Read Rising Dragons Omnibus Online

Authors: Ophelia Bell

Rising Dragons Omnibus (45 page)

BOOK: Rising Dragons Omnibus
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“If that option is on the table, I will at least negotiate.”

The pair of dragons turned to stare at her.

“You’re at our mercy, yet you suggest negotiation?”

“Are you going to give the Court jurisdiction or not? If not, I will continue to refuse you.”

“And if so?” Ked asked, moving close. The dragon seemed much larger right up against her. She pressed back against Kol’s solid body and he wrapped both arms around her. Ked’s black eyes focused on hers, then slid down her body, leaving every inch of her skin tingling. One large hand cupped her breast, toyed with her nipple with excruciating tenderness, then he bent and flicked his tongue against it.

“You do taste different from the others,” he said, humming in appreciation. “Purer. I wonder…” He dropped to his knees. Rowan watched him mutely as he eyed her pussy, then slid two hands up her thighs to spread her open. A second later he had his entire tongue shoved deep inside her and she writhed against his mouth.

Holy fuck, Ked’s tongue seemed to vibrate inside her. She clutched at Kol’s arms, pressed her ass back against him. That cock of his needed someplace to be…

“Ked!” Aurum yelled.

Abruptly the invasion ended.

“You didn’t answer my question,” Ked said.

Kol’s fingertips sank hard into Rowan’s hips.

“Sweetie, if you’ve got something to share, out with it,”
Rowan said to him.

“I am not at liberty to speak to the Council now. Only the accused can make arguments. Tell them the Court would gladly continue protection of the race if we also have jurisdiction over the laws.”

“Um…What question was that?” Rowan asked out loud.

“If we give the Court jurisdiction, what will you do? Will you refuse our request?”

Rowan closed her eyes tightly. She wondered for a moment if she could request he go back to what he’d just been doing with his tongue.

“No. As long as Rafe submits and is a part of it, I will do it.”

“Every dragon here must be a part of it, the males with their essence, the females with their magic. Now that we are all inside the glade, the Verdanith won’t accept our sacrifices until they are equally given. To the stone and to its proxy. That would be you. As soon as it’s charged, our first task will be to channel energy to the Catalyst’s children.”

Kol’s whisper tickled her ear. “Good work. Let’s just hope our loverboy is on board.”

A single glance at Rafe spoke volumes. He smiled at her and in a soft voice filled with reverence said, “I submit.” The two words he spoke out loud were only half his full message, however. In her mind Rowan heard the rest:
“…to you for eternity.”

Racha released a relieved sigh and hung back while the others converged. Roka was the first to reach his friend. He led Rafe to the center of their circle and urged him to kneel. Kneeling in front of the Shadow, he made quick work of stroking Rafe to completion with one hand before the others came forward.

Rafe leaned back on his heels and looked at Rowan, his eyes bright and his chest heaving from his orgasm. He smiled and said, “You want to watch?” He gestured and the others came toward him. “Whatever you plan to do to her, you’ll do to me, first,” he said, fixing his gaze on each of them in turn.

“I will be right back,” Kol whispered in her ear.

“You don’t have to, do you?”

“I plan to do it to you, love. So yes. I do. This will at least give you an idea what you’re in for.”

Still tied, Rowan had no choice but to watch while the others took turns coupling with her lover, and through it all she received the vivid impression that he enjoyed every second. They all took their turns, sometimes two or three at a time. Each time Rafe or one of the others climaxed, the Verdanith grew brighter

Rafe lay limp and gasping after they each finished, one by one leaving to plunge into the pool to bathe. The Verdanith pulsed brightly beneath him, lending an unearthly glow to his skin.

“I love you,” she whispered.

Rafe’s lips twitched in a smile and he lifted his head. Sweat soaked his hair and it clung to his forehead and neck in dark strands. His eyelids drooped low, but he focused intently on her. He said nothing, only the smile on his face and the intense emotion that washed over her indicated his understanding of their shared situation and his acceptance of what they both knew she must do.

Breath of Fate: Chapter 8

o you submit?” Kol asked Rowan for the final time after the group had bathed.


The bindings instantly released. Her strength left her, but Kol caught her in strong arms. His beautiful face was before her, kissing her. “You did well,” he whispered. “This is the easy part now.”

“The part where you fuck me finally?”

He chuckled. “Yeah, the part where we all do.”

He held her close and laid her down gently in the center of the platform. Deep warmth seeped into her back. “What is it?” she asked, trying to move to see, but the hands of all the others held her down.

“It’s only the Verdanith,” Aurum said, kneeling beside Rowan. “Your power will be the final charge. You need to stay in contact with it for it to transmute our essences into the seed that will become the child.”

The immortal White, Aodh, knelt at Rowan’s other side and exhaled. Her sight became obscured with a solid white mist. She could see no one. She could only feel the hands on her, holding her down, and the deep, hot heat of the Verdanith against the center of her back.

Suddenly the memory of Rafe’s anguished objections their first weekend together flooded through her mind. She was pure, like he had said. And here she was, consciously agreeing to being the thing she’d objected to the most. Their entire race needed her to be their broodmare. She wanted it as much as anything, and it seemed a small sacrifice to make to be able to have him.

“Rafe, where are you?”

“I’m here, baby,” his voice called to her, and a hand pressed against her hip, warm and comforting. It moved along her contours up to her breast. “I’m here,” he said again, the sound moving around above her head. Strong, gentle hands lifted her head just enough for him to move beneath, letting her rest against his crossed calves. His warm lips pressed against hers from above, and she sighed at the welcome contact, letting herself get lost in the familiarity of him even as the others began to touch her. He kept contact with her, caressing her face with soft fingertips and kissing her every so often.

“Ready her,” a deep voice said. Was that Ked? Gavra? It had to be one of the immortal dragons. Aodh even. She didn’t recognize it as one she knew, though the mist could be transforming the voices, too.

Several hands gripped her legs, spreading her wide and pulling her knees up to her chest. Other hands held her arms down to the warm stone. Still others were on her body, cupping her breasts, teasing between her thighs.

She gasped when a hot tongue unexpectedly hit her clit, the teasing flick of it making her quiver and want more, but it left only to be replaced by another tongue, similar but thicker, more insistent. This tongue wanted her to come. Wanted her essence. It, too departed after only a few brief licks that left Rowan’s pussy aching. She was on the verge of begging now. She’d submitted and yet they were only teasing her. She needed more.

And they gave it to her. The hands held her thighs still. Her hearing became acute, every sound making her turn her head in an effort to discern who was moving. She inhaled deeply through her nose, hoping to catch familiar scents of those she had come to know as her family over the last few days. Rafe was easy enough to sense through their shared bond, and his constant contact. Another she was sure of was her brother, whose hand was one of the ones resting firmly behind her knee, keeping her spread open for the others.

“Tell me what you see. I’m blind here,”
she sent to Rafe.

“You’re beautiful, unfurled as you are. An exquisite crimson flower, and we are the bees.”

“She is ready,” Roka said, his voice coming from between her spread legs. The scent of him was familiar enough from their first meeting. Abruptly his hot, thick cock pressed against her spread cunt. He slid his tip around in a circle against her clit, torturing her for a moment before slamming deep enough to make her cry out.
was what she needed, Oh, God.

Their hands continued to hold her thighs while he pounded into her. Mouths found her nipples. A familiar voice or a scent told her who was close, but she decided it didn’t matter. They were all giving her what their entire race needed.

Roka’s cock slid in and out of her, the thick ridge around the tip rubbing inside with delicious pleasure. The hands and lips that shared her mouth and breasts never let up. She imagined the magic seeping into her, was sure she could feel every tingling thread of it as her pleasure grew. The threads sank deeper into her core with each steady stroke of Roka’s cock until the knot of it that filled her womb was too much for her to contain. The blinding ecstasy burst from her and she cried out, arching up against their caresses with her first orgasm. A second later Roka answered, his hips smacking hard against hers with his final thrust as he came.

He withdrew quickly and another took his place. First, with quick, agile fingers that teased at her cunt. She heard the sound of someone licking fingers.

Aurik commented, “She tastes delicious with hot Guardian spunk in her.”

Rowan almost made a retort, but before she could, the hot, sweet scent of female sex hit her nostrils. A second later someone’s thighs brushed against her cheeks. She darted out her tongue, curious, and encountered exactly what she expected—a slick, swollen pussy. Essence or magic was what she’d been told they would give her. She didn’t need to be fucked to get all of it. Rowan tilted her head and darted her forked tongue out, teasing it around and around the thick bundle. The possessor of the clit gasped and rocked her hips lower. Rowan wrapped her lips around the throbbing little nub and sucked, barely aware of the new cock shoving into her from the other side. Sweet juice flooded her mouth, both tangy and salty, with a slight bite of hot spice. The breathy moan the female let out was Rowan’s only clue that it was Aurin she serviced. The salty spice that mingled with Aurin’s tang must be Geva’s seed. Their combined flavors coated her tongue when she sank it into Aurin’s slick depths.

Soon, Rowan’s pussy wouldn’t be denied. Aurik fucked her so expertly she lost track of other things.

“Suck her clit. Don’t think about me,” Aurik said. Rowan sucked, but it was impossible not to think about him. At least not until the pussy pressed over her mouth spasmed and its owner yelled a few profanities in a language Rowan had never heard and the bright power of Aurin’s Nirvana flowed through her.

The cock buried in Rowan’s own snatch swelled and pulsed when Aurik came. Then he disappeared, leaving her disappointed.

But only a moment later something massive brushed hot against her inner thigh. Large hands clutched her to spread her wider and a thumb caressed her slick folds, sliding up to rub gently over her swollen clit.

“Stay wet for me,” Kol’s deep voice said.

“I don’t think that will be an issue,” she replied with a small chuckle that transformed into a surprised gasp when he plunged into her to the hilt, his path amply lubricated by the semen of the two that preceded him, along with her own juices. His hands slipped beneath her hips to hold her up higher. The angle caused his cock to press with excruciating precision against her inner wall, his strokes becoming more deliberate and focused so that he rubbed maddeningly against the same spot.

“That’s it,” Rafe said from above her. “He’s found your weakness, hasn’t he? Give in to him, Rowan. Sweet Mother, I love watching your face when you come.” His lips came down on hers again and she surrendered. Her pussy clenched in hard spasms around Kol’s cock, relentlessly milking him until he cried out and his hot seed shot into her.

The silken warmth of another pair of thighs slid along the tops of her shoulders. Rowan tilted her chin and opened her mouth, her tongue extended just enough in anticipation of the slick heat of another female. Racha’s verdant scent already clung to Rafe, and now Rowan found herself immersed in it. The Queen faced the opposite direction as Aurin had. While she snaked her tongue around Racha’s quivering folds, she felt the woman’s hands grip Rafe. He shifted slightly beneath her head and sighed.

“She’s an attentive leader,”
he said to Rowan before she could comment.

“Fuck her while I do this. I want to taste you on her.”

Rafe murmured her request to Racha, and the Queen moved, turning the other way. Rowan was forced to extend her tongue a little further when Rafe moved out from under her head. Racha’s breathy moan was the first sign of Rafe’s penetration and Rowan darted her tongue out to find where her lover’s shaft sank into Racha’s tight opening. Rowan teased and licked at them both in equal measure, determined to taste Rafe’s spend mixed with her Queen’s delicious juices. Distracted by her quest, she was only partly aware when another thick cock found its way into her sopping cunt.

Rafe let out a harsh groan and his movements slowed. He pulled out of Racha and sank back in, the motion seeming to mimic the cock that slowly fucked into Rowan from the other side. Rowan had ceased to wonder who was where, losing herself to every sensation below her neck. At least she had some control over what happened above.

At the moment her body was not her own, but belonged to all of them. The realization let her give in completely, every delicious sensation another message that she was only the vessel for their salvation, and that the culmination of their shared essences was the seed. Aurum’s words rang in Rowan’s ears again as Rafe’s cock and balls quivered under her tongue and his salty semen flooded her mouth from Racha’s spasming pussy.
“Fate has a way of asserting itself.”

Whichever cock was asserting itself in Rowan’s pussy now moved with gentle, deliberate strokes, its velvet heat urging the magic into a knot like a ball of flame in her belly. Above her lips more silken folds of flesh surrounding a pulsing, needy clit descended. Aurum moaned with Rowan’s first lick, but the sound wasn’t enough to drown out the familiar growling groan of the dragon fucking her.

“Your cunt is as perfect as Erika’s, sister.”
Her brother’s delighted words sank into her mind. Far from shocking, they incited the most explosive release yet. She threw her head back in a harsh cry, her pussy grasping hungrily at the shaft that pierced her, pushing her further and further into oblivion.

The Verdanith seemed burning hot against her back, its pulsing need as urgent as Aurum’s clit, so hot it forced her back to awareness. She surrendered to them both, unable to do more than accept her role. The energy from Geva’s climax had passed straight through her into the Verdanith, but she was left with the lingering sense of him. She had no time to be confused or even disgusted. And how could she be anything but grateful for his attention and gentle urgency in the midst of everyone’s desperate need?

As though sensing her confusion, Rafe returned to her head, caressing her sweat-soaked temples even as she continued to service the immortal Gold with her tongue. There was no time to be confused or worried. She’d known Geva for two days. And he wasn’t her brother now, he was only a small part of the seed to her vessel.

Geva departed and another wholly otherworldly cock took his place, the thick, hot length of him stretching her nearly to the point of pain and almost obliterating the feel of her brother’s cock with a tingle that seeped into her. She resumed her guessing game, deciding that with the pleasant, refreshing sensation of him, it must be the White immortal, Aodh, who fucked her now.

It took a mere half a dozen strokes of Aodh’s tremendous length before she was flying, her tongue lashing with abandon at the presence of a new quivering snatch that pressed against her lips. Both immortals climaxed in unison, their power flooding her with blinding energy that seemed to sear every cell in her body before it was absorbed by the stone talisman beneath her back.

She recognized Gavra by his heat, so similar to her brother’s. He fucked her more urgently, as though he sensed the powering of the Verdanith was close to complete. Numa pressed a gentle kiss to Rowan’s lips and murmured words of encouragement before moving to spread her nether lips over Rowan’s mouth.

The immortals each left Rowan buzzing from head to toe with the intensity of the power their climaxes flooded her with.

Ked was the last of them, and began with an attentive lick, picking up where he left off before it all began. He found her clit with his tongue, swirling around it in tight little circles before he plunged the agile length deep into her. She writhed against the hands that held her, beyond the bounds of sanity from all the orgasms, but in spite of sending her over the brink yet again, Ked wasn’t content to leave it at that. While her muscles still clenched, he moved up and slid his thick, hard shaft deep into her. The heat of his huge body hovered over her, closer than the others had been, and she felt the warm exhalation of his breath sweep over her skin with a very deliberate caress. The hands of the others disappeared, replaced with the cooler sensation of Ked’s shadowy hold. Rather than coils of inanimate ropes, they became delicate caresses that covered every inch of her skin, sliding and probing to find the points that gave her the most acute pleasure. The caresses moved lower, driving her mad with desire so intense she sent an incoherent plea to Rafe, the only one who could keep her grounded.

“You enjoy what he’s doing, don’t you? I can do the same for you, if you’d like,”
he said, and she heard his own exhalation. Soon, Ked’s shadowy caresses were joined by another set, but Rafe’s were bolder, taking advantage of his intimate knowledge of what pleased her. Rafe’s mouth teased her nipples, and one hand slipped between her and Ked to find her abused clit still throbbing and needy. His breath slid down her thigh and over the curve of her ass, brushed past the steady smack of Ked’s balls against her asshole and teased around the tight barrier that as yet had remained unpenetrated today.

Ked grunted in a kind of recognition when Rafe’s shadowy touch pressed into her. He held his cock halfway out of her, his hips seeming to press backward more than forward.

“You’re a brave one to be so presumptuous, Shadow,” Ked’s deep voice said.

BOOK: Rising Dragons Omnibus
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