Rise of the Red Harbinger (39 page)

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Linas said plainly, “I understand, my lord.”

“Very good.” Jahmash grinned widely again and spoke to Linas as if he was encouraging the man. “Perhaps you might even gain the gift of prophecy now, just like those Blind Men.”

“If I am lucky, my lord.” Linas jolted and fell to the ground screaming. His hands clung to his face and he rocked back and forth. Bo’az assumed that Jahmash had released whatever control he’d taken of Linas’ mind. Jahmash raised a hand to his soldiers. Two walked to Linas and carried him out. Bo’az continued to hear Linas’ screams for several minutes after he’d left.

Jahmash turned his attention toward Bo’az and Slade once more, speaking just as pleasantly as if nothing out of the ordinary had just occurred. “Gentlemen. Now you may explain to me why we have arrived at this situation. Bo’az, while I am sure you are a charming young man, I am still quite disturbed that you stand before me rather than Baltaszar Kontez. Master Slade, why do you bring me a dog when I clearly asked for a lion?”

Slade stared down at Linas’ eye for a few moments before answering. “It was not until we had searched almost all of Ashur that I had heard rumors of Baltaszar Kontez’s true whereabouts. His father was not originally from Ashur, so I did not know where they might reside. It turns out that Joakwin Kontez had been hiding in a small forest village; it was so well hidden that the rest of Ashur had never even heard of it.”

“You are not answering my question, Master Slade.”

“I apologize if my words sound like pretense. I am getting to the point. It had taken me so long to find Kontez’s village that by the time we did get there, Baltaszar had left for the House of Darian.” A glimmer of anger flashed across Jahmash’s face for a split-second, and then it was gone. If Bo’az’s eyes had not been focused intently on Jahmash, he would have missed it. “At that point, I thought that if we attempted to capture Baltaszar, it would cost us our lives. According to the rumors, his manifestation is a dangerous one. Surely he would not be traveling to the House of Darian alone. I chose to stop tracking him because I thought there was a strong possibility that he’d found other Descendants. If that was true, we would surely fail in capturing him.

“Believe me Lord Jahmash, I understood clearly that this choice would make you unhappy. But in both scenarios, Baltaszar would have escaped us. I chose the path that kept us alive. Bo’az Kontez stands before you because he is our only bargaining piece. If you hold him prisoner, I can go back to Ashur and convince Baltaszar to come here. Bo’az is all that remains of his family. Baltaszar would assuredly do your bidding.”

Jahmash put a hand to his chin. “Your mind is incredibly strong, Master Slade. Too strong for me to invade. But I do not need to look into it to know that you are being truthful with me. Some of my ‘eyes’ have confirmed that Baltaszar Kontez travels to the House. And he does indeed have allies now. Regardless, it bothers me that you took so long to return to me. But your ability to surmise such a contingency plan makes me regret that I put Nasreddine in charge of your mission instead of you. Perhaps the ability to control my soldiers is not the highest priority.”

Slade took a deep breath. “Thank you.”

Nonetheless, you have still failed me. I will send you back to Ashur to retrieve my prize. But with a reminder to not fail again.” Jahmash nodded to the two remaining soldiers against the wall and touched a finger to his ear. In seconds, one soldier jabbed Slade in the stomach with a spear and knocked the wind out of him. Slade fell to his hands and knees. The other soldier unsheathed a dagger and severed Slade’s right ear. Slade croaked, clenching his stomach with one hand and the side of his head with the other. Jahmash stood up and walked to Bo’az and Slade, who was now breathing heavily and grunting. “Master Slade, you did not listen to me. I wanted Baltaszar and you brought me Bo’az. You have one ear remaining. Hear what I ask. I want Baltaszar Kontez. We have finally found out where the House of…
is hidden. Once Maqdhuum returns, we will amass an army so large that one thousand Descendants could not stop it. You will travel to the House with Drahkunov and Maqdhuum. Their armies will destroy the House of Darian and as many Descendants as they can. You will bring me Baltaszar Kontez. If you fail me this time, you will lose more than your other ear.”








Chapter 15

The House of Darian


The Book of Orijin,
Verse Fifty-Two

Use balance in grasping the past. Grasp it tightly enough that you may learn from it. Grasp it loosely enough that it does not replace your future.


As they rode
across the desert plain toward a small range of mountains, Baltaszar realized that he’d become so lost in his thoughts that most parts of the ride had become a blur. He’d gained nothing of use about Vitticus Khou–nothing that could prove Khou and Oran Von were the same man. But Baltaszar was not deterred. He had a talent for remembering faces–he could still picture Yasaman’s perfectly–and could plainly see that Khou’s and Von’s faces were identical. If he could only find someone who had known his father, perhaps then he might get answers. If he’d remembered correctly, Slade had mentioned having known his father. But Baltaszar reasoned that his chances of seeing Slade again were as arbitrary, if not more so, as their first meeting.

During the entire ride from the City of the Fallen, Baltaszar’s memories and ponderings had consumed him. He kept searching his mind for some detail about Von that might connect everything, but he didn’t know enough. Most of the time, thoughts of Yasaman invaded and then he would think about her until something brought him back to reality–usually a question or comment from one of the others. Baltaszar decided he would eventually go back to Haedon to see her. Once he became comfortable at the House of Darian, he would request permission to return for a few days. First he would find Yasaman. He still was unsure of what he would say, but he needed to know where they stood. After that, he would see Von and demand answers about his father.

Baltaszar’s father was another matter. Anger tugged at his mind every time Baltaszar thought about him.
Why didn’t he tell me about any of this? Why did he hide me away?
He hoped that Slade had been right about having questions answered at the House of Darian.

“Dismount at the boulders!” Desmond yelled from ahead. Baltaszar focused on the scenery before him. An enormous craggy mountain dominated the horizon. He brought his horse to a halt and dismounted. Boulders densely littered the sandy ground.

A stout man, slightly taller than Baltaszar, in leather armor emerged from behind the boulders. “Welcome back, lads.” The man bore a tan complexion, darker than Desmond but lighter than Baltaszar. “Brought some fresh fish, did you?”

Desmond responded, “Ya know how it is, Kadoog’han. We need all the help we can get. Met them at ‘The Colored Road’. Nice fellas. Baltaszar an’ Horatio.”

The man nodded his head toward Baltaszar and Horatio. “The pleasure is mine, lads. Kadoog’han at your service. Shall we proceed, then?”

Badalao answered him. “Yes. Let us not waste time. I am eager to speak to Maven Savaiyon.”

Kadoog’han nodded. “Then let’s go.” He led them through a path in the boulders and they shortly arrived at an opening in the mountain. The others led their horses off to the side and were tying them to posts jutting from the ground. Kadoog’han nodded for Baltaszar and Horatio to do the same. “The portal is not friendly to horses. Descendants found that out the hard way. Long time ago.”

Baltaszar’s confusion must have been evident as he walked to a post. Desmond informed him, “When they first created the portal ta the House, they tried ta bring the horses through, also. Horses didn’t survive it. They learned quickly not ta bring ‘em through. Now we just tie ‘em up out here. Not like anyone else is goin’ ta take ‘em.”

“Portal?” Baltaszar was even more confused.

Desmond smiled. “Ye’ll see.”

They all walked back to Kadoog’han once the horses were tied. He led them into the cave in the mountain. Once they’d walked about twenty feet in, Kadoog’han stopped and waved them forward. “I will see you soon, lads.” He looked at Baltaszar. “Stay calm all the way through.” Baltaszar nodded and followed the others as they walked forward. For several moments, blackness surrounded him. It was so strong that he could not see the others. The ground remained firm, although Baltaszar could see only darkness beneath him. Baltaszar realized he was traveling forward quickly, despite the fact that he was not moving his body at all, like the world was racing by him.

The world finally rematerialized around him, except that Baltaszar now stood outside enormous doors. They were open and a giant common could be seen inside. Baltaszar marveled at the intricacy of the design on the front of the House of Darian. It had the look of a castle. The others all stood beside him, in the same positions as in the cave. Baltaszar looked around at them as they all walked through the doorway and into the main common room. “What…was that?”

Badalao turned to him. “We are now on an island off the coast of Ashur. It is the only way to keep the House of Darian safe from those who would seek to harm us. We use a touch portal to reach the island because, as you can see, it gets us here in mere moments. Before it was created, they would walk through a maze of paths in the mountain and then travel by boats.”

“So nobody knows where the House actually is?”

“Except for those of us who have stepped foot here, no one knows that it is on an island. Most people throughout Ashur assume that is it in the mountains or underneath it. Now that you are here, you are sworn to keep that secret safe.”

Baltaszar nodded. “Understood.”

Desmond led them to the left down a drab corridor. “We need ta find Maven Savaiyon. Likely he’s talkin ta Marlowe.” The hallway eventually opened to another common room.

To the left, two men stood in a doorway, talking. Their voices lowered slightly once they noticed the group. Baltaszar overheard the smaller man telling the larger one, “I have done all I can for the moment, Roland. He will not be killed unjustly. We shall schedule a hearing when there has been enough time to assemble the facts. If you would like to attest to his character, then by all means, do so. We shall speak more on this later. We have company.” He patted the taller man on the shoulder and the latter turned toward the group, nodded solemnly, and walked away. The shorter golden-skinned man faced Baltaszar and the group. “Young masters, is there something with which I might help you?” The man stared at Baltaszar long enough that Baltaszar shifted his gaze to his feet.

Marshall was the first to respond, from the back of their group. “We would like details on what happened to Gunnar and Adria, sir.”

The man closed his eyes for a moment. “I see. I have discussed the matter with Maven Savaiyon. The details will stay a private matter for the time being.” Baltaszar assumed that the man had normally spoken this curtly. Even Desmond hadn’t flinched at the man’s rejection. “For the time being, I would urge you all to return to your quarters and relax for a short while. Afterwards, have your fellow Descendants tutor you on the lessons that you all missed. Also, have Maven Villem find quarters for…what is your name, young master?” He pointed to Horatio.

“I am Horatio. Horatio Mahd. It is a pleasure to meet you Zin Marlowe.” Horatio stepped forward and thrust his arm toward the man. Marlowe, visibly irked, grasped Horatio’s forearm and let it go in one swift movement.

“Horatio. Have Maven Villem find appropriate quarters for Horatio. Horatio, I shall send for you later, so that we may become acquainted. Now you should all be on your way. However…Lincan, is the other half of your room occupied?”

“No, Headmaster. Just me.”

Marlowe nodded in approval. “Superb. I must speak with Baltaszar for a short while.” The rest of the group looked at Baltaszar in surprise. Even Baltaszar himself was beside himself that Marlowe knew his name, and even more so that Marlowe wanted to speak to him privately. “Once I have finished with him, Lincan, he and you shall share quarters. Wait out here until we have finished speaking.” Lincan nodded as the rest of the group walked away.

Baltaszar overheard Desmond and Badalao asking each other how Marlowe could have known about Baltaszar. Marlowe turned to Baltaszar. “Come inside, boy. I hopefully have more answers than you have questions.” Baltaszar walked into a very plain room. Marlowe gestured for him to sit in a wooden chair at a desk, while Marlowe sat facing him from across the desk. “You are curious about how I know who you are?” Baltaszar nodded. “I knew your father. You look exactly like him.”

“I wanted to…”

Marlowe cut him off, “I can only imagine how many questions you have. Let me speak first. Hopefully what I will have to tell you will answer questions. If you have more, you may ask when I have finished. Is that fair?”

Baltaszar took a deep breath. “Sure.”
This conversation is going to go the way he wants it to.

“I trust that, by your age, you are aware of your manifestation?”

Baltaszar nodded. “Fire”

“Interesting. Perhaps Joakwin’s actions had some sense in them. You may or may not know, but your father and I worked together for a time. I had always hoped we could maintain our correspondence, but he did not share that sentiment. I know that he hid you away from the world, so I must determine how much you actually know of Ashur. There is much to discuss and I would prefer to not tell you things that you already know. Your father hid you from the world with the hopes that he might save us from Jahmash. Do you know who that is?” Baltaszar nodded in affirmation. “Always the martyr, Joakwin. What was it that changed his mind about sending you here?”

How well did he actually know my father?
“Nothing changed his mind. He’s dead. And what does hiding me have to do with Jahmash?”

Marlowe looked down at the desk. “I am truly sorry to hear this. He and I did not always agree, but I had a great deal of respect for him. I still do. We shall get to Jahmash later. This conversation will not be as structured as I had planned. Would you mind telling me how your father died?”

Baltaszar took a deep breath. “I would rather not go into details about it. It’s mostly my fault. Nobody in our village knew about manifestations. He took the blame for my fires and they hanged him for it. The whole time, I had no idea that I was the cause. I guess he did. I went to retrieve his body later that night and found a man named Slade. He directed me to this place.”

Marlowe’s eyes grew wide at the mention of Slade. “Rhadames Slade. That is…interesting.”


“Three men knew of your father’s whereabouts once he took you into hiding. Slade, myself, and Asarei - a man with whom I have cut my ties. I have many resources throughout Ashur. Asarei has not been seen or heard from since your father went into hiding. Neither has Slade, until you mentioned his name.”

Baltaszar furrowed his brow. “What does that mean?”

“I cannot be entirely sure. I have not known anything about his involvements or doings for the past sixteen years. But if he has surfaced in Ashur, then it is because something important is happening. So you had never met Slade before your father’s death?”

Too many questions were forming in Baltaszar’s mind for him to keep track of everything he wanted to ask. “No, I never did. Wait. Wait, stop. You are going too fast. Why did my father go into hiding in the first place? And where was he from? Since I left Haedon, everyone has assumed I am Shivaani. They don’t even believe Haedon is a real place.”

Marlowe smirked. “Haedon? That was the name of your village? In the mountains?” Baltaszar nodded. “I thought Khou would have been more clever than that. ‘Haedon’ literally means ‘hidden city’ in Imanol–the language of people in the time of the Harbingers. He must have assumed nobody in the village would have thought anything of it.”

Baltaszar’s eyes widened. “So it was Khou there? He and Oran Von are the same man?” Baltaszar leaned forward and folded his arms on the desk. “Why did my father go to him? He’s the one who killed my father.”

Marlowe held up his palm. “Now you are the one going too fast.” He gazed intently into Baltaszar’s eyes long enough for Baltaszar to feel uncomfortable. “I will trust you with these secrets. But only because I knew your father. If you tell another soul, if you even repeat any of it in your sleep, I will denounce everything you say and have the entire House believe that you are a liar. Understood?”

Baltaszar nodded. “My word is my bond.”

Marlowe smirked again. “Did your father teach you that?”

“Yes. From the time we were little. How exactly did you know him? What did you together?”

“That is a conversation for another time. I think if I were to give you a detailed answer to
of your questions, we would be sitting here for a few days. ‘My word is my bond’ is one of our mottos here. It is important for a Descendant in the House of Darian to have an upstanding reputation. You said from the time we were little. Who is ‘we’?”

“My twin brother and I. My father taught me and Bo’az to say that when we were quite young.”

Marlowe shook his head. “This conversation is turning into a learning experience for both of us, lad. Your father sent me two letters after we had gone our separate ways. In the first, he informed me that your mother was with child. They were still in Galicea at the time, with your mother’s brother. The…”

“My mother had a brother? Is he still alive?”

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