Rise Once More (8 page)

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Authors: D. Henbane

BOOK: Rise Once More
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Alex eyes a faded red barn towards the back of the property, and a familiar feeling over comes him. “She's there.” Alex says in a whisper. Alex assesses the terrain, and spots his entry point. He continues to drive past the farm house, a mile down the road, he parks the car near the river. There is a bluff that overlooks the property, but Alex decides to follow the river and approach from the lower ground.

Given the arid terrain, the rivers waters have given precious life to the desert. Its offspring is a diverse group of life, ranging from the large cottonwoods to the thick cattails near the shore. The Kochia weed has overrun the home site, and makes for excellent cover.  Alex approaches the barn from the rear, crawling his way forward, and stopping periodically to check his position.

He reaches the ladder to the hay loft, and begins his ascent slowly. His gun in his right hand, and his left hand on the wooden ladder rail. Step by step he ascends slowly, careful not to make a noise, or aggravate an unseated nail. Reaching the final rung, he raises his pistol above his head slowly, using its chrome plating to act as a make shift mirror.

Amongst the straw bales, sits Trixie, eating an apple, and looking out the barn window towards the mountains. Her back is turned to him, and he finishes his climb to the loft. Walking softly, with his gun pointed directly at her, and her head in his sights. “Don't even think about running you will be dead before you even get to your feet.”

“What makes you think I fear death?” Trixie says. Her raspy voice tainted with the grief of recently shed tears.

We can end this now. There is no need for bloodshed, but you are going to come with me.”

I'm not going anywhere..” Trixie draws her hand to her face, wiping away tears. “You know. She was my entire world. This life has given me nothing... but pain, sorrow, and so much suffering.” Trixie leans forward with her head buried into her hands. She continues to stare out at the mountains, as Alex walks closer.

Did you really think I wouldn't find you?” Alex says.

No. I wanted to be found. I just needed some time to say good-bye. Time to look at the hills, and smell the mountain air. There is something magical about this place. The land radiates some kind of energy, and is the last place on Earth that reminds me of happiness. If I had wanted to disappear I wouldn't have gone home. Honestly, I never thought I would even make it here in time.”

You stole something and I want it back. I am in a unique position to make you an offer. Literally, an offer you can't refuse. Do what I say and you live, refuse? Well, I can't say it will end on your terms, but it will definitely end.” Alex says.

Arrogant... Just like all men. Always demanding things go your way because you have a penis or a gun. While you are fortifying the fronts with troops, you never see the Trojan horse. Emotions control battle more than bullets.”

What would Evelyn think of your actions?” Alex says.

You have no right to utter her name. You have no idea what it feels like to lose a child. Let alone carry its tiny body inside of you.”

I miss her too. I was her senior prom date.” Alex says.

Alex?” Trixie cringes and the apple tumbles to the floor. “Did they send you to talk some sense into me? I expected an assassin not a love-struck boy.”

That was a long time ago. I am a man now, and I prefer not to be called an assassin. How about last resort negotiator?” Alex says.

Haven't you heard? I am a terrorist now. We both know
don't negotiate with terrorists.” Trixie drops her head low and begins to sob. “Alex. Please tell me what you had planned to do. Arrest me? There is no point even going on anymore, just pull the trigger and end my suffering. I won't look at you. Make it easier for both of us.”

What if I told you Evelyn was alive?” Alex says.

Nice try. Nothing is going to change what has happened, and your words are empty to me.”

I am serious Trixie. She is alive and well, resting in a motel room not more than 30 miles from here. She made me promise not to kill you. I can take you to see her, and you can be with her until I have to turn you over. That is my offer.” Alex says.

Lies... it's not even possible. She is dead Alex. You should let her go just like I have.”

It's true. Reese wanted her in his program. He helped fund her way through college, convinced her to sign up, and faked her death. What you believe is a complete lie.” Alex reaches over and presses a button on his Dlink. The sound of Eve's voice echoes throughout the barn loft.
Is this really necessary? This isn't world war three, we are going to save my mom, and all of these guns won't help. Promise me Alex... You won't hurt her, and I get to tell her the truth before you take her back. Don't look at me like that, Alex. You better promise me or I will...

Trixie slowly turns, facing Alex. “Where is my baby?” Trixie rises to her feet, and slowly walks toward Alex with her arms stretched in front of her. “What have I done?” Her voice filled with deep regret as she continues to close the distance between them. Light creeps in from a hole in the barn roof illuminating her face. Her eyes are bloodshot, and she advances towards Alex with a clumsy gait.

“You didn't...” Alex says aloud. He draws his line of sight towards her heart and slowly applies pressure to the trigger. Inhaling as he aims, and squeezing as he exhales. The unevenness of her walking causes him to adjust his aim multiple times. This shot would have come at second nature for him, but the promise he made to Eve forces him to back off. “I promised her.”

Alex struggles to resist firing his weapon. Knowing one quick pull of the trigger would end it all. Trixie is no more than a few yards from him, and a single scratch would effectively end his life as well. Regardless of his good intentions, it is now a life or death situation.
It's too late to save her Alex. You tried your best. Take the shot now.

Blood splatters onto Alex's face. Trixie is knocked to the floor by the force of the bullet, and ceases to move. No convulsions, a perfectly placed kill shot. Alex's heart is racing as he lowers his gun. Then the sound of the report reaches his ears. Something is wrong. Alex drops his magazine and thumbs out each round into his palm.

Amos hits send on his cell phone and activates his ear piece. The familiar sound of a phone ringing  plays in his ear. He removes his 50 cal from its tripod, placing it gently in the storage case. The phone rings again, as he looks through his binoculars confirming the kill. He pans over to watch Alex frantically emptying his clip. It rings a third time, the line is picked up, and silence greets him.

It's over...”

Thank you Amos.” Reese says.


Chapter Nine

All Down Hill

“Where are you going at this hour?”

Back to the office. I have to take care of something.” Reese says.

Who was that on the phone? What's her name?”

Theresa, for the millionth time, I have never cheated on you, and I never will. You know damn good and well that the other woman in my life is my career.” Reese says.

I'm sorry I doubted you. You know, we aren't getting any younger, and someday I might not be here when you do decide to stay home.”

I love you dear, and don't talk like that. You don't look a day over 30 my love.” Reese says.

Well. Give me a kiss before you go.” Reese pulls the covers over Theresa and kisses her tenderly on the lips.  He walks down the stairs, grabbing his keys along the way. Reese opens the door to his garage and turns on the light. He stares at a framed picture above his tool box. He opens a small storage drawer and retrieves a set of several old dog tags. Reese brushes his thumb across one, as if to clean the  dust of time from the name stamped into it.
Evans, Benjamin

You know I had to do it Bennie...” Reese says aloud as he turns the tag into the light. His throat tightens up, as he confesses his actions to the effigy of his deceased friend. Reese places the tags around his neck and gets into his car. It is a foreign luxury model. More of a symbol of his social status than a well built machine; just one of the many
that his sacrifices have awarded him.

Turning onto the interstate, Reese turns on the radio and settles in for the drive to his office. The music did little to ease his mind. He tries several different stations. Modern music on all of them and it reminds him of how much time has changed. Unsatisfied with the late night music he decides to try talk radio on the AM band. “Now I know I am getting old...” he says aloud with a chuckle.

Welcome back folks. That concludes tonight’s program and I would like to thank our guest Jim Talbot and his exciting insight into the Bigfoot phenomenon. Chilling stuff. Remember next week we have Allen Chesterfield and his recent developments working with Aether physics. Now we open up the lines to callers. Caller number one you're on the air. Tell us what's on your mind.

Yeah. I am calling from Denver and I wanted to let you guys know about some weird stuff going on around here.

What kind of stuff?

My neighbor just got back from a pheasant hunting trip. He was talking about some things he saw in South Dakota. To make a long story short, he thinks that there is some kind of plague going around. He says he shot a pheasant, when he went to retrieve the bird some dude was eating it...

Eating it?

Yeah man. Like eating it without cooking it...

That is strange.

I gotta say George. I am a huge fan of the show, and I don't wanna sound like a total nut-job here, but it gets even more messed up.

How so? Are you alright with talking about it?

When he confronted the guy about it... Well he totally wigged out. I don't know if I can say anymore. I am still trying to process what he said myself.

Please continue caller. I wanna hear what happened. Are you afraid that someone might find out?


I want to remind all of our callers that we do not track phone numbers. All information is kept anonymous due to the sensitivity of our subject matter. We respect your privacy. Can you tell us more caller? So the guy wigged out you say...

He said he tried to bite him...

Bite who?

My neighbor man. So he shot him.

I can see why you didn't want to talk about it. Did he survive?

That's the thing George. My neighbor said he fired once, but the guy got back up. He took a 12 gauge round direct to his chest and he acted like nothing happened. I told my neighbor that I had heard about stuff like this happening before. A guy gets all jacked up on PCP and acts like he is invincible. He said no way it was drugs. He said I had to see the look in the guy's eyes.

So did your friend kill him?

No. He ran away after that. He is really shook up man. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to say.

Stay on the line with us caller. I am told we cannot continue to air this, but I want you to finish our conversation.

A dark ominous feeling takes over Reese and he slams the gas pedal to the floor. Accelerating quickly and dodging between traffic. Reese takes an off ramp, not bothering to slow down, and blows past a red light. He punches it again, the tires break traction and he drifts around a corner. The tachometer bounces as he navigates his way the final few blocks.

He finally stops at the barricade gates of Omega Phi. The headlights make the reflective tape shine like the sun, as he impatiently waits for the security guard to check his credentials. Reese honks his horn, and there is no movement from the guard shack. Reese opens his car door, full of rage, advancing towards the booth. “Peter!” Reese calls out from the darkness. “You better not be sleeping again.”

Reese?” A trembling voice echoes in the night air. Reese spins around focusing at the source of the sound. The outline of a figure hunched down stares him back. The glow of the headlights make it difficult for his eyes to adjust. He raises his hand to block the light.

Peter. Are you hurt?” Reese says.

Peter is off tonight...”

What do you want Sly?” Reese says.

Just taking out the trash.” Olaf moves directly into the headlights gesturing to Reese to come closer. “I am going to need your signature on these papers.”

Open the gates. I have work to do.” Reese says.

Not anymore I am afraid. On second thought I don't even need your signature. I just wanted to see the look on your face.” Olaf lunges toward Reese, knocking him to the ground and dragging him into the headlights. He props Reese's body up against the bumper, and shoves the paper work into his face. “Signed and dated this morning. Check it for yourself. From this day forward... You have been relieved of your command, and I have been named as your replacement. Olaf Sly, now controls every aspect of this installment.”

You must be proud. They say you can't polish a turd, but you gleam like new chrome.” Reese says.

Take your retard with you...” Sly says as he walks into the darkness. Past the reach of the headlights Reese spots a large sulky figure, his massive arms wrapped around his knees in a fetal position. Rocking slowly, alone in the darkness with a few possessions scattered about the ground at his feet. Reese walks over and places his hand on Rednek's broad shoulder, his body shudders slightly, and Reese says in a fatherly tone “It's over son time for you to go home.”

I don't know where home is Reese.” Rednek says with a child-like whimper.

Get in the car son. I will make sure you get home safe.”

Thank ya sir.” Rednek says. The two walk somberly to the car. Reese pauses looking back at Omega Phi, his anger starting to rise in his stomach again, and the image of Sly's face drifts across his eyes.

It is not going to be tonight, but mark my words... I will kill you Sly. This isn't over you bastard.” Reese says slamming the car door shut, speeding off into the night, tires squealing as he accelerates.

Reese. I done a bad thing.”

What did you do son?” Reese says.

I lied. I didn't mean too.”

Lied about what?” Reese says.


Reese lets out a small chuckle. “I knew all about that son. You didn't cover your tracks very well, and as far as I am concerned love is not something to be taken lightly.” Reese says.

“So yous not made at me?”

Of course not. We have bigger problems to deal with. Since we are on the subject of being truthful, and like it matters anymore I might as well fill you in.” Reese says. Rednek sits up straight and stares confusedly at Reese.

What problems sir?” Reese tunes to a news station on the radio.

Scientists are scrambling to identify the source of a mysterious outbreak. Little is known about it but the CDC is calling it extremely contagious and life threatening if contracted. The CDC is urging people to stay home and avoid unnecessary contact. The FAA has stopped all international flights into the US and doesn’t expect to lift the ban anytime soon.

Cases have turned up in almost every major city and hospitals are doing their best to cope with the influx of new patients. The CDC now claims that the infection is a virus, and is a mutated strain similar to the 1918 pandemic. Here with us in the studio is Dr. Geiger. A leading specialist in his field is here to answer some of our questions. Dr. Geiger, how scary is this thing?

Well Nancy. It is still very early to say exactly what we have on our hands here, but preliminary testing has revealed it to be highly contagious and very aggressive. Public health officials have warned for many years about the possibility of what happened in 1918 coming back again or at least something similar to it. The world is much more interconnected than almost 100 years ago. The potential for a global catastrophe is very real.”

Dr. Geiger, what advice would you have for our listeners to help deal with this?

“I was told not to sound like an alarmist, but due to what I have seen thus far...”

Are you alright Dr. Geiger?

“Umm. Yeah I am fine. Can someone please bring me a glass of water? Thank you.”

Dr. Geiger what do you mean by you were told not to sound like an alarmist?

“I was coached before coming on the show. You see in the background we try to keep people aware without causing widespread panic. Sometimes the over-reaction is worse than the problem itself. YOU KNOW IT'S STUFF LIKE THIS THAT JUST CHAPS MY BALLS. YOU DAMN PEOPLE WONT LISTEN ANYWAY! YOU'RE ALL GOING TO DIE...

A loud thump echoes across the speakers, and the sound of a woman's voice screaming is heard. Suddenly the station goes silent, followed by the sound of the national warning system. Reese reaches forward, turning the radio off, as he swallows hard. “The world is going to be a very different place from this day forward. It got out Rednek. Haus failed. We failed. Everyone failed.

So what we gonna do boss?” Rednek says.

Pick up some supplies. I think it's going to be a long ride.”


“There is not time to explain. Theresa, just grab what you can and get in your car. Drive to the BOZ and wait for me there. Under no circumstances are you to stop for anything or anyone. Run them over if you have too.” Reese says urgently as he grabs some pre-packed bags from his closet.

You're scaring me Reese, and who the hell is this?” Theresa says pointing towards Redneks large body grabbing larger bags as instructed by Reese.

Sorry ma'am, but boss says I best be moving this stuff pronto. I'm Rednek ma'am.” Rednek says as he shuffles past Theresa carrying two large black bags. The bags make a familiar metal clanging sound of ammunition magazines rattling around inside.

Reese crosses a few more items off the list in his hand, pausing for a moment, and then turns to face Theresa. “Do you remember the code?” Reese says calmly but with a tone of urgency.

“Yes dear.”

Do you remember exactly how we practiced?” Reese asks.

Yes, but I didn't honestly think I would have to..”

This is not practice... This is the real deal. Take this DVD, and play it as you drive. Some of things I say in this video will make you upset. No matter how hard it is to believe, there is nothing but truth contained in this video. I included instructions to the BOZ in the first part, follow them to the letter and fear not mother. I will be with you soon.” Reese says as he kisses Theresa gently on the forehead.

Come with me Reese.”

I can't dear. I have to get someone...” Reese says.

Who! I demand to know who is more important to you than your wife.”

Alex...” Reese says choking back tears. Theresa clutches the DVD to her breast, tears flowing down her face. She walks forward embracing Reese and then whispers into his ear.

Bring back my baby boy. Safe and sound. Promise me Reese.”

I promise mother. Now go your losing vital time.” Reese says as he kisses her one last time. Theresa turns and runs down the hallway towards the garage, clutching the DVD close to her heart. A nonstop trail of tears left behind on the hardwood floors.

Is that all of it boss?” Rednek says.

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