Rise of the Darekian's, The (18 page)

BOOK: Rise of the Darekian's, The
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Caldar doubted whether they would have held out indefinitely, but credit where it was due, they had already accounted for near on a dozen enemies before he had made his appearance.
The family appeared to be making repairs before Caldar spoke "I would suggest sir that you and your family leave this place. Move south with us to a more secure area." The father immediately went on the defensive, "Are you a fool son," he said, clearly thinking the man before him was no more than a soldier. "I lived here all my life, my children were all born here, my wife died here, you think I am going to give it all up just because some half witted Darekians attacked."

It was quickly apparent the man and his family were not going to be easily persuaded to leave their home, despite their awareness of the dangers. He knew if he left them to their own devices, eventually another group would come and flush them out, or worse Orlacs would find them first. He tried explaining to the father, what was out there, and though the old man did look alarmed at the mention of the word Orlac, Caldar got the impression he was not believed.
Caldar struggled to hold his temper when he heard the father say, "those bloody lot in the capital aren't doing nothing, the kings not doing anything, sitting on his fat lazy ass no doubt, sipping their wine whilst hard working honest folk like us are getting attacked and killed." Noticing Caldar looking ready to burst, it was the man's daughter, Vanessa, who spoke next, "perhaps these men are from Hamalin Father."

Taking a deep breath, he had to
, or probably kill the man; "let me tell you sir, as you have obviously not been informed. Hamalin has been destroyed, as far as I know everyone was killed with them." Vanessa spoke again, "our apologies, we did not know. Are you all that are left of our army?" Caldar told them of the men and defensive lines being built at Casham and Berston; but as far as he was aware, either anything north of that, was in enemy hands or like the farm, they were at, under threat. He spoke of the treaty with the south Besemians and how that country was being torn apart, warring with itself. "Who is running the defences then if our king is gone, were the young princes killed also?" Vanessa enquired.

"I fear one was
, but I am holding up", he said with a certain sudden sadness to his voice. It took several seconds for the words to sink in, but when they did, the entire family quickly fell to their knees in front of Caldar. The father begged forgiveness, not just for himself but for his family, he had assumed him just an officer, some young noble's son who had been jumped up the ranks. "I am sorry to hear of your loss" Vanessa spoke softly, "Father, maybe we should reconsider the offer. I personally think we should go with the prince and his men." Her father looked at her, grimacing, before looking at his sons. Each in turn nodded, "oh very well. If we may your highness, we would like to join you." They asked for a short time to gather some items, as well as supplies for the trip south.

An hour after and with still a few hours left in the day the group rode off, continuing their trip southwards. Caldar still wanted to keep off the main tracks
, choosing once more to cross fields instead. Vanessa spoke of a number of other farmsteads in the direction they rode, and suggested they stop off and warn the occupants, if they were still there, of the impending attacks. Caldar appeared to have an immediate liking of the young woman, he thought she was pretty, quick witted as well as having a caring nature. She smiled at him, and chuckled to herself, as she explained how foolish they had all been in speaking ill of the royals, and then to have one staring them straight in the face. Caldar realised how funny that must have looked, and laughed along with her. He had not felt like doing so in quite some time, but there was something about Vanessa that made him feel it was all right to do so.

After the best night's sleep he had had in quite some time, he was awoken by the noise of Taylor trying
to get himself dressed. He did not mind, it was probably time for him to get up himself anyway. He sat up, yawned, and noticed the sun was up. They did not have glass windows in the wooden buildings but some form of stretched oiled skin. You could not really see through it but it did let a sufficient amount of light in to see what you were doing. His optimism for getting up soon waned when he realised he would probably be spending the day being hounded by people wanting his say on this, or someone wanting his authority on that. After a knock the door opened, and a serving woman was let in, "Your breakfast highness, I'll just place it on the table for you, don't let it get cold mind" she added, as a hint to get himself out of bed.

Taylor was already seated and waiting as Luken finally slumped down on the chair, "can we start dad?" he asked politely. "Of course, you did not have to wait for
me you know" he replied, removing the cloth off the tray. Thankfully, gruel like porridge was off the menu, instead they had a number of slices of toasted bread, a small tub of butter, and one with a fruit preserve in. In addition there was a small jug of fruit juice, which Luken poured first, before picking up a piece of warm toast and spreading butter on it, then doing the same with the fruit preserve and passing it over to Taylor. He did likewise for himself and savoured every bite, before having a second slice. Once suitably well fed to make a start, the two washed at the stand in their room, before exiting to start the new day.

Deciding it was better for Taylor to once more keep company with Sarena, rather than have to fo
llow him round all day, he made her room their first stop. Shadowed by his two guards, Levin now having been fully relieved of the duty, and after a brief talk with the young Lady, he left his son with her. He needed to go to the command tent first to check on the latest happenings, and was greeted by Jak Corley, "morning your highness, you are looking very bright this morning. Slept well on that comfy bed of yours did you" he smiled as he said it, "some of us still have to make do with the floor," he mumbled. Luken laughed, "I'm sure a little longer won't hurt Jak", the elderly guard harrumphed, "they should be putting men of my...experience, in beds, it should be you youngsters made to sleep on the floor." Levin was, as he almost always appeared to be of late, stood next to Jak, and the two youngsters shared smiles at the old soldier grumping about his aches and pains.

Once they got to business, Jak updated the young prince of the latest news
. Trees were being felled by the hundreds, and already they had started quite a stockpile. Men were working, sawing the timber into planks, whilst the rest was being cut for other uses. Whatever could not be used was being piled for firewood. The smiths were hoping to have the huge iron hinges in place today, and the doors were almost complete. They hoped sometime tomorrow to have them in place; the metal studs would be fixed on once in position. Once complete, work could start on a set for the city gatehouse. Work had started clearing away the grass and weeds inside the city, confirmed by the smoke of burning fires visibly rising above the walls. The city walls themselves were being checked over, and repaired where needed. The keep ground floor was being cleared, and they hoped to start moving up to start replacing roof timbers. Whilst the roof was being sorted, due to the good weather they hoped also to make a start on stairs, and floor boarding.

Pleased everything was clearly in hand, he next went to check with
General Skalton, who he found by the bridge. He found him surveying the riverbanks, and area across the other side of the bridge. Woodsmen were already busy cutting trees, and some large horses were pulling those they had, back across the bridge to the camp area. A number of guards stood casually at the entry, though they quickly straightened when Luken passed them by. On seeing the prince approach, the General made his way to him, "Morning Thomas, any news I should be aware of?" Luken asked as the two neared each other. The General shook his head, "nothing new your highness, I was just checking the local vicinity, these river banks are nice and steep, would make any attempt at crossing more difficult." He continued by telling how he thought the tree line was better now it was being cut back, and that his scouts had not seen anything of note heading their direction. They had however spotted smoke rising far off in the distance, though it was impossible to tell how far, and which direction the enemy were heading.

Lord Galliss, follo
wed by his eldest son Aric, was waiting for the two of them at the bridge gatehouse. The lord was overseeing the final checks before the huge oaken doors were bought out to fit. He explained to Luken and the General, how once fitted the doors could not be lifted off their hinges. They would also have iron studs on the outside, as well as three wide iron bars fitting across the inside, making it near impossible for them to be burst open. He told them if anyone wanted to get through them, once they had been fastened shut they would literally have to smash them to pieces. Not an easy task, as he pointed out that all the while anyone who tried, would be being fired upon, from the now repaired battlements. General Skalton nodded his head in approval, and Luken knew these new doors must be good if they impressed him.

Sarena sat next to Taylor at the small table in her room, assisting him in writing out his alphabet. A loud thud at the door, and as she rose to answer it burst open. Despite it only being mid morning Darak appeared already drunk, stumbling through the doorway and into the room. "I've come to see if you would like that drink now, my lady?" He asked slurring his words slightly, and offering
a bottle of spirits he had half drank in his hand. Sarena felt uncomfortable by his presence, "I think you should go Darak, maybe lie down and sleep off your drunkenness." He smiled, taking a swig from his bottle, before wiping his mouth with his dirty sleeve, "I'm not drunk, at least I don't think so," he stepped nearer. Taylor stood and quickly stepped between Sarena and Darak, shouting "she said go away," standing as tall as he could make himself. Darak laughed at the boy, "oh get out of my way you little brat" he mumbled, grabbing Taylor and pulling him to one side, and onto the floor in a heap.

Sarena fumed, "how dare you" she screamed, her face reddening, she raised her hand and slapped him hard across the face. Darak rocked back, completely stunned by it all, dropping his bottle on the floor. The glass shattered and the contents spilled ou
t across the bare wooden boards. "You silly bitch" he snarled, grabbing her arm, and shaking her violently. Taylor darted out of the room, hearing Sarena scream behind him and he ran, he ran like he never thought possible, he needed to find his dad, and quick. Without even thinking, he sprinted out of the camp area and headed for the bridge, somehow knowing that is exactly where his father would be. Luken turned to see his son running, sensing something was wrong by the look on his face, "what's wrong?" he asked as soon as Taylor reached him. Taking a few deep breaths, "its Lady Sarena, that man's son" he pointed to Lord Galliss, "is all drunk and burst into our room, he shoved me to the floor, so she slapped him, but now he's got her and ..." Luken, Galliss, Aric, General Skalton and Lukens guards were already running before Taylor had even finished.

Realising his son was lagging behind, Luken stopped and picked him up, then continued after the others. Lord Galliss was first through the door; his son still had the Lady by the arms, shouting at her. The lord grabbed Darak by the scruff of the neck, "what the bloody hell are you doing, you fool..." his son let go of Sarenas arm and had no option but to stumble backward as his father hauled him outside. She followed, rubbing her arms, tears of fear streaming down her face.
Lord Galliss was fuming; enraged by what he had seen his son doing, but that was nothing to how Luken felt when he saw Sarena.

Feeling the rage build inside him, gently placing his son down, he turned and placed his hand against Galliss as a motion to move aside. The anger inside him, the sheer maddening rage, and then it took control. He thrust his hand out, and Darak was thrown across the ground some twenty paces, landing face down. Groaning and trying to stand he stumbled about, then trying in a feeble attempt to run, Luken pulled his hand towards himself and this time Darak flew back
towards him, landing before his feet. Next, he thrust his hand upwards and the man flew upwards, then bringing it down, bringing the body crashing to the ground. The anger had control of him, he shook with its force, and he would kill this man. He could not hear the shouting or the cries of mercy, Darak was barely conscious, both his father and brother were begging Luken to stop.

The waters in river started lifting upwards, a wall of water some thirty paces high rose up. The flames from the fires around the camp soured up into the air, and then the ground itself started shaking. People started running and fleeing in panic, the wind started swirling around them, blowing items around the camp. Sarena put herself in front of Luken, pleading with him to stop, but her pleas were ignored. She placed her hand on his cheek, it was so cold, almost numbingly so, she gazed into his eyes. They were solid
black, like pools of oil, no whites, no colours, just entirely black. "Luken, please stop. Don't do this" she had to shout, even to hear herself, such was the noise of the wind around them, and the rumbling from the ground. "This is not you, the man I love would not do this," then she kissed him, and wrapped her arms around the back of his neck.

As if the kiss were magic, the wall of water fell from its hanging state back into the river, the flames of the fires returned back to their normal size, the
wind stopped and ground ceased shaking. Sarena could feel the warmth restored to Lukens skin, and removing her lips from his could see his eyes back to their normal colour. As she held her arms around him, he felt the rage ebb away, and calmness return. He cast his gaze around, Darak was no more than a heap on the ground, just as the thought he had killed him, came into his mind, he heard him whimpering, and sobbing like a small child.

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