Righteous Obsession (24 page)

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Authors: Rose Riker

BOOK: Righteous Obsession
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Colin was the first to break the silence.  “Your
garden is beautiful.  You must spend a great deal of time on it.”

“Unfortunately, I don’t get to spend as much time on
it as I’d like,” Louisa replied, smiling wistfully.

“Mom’s won all kind of awards for it,” Alethea said

“Well, it’s certainly something to be proud of,” Colin
agreed.  “And so is your cooking.  I can see where Alethea inherited her talent.”

“Thank you for both of your kind compliments, Colin.”

“I made the reservations for seven-thirty at
for Friday night.  I hope that’s okay?”

“That should work fine.  We’re so looking forward to
meeting your entire family.”

“They’re looking forward to meeting you and Mr. Ford,

“I see your father’s turned down the President’s offer
of attorney general,” Beau remarked.

Colin was about to answer when he felt Alethea’s foot
nudging his ankle.  “Dad declined it because he feels there’s still a great
deal to do in California.  My brother will be moving out once this tour’s
finished and dad wants more time to spend with mom.”

“Honestly, these liberals!  They whine and complain
that the President’s freezing them out, but when he offers them a powerful
position in his cabinet they refuse it.”

Colin was about to reply to what he felt was an insult
towards his father, but thought better of it and bit his tongue.

“Beau, I thought we agreed we weren’t going to discuss
politics tonight,” Louisa gently reminded him.  Beau merely gave a snort, but
made no further remarks.

By the time they finished their coffee and dessert,
Colin felt so stuffed he could barely waddle away from the table.  “Can I give
you a hand with the cleaning up?”

“Thank you, Colin, but Beau usually helps me with
that.  The sun is setting and it feels cooler.  Why don’t you and Alethea go
sit in the garden and relax?”

“I’d enjoy that,” Colin replied, offering Alethea his
arm.  They walked outside and sat down on a white wicker chaise that sat in a
corner of the garden.  A matching table sat in front of it and two comfortable
chairs sat opposite it.

“What do you think of mom and dad?”  Alethea asked.

“I really like your mom, but your dad’s going to take
some getting used to.”

“I’m sorry about that business at supper, but you
handled it very well.”

Colin shook his head.  “I’m not so sure because it was
on the tip of my tongue to make a rude remark.”

“I think dad was testing you.”

“You mean, to see if I’d lose my temper and kick his
ass?”  Colin remarked dryly.  “Did I pass?”

“With flying colors!”

“Good!”  He was going to kiss Alethea when Louisa
appeared carrying a tray with two glasses on it.  She set it down on the table
in front of them.  “I thought you might like some cold lemonade.”

“Thanks, Mrs. Ford that’s really considerate of you,”
Colin said.

“Why don’t you call me, Louisa, Colin?  Only my
students call me Mrs. Ford.”

“Okay, Louisa,” he agreed.

“We’ll be in the living room if you need us.”

“Thanks, Mom.”

Colin took a sip of his lemonade.  It was tart and
refreshing.  He sat back, feeling completely at ease.  “Did you get hold of

“Yes, and she’s thrilled about our marriage and being
my maid of honor.”

Colin chuckled.  “I can’t wait until Jake sees her.  
The inside of his wardrobe case is plastered with pictures of her.  Christ! 
He’ll have a hard-on for a month!”

“Speaking of a hard-on,” Alethea teased, running her
hand up the inside of Colin’s thigh.  “You’ve got quite a nice one going here.”

“Can’t help myself.  It’s the fault of this gorgeous
babe I’ve been hanging around with!”  Colin again bent to kiss her when
suddenly the yard lights came on, lighting the entire area.  He laughed and
threw up his hands in a mocking gesture.  “Okay, I give up!  I’ll be good!”

“But why?  That’s so boring!” Alethea teased.  She
sighed.  “I suppose I’d better get you back to your hotel since we’ve both got
a busy day tomorrow.”

Colin did not suggest they spend the night together. 
He’d decided to let Alethea set the pace and he’d wait until she felt ready to
resume their lovemaking.  He got up and helped Alethea to her feet.  “We’d
better go before that dress tempts me into something your parents definitely
wouldn’t approve of!”

Alethea giggled as she picked up their empty glasses. 
“Or the neighbors either, I’ll bet!”

“Probably not!”  He agreed with a grin, holding the
door open. They entered the living room.

 “Mom, Dad, I’m taking Colin back to his hotel.”

“Thanks for having me over and for the great meal,”
Colin said.

“You’re more than welcome, Colin,” Louisa replied. 
“We’ll see you and your family here for the wedding rehearsal at six followed
by cocktails and snacks.  We can all get acquainted in a comfortable
atmosphere.  A restaurant is really no place to do that.”

“Fine.”  Colin turned to Alethea.  “Maybe you’d better
write me directions.  I’m not sure I can find the way back here.”

“Okay.”  Alethea took a sheet of stationery from her
mother’s escritoire and quickly wrote down the directions and then gave it to
him.  “I’ll see you later,” she called to her parents.

Beau shook his head.  “For the life of me, Louisa, I
cannot see what our daughter sees in him!”

“Of course not, darling, you’re her father,” she
teased him affectionately.  “He’s certainly been well-raised.  I can’t recall any
other boyfriend of Alethea’s asking if I needed help in the kitchen before.”

“She could have had her pick of any boy in this
town!”  He scoffed.

“Beau, it’s so obvious that she and Colin adore one

“If his hair and that earring aren’t bad enough; he’s
a flaming liberal too!  And his father’s one of the most liberal Democrats in
the entire country!”  He continued ranting.

“You’re beginning to sound like Rush Limbaugh, dear,”
Louisa advised.

“I can’t help thinking this was all caused by our
allowing her to go to college in New York!”

Alethea’s car to her home, Father Michaels had
returned to the hotel and resumed his watch.  He was careful never to park in
the same spot twice, not wanting to rouse anybody’s suspicions.  He had been
following Colin diligently, looking for an opportunity to follow his divine
command and execute this evil, perverted person.  He trusted in God completely
to show him the right time and place to do it, but so far he’d had no sign to
tell him the time was right.  He sighed and returned to reading his breviary
when a flash of light caught his eye and he saw the whore’s car returning to
the hotel.

Alethea turned off the ignition and looked at Colin. 
“Are you feeling tired?”

Colin shook his head.  “No, I slept pretty well last
night.  Why?”

“I thought I’d come up for awhile.”

He arched his eyebrows.  “Fine by me.”  As they were
getting into the elevator, Colin muttered, “I’m sure glad mom is two floors

They barely got the door to Colin’s room shut before
they started pulling off each other’s clothing.  Alethea unbuttoned his shirt
and pushed it and his vest off, letting them fall to the floor.  Colin unzipped
her dress, disposing of it and her slip in one fluid motion.  They fell in a
heap around her ankles. He unfastened her bra and tossed it aside then yanked
her panties down, leaving only her sheer lace-top thigh-highs.  She kicked off
her pumps as Colin picked her up and laid her across the bed.  He quickly got
rid of his boots and tossed them aside with a crash.  He began kissing her hard
on her mouth while her hands caressed his chest and stroked his nipples until
they were hard.  Colin let out a groan of pleasure.  His mouth moved from her
mouth to her neck.  His lips found her breasts, which he caressed, licking and
sucking on her nipples until they stood erect.

“God!” Alethea squealed, her pleasure obvious.  She
felt his hand sliding between her legs, finding the slick wetness there, and
caressing the spots he knew drove her crazy with desire.  She cried out, arching
her body.  She could feel the bulge straining at the crotch of his jeans.  She
undid them, shoved them down and freed his fully erect penis from the confines
of the denim.  She began fondling him, paying special attention to the tip of
his penis, which she knew was a guaranteed way to drive him crazy with lust for

“Jesus Christ!”  Colin yelped loudly.  She lay back,
maneuvering him between her spread legs. “Shit!  Wait a minute!”  Colin panted,
pushing himself upright.  In his haste he got tangled up in his jeans and
almost fell off the bed.  “Fuck it!”  He snarled, pulling them off and throwing
them aside.  He got up and started digging through his suitcase.

Alethea started to giggle helplessly.  “I’m sorry!” 
She gulped an apology.

Colin looked up and grinned.  “I guess it is pretty
funny, isn’t it?  I swear if somebody would write a book on condom etiquette,
they’ll make a million dollars easy!”

She watched him, admiring his long, well-shaped legs,
his tight ass, flat stomach and broad shoulders.  She thought he was the most
gorgeous man she’d ever seen.

He found the box of condoms and grabbed several.  He
kept one and dumped the rest on the night stand.

“Do you think we’ll use all of those?”  Alethea teased
as she put the condom on him.

In answer, Colin gently lowered her back down, kissing
her mouth and her breast, working his way down until he reached the juncture
between her legs.  Using his tongue and lips, he caressed her already swollen
clit, sending wild sensations up her spinal column.  She writhed and squirmed,
arching her body and clutching the bedspread.  “Colin!”  She gasped.  “I need
you inside me!” Colin positioned himself over her and slid his had under her
ass to lift her then thrust into her warm, welcoming center.  He felt her close
around him, pulling him deeply inside her and felt her thighs enfolding him

“God!  Oh, God!”  Alethea cried out as she felt him
moving inside her.  She grabbed him around his slim hips, rocking him and
urging him to penetrate her as deeply as he could.  He placed his hands so he
was supporting her ass and pleasured her with long, slow thrusts.  He pulled
himself almost all the way out of her then slowly slid back inside her while he
listened to her cries of satisfaction.

She cried out several times, pulling at his hair and
digging her fingernails into his back, drawing blood.   Fascinated by her
reaction and her obvious enjoyment, Colin never even felt the pain.  He felt
her ass and knees tighten and knew she was near to cumming.  One more hard thrust
set her over the edge.

Alethea screamed loudly, her body bucking wildly as
wave after wave of pleasure flooded through her.  She buried her face in
Colin’s shoulder to muffle her screams.  She felt Colin’s body jerk; pounding
her with the force of his climax then heard him yell, “Christ Almighty!”  They
collapsed in a limp, sweaty heap.  He stirred after a few moments and kissed
her damp hairline.  “I do love you!”

Alethea sighed contentedly and kissed his chest.  “I
love you, too.”

Colin sat up and gently brushed off the stands of
Alethea’s hair that were sticking to his chest.  He kissed her.  “I’ll be right

Alethea wrapped her arms around herself and rolled
over on her stomach.  Without Colin next to her, the room felt chilly.  She
felt the bed dip as he slid in beside her and put his arm around her.  “You
know what I’ve been thinking about for the last couple of days?”

She turned over and looked up at him.  “What?”

“About the first time we met.  You were the first and
only person I saw when I walked into the convention center.”

“I noticed you right away, too.  You were so gorgeous
and you had such a self-confident air about you.”

Colin laughed.  “I did want to come over immediately
and introduce myself, but I was afraid you’d think I was hitting on you,” he

“I kept hoping you would come over,” Alethea admitted.

“I pulled aside everybody I knew, hoping somebody knew
you and could introduce me.”

“Not many would have, considering it was my very first
assignment for Rock Hard.”

“Watching you on the panel, discussing the threat of
censorship, gave me the opportunity to introduce myself and talk to you.  What
would you have done if I hadn’t made the first move?”  She teased him.

“I knew from your press tag that you were representing
Rock Hard
I would’ve called up Jazz and begged him for the name of that
sexy babe who covered the convention,” he teased her back.

“You wouldn’t have!”  She exclaimed, pretending to be

“Well, I might not have used those exact words, but I
definitely would’ve made the call!”

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