Rise (Roam Series, Book Three) (27 page)

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Authors: Kimberly Stedronsky

BOOK: Rise (Roam Series, Book Three)
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“Oh, West.”

“At the football field, I touched your back… your birthmark on your shoulder. Even through your shirt, your skin was on fire. I could barely control myself.”

“And in the basement, at my house…,”

first,” he added, gathering my glasses into his hands and placing them on the nightstand. “Let’s just be clear on that.”

I laughed, the tears in my eyes finally dissipating. “And now… you’re my husband.”

“My point is… sometimes, though your mind tells you one thing, your body does another. It’ll take time to… sync those two together. And I’m patient, and I will be with you, through it all, every moment.”

“Thank you,” I inhaled deeply, and he nodded.

“Thank you, Roam…
for saving the best of you for last,
” he whispered.

Warmed to my
very center, I closed my eyes, curling into his arms.

I sensed the morning light through the heavy, closed curtains of the hotel room. Blinking at the sun streaming in the windows, I grinned sleepily at my phone.


appeared on the screen through my iPhone. She held Logan’s iPhone in both of her hands. Her beautiful face filled the small rectangle.

“Morning, Eva,” I whispered softly.

“I want a phone like this Daddy,” she pressed her lips against the screen, and West rested his head next to mine on the pillow, laughing.

“Don’t lick Logan’s phone, babe.”

“Was the airplane fun?”

“Yes, but we missed you.” I blew her a kiss in return. Logan gave her bunny ears with his fingers from behind, and I laughed at the moment she noticed.


“It sounds like you’re having fun,” West observed. Violet took the phone as Eva giggled and shrieked, running from Logan.

“It’s like having two four-year-olds in the house, I swear to God.” I watched the Face Time screen bob as she walked to her bedroom, closing the door. “What’s going on? Are you still going through the fountain?”

“Yes. I don’t know if we’re going on the ship, but we’re definitely going to France. I want the numbers to change for Troy.”

“We’re basing all of this on Roam’s dream. You’re not even sure he’s alive.”

“Should we have waited around to find out?” West asked sternly.

“No. Just… be careful. I’m going to be so scared when you go.”

, protect your sister… and Logan. Don’t let him do anything irrational. You girls are immortal… he isn’t.”

She sighed, nodding at the screen. “Okay. Be careful,” she looked my way. “Take care of him, Roam. West, get that girl a sword.”

“Okay,” I smiled. “Thank you, Violet.” As West disconnected, I turned into his arms. “That was a nice way to wake up.”

We’re going to miss that in about an hour.”

“1912.” I shrugged, focusing on the window. “I need some clothes.”

“I have us both covered.” He glanced at his wristwatch. “Come on, let’s get going.”

I put my contacts back in and climbed into the shower. After a few moments, I heard West at the sink. Sliding the curtain aside, I poked my head out, raising my eyebrows. “This is… strange. There’s my husband, brushing his teeth while I’m showering.”

He watched me through the fogging mirror, grinning with the toothbrush in his mouth. Wearing only boxers, he finished quickly, and I cringed at the deep scratches in his shoulders. “Oh, West. Your back is a mess. I’m so sorry.”

“Are you opposed to me getting in there with you… as long as I plan to be efficient and not touch?”

“You are an excellent planner, Mr. Perry. However, when it comes to
, our plans seem to always fall through.”

He smirked, kicking his boxers off.

I stepped back, letting him have the shower. Wrapping my arms around my chest, I watched the water cascade over his skin, tightening my grip on the backs of my upper arms.

“You look uncomfortable.”

“I never actually… showered… with you before. Not even in North Carolina, the first time. Not with… anyone.”

“Well, the best part of showering with me is…,” he stepped closer, and I held my breath as he wrapped his arms around me, lifting me and turning so that I stood under the hot water stream. “I am not a hot water hog.”

I laughed, water pouring over my lips and touching my tongue. “Well, I’m thankful for that.”

With his arms still around me, I could feel every part of his body against mine. “What are you staring at?”


“Did you see the gray?”

“What, your hair? You have no gray hair.”

“It’s on the left side of my head.” He lowered his head so that I could see, and as he did, his mouth touched the nape of my neck. I closed my eyes, shivering.

“You’re… silly… you don’t have one gray hair.”

“Robert E. Lee went into the army with a few flecks, and came back all gray.” His hand slid down my back, and I exhaled quickly as he tugged me closer to him.

Distracted, I opened my eyes and gave him a dubious look. “Lee was in the army for thirty-two years, West.”

“Thirty-two years,” he whispered, his wet lips claiming mine. “I only fought with him for three.”

“You were a confederate?” I demanded. He lifted me slightly, wrapping my leg around his waist.

,” his husky voice filled my mind as his mouth closed over my earlobe. I dissolved, clinging to him as he kissed a slow trail down my shoulder.

“Your team lost,” I moaned softly as his fingers slid over my thighs.

He froze, opening his eyes. “Incorrect, Mrs. Perry.”

“What?” I pressed against his hand, my breathing accelerated. “Lincoln won.”

“Inconclusive,” he punched the faucet, turning the water off and carrying me from the shower, dripping wet. He lowered me to the bed.

“Lincoln would never have announced the Emancipation Proclamation if… if he hadn’t
… Oh, West,
” I arched my back against his lips as he traced them over my hip bone.

which Lincoln enforced solely on his military rule, not his presidency. John Quincy Adams proposed abolishing slavery in 1839, twenty-four years earlier.”

“Oh my God,
stop talking,
” I cried, writhing each time he moved his lips away from my inner thigh to speak.

“Why? I thought you loved my history lessons,” he teased, his mouth moving to my abdomen.

I want you
,” I opened my eyes as he hovered over me, his gaze finding mine.

“Are you sure?”

Before I could answer, he thrust forward, and I sobered against the instant pain. Curling my fingers at the sheet desperately, I cringed. “I can’t believe… I have to go through this…
,” I winced, trying to back away from the sting.

“Hold on,” he soothed, continuing his path of kisses along my inner arm as he held me, perfectly still. “Are you okay?”

“No,” I pushed against him, and as he turned, I moved over him, straddling. “I also can’t believe I married a

He groaned a laug
h as I began to move over him. He gripped my hips in his wide palms.

“I fought for America in World War II. Does that redeem me?”

“What branch?”


,” I fell over him, disappearing into the dizzying moment that I remembered so well with him. Pleasuring sensations coursed through my body. He turned us again, moving over me.

,” he collapsed, propping himself over my chest to allow me room to breathe. “Jesus Christ.”

Your no-touching plan was a complete failure.”

He grinned. “Are you okay?”

“Of course I am… pesky second virginity… minor annoyance.”

“No, baby.
I mean… are
okay,” he touched my forehead gently. “
In there.

I sighed, immediately thinking of Troy.

The memory of his cold eyes crept under my skin, and West groaned, sliding over to lie on his back and gather me into his arms. Breathing heavily, he sighed. “Time.”

“We don’t have as much as we used to.”

“We already have more that we ever did… together.”

“His numbers should have changed. If we move through the fountain, they’ll disappear and then come back. He’ll know exactly where we are.” I pressed my face into his bare chest.
“Unless he’s already in 1912.”

“Then we go, Roam.
And we fight.

Chapter Twenty-One

Grant Park swarmed with visitors as the hazy, summer sun reached the highest point of the day. In only a few hours, West had managed to pick up the orders he’d placed as a rush for the 1912 clothing.
What money can buy,
I thought, lightly drawing my fingertips over the blue, Edwardian-style satin and taffeta dress. A crinkled, metallic gold organza sash below my breasts matched the overlaying skirt braid embroidered with blue, glass beads.             

“You’re so beautiful,” West gathered my hair into his hands. “I wish it was your body coming with us.”

“Was Amina pretty?”

He tucked his head to the side, his eyes focused on
the ceiling. “Exotic. Tan skin, jet-black hair, petite… but always, those green eyes.”

“Was she… pregnant?”

He pressed his forehead to mine. “Maybe.”

“I know this is hard.” I kissed him,
encouraging, my eyes searching his. “I’m here now. Please tell me what happened.”

I waited. He sat down on the unmade bed heavily, pulling me toward him. “I spent three weeks with you. Troy found us. He killed your mother.”

Twisting my wedding ring, I held my breath.

“He lured you away from me, making you think your mother was still alive and in danger. A man named Samuel attacked me as I returned to our home with supplies. I killed him with his own dagger. By the time I made it back to our home… you were gone.”

… oh, my God… Logan?”


I buried my face in my hands, my heart jabbing uncomfortably into my ribs. “How did Troy kill me?”

West met my eyes. “He strangled you.”

I flashed to the castle, my fingers going to my throat at the memory of Troy’s hands on my neck.
Squeeze, you demented monster.

Our conversation left me unsettled as I stared at my numbers in the sunlight. West’s heavy bag contained clothing, documents and money. Just as I’d asked, he’d purchased
the sword. As I touched the dark sheathe, I knew that I could use the blade as efficiently as I had in the castle. “I can bring this on the ship?”

“First class passengers were indulged.”

He tucked the sword into our bag, and carried a holstered pistol at his hip.

People stared at us as we walked to the fountain, and I assumed they expected us to start trading lines for a play.

“We’re just going through, dressed like this, in broad daylight?”

“Roam, they’re oblivious. Half of them are buried in their phones. We disappear, and we’re clever street actors. Ooh,
ahh, and then nobody will care. That’s the way it is today.”

“Okay,” I shrugged, nodding. “So, we’re also not allowed in the fountain.”

He winked. “Well, I don’t think they’ll have time to arrest us.”

I took a steadying breath. “Don’t let go of me, okay?”

“Never, baby.”

As we walked across the vast, green spread of grass to the bursting, Buckingham fountain, I realized that he was right.
Nobody really cares, or they think we’re crazy actors.

“Are you sure?” He wrapped my hand in his, his thumb brushing my palm reassuringly.


He thrust our arms into the cool water…

And we were gone.

The moment we traveled, I felt West’s grip on my hand increase to a crushing hold. His curse drew my attention in the darkness; I watched the numbers change on his arm as he growled painfully.

“What… why did that happen?” I looked down at my arm. The numbers remained for North Carolina.

“Come on,” he straightened, helping me down from the high, stone wall of the fountain. The night air touched my skin and I shivered, tucking closer to him.

“What’s the date?”

“Tuesday, April ninth. 1912.”

“Why did my numbers travel, and yours change?”

“I don’t know. Let’s get to a safe place,” he turned us down a road, gesturing to an inn along the city street. “I stayed there the last time I traveled. We’re safe there.”

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