Revenge in the Homeland (6 page)

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Authors: A. J. Newman

BOOK: Revenge in the Homeland
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Chapter 7

Fire and Ashes


August, 2021



The president was screaming and throwing everything in his path. A two year old had more self control. He had been spoiled by his early success in forging the coalition with Iran, the drug gangs and the South Americans. The attack went flawlessly and the country was his to remake into the utopian Garden of Eden that his Dad had told him the world could become. He remembered playing in the same room that his dad and mom entertained the leaders of the Progressive movement, Black Separatist Nation and L A Liberation Party. Their anti-American rhetoric stuck with him and he had vowed to make a difference. The USA wasn’t better than any other country and must pay for killing so many innocent people around the world as it robbed them of its natural resources. The USA had to be downsized, cleansed of its warlike ways and be able to live off its own resources. Being a liberal progressive, he detested that so many of the people on welfare and the government dole had to die during the downsizing, but they were too much drain on the system and would cause instant failure. The same for unhealthy people. His FEMA camps would have doctors to weed them out and they would go away.

Now they dared to kill some of his most trusted staff members, his mistress and the unit that had attacked Mobile. He was actually more furious about the destruction of his favorite park. He knew that the message was that they could kill him at any time they wanted to.

“Sir, I have more bad news. The Army unit that was guarding the ISA prisoners in Ohio has deserted to the ISA, took the three recently captured and fifty of the political prisoners with them. They locked up any soldiers not wanting to defect and left in the middle of the night taking their weapons and vehicles with them.”

The president cursed and threw a vase at the aide who delivered the bad news.

“Martha, call a cabinet meeting for two o'clock and get it done now!”


The men and women sitting around the table were totally demoralized and there were several empty seats.


The president began by stating, “Five of my team and eleven family members were killed during the dastardly attack by the cowardly ISA. It appears that they enlisted help from some Canadian sympathizers to attack not only the USA, but also the UN in the USA and Canada. They blew up a jet taking the UN Security Chief for the USA back to Africa. I plan to meet with the Joint Chiefs and have them formulate a devastating response this evening. This cannot go unpunished!”




"Sir, I have made contact with the ISA. I have a Major Mills on the radio.”

“Thanks, corporal, I’ll talk to him now.”

“Major Mills, this is Colonel Moreland. I command the 2nd Battalion, 501st Airborne Infantry Regiment, 82
Airborne and we need a new home. Perhaps it took too long to leave the USA, but we took our oaths seriously. It took awhile before we knew that our country had been hijacked by this traitor they call president.”

“Sir, we need to meet and determine if we have a mutually beneficial solution to your homelessness. We are in a fight for our lives and if you join us, you will be fighting the USA, the UN and at least one Mexican drug gang. Are y’all being followed and how soon will you be at our border?”

“I had that talk with the troops. We lost 20 percent who decided to stay. The rest will fight for their new country. We are not being followed, but Major, to tell you the truth no one appears to know where our common border is located. We know that you own everything south of Tennessee in our area.”

“Okay, how soon will you cross into Kentucky? We can meet you at Franklin on the Tennessee/Kentucky border at Highway 65. Franklin is just a few miles south of Bowling Green.”

“Will do. We should be there on Wednesday about 1400. Do you have air cover for us if it gets hot?"

“We are tracking you now and will be able to give you air cover when you get south of Elizabethtown, Kentucky.”

“Are you bringing any aircraft?”

“Yes, but not enough to fight off any significant attack from the air. We have many more pilots than aircraft. It appears that y’all captured most of them before you left the USA. We’ll send a status report to you ASAP with troop strength and an equipment list.”

“WE prefer to say that the USA left us. We make a good fit. We have more aircraft than we have pilots to crew them. Looking forward to meeting you.”

“Same here.”




The president was throwing another tantrum as he walked into the meeting with the Joint Chiefs.

“Tell the senators from North and South Dakota that I will bomb them into the Stone Age if they attempt to secede from the USA. Get the Field Marshalls on the phone now!”

The president’s aide replied, “They hung both Field Marshalls yesterday.”

“Tell them that we are at war effective today!”

The president sat down, wiped his brow and tried to compose himself. He looked around the table and knew most of these people would cut his throat if he gave them half a chance. He would purge the non-believers over the next year. He needed a strong and loyal team to defeat the ISA and retake the original 50 states.

The president smiled and said, “I need a plan to take back the Dakotas before winter sets in and operations come to a halt. I want the plan by Friday. General, give me a status update on our losses and readiness.”

“Sir, first, we do not have the depth to continue the fight against the ISA and retake the Dakotas. We have more chiefs and technicians than actual soldiers who can fight. We are short on equipment and fuel. The DHS outnumbers the military, but most of them have little useful military experience and lose every engagement with the ISA.”

The Secretary of DHS stood up and blurted out, “Are you saying that the DHS can’t stand up to a rag tag bunch of criminals?”

“That’s exactly what we are saying. Those criminals have most of the remaining people behind them plus 80 percent of the remaining US military. You may put up a good fight, but you will lose and each time we will get weaker and chance an internal rebellion.”

The president got mad, turned red then calmed down and said, “You are the experts on warfare and insurrection, so I must go along with your recommendation not to attack South and North Dakota.”

The president turned to the Secretary of State and Secretary of DHS and said, “I want you to set up a meeting with Secretary Amaii and ask him to send UN troops to assist in stopping this rebellion. Together we will crush the enemies of the USA.”


The Joint Chiefs were ushered out of the room so the president and his Secretaries of War, DHS and State could plan their next move.

“Sir, do you trust the Joint Chiefs? If they rebel against us we will be unable to defend our country or even keep control of our own people.”

The Secretary of DHS took offense to that statement and started on a three minute rant.

The president looked at him and said, “I hope that you feel better getting that off your chest, but he is right. We only have a few people with military experience and you have none at all. Your group is suited to keeping our problem children working on collective farms and rounding up criminals, but you are not prepared to fight a real war with these rebels. I will shore up the general’s support or replace them. The UN will give us the muscle we need and I only need to bribe Amaii to get fifty thousand troops. Let’s also take all of the Pacific Coast States back in this one operation. I want a joint UN and DHS operation to capture the leadership of the PCS and we will execute them right here in Harrisburg.”












Chapter 8

Port Arthur
Port Arthur, Texas
August, 2021



The helicopter landed on the parking lot of the Port Arthur City Building and Charlie Adam’s staff ran out to greet him. He introduced Captain Roy Grimes, the new military advisor assigned to his territory. His staff had already heard about Charlie’s promotion to territorial governor of Texas and Louisiana. He had just moved into the mayor’s job after Jack was killed by the bombs from the USA that also leveled his house and killed his wife. He was not sure that he was young enough or smart enough to do the job of clearing out the riff raff and rebuilding the two states. His first duty was to promote Joe to police chief and find a mayor for Port Arthur. Joe was his right arm and his only downfall was that he had been sleeping with Charlie’s daughter who also worked in the police station for Charlie. Charlie had a blunt conversation with Joe and the result was an engagement and an upcoming wedding. Charlie knew that he would catch some opposition for promoting his soon to be son in law, but  knew that Joe was the right man for the job.

He saw Jenny first and gave her a kiss and hug, then asked her to set up a quick meeting with Joe and then a meeting with the town council in about two hours. He asked his administrative assistant to introduce the captain to the City council and to the business leaders around town and have him back for the afternoon meeting.


“Joe, come on in and sit a spell. Catch me up on the last few days of Port Arthur news.”

“We caught Greg Allgood, but that damned Gabe Daniels has disappeared. We have half the town looking for him and will catch the bastard eventually. The rest is the same old same old. Nothing big. I do want to tell you that I had to tune up Earl Bonner again for getting drunk and beating on his wife and kids. Unless you object, he gets a boat trip next time.”

Joe was referring to Charlie’s favorite method of getting rid of the worst criminals, child abusers and wife beaters. They were taken out in the Gulf and dropped overboard with chains wrapped around their legs. Sounds cruel, but serious crime in Port Arthur was nonexistent since Charlie began the practice.

“You might not want to pick up all of my bad habits Mr. Police Chief. Yes, I’m promoting you to Police Chief of Port Arthur and all of Jefferson County.”

“Won’t Chief Smith over in Beaumont throw a fit when he hears this news? I don’t want him as an enemy.”

“What do you think about Smith?”

“Charlie, he is a much more experienced cop than I’ll ever be. He should be running Beaumont instead of being just the police chief.”

“I agree, that’s why I’m promoting him to the head of the state of Texas. We need a title for that. I’ll call him the governor.”

“Great choice! Now who should be the mayor of Port Arthur?”

I don’t think that there is a clear cut solution to that one. I am looking at Margaret Hatcher for the mayor’s job. What are your thoughts?"

“Personally, I don’t like her, but she is more than qualified to be the leader of a city. She had managed hundreds of people at the factory and has great people skills.”

“Then what do you not like about her?

“I just can’t put my finger on it, but when you said her name red flags popped up.”

“Good, I feel the same way. That’s why I’m going to promote June Grady.”

“Charlie, she would be great. She is well respected and has the administrative skills needed to keep City Hall moving forward.”

Charlie slapped Joe on the back and said, “Go get your old lady and let’s grab some BBQ before the next meeting.”

“If I said that, she’d cut my balls off and feed them to the pigs.”

“Boy, you have a lot to learn about women. She’s been removing your balls for a year or so. Just look in her purse.”

“There’s nothing politically correct about you, is there Charlie?”

“Nope, I say it like I mean it. Jenny is a very strong willed young lady and she will run right over you. My message to you is not to say you are superior to her, but rather stand up for what you believe in and don’t lose yourself when you get married.”

They had some great BBQ and Jenny had to pay for the lunch.




Charlie delayed the group meeting for another hour so he could meet individually with Chief Lee Smith and June Grady. Both were pleased with their appointments and assured Charlie that they wouldn’t let him down.


Charlie called the meeting to order and as usual asked each department head to give a brief update on their issues and successes. Most were the run of the mill items except for the loss of 50 head of cattle from a farm north of the city.

Joe told them about similar thefts around the area, “Charlie, I checked with several cities in Louisiana and here in Texas and the story is the same. Cows disappear and the only evidence is some truck tire tracks leaving the scene.”

Captain Grimes spoke up and said, “This sounds more like organized crime and is a threat to our operation here. I won’t usually get involved in fighting regular civilian crime, but Joe would you like some satellite footage of those areas and times, if available?”

“Yes, that would be a big help. I don’t think this is just a few families stealing beef to feed the kids.”

Charlie banged the gavel and said, “You all know that I now have responsibility for the Territory of Louisiana and Texas. I have asked Chief Smith to take over the Governor of Texas job and June Grady to become the Mayor of Port Arthur until we hold elections.”

Only a couple of the city council objected and wanted an immediate election.

“Look, I know this practice of appointing officials flies in the face of democracy, but we have to get through the next year and a half with our strongest team and not the most popular team. Our president was very popular when elected. He promised change for the good and we got nuked."




              Margret Hatcher was livid when the councilman told her about the appointments. She was to run against Jack in the next election before TSHTF and was certain that she would have won.

“Joshua, the bastard put Smith in charge of Texas and Grady is the new mayor. I want the go ahead to force some change in management in this area. The law is even sniffing around my cattle operation.”

“Maggie, stay calm and meet me at the Newton, Kentucky Compound next Saturday. We have similar problems elsewhere and need to put a master plan together to deal with this new ISA interference.”


Joshua was concerned that his subordinates were getting in too much of a hurry. He had helped the Grand Master start the Chosen People over fifty years ago. There would always be two steps forward and one step back issues during their growth. Getting too greedy could make them a target and he knew that flying below the radar was the only way to win in the long run.





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