, also feeling like she had just been caught doing something wrong.  Silence filled the truck for several long minutes.  Devin drove at a slow pace, but not as slow as when they had first passed through this neighborhood. 

Finally as the quiet was starting to become unbearable, Devin spoke up.  “I’m sorry about the warehouse and I agree that we need a new place.  I just have no idea where I am going now, so any suggestions would be great.”

Gillian wrapped a cold pack she had salvaged from the ambulance around Bill’s ankle and gave him some pain killers.  She sat back on her heels for a moment, thinking.  “I had a friend that lived downtown above a store.  There was only one door in and a fire escape.” 

Martin’s hand hit the side of the truck again causing everyone to jump.  This time though he smiled at her as he spoke.  “So we can use the truck to climb up the fire escape and barricade the stairs up to the apartments.  Now we’re thinking!”

Hector thought for a moment.  “Sounds like it could work.  Be better if we could block the door with the truck…but that doesn’t seem likely.  We’ll have to check the logistics when we get there.”

“Sounds like we have a plan.”  Bill said wincing as Gillian tied off the wrap a little too forcefully.

“Sorry.”  She said noticing the look of pain. 

“Oh brilliant plan, where the hell are we going?’  Stancy questioned.

Gillian sat for a moment thinking.  Max and Hector exchanged questioning looks.

“Ok it was down on Locust near Park.  If I remember correctly.”  Gillian finally spoke.  “I don’t remember the number but I think I’ll know it when I see it.”   

Trevor, who occupied the passenger seat, reached over and gave Devin a slug on the arm.  Then in a would be chipper voice exclaimed, “Well my friend back to town then.”

Stancy sat in the back mumbling several derogatory things aimed at both Devin and Beth.  Beth tried to ignore the more questionable slants against her morals, as she moved up behind the driver’s seat. 

“You ok?”  She asked Devin. 

Devin looked over Beth and rolled his eyes and shook his head.  “I’m not going to worry about someone that ignorant.”  Devin said as he looked out the windshield.

Beth patted his shoulder but couldn’t help feel that Devin was extremely bothered.  She understood his annoyance.  The world seemed to be ending.  They might be the only ones left alive and he stilled had to deal with the ignorance of a bigot.  Her thoughts were interrupted by a suggestion from Martin.

“We should get some supplies before we try to hold up someplace.  We won’t know what is at this place until we get there and I don’t want to have to leave for a while.”

“Any suggestions on where to stop?”  Devin asked.

“Where are we?”  Max asked.

“The Pine Ridge area.”  Devin answered. 

“Yeah, yeah perfect the Cost Club is just a little ways away.  We can pick up bulk stuff that will last for a while.”  Matt grinned as he joined the others looking out the front window.  

“Sounds good.”  Devin agreed and sped up a little.  He didn’t even try to swerve as a zombie stumbled off the sidewalk in front of them.  Its arms flung out in the air as it flew off the front of the truck. 

First Light


Distracted by a motorcycle embedded in a van, Devin took the turn late, going in through the out lane.  Matt was about to comment but shut his mouth at the look on Gillian’s face.  Devin continued through the parking lot of the huge warehouse store.  The sun had just begun to break over the mountains.  Several zombies shuffled around the lot.  They all seemed to be heading to the front of the store. 

“What the hell?”  Hector asked as they watched the zombies march to the doors. 

“The gates are down.  Looks like it was closed up when everything went to hell.”  Max pointed excitedly. 

“There are too many of them out here.  Head around the back.”  Trevor suggested.  Devin nodded and pulled the truck around the corner of the building. 

“How do we get in?”  Matt asked. 

“We open a door, just like we did at the factory.”  Max replied. 

“Glad we have a cop to help us break in.”  Beth laughed.  Max turned to her, an actual smile on his face.  Devin spied a delivery door and backed the truck up close to it.  He put the truck in park but left the engine running.  He got up from the driver’s seat and streatched.  “Trevor.  Take over driving for a bit, will you?”

Trevor nodded and moved from the passenger seat to the driver’s.  Devin looked around the back of the truck for a moment and pulled up a panel in the floor.  Inside was a spare tire, a jack and a tire tool with a wedge shaped end.

Matt gawked.  “Sure now you think of that.  Why couldn’t you have found that before I jumped out the truck at the bra place?”  

Devin gave Matt an apologetic smile.  He then moved to the back doors of the truck.  Readying himself he looked at Hector, Beth and Max in turn.    

“Ok I guess Devin’s going, who else?”  Hector asked.

Beth leaned close to Devin and whispered, “No one blames you.  You don’t have to do this.”

He nodded at her and patted her arm reassuringly.  Beth smiled at him and placed her hand over his.  She then returned to getting ready when Hector spoke.  “Ok we need someone to stay out here and guard the truck, Beth that’ll be you and Max.  Martin, Matt, the doc and I will go in.”

Beth began to protest but Hector held up his hand to quiet her.  “You’re a better shot than any of these guys and god willing there will be more zombies out here than in there.”

The ones going into the store began to gather the guns they had.  Max took the shot gun away from Matt and gave him a 22 instead.  Matt frowned at the gun.  Max gave a revolver to Martin.  Stancy had already moved to the passenger seat and was making it obvious that she was going nowhere. 

“You know I can push a cart and use it as a walker.”  Bill protested.

“Come on Bill, what if we run into problems?  There is no way you will be able to out run trouble if we get into it.  What if there are a bunch of them.”  Gillian explained putting a hand on Bill’s shoulder keeping him from rising. 

“Seriously Mr. Reager, You’re better off here, for now.  I’ll be just outside.”  Beth comforted. 

Bill lay back wearily against the side of the truck.  He gave Beth a weak smile.  Gillian nodded a silent thanks.  

“Great stuck out here with Annie Oakley and a gimp.”  Stancy muttered.

“Well you could get off your ass and help out.”  Max commented.

Stancy turned her back on them with a huff.  Trevor glanced at her sideways from the driver’s seat.  The others spared the back of her head a look of annoyance before readying their assault on the huge package store. 

The next few minutes held a flurry of activity.  Devin and Hector worked to force the store’s rear door open.  Beth took up a position at the rear of the truck while Max ran to the front.  Matt, Gillian, and Martin nervously waited behind Devin and Hector. 

“Hang close to me Kid.”  Martin winked at Matt. 

Matt looked over to Gillian, she nodded for him to go with the Mayor.  Gillian hung close to Devin as he worked on the door.  Hector it was decided would sweep the store front.  If he saw trouble he would alert the others to get out quick. 

The rear door of the store popped open.  Instantly alarms began to blare, Beth instinctively covered her ears.  The cold of the handgun she was holding against her ear reminded her to ignore the sound. 
This is going to bring them
.   She thought, and began to check around for the most probable places the undead would come from. 

Hector had already entered the building.  The others waited a couple of second then rushed into the blackness through the door.  The alarm stopped.  Beth stepped behind the truck looking toward the front.  Max was sweeping his rifle back and forth across the area.  Beth returned to her position.  Looking at the nine millimeter hand gun she wished for something with more kick.    

Movement at the far corner of the building captured her attention.  Two of the undead rounded the edge of the structure.  Beth watched them for a moment.  From this distance they looked perfectly normal.  Beth gave a hesitant wave to show she was alive; she quickly lowered her arm and adjusted the aim on her weapon. 

The two had responded, it was the response of the undead, a low longing moan followed by outstretched arms and a quicker shuffled toward her.  Beth’s heart ached with disappointment.  She raised her weapon and sighted the head of the ghoul in a light windbreaker.  Using the team emblem on the dead man’s ball cap she readied to fire.   

The shots she heard did not come from her gun nor from Max’s.  Max appeared at the front of the truck a questioning look in his eyes.  Beth shook her head to say she hadn’t fired.  They looked at each other then at the open door to the store.

Answering their question Gillian burst through the opening.  Terror was etched deep onto the features of the young veterinarian.  Devin followed closely on Gillian’s heels. 

“Start the truck.”  He screamed from the back door.  Stancy shrieked, flailed and pounded the dash.  Trevor turned the key making the starter scream against the already running engine.  

Beth noticed neither Gillian nor Devin had any supplies.  More gun fire erupted from inside the building.  Devin paled turning to look behind him.  He took a step back, stumbled, turned and fell right over the threshold.  Running blindly Hector tripped over him as he came out next.  Devin was clawing his way to the truck.  Hector heaved him to his feet and pushed him into the back of the rumbling vehicle. 

Beth was moving toward the door, “Where are Matt and Martin?” As if to answer her question several small pops and three really loud bangs sounded from inside.  Beth spun as one of the back doors to the truck slammed shut by Max. 

“MATT!  MARTY!  WE HAVE TO GO!”  Hector was yelling from the still open door.  He pointed to either side of the store.  Zombies were streaming around both sides.  He grabbed Beth’s hand and pulled her in.  Trevor began to pull forward. 

“Wait!  WAIT!  They are coming!”  Beth screamed over her shoulder at him. 

In the dark of the doorway she could see the flashes of guns firing.  Then Matt flew out the door as if he had been thrown.  He hit the pavement and didn’t get up right away.  Beth started to move when Hector pushed past her.  He jumped out and in one fluid motion scooped Matt up, turned and was back in the truck in a flash. 

Martin appeared at the back door covered in blood.  His face a mask of sorrow and terror as his eyes locked with Beth’s.  They stared at each other.  Beth took a step forward.  Her hand found the door handle as she readied to jump out of the truck.  Martin held up his hand wearing a look that begged her to understand. 

“NO!”  Beth screamed as Martin reached over, grabbed the door knob then slammed the door shut.  Hector’s strong arms strained to hold Beth as she fought to get out. 

“Trevor, Go!  Max, get the door!  Beth there is nothing you can do.”  Hector yelled. 

Beth fought against the military man.  She stared at the closed portal through the open truck door.  Max pulled the door shut, Beth broke free, scrambled around Max to the window.  She watched the closed store door, the image of Martin’s face seared into her brain.

Trevor sped through the oncoming crowd of undead.  Soon she could no longer see the door through the sea of zombies.  Slowly she turned to see the faces of those that had been inside.  They all held a look of horror and pain.  “What…What happened?” She gasped. 

Matt lay on the floor with his eyes half closed.  He propped himself up slightly on his elbows, looking past Beth he slurred, “I thought that place was crowded when everyone was alive.”  His eyes rolled back, his head thudded against the steel and he promptly passed out.   Gillian checked his pulse. 

Trevor’s voice came cracked and strained from the front.  “I knew him for fifteen years.  Fifteen.  Since he was a city council man.”

Looking up from Matt, Gillian looked from Max to Beth then to the floor.  In a shaky voice she spoke, “God, there were so many in there.  So many.  It was like they went there as a hiding place or something.  It was packed…and so many.”  With that she dissolved into tears. 

Hector just sat and shook.  He was trying to load his weapon but his fingers wouldn’t work right.  Beth found a bottle of water and handed it to him.  He looked up at her, tears streaming down his face.  “Children, so many children.”  He breathed.  Only the sound of the engine was heard for the journey back into town. 

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