Revelation (The Forever Series Book Three) (16 page)

BOOK: Revelation (The Forever Series Book Three)
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Of course it is.

We all just stare at each other for a moment and he breaks
the silence. “And you would be?” he enquiries of Cole and Devon, even though I
have no doubt he knows exactly who they are. They introduce themselves stiffly.

He nods, “Nephews.” And they both look like they might be
sick, as do I, probably.

“May I enquire to the reason for your visit?”

“Liv, thought about what you said,” CK answers for me. “We
do need to keep this in the family… under the circumstances.”

He glows with satisfaction. “I thought as much. I may need
something back from you though, Father,” he remarks pointedly.

“That’s up to Liv. She has it,” he says shortly.

Three pairs of eyes land on me in various shades of
surprise. I blink and say, “All in good time. First things, can we get

His eyes burn into mine at my refusal to give him what he
wants but he says, “Of course. Tatiana will show you to your rooms?” with a
smirk attached to the question and CK glowers back at him.

“No, one will do,” he says and stalks past him much to the
surprise of the three of us left to follow in his wake.

Halfway up the stairs Lance says, “Oh Lucretia,” and I stop
dead as CK grips my elbow and I turn. “Your room in the tower is still
available should you want it.” Evil black eyes boring into mine proving a point
after my refusal to give him his ring back.

Again CK speaks for me, “I’m sure Tatiana can provide us
with something more suitable.” And he turns us both back around and forces me
up the stairs.

We follow Tatiana down the main corridor and she leads us to
a room at the end. Opening the door she steps inside and we follow. Stepping
inside I take it in. A lavish room with a sunken sitting area with millions of
pillows and cushions everywhere, heavy drapes, that are of course closed, dark
wood tables adorned with beautiful vases full of fresh flowers and turning in a
circle I catch sight of the bed, as do the other three.

CK grunts softly and says to Cole, “Take that look off your
face, boy. We don’t split up.”

Cole looking less than happy at the enormous bed, which must
be at least twice the size of a king-size bed is covered in black satin and
again mountains of pillows and is clearly made for sleeping more than two.

The penny drops and I shudder. “An orgy room? Really? This
is where she brings us? I would rather have taken my chances in the tower,” I
mutter to myself trying not to think of the depraved goings-on that have
occurred in here.

“Don’t be silly, Aefre. This is perfect. Now we can all stay

He turns to thank Tatiana in Romanian, well I guess that is
what he said, I don’t speak it… for obvious reasons.

She is staring at him in awe. The sire of her Master, quite
something to be terrified of, if Lance is anything to go by. She bobs her head
and mumbles something back and he nods his thanks.

“What did she say?” I ask as soon as he closes the door.

“She offered us her services.”

I move to open the heavy curtains feeling better at the
sunlight streaming in and I stand in it, not moving. Devon goes to blow out the

“Why does this place not have electric lighting?” he asks
the question I was thinking.

I shrug. “Probably costs too much to run 24/7. It’s not like
he can open the curtains during the day for natural lighting,” I say, staring
out of the window at the remarkable view. Opposite side to the tower windows, I
note. I definitely prefer this view. Catching sight of the wolves roaming
brings my attention back to them and why they would protect this place. Knowing
Lance it must be for less than honorable reasons.

“Are you okay?” Cole comes up behind me and put his arms
around me. I lean back into him.

“Yes. Itching to just kill him and stuff the consequences.”

“I think you might find this may be easier than we expected.
I am under the impression that, well certainly Tatiana, is not altogether happy
to be here,” CK says, coming to stand next to me.

That catches my attention and I look at him sharply, “Why
would you think that?”

“When Lance mentioned the tower her heart started to race
and she was terrified. If she doesn’t have the full story, she definitely knows
something and is not happy about it.”

Hm, interesting.

“So are we going to test this bed out then?” Devon remarks
slyly from the other side of the room and Cole looks murderous as he turns to
him to snap, “No!” while CK chuckles, clearly remembering our impromptu
three-way from a few days ago.

Devon looks mock disappointed and I realize I would like
nothing better than to take the bed for a test drive. Between the company, the
stress and clearly the ambience of this room, it is a most pleasing thought,
which unfortunately must pass across my face as Cole steps back and his face
closes down.

“Liv,” he warns and I shrug unapologetically.

“It’s this room. It puts thoughts into your head. It expects
it.” I smile gently to show I am joking and luckily he has the humor to smile

“However, I am pretty tired so I’m going to take a quick
nap,” I add with a yawn.

Christ, I am so tired again. This is just annoying now.

“I can’t say that much will be going on around here until it
gets dark. Clearly, as he is stuck to the shadows, his minions are as well,” CK
says. “Go and lie down, my sweet, we will keep you safe.” He kisses my forehead
and I nod my thanks. Cole leads me to the bed that Devon is currently bouncing
up and down on. I shake my head at him. “Hey, don’t knock it till you’ve tried
it,” he says, flopping down and leaning against the pillows. “Pretty tired
myself, so I’ll just stay here,” he grins at me and settles himself further
into the sumptuous bed.

“Whatever you want. Just don’t start jumping again. I want
to sleep.” I sit and Cole takes my boots off. Feeling oddly vulnerable I choose
to leave my clothes on as I curl up on the bed and fall straight to sleep.



I wake up a few hours later to what I think is a dream. I
blink but no, it’s real and I smile to myself remembering the time difference
and it is in fact our sleeping time. Well not CK’s as he is still on Italy’s
time, and is in fact awake but lying flat on his back at the foot of the bed
staring at the ceiling, and I am nestled in between Cole and Devon on either
side of me, both dead to the world. Yes I do like this bed, I decide, and
wonder if I should get one for our house in L.A.

CK turns his head to me as he hears me stirring, and smiles
his made-just-for-me smile. “Well it might not be exactly how you wanted it but
you got us all in the bed all the same.”

I grin at him and crawl down the bed to lie next to him in a
matching pose. He takes my hand in his and we just lie there in silence for a
while, taking what we can from the small amount of contact that is our limit.

“Tatiana came by earlier,” he says. “Lance is having a
dinner party in our honor tonight. Our presence is requested at first

“Don’t you mean Vladimir?” I snort.

He huffs, “Whatever you do, Aefre, don’t go anywhere alone.
Oh and a thought occurred to me, try and pull on your virtual armory. The wards
may stop you being able to access it.”

Sitting up terrified he might be right, I immediately call a
dagger to my hand and it appears much to my relief, with a loud

“What was that noise?” Devon sits up suddenly rubbing his
face with is hand. Cole wakes as well at Devon’s voice and doesn’t look happy
to find me at the foot of the bed with my sire.

“I’m not sure. I called a dagger to make sure the wards
weren’t blocking my magick and it that arrived with that noise.”

“It was probably forcing its way through the wards. They are
strong, but you are stronger, however, whoever set them, will have noticed
that,” CK says. “Expect a visit any second now.” And there is a loud knock on
the door.

“Get rid of it,” he says and he climbs off the bed to answer
the door while he unbuttons his shirt and musses up his hair. I make it
disappear with a loud pop and we all cringe.

Crawling back in between my two boys I pull my top over my
head cuddle up to Cole who growls in protest, and I grab Devon’s arm, exposing
his wrist, and I drop my fangs and drink. Catching on that we need a
distraction he scoots further into me while Cole a bit slower to catch on is
still snarling but Devon silences him with a look.

“Can we help you?” CK asks in that rudely polite way of his.

A very large man, clearly a Vampire and not a Ward
setter--so therefore security no doubt--starts off a speech in Romanian that
only CK understands and responds to, gesturing to the bed with somewhat of a
leer and the man’s eyes flick to us three, me feeding on Devon while Cole
having caught on feels me up, clearly in the beginning stages of what this room
was designed for. Pulling back from Devon, I growl at the interruption with a
glare to the security man and pull Cole’s head down for a lingering kiss. He
flicks his eyes back to CK’s with a leer of his own and with a few further
words he takes his leave and CK closes the door.

“Nicely distracted. I don’t think he even remembered what he
was sent here for,” he says wryly as he saunters back to the bed.

Pulling away from Cole who looks somewhat stunned brings his
hand up to his mouth, his eyes going to Devon’s in embarrassment.

Devon snickers as I pull my top back on and he says, “I’ve
heard I taste delicious.” And I realize that I kissed Cole with Devon’s blood
still in my mouth. A bit of a faux pas. Oops.

Looking quite abashed I say to him, “Sorry, baby.”

He looks at me in earnest and says, “Cherries. He tastes
like you.”

Devon and I look at each other in surprise and glee on his
part. “Really?” he asks. “That’s interesting. No one has ever mentioned it

I glance quickly at CK remembering
Castel Gradile
which I named after… well... we won’t go there. But it does remind me that I
wanted to speak to him about that and Harlow. He is staring intently at me,
clearly also remembering my declaration.

An uncomfortable silence ensues and we all avoid looking at
each other for a few moments. I clear my throat and throwing caution to the
wind, my Power rising up, I crawl back over Cole and kiss him deeply. Pushing
my tongue through his lips and taking his face in my hands. He tries to push me
away as he knows where I am going with this and I am breaking almost every rule
he set.

I sense the surprise from CK and Devon as I break off the
kiss just long enough to pull my top back over head and I fall back on him
claiming him as he wiggles in protest at my breasts pushing against him.

“Liv,” he mumbles around my mouth. “Please, don’t.”

Pulling back I whisper, “I want this. I want all of you. I
need this. Just this once. Please baby, just this once.” I murmur against his
mouth as I push myself against him. I feel him stirring beneath me and it spurs
me on.

The sexual energy that is rolling around the room now is
setting all our nerves on fire and I know soon none of us will be able to hold
back. He whimpers into my mouth torn between wanting to make me happy and his
unhappiness at seeing the others also making me happy. The other two are coiled
so tight I can feel the tension peeling off them as they hold off, waiting for
the green light. Running my hands up his chest under his t-shirt pushing it up
as I go, he breaks off the kiss and I pull it over his head. He snarls, “No
fucking,” before plunging his mouth back to mine and CK and Devon move in now.
I pull my head back as I feel my sire kneeling behind me. He tilts my head and
drops his fangs sinking them slowly into my neck as Devon takes my nipple in
his mouth. Cole rubs his thumbs over me and even through my clothes I feel a
rush of pure pleasure. He unzips my pants and slowly, almost hesitantly, lowers
his hand inside to touch me and I gasp as a current runs through me and into
each of them. Moving his fingers over me I come straight away and CK growls as
the rush goes through my blood and into his mouth. He pulls back and retracts
his fangs, pulling my head back further, he kisses me. He shuffles back pulling
me further and further back until I am lying on my back and Cole doesn’t
hesitate now to pull my pants down my legs, discarding them quickly. Devon
grabs my wrist and bites down on me sharply feeding from me as Cole moves his
mouth to my still throbbing clit. CK moves around to suckle my nipple and I
know what he’s going to do before he even drops his fangs against my skin.
Somewhere in my brain I scream Hells Yeah! As he bites down around my nipple
and I explode again, coming against Cole’s mouth. He groans as he feels me
throbbing and inserts two fingers into me, stroking the dying embers back to
life. Devon releases me and kisses me deeply revelling in this very arousing
situation. CK still suckling on my breasts, fangs down, his claws rake over my
stomach and I squirm under the sting. Cole looks concerned that I am not
healing from the gashes, CK whispers, “She’s okay. Feed,” Before he goes back
to his thorough examination of my breasts with his tongue. Cole lowers his head
to my stomach and licks the blood away, slowly at first but then quicker as the
wounds start to heal. Needing to feed myself now after this onslaught to my
person I sit up and drop my fangs. I launch myself at CK and he grabs my head,
tightening his fist painfully into my hair holding me close. Cole kneeling at
my back snakes his hands around and starts to play with my nipples as Devon,
kneeling by the side of us, trails his fingers in between me and CK, down my
stomach, lower, lower and into me with a quick thrust. Moaning in delight I
pull my fangs from CK’s neck and kiss him as my boys concentrate on the parts
they have got hold of. Needing more, so much more from them but heeding Cole’s
request I turn to him with a questioning look my hands already working to undo
his jeans. “Just you,” I murmur and he nods briefly before moving closer to
kiss me.

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