Ridin' Dirty (3 page)

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Authors: Ruby Winchester

Tags: #Diablo MC

BOOK: Ridin' Dirty
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In one quick motion, Dax kicked off his jeans and boots and pulled his shirt over his head, and I found myself flat on my back on the bed. Finally naked and pressed skin against skin, Dax paused, his cock resting against my opening. He lowered his head and gave me another of those soul-searing kisses. I could taste the tang of my own juices clinging to his lips and tongue as it dueled with mine. Impatient, I rolled my hips and his cock slipped inside, breaching my entrance.

We both froze for a moment, reveling in the sensation as Dax sheathed himself in me for the first time. Inch by inch, he pushed into me and I took every inch of his length into my wet heat.

Every rock of my hips sent shockwaves of pleasure through me. Dax wrapped his hand in my dark hair and tugged me upward to plunder my mouth while his hips pistoned that delicious cock into me.

Dax followed the curve of my neck with his tongue. He peppered small nips on my shoulder that he then soothed with kisses. Impressing me with his flexibility, Dax leaned down further and sucked one of my hard nipples into his mouth, biting just enough to send a shiver of pleasurepain down my spine. “I could fuck you all day,” he purred

“Is- is that a challenge?”

Dax’s lips curled into a smile that said it most definitely was a challenge and he sat back on his heels, pulling me upward with him, his cock still buried in me. I wrapped my legs around his back for leverage.

I glanced at Dax’s face and saw that his eyes locked on the spot where our bodies connected. I couldn’t blame him. The sight of his cock disappearing into my pussy with every thrust was mesmerizing.

“Touch yourself for me,” Dax whispered, his voice sounding ragged. “I want to see it.”

Something about Dax stripped away every bit of shyness I had ever felt. I dipped my hand between my legs and found my clit. I circled it with my fingers, finding a rhythm that matched Dax’s thrusts. My orgasm took me by surprise and Dax moaned loudly as my inner muscles contracted around his cock, squeezing him like a wet fist, driving him to his peak as well.

Heat flooded me as Dax came inside me, and we both collapsed back on the bed, boneless and satiated and still joined in the most intimate of ways.


Life settled into any easy routine after that. Dax hadn’t claimed me as his in any official way, but the way I was treated by the rest of the MC changed drastically after that night. Cat-calls and crude comments still peppered every interaction in the bar. I was just as likely to be called “Sugar Tits” as my name. I still had guys asking me for the top shelf whiskey just to make me climb on the counter, but the tone seemed to change.

I might not be wearing colors officially, but I was a Diablo. I’d drawn blood for their leader, and I warmed his bed at night. I didn’t bat an eye when a skinny blonde that had her eye on Ray decided the best way to make him jealous was to blow Dax under the table. (It wasn’t.) I stored shipments of guns and drugs in the hidden basement below the bar, keeping the livelihood of the club protected.

Official or not, I was a Diablo, but I was so busy enjoying my new status and working to maintain it that I let my guard down. In my new world, letting your guard down can be deadly.


I work up dazed and groggy with a pounding headache. My hands were cuffed behind my back, binding me to a metal support beam. Cold and damp, the air in the windowless room held a heavy scent of mildew, obviously a basement somewhere. A bare lightbulb hung from the ceiling, the only source of light in the dark room. A few folding chairs leaned against the wall, but beyond that the room was empty.

I pulled on the handcuffs, wincing as the movement sent a spike of pain through my head. They held tight. Where the hell was I? I searched my fizzy mind, trying to remember anything that had happened in the last few hours. In bits and pieces, it started to come back to me.

I had been in the back room grabbing another case of beer to restock the fridge. The bar had cleared out except for Johnny, and he knocked back the last of his beer and called a quick goodbye to me. My mind focused on a quick restock and then sleep, I answered automatically. A minute later, I heard his bike rev and drive off.

Crouched behind the bar as I refilled the fridge, I didn’t hear the door open. I didn’t hear anything until an unfamiliar voice said, “Blanca.” Startled, I turned to see who had come in, and then everything went black.

Whether I wanted to admit it to myself or not, I knew who had taken me. No one in the Diablos would have touched me, and the non MC criminal element in the city gave Hades and its occupants a wide berth. The only people who would do something like this were the Outlaws.

Kidnapped by a rival gang that had already tried to kill Dax once and chained to a beam in a basement. I was fucked.

“Blanca Blanca Blanca.” The source of the voice seemed to echo through the room, sending a cold bolt of fear through my body.

“Who’s there?” I asked, hating the quaver in my voice.

“I think you know, don’t you, Blanca?” He said my name with mockery in his voice, and when the tall figure emerged from the shadows, it took everything in me to not shrink back. The man was tall and heavily muscled. A large scorpion was tattooed on his forearm, the stinger ready to strike. Older than Dax, the man had a shaved head and a short black beard. I knew who he was, and desperately wished I didn’t.

I didn’t hide my reaction well enough, and his lips curled into a cruel smile. “I see you know who I am,” he stated.

I nodded slowly. “Kane,” I said. “President of the Outlaws.”

He chuckled. “Smart girl.” His grin faded and he backhanded me, snapping my head to the side with the force of the blow. Darkness swam at the edge of my vision as my already aching head threatened to explode. I tasted blood and realized Kane’s ring had split open my lip.

“I bet you’re wondering what I want with you,” he said, dragging a folding chair closer and taking a seat.

“I won’t betray Dax,” I snapped, cutting him off.

“Shut your puta mouth before I shut it for you!” Kane snarled. Satisfied with my silence, Kane continued. “I thought about paying you to kill him, but we both know you’d just lie to get out of here and run right to the Diablos. I thought about just killing you. That would set Dax off, but I’d no doubt lose a few men on his rampage.”  Kane leaned forward, making sure I hung on his every word. “No Blanca, I’m going to keep you here until Dax figures out who has you. It shouldn’t take long. And then when he walks through that door, I’m going to put a bullet in his head.” Kane leered at me. “And when he’s dead, I might just keep you.”

Dax was too smart to walk into such an obvious trap, but Dax also tended to snap when things happened to anyone he cared about. Ray’s descriptions of what Dax had done to the Outlaws he had gotten his hands on after his father’s death echoed in my mind.

“You can’t even imagine it, Blanca,” Ray had said in a hushed whisper. “Don’t get me wrong, those Outlaw cunts deserved everything he did to them, but he. . . he wasn’t Dax anymore. Something in him just broke when his Dad died, and he was ready to rip through every Outlaw in the city until he got to Kane.”

Ray had shook his head, probably wondering why he was opening up half-healed wounds for someone like me. “He sent one of Kane’s guys back to him in pieces. If something ever makes him snap like that again, I don’t know if anyone could bring him back.” Ray paused, seeming to war with himself over if he should even say his next words out loud. “Just. . . watch yourself, Blanca.”

I hadn’t watched myself. I had been complacent and stupid, and I ended up in this mess, but I didn’t want to take Dax down with me. “You got the wrong girl,” I said, trying my best to seem cocky instead of terrified. “Sure, Dax and I fucked. Dax fucks a lot of girls, but he’s not going to risk his life for some pussy. Even pussy as nice as mine.”

Kane arched an eyebrow at me, looking unimpressed by my act. “You’re not fooling anyone, Blanca. You think he gave you Charlie’s spot because of your business sense? There were a lot of people in line to run that bar. People riding for years, but old Dax decides to set up his new favorite hole in his old favorite hole.” Kane spat on the floor. “He’s getting soft. Dax is half the man his father was, and I killed his father.” Kane slapped me again, the sharp blow stinging my face.

Without another word he left, turning off the light on his way out and plunging me into darkness.


Ray and Johnny rode up in the late afternoon. The front door hung open, swaying in the slight breeze. “She wouldn’t leave that open,” Ray said, as they cautiously crept towards the door.

“Nope,” Johnny replied. Inside the bar looked normal except for the upended case of beer. A few bottles had broken on the cement floor, leaving a sticky puddle and a sour smell.

“We have to tell Dax.” They both knew what telling Dax would mean for any Outlaw caught on the street tonight. The hatred between the two clubs had never faded, despite the five year old truce. The rage had been simmering just below the surface since Charlie died, and this would be the boiling point.

This was war.


Blood poured.

The club rode through the city, engines snarling and throttles roaring. The good, upstanding citizens of this city locked their doors and stayed inside, some primal sense of self-preservation telling them to keep off the streets.

High and tight, Dax rode, flanked by Johnny, Ray and Rico. All four were ready to rain down violence on any Outlaw that crossed their path. Like the four horsemen bringing a biblical plague, they rode into the Outlaw turf at the edge of the city, hungry for the chance to finally settle this blood feud.

They pulled up to a seemingly abandoned warehouse at the end of a dead-end street. The sickly sweet smell riding the air told them all they needed to know about the occupancy of this building. The Outlaws controlled the meth production of the city, and this broken down structure housed their main lab.

Or it used to.

The entire front of the building was a wall of plate glass windows, spray painted black to hide their activities from any prying eyes. Behind Dax were a dozen other members of the club waiting for his signal.

In one motion, Dax unholstered his father’s Desert Eagle, and the rounds of sixteen semi and full automatic guns shattered the glass windows. Sparks flew as bullets ricocheted off metal sheeting surrounding the tanks, and those sparks ignited. A ball of flame erupted from one of the tanks, and the flames spread, following the flammable splatters.

The screams of the Outlaws working the lab rose over the flames. Some made it out the back exit, where more members waited. Others rushed through the open wall, guns drawn, only to be cut down before they fired a single round.

It barely took ten minutes and the building was a torch against the sky and the street was littered with bodies. Dax’s face bore no expression as he watched the massacre. He nodded at Ray, kicked his bike into gear, and rode on.

They hit three labs that night, crippling the Outlaws’ supply and a taking out a fairly sizeable portion of their low-level members. Five years ago, a grief-stricken Dax had used his fists, dragging rivals off their bikes and beating them into comas in the street until Kane showed himself.

This time, the cold fury radiated off him, and the entire MC knew there would be no truce. Either Dax or Kane would be dead before sunrise, and the losing club would be decimated.

The Outlaws retaliated, running two shipment trucks off the road. The first flipped three blocks from Hades, already loaded with guns and coke. The engine caught fire, and the cargo was lost, but the Outlaws managed to force the second off the road. Like pirates on the high seas, they snatched the spoils for themselves, leaving the driver and guard dead in the road.

A few younger members who didn’t yet know their place had complained about Dax burning the city over a piece of ass. Rico broke the nose of the objector, growling, “Would you want to ride under someone who would let an insult like this stand from the Outlaws? You fuck with one of us, you fuck with all of us.”

Kane had kept out of sight deliberately, wanting the Diablos spread thin across the city and Dax off balance with anger.

And still Dax rode, circling the city and searching for Kane’s blood-red bike.

At dawn, he found it.


Dax wasn’t the only one off balance.

Still cuffed to that beam in the basement, my whole body ached. I flexed my fingers behind my back, trying to keep circulation going in my hands. My head throbbed with every beat of my heart. Movies make getting knocked out look like something you bounce back from in a few minutes, but the waves of pain and nausea kept coming and I could feel the stickiness of blood from where the punch cut my scalp.

I had watched enough doctor shows on TV to know I probably had a concussion. Every moment was a fight to stay awake, and the endless darkness of the room didn’t help. A tiny part of me almost wanted Kane to come back. At least he would turn the light on.

I could hear heavy footsteps on the floor above me. I thought about screaming, but the only people who might hear me would just come downstairs and punch me again. I couldn’t take another hit without passing out or worse.

I closed my eyes and prayed for Dax to find me soon.

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