Ripped in Red (13 page)

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Authors: Cynthia Hickey

BOOK: Ripped in Red
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Mary entered the nearest pawn shop and leaned over the counter, giving the man a healthy view of her bosom. She needed a few things, had little funds, and would do anything for Draco, even cheapen herself.

She pointed at an assault rifle hanging on the wall. “I want that and several boxes of ammo.” She grinned.

“Going hunting?” The man’s gaze flickered over her shoulder, then back to her face.

“Something like that.” Her smile faded as she glanced back at the television. The local news station was showing the weather. Hot and muggy today. Nothing that compelling or strange enough to warrant the clerk’s rapt attention.

The clerk set the rifle and ammo on the counter. “I’ll need you to fill out some paperwork.”

“Sure.” She lifted the rifle and quickly loaded it as he turned to get the forms. When his hand hovered under the counter, she fired. “I wish you wouldn’t have done that.”

She glance at the television again and saw her face plastered on the screen. She cursed, grabbed the rest of the ammo and darted outside. Seconds later she sped away from the pawn shop.


As had become her norm, Cassidy stood in front of the caseboard in her basement, cup of coffee in hand, and tried to reconstruct the board she’d set up at the cabin and make sense out of the seemingly random clues. Photos and red lines connecting them filled the space. She needed the other board back asap.

“Let’s go.” Colin came half way down the stairs. “Ingram called. Got an alert from a pawn shop seconds after Mary Jones’s photo was shown on the local news station.”

Cassidy bounded up the stairs and set her mug in the sink before grabbing her weapon and following Colin out the door. They sped toward the pawn shop, arriving before Ingram was out of his car.

“First responders report a body inside,” he said. “My guess is…she caught him pressing the alarm, shot, and fled.”

They’d lost her again. Cassidy scanned the area. The same rundown part of town they’d been in yesterday with the same crowd of onlookers. “I’ll question the crowd. See if anyone saw anything.”

A homeless man got to his feet as Cassidy passed. “I saw what happened.” His words slurred and he breathed a wave of whiskey fumes across her face. “Woman went in, I heard a gunshot, and she ran back out with a rifle and got into a rusty Impala.”

Cassidy pulled Mary’s photo from her bag. “Was it this woman?”

“Yep.” He held out his hand and wiggled his fingers. “Don’t leave me hanging.”

She sighed and fished a twenty dollar bill from her pocket. “Thank you for the information. Which direction did she flee?”

“That way.” He pointed the way she and Colin had come.

They’d passed her. She’d be long gone by now.

“We missed her,” she said standing next to Colin. “Probably passed her on the highway, but I have an affirmative ID.”

A muscle ticked in his jaw. “One step ahead, again, and we have absolutely nothing to go on other than the fact it was definitely her.”

“There’s also been no sign of the Dragon.” Ingram shook his head. “We viewed the store’s video footage. Mary Jones entered alone and left alone. The clerk was dead when we arrived.”

“Do you think she’s acting alone now?” Cassidy glanced between the two men. “Stealing a gun doesn’t seem to be Blake Russell’s style. What if, now that she’s murdered her sisters, she feels she needs to do something more?”

“That’s a big what if,” Ingram said.

“Remember, these people are mentally unstable. Just because it doesn’t mean anything to us, it could make perfect sense to them.”

“What warrants this assumption?”

She glanced at Colin and smiled. “I’ve learned a bit about trusting my instincts from Colin.”

“No better person to learn from. This man is the best.” Ingram clapped him on the shoulder. “We’re going to finish up here. You two head back to the house and study that board. Find what we’re missing.”

“What we’re missing is the killer and my caseboard,” Cassidy mumbled. “I stare at that board every morning and every evening. I left it at the cabin.”

“We’ll get it so you can stare some more.” Ingram marched away.

“Bossy man.” She exhaled sharply through her nose and fished her cell phone from her pocket. She pressed redial on the last number Blake called her from, not expecting him to answer. When he did, she waved Colin over and mouthed who was on the other end of the line.

“Hello, dear. Now, I need to get a new phone.”

“I didn’t really expect you to answer.” Her eyes widened. “I have a question for you.”

“I might have an answer, but make it quick. I don’t want you trying to pinpoint my location. I’ll hang up in twenty-five seconds.”

“Why did Mary steal a gun and shoot a pawnstore clerk? Were you behind that?”

“Definitely not. I have more finesse. Beware of her.” Click.


“What did he say?” Colin snapped his fingers to get Ingram’s attention.

“That he isn’t behind Mary’s actions this morning and for me to beware.”

“She’s coming after you.” Colin yanked open the door to the jeep and shoved her inside. A crazy woman after Cassidy and a maniac after him. Things were on a downhill slide for sure.

“What are you doing?”

“Saving you.” He turned to Ingram. “We’ll call if we find out anything.” He got into the driver’s seat and sped away.

“Don’t manhandle me, Colin.” Cassidy crossed her arms. “Weren’t you the one who said we were aware of the dangers when we took this job? I don’t need to be shuffled off home like a wayward teenager.”

He cut her a sideways glance. “Have you forgotten one of my duties is to protect you? I wish you hadn’t left the dog behind. You don’t make it easy, and I can use all the help I can get.”

“We’ll get her back when this is all over.” She lifted her chin and turned away. “I can protect myself.”

“Have you forgot who we’re dealing with?”

“Nope.” She still wouldn’t look at him.

“Are you mad at me?” He frowned.

“No, maybe, yes. A little.”


She turned and glared. “Everything is going to come to a boil. One of us, or both, may not make it out alive. If Blake wants me to join his so-called murder group, you’re in the way. He’ll eliminate anything that keeps me from fulfilling his diabolical plan.”

“I’ve told you not to worry about me.” Why couldn’t she understand he wasn’t going anywhere? That sticking close to her was all the plan he had? “I’m good at my job, Cassidy.”

“So am I.” High spots of color appeared in her cheeks.

“Then, let’s work together. This has nothing to do with whether me, or Ingram, think you incapable. It’s time for you to get the chip off your shoulder and accept the fact you are no longer a lone wolf.”

Her eyes glittered. She started to say something, then clamped her lips together and turned away.

So be it. Angry and alive was better than happy and dead. The only problem he could see was in her attempts to keep him from harm, she might put hers in the bullseye. He couldn’t let that happen.

He reached over to take her hand, but she pulled away, clasping her hands in her lap. He sighed and pulled into her driveway. For the first time since meeting her, he didn’t open the door for her. Instead, he marched up the steps and onto the porch to punch in the code for the alarm. No blinking red light told him the alarm was set. Had they left in such a hurry that morning they’d forgotten? Possible, but he wasn’t taking any chances.

“What’s wrong?” Cassidy stepped to his side.

“The alarm isn’t set.”

“That’s my fault. I left behind you this morning. I must have forgotten.”

He shot her a sharp look and pulled his weapon from his holster. “Irresponsible.”

“I’m not used to being a prisoner in my own home. I’ll go in first.”

He blocked her path. “No.”

Pushing the door open, he peered inside. Everything appeared normal. Cassidy’s OCD nature of everything in its place didn’t look disturbed. He waved her in. “You’ve got to be more careful. Follow me as we check each room, even the basement.”

She nodded. “I’m sorry.”

They checked each room and found nothing out of place. With each search, Colin’s frustration grew. He understood how they forgot to set the alarm, but that mistake could have been disastrous.

“Are you hungry?” Cassidy set her gun on the kitchen table. “I could order a pizza.”

“Not mad anymore?”

She sighed. “We all make mistakes. I apologize for my rudeness. You’re right. I have a chip on my shoulder the size of Mount Everest. It’s grown over the years as I’ve fought to prove my worth in law enforcement.” She met his gaze. “I know I’m a good detective. The human side of me wants kudos, I guess.”

“I’ll give you all the praise you need.” He grinned. “A pizza sounds great. Meat lovers, please.” He pulled out a kitchen chair and stared toward the kitchen window. The curtains were open a little, moving in a soft breeze. “Did you leave that open?”

“No, I wouldn’t have.” She moved to close the window and draw the curtains. “Maybe I’m losing my mind.” After closing the curtains, she pulled a bottle of red wine from the cupboard. “Want a glass?”

“After what almost happened the last time we drank? No, thanks.” Not to mention the fact a killer wanted Cassidy and had warned her about one of his minions. “We need to stay alert.”

She put the bottle back on the shelf. “Do you think she’ll come tonight?”

“I do.” He folded his hands on the table. “The alarm should give us warning, though. I know it’s dangerous, but we’re sleeping together tonight.” Not that he had any intentions of closing his eyes. He didn’t need the nightmares or to lose his focus. “I’ll take the floor next to the bed. Ingram said all the repairs were made to the wall.”

“I’ll gather some blankets and pillows.” She placed a call for pizza and headed down the hall.

Colin placed his chair to where he could see her. “Don’t take those upstairs without me.”

“The alarm is set. I’m perfectly safe.”

“You don’t leave my sight, understand?”

She dropped the bedding on the bottom step. “Am I allowed to use the restroom?”

“The powder room downstairs.” Irritable or not, he wasn’t going to relent on her staying in sight. Blake Russell had shown he possessed skills far surpassing most of the criminals Colin had dealt with in his career. He wasn’t taking any chances. Not only was it his job, but he had come to care for her more than he’d thought possible.

The fiery red-headed detective had wormed her way into his heart and set up roots. He wouldn’t survive if he failed to keep her safe. If he’d known leaving Scotland would result in him falling in love, he wasn’t sure he would have left. Romance brought entanglements into a law enforcement partnership that muddied the waters and increased risk.

“If not wine, then coffee,” Cassidy said exiting the powder room and entering the kitchen. “It’s going to be a long sleepless night.”

The doorbell rang.

Colin pushed to his feet. “I’ll get it.”

“There’s money in the jar on the table.”

“My treat.” He turned off the alarm and, after verifying the pizza delivery boy stood there, opened the door.

Stepping into sight, gun pointed at the center of his forehead, was Mary Jones.


ello, handsome.” Mary stepped forward, keeping the gun aimed at his head. “Pizza boy, sit in the corner and be good. Sorry you dropped your joint when I walked up. Smoking that weed is bad for you anyway.

“Now, Handsome, step back nice and slow.” When he did, she kicked the door closed. “So nice of you to answer the door.”

“I was only expecting pizza.” Colin gave her the crooked grin that always worked for him with women.

“Oh, you’re a charmer, for sure. It won’t work, though.” Not returning his smile, she cocked her head to the side. “A shame you’ll be dead soon. You and the woman, probably the boy, too.”

Cassidy lunged through the doorway her gun aimed at Mary. “Put it down.”

“Follow your advice or pretty boy dies right now. Nice and slow. I’ll do it. First one leg, then the other. Maybe a graze along one gorgeous cheek.” A slow smile spread across her face. “Drop the gun and kick it to me, that’s a good girl.”

Cassidy’s features hardened as she followed the woman’s directions.

“All three of you into the living room and strip to your undies. Remove your socks and shoes.” Mary watched as they stripped, then laughed. “For a beauty, your lingerie leaves something to be desired.”

Colin cut a sideways glance at Cassidy’s simple white bra and panties. She was beautiful in her simplicity, and he hoped he’d have a chance to tell her so and elicit a blush from her again.

He glanced around for a weapon. The woman was smart in making him and Cassidy as vulnerable as possible. Cassidy’s sparcely decorated home left little for him to use. The floor lamp would be too unwieldy. He’d have to watch for an opportunity to take her down by brute force.

As the delivery boy’s baggy jeans dropped to the floor, Colin spotted the corner of a cell phone peeking from the pocket. If he could get to it—

“Handsome, sit in that chair where I can see you. Detective Monroe and Pizza Boy sit on the sofa.” Mary leaned against the doorjamb. “Is everyone comfy?”

“My name is Danny.” The delivery boy scowled. “If this is a robbery, I only carry twenty dollars on me.”

“Aren’t you cute.” Mary slapped his pimpled cheek. “No more talking. I only have questions for one person in this room and that’s the red headed beauty.” She squatted in front of Cassidy. “I don’t understand something. Draco hates beautiful people. Why the fixation on you?”

Cassidy laughed. “Didn’t he tell you? He’s my father.”

Mary paled. “Impossible. He would have told me something that important.”

“It seems Bla…Draco has a few secrets.”

Mary pushed to her feet and paced, keeping the gun trained on those sitting. “This muddles things.”

If Colin could distract her a bit more, get her to lower the gun… He shifted, drawing her attention.

“Uh-huh, pretty boy. Stay still. I can see the thoughts in your mind.”

If she really could read his mind, she’d drop dead from the violence of his thoughts. Colin glanced at Cassidy. Rather than fear, he saw determination on her face.
That’s my girl
. The poor boy didn’t know whether to exist in a pot-induced haze or wet himself.

Mary resumed her pacing. “It makes sense, really. Draco’s almost protective attitude toward you.” She leaned close enough to Cassidy to force her to lean back. “I came here to kill you. I guess I can’t do that to the woman who will one day be my stepdaughter. Now, how to get you to Draco. He’ll be so pleased, he’s bound to give me anything I want. The desire of my heart will soon be mine.”

While she was focused on Cassidy, Colin dove for the cell phone. He managed to punch in Ingram’s number and hit speaker before the bullet slammed into his side. The second shot took him high in the thigh.


“Stop!” Cassidy scrambled toward him, grabbing their discarded clothes to help staunch the bleeding. “Stay with me, Colin.”

“Get up, Detective.” Mary rapped her on the shoulder with the revolver. “He’s going to bleed to death before help can get here.” She cursed as the delivery boy raced through the kitchen.

The slamming of the backdoor told Cassidy the boy made it out. “I won’t leave him. You’ll have to shoot me, too.” Tears burned her throat as Colin’s blood soaked into her carpet. Mary knew she couldn’t shoot Cassidy. Not unless she wanted to incur Blake’s wrath.

The other woman peered through the curtains. “Cops will be here any minute. You might die in a hail of bullets. Are you afraid, Detective?”

Only of Colin dying. “No.”

“So brave. Just like your father.” Mary pulled out her cell phone. “Draco, I have a dilemma…well, I told you I was going to do something for you…I’m here with your daughter. I didn’t know she was your daughter, of course, is she? Really? What a pity. I’ve shot the Scot. The cops are coming. How do I get out of here with her?” Tears pooled in Mary’s eyes, and then ran down her round cheeks. “That’s really what you want me to do? I love you…all right, Draco. See you on the other side. Please don’t keep me waiting too long.”

Mary sighed, the sound as lonely and mournful as anything Cassidy had ever heard. Then, the woman turned the gun on herself and pulled the trigger. Blood and brain matter sprayed the wall behind her. Her eyes widened, then she toppled over. Still.

Shocked, Cassidy couldn’t move for a moment. Then, realizing the severity of Colin’s wounds, and the fact the danger for her had passed, she darted for the front door and yanked it open as Ingram and an ambulance roared onto her driveway. “Hurry!”

Ingram gave Cassidy a wide-eyed look at her in her underwear as he rushed past her. The paramedics were a bit more professional. They didn’t spare her so much as a peek. While they worked on Colin, she donned her sweat pants and tee shirt then slid her feet into flip-flops.

“Can you save him? Please save him.” She stepped close as they lifted him onto a gurney. “Colin, can you hear me?” She trotted after the medics, determined to ride in the ambulance. She hoisted herself inside before anyone could say no and took Colin’s hand in hers.

This was her fault. For years, she’d managed to not have a partner because of the small size of Clear Springs’s population. Now, after being forced into having her second one, she was close to losing him. Not only that he was her partner, but she loved him. Something she’d vowed never to do.

The drive to the hospital seemed to take hours when in actuality it took ten minutes. Cassidy stepped aside as the paramedics rushed Colin inside. A receptionist told her to wait in the waiting room and the doctor would notify her when he had something to report.

Cassidy had never felt more alone in her life. She plopped into a vinyl chair and stared at the ceiling, counting the tiles. She quit when she got to 307. What was taking so long?

A man in blue scrubs walked toward her. She leaped to her feet only to watch as he passed her and approached an older woman. Cassidy sighed and fell back into her chair.

“No news?” Ingram sat next to her.

“None. It’s only been an hour.” She stared at the ceiling again.

“Tell me what happened at your place.”

“We ordered pizza. She was hiding around the corner, using the delivery boy as a shield. When Colin answered the doorbell, she forced the delivery boy inside, made us strip, and had every intention of killing all three of us until she found out I was Blake Russell’s daughter. Then, she called him and shot herself. I think he told her to.”

“Hmm.” Ingram jotted notes on a small notebook. “The delivery boy is fine. He’s home with his folks. Mary died immediately. Your house is…smelly.” He gave her a wry grin. “I’ll send someone over to clean it. Keep your chin up. It’ll take more than a crazy woman to kill MacKenzie.”

She nodded. It would be her that killed him. Whether by accident or through someone else, she would be at blame. “I hope so.”

Two hours later, the doctor came down the long hallway. “Detective Monroe? I’m Doctor Savalli.”

Cassidy jumped to her feet. “Is he all right?”

“He’s going to be fine. A few months of physical therapy due to the shot to the leg, but he’s going to be as good as new.”

Relief flooded through her so strongly, her knees weakened. She grabbed the doctor’s arm for support. “May I see him?”

“He’s unconscious, but yes, you may go in.” He directed her to Colin’s room.

She hurried to his room and stared down at a stranger. The strong, vibrant man was hidden by tubes and pale skin. “I’m so sorry, Colin.” She let the tears she’d been holding in fall down her cheeks. She leaned forward and placed a kiss on his lips. “I can’t do this. I love you. Goodbye, sweetheart.”

She straightened, and taking a deep breath, left Colin and any hopes for a future with him behind.


The End of volume 1


For more of Cassidy and Colin as they work on capturing the elusive Draco, stayed tuned for book 2, coming Spring 2016.
Will Colin forgive Cassidy for leaving him behind and moving to another town?


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Enjoy other books by Cynthia Hickey


Nosy Neighbor Series

Anything For A Mystery
, Book 1

A Killer Plot
, Book 2

Skin Care Can Be Murder
, Book 3

Death By Baking
, Book 4

Jogging Is Bad For Your Health
, Book 5

Poison Bubbles
, Book 6

A Good Party Can Kill You
, Book 7 (Final)


Christmas with Stormi Nelson


The Summer Meadows Series

Fudge-Laced Felonies
, Book 1

Candy-Coated Secrets
, Book 2

Chocolate-Covered Crime
, Book 3

Maui Macadamia Madness
, Book 4

All four novels in one collection


The River Valley Mystery Series

Deadly Neighbors
, Book 1

Advance Notice
, Book 2

The Librarian’s Last Chapter
, Book 3

All three novels in one collection


See Cynthia’s other books at


Historical Romances


Taming the Sheriff


Finding Love the Harvey Girl Way

Cooking With Love

Guiding With Love

Serving With Love

Warring With Love

All 4 in 1


A Wild Horse Pass Novel

They Call Her Mrs. Sheriff
, book 1 (A Western Romance)


Finding Love in Disaster

The Rancher’s Dilemma

The Teacher’s Rescue

Woman of courage Series


A Love For Delicious

Ruth’s Redemption

Charity’s Gold Rush

Mountain Redemption

Woman of Courage series (all four books)


Short Story Westerns

Desert Rose

Desert Lilly

Desert Belle

Desert Daisy

Flowers of the Desert 4 in 1


Romantic Suspense


Overcoming Evil series

Mistaken Assassin

Captured Innocence

Mountain of Fear

Exposure at Sea

A Secret to Die for

Collision Course

Romantic Suspense of 5 books in 1




Romance in Paradise

Maui Magic

Sunset Kisses

Deep Sea Love

3  in 1


Finding a Way Home




Handcarved Christmas

Curtain Calls and Christmas Wishes

Christmas Gold

A Christmas Stamp

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