Revolution World (18 page)

Read Revolution World Online

Authors: Katy Stauber

Tags: #Science Fiction, #Fiction, #Adventure, #General

BOOK: Revolution World
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Medea smiled nastily. "I've heard rumors that there are some specimens in the woods around here that are very unusual. Hard to believe such things can occur naturally. It's too bad the government gets so suspicious about things like that." She cut her eyes to Clio to underline her threat.

"We should go," Seth said. He pulled Clio away from the pair and into his waiting car. Shiva and Medea watched them drive away before turning towards the stadium.

"So that's the competition I guess?" Seth asked as they drove away.

"And our main suspect for our corporate espionage problem," Clio replied.

"Oh." Seth drove in silence for a minute. "Hey, I saw Joanna and Eric Guerrero in the stands. You don't think one of them came out to meet the Malsanto people, do you? A face-to-face meeting is one of the few ways to convey information encrypted by our software. They could be trying to pass on more of your trade secrets."

Clio's eyebrows shot up. "You know, that could be true. Nobody drops by unannounced any more, especially from wherever the heck Malsanto is. But I've moved everything to electronic files so they wouldn't be able to physically take notes out of the lab."

"Excellent," Seth nodded approvingly. He was glad she had taken his advice on that. Clio had done so grudgingly. To be fair, Seth knew it had been a huge pain in the ass to upload all her work and start using her handheld to take notes directly, even if he had helped her set up the software that made it easier.

"That doesn't narrow it down too much. I ran into Bob and Nancy earlier in the stands. All of our suspects are here so it could have been any of them," she realized. "On the bright side, I doubt any of them know enough about splicing to be able to describe the p-mod technique or any of our other proprietary methods. To be really dangerous, they'd need to be able to pass files. You are sure they can't do that?"

Seth shrugged. "As sure as a person can be. I went all out on the security at Floracopia. There are some very rich and very paranoid countries out there that would love to have that set up."

"Really? I don't see how we could afford something like that," Clio replied. Seth squirmed uncomfortably. "What did you do?" she asked suspiciously.

"Ah well, I needed a test facility for some of the software and equipment," he said.

It took a minute for it to click. "Seth, did you charge us what you would have charged a normal client?" she asked.

"Ah. Well. Possibly not." He mumbled. Then he gave her a pleading look. "Don't tell Gloria. She'll use my guts for garters."

"We aren't a charity case," she said with a scowl.

Seth swerved the car a little as he looked at her. Clio had a distinctly stubborn look on her face. Then he chuckled. He couldn't help himself. "You silly woman. I locked up your office tighter than Fort Knox because it helps me sleep at night. Nothing can get in and, more importantly, nothing can get out. That way I don't have to worry about what mad, hairy thing you've let loose in the woods this time."

"I told you the rabbits and the dogs were the only thing to escape," she said grumpily.

Clio would have much preferred he say that he gave them the deluxe security job because he found himself irresistibly in love with her. Men never act like they do in those romance novels she sometimes borrowed from Thalia. It really was a pity.

"Yes, I noticed you were very careful to say that," he replied. "But you might have let something out on purpose." He did not press that idea. He really didn't want to know if she had let things loose before.


She watched the world whirl past the car windows for a minute before recalling her responsibilities. She ought to be doing something about Shiva and Medea. Clio pulled out her handheld and sent messages to everyone at Floracopia. When that was done, she got a message from Terpsi asking if Seth had explained what happened with his shoulder injury.

She opened her mouth to ask him as Seth turned into her driveway. Watching the moonlight play along his strong jaw, she closed her mouth. Let him keep that to himself if he wants, Clio thought. They had enough to deal with already. The stars twinkled overhead, unconcerned with their worries.

He stopped the car, but neither of them moved. The silence stretched awkwardly. Clio sighed and opened her door to get out. Seth quickly opened his door and got out too.

"I'll walk you in," he stammered.

"That would be nice," she replied.

They crunched up the gravel path to her dark doorway. There was more awkward silence.

"Wouldn't you like to come in for some coffee?" Clio asked finally. She was hoping that with some liquid courage, Seth might get up the nerve to kiss her or something. Otherwise she might be waiting on the porch for a long time. A mosquito bit Clio and she slapped at it.

"Yes, that would be nice. It's very late and quite a drive home," Seth said with relief. Then he paused.

"I guess Jason will go home?" Seth asked tentatively as she bent over to inspect the red itchy bite on her leg.

"Hmm? No, I sent him a message. He'll be over later," she replied, still examining the bite.

Seth stood there for a minute. Clio looked up and saw the frosty expression on his face.

"What? He won't be over for hours," she tried to explain. Seth turned and stalked down the driveway.

"Where are you going?" Clio cried.

Seth opened the car door. "You are obviously busy tonight. I will not impose," he said without looking back at her.

"Seth, wait!" Clio cried, not understanding what just happened. Seth's car was out of sight before she realized that he must have thought she was on a date with Jason tonight. How depressing.


re you serious? A few kisses and that's it? After all this time? Lordy, girl, there's something wrong with your hormones," Kalliope cried loudly. The other people in the room whipped their heads around to stare. Harmony gave them a scathing look and began getting up since the meeting was definitely at an end.

Shiva and Medea had left over an hour ago. This time their threats had been more direct. Shiva had not said much, but he acted as though he had them backed into a corner. He smirked at the Somata girls and went out of his way to make snide comments. It was disconcerting. They had no idea why he might think they had to comply with Malsanto's demands.

"Shut up," Clio muttered, turning red.

"Seriously. What is wrong with you? Of course Seth thought you'd called Jason to come over and give you some red hot loving after he left, you hussy," Kalliope continued loudly, grinning at her sister's discomfort.

"If there's a problem with your hormones, I'll be happy to run some tests for you," Terpsi said with a grin.

"Would you curl up and die, please?" Clio hissed, wishing she could still pound her sisters when they started acting like brats. Being an adult wasn't all it was cracked up to be.

"Oh come on, how hard is it to put on a tight shirt, pour a few drinks into a guy and then suck his tonsils out?" Terpsi asked. "I'll call my husband and we can give you a demonstration."

"Terpsi, don't be gross," Kalliope wrinkled her nose.

That gave Clio enough time to think of a reply. "You were the one who said I shouldn't get involved with him," she shot at Kalliope.

"Since when have you ever followed my advice?" Kalliope asked. She had a point. "Besides, I'm not saying you should marry the guy. I'm saying you have the hots for him. He has the hots for you. Jump his bones and get it out of your system. It's a foolproof plan."

Clio could see several advantages to this plan. Her hormones were definitely working just fine. If anything, her hormones worked a little too well lately.

"Jump his bones? How is that a plan?" Clio said with disgust.

"Uncomplicated sex. Consensual relations between two adults. Get with the millennium, girl," Kalliope said with a shrug.

Clio threw up her hands. "Sex is never uncomplicated! What if, afterwards, he doesn't like me but I like him? Then I'll look pathetic while he swans around with that cow, Gloria. Or afterwards, I don't like him but he likes me and then it will be awkward because it's a small town and I'll see him everywhere. I'll feel like a jerk. What if he thinks my bottom is too big or I fall asleep and drool all over? He'll tell all his friends and everyone will laugh at me behind my enormous backside." At this point, Terpsi clapped a hand over Clio's mouth to get her to stop yammering.

"I agree with you. Intimacy in any form is complicated," Terpsi said in a soothing voice. "But it's so unattractive when you flip out, sister dearest." She looked over Clio's head to wave goodbye to the other Floracopia board members that were finding excuses to linger and listen in. Harmony ushered them out the door and then turned to her daughters.

"Anyway, after last night, he hates me," Clio said in a small voice.

"There, there, honey. You are too cute to hate," Harmony interjected as she patted her daughter on the head. Then her voice turned steely. "Now stop acting like a teenager. We need those Omerta people to be totally committed to our security here, especially after that awful meeting we just had. Get out there and smooth things over."

"Mom!" all three daughters cried in shock.

"She can't call him and apologize," Terpsi was scandalized. "It's against the rules."

"Honestly, you girls make mountains out of molehills. Watch and learn." She whipped out her handheld.

"Max? It's lovely to hear from you too. Yes, it has been too long. Oh, you big flirt, I'm sure you say that to all the ladies. Listen, I was wondering what you were up to tonight? The girls and I had a long day and we're looking to unwind a bit. Dinner maybe?" She paused to listen while Clio pantomimed strangling her mother. "How interesting. Well, we would love to. Wonderful. We'll bring drinks. Yes. See you then."

Harmony clicked her handheld off and put it in her pocket. "Come, girls, we must freshen up before we head over to the Omerta compound. Terpsi, do you still have that stash of Tito's vodka? I think we ought to take a few bottles over." Harmony asked as she headed for the door.

"Wait. What's going on?" Clio asked. Each sister grabbed an arm and started dragging her out.

"We're going to play dress up," Kalliope cried with evil glee.

An hour later, Clio was standing outside the Omerta compound, sullenly pulling at the plunging neckline of the shirt her sisters had insisted she wear. Kalliope leaned over and slapped her hand.

"Leave it," Kalliope threatened her. "And don't touch your face or hair. You smear that make-up and I will pinch you so hard you won't walk right for a week." Clio couldn't believe that she had let them dress her in the tight shirt and slinky skirt she was wearing. Especially since Kalliope was wearing jeans and an old tunic. The girl had washed her face but her boots were still dirty.

Terpsi had begged off to go home to her husband and kids, but not before coming up with an array of exotic underclothes than caused Clio and Kalliope to drop their jaws in shock. They had both thought of Terpsi as having a nice quiet, boring life. Clio had been so surprised, she agreed to a red lacy corset just to avoid saying something rude or prudish to her sister.

As they approached on the doorstep, the doors clicked and opened. When the lights flickered on, they saw Max coming down a corridor to greet them. He was wearing loose cotton pajamas, bare feet and a huge grin.

"Ah, to have such lovely ladies visit our humble abode," Max beamed. He ushered them down the hallway to an elevator. Harmony had changed from her conservative business clothes into a long summer dress. She had let her hair down and appeared more relaxed than the girls had seen her in years. Clio was glad her mother had found some new friends.

Max allowed the door's sensors to register them all before it clicked open and he led them down another hallway. "As you can see, our security is much improved. We actually turn it on now," he smiled, still embarrassed by the DARPA raid.

"This is our virtual conference area. We were playing a game so we set up in one of the better rooms," he told them. "I am further embarrassed that we have not invited you over before this. Unfortunately, we got behind in construction and we didn't want to invite you over to a dirty house," he grinned as he led them into a spacious room.

In the middle was a large round table with Seth and a half a dozen other men at it. Seth looked up at Clio. His eyes widened. When he realized that he was openly ogling her chest, he reddened and quickly looked away.

Clio was relieved to see such a warm and comfortable room after the impersonal hallway. Large couches and cushions were scattered around with an area for food and drinks to one side. An unusual, but entrancing, song played from hidden speakers.

Most of the large wallscreens were currently displaying the view from an underwater oilrig, with fishing swimming and seaweed gently swaying. Harmony walked over to a screen that showed a gently twisting pattern with colors that faded into each other.

"I always thought fractal mathematics were so beautiful. Are you using a chaotic process to map this dynamical system?" she asked.

Max reacted as though he had been electrocuted and shot over to her side. "Naturally a woman like you would recognize strange attractors when you see them." He almost danced with joy. "These equations depict an interesting thermodynamic phenomenon we have noticed in our server configurations. It mimics a
Poisson Saturne

While Max talked math to her mother, Clio focused her attention on Seth. Kalliope had already poured a round of drinks for everyone and sat down. Kalliope poured the charm on thick, so the men enthusiastically explained their game to her.

"Clio, look! They are playing D&D!" Kalliope called to her. "We always wondered how you play this," she eagerly said to the men. Clio saw that the table was covered with little metal figurines on a board that could be rearranged for different scenarios. Clio noted Seth giving her a searching look as she walked toward the group.

"I thought you had to get dressed up in costumes and whack at each other with foam swords," Clio said, eyeing all the dice.

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