Rituals for Love (9781476761893) (11 page)

BOOK: Rituals for Love (9781476761893)
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“How are you doing? I feel like we haven't caught up in while. How are things with Ernest?”

“We are good.”

“He puts a smile on your face and that's what I like to see.”

“He is the most unpretentious, generous man I have ever met.”

“I would have never thought that big teddy bear would have stolen your heart.”

“Neither would I, but I'm glad he did. You're one of the few people that know I didn't believe healthy relationships existed.”

“I remember the days well,” I said.

“I'm thankful I met this man that showed me something completely different than I was used to experiencing.”

“Do you think you'll marry him?”

“We've talked about it.”

“I'd be lying if I said I wasn't surprised.”

“I'd be lying if I said
wasn't surprised.”

We shared a laugh. It was nice that we could laugh together about love and relationships. We both had relationships in the past that weren't laughing matters. Overcoming heartbreak and being able flourish on the other side was a wondrous blessing. I acknowledged it. Every time I thought about where I could have been with Bryce, I acknowledged it. Every time I thought about how much I loved Cain, I acknowledged it.

“Ernest has been good for you. I couldn't ask for a better brother-in-law.”

“I don't have the ring yet.”

“It's going to happen.”

“When the time is right. Nothing happens before it's time.”


eremiah came into my office with a scowl on his face. I knew the cause before he said a word. He sat down and I waited for him to confirm what I already knew.

“I'm going to say one thing. If you hire this guy, you can forget about Eden2 doing anything other than tanking.”

“Lee isn't working out. What exactly is the problem?”

“He's slow. His skills aren't up to snuff. He's clumsy. He doesn't know how to delegate. Do I need to continue?”

“This is only his third day. Do you think it's nerves?”

“No, I think it's what I said.”

“Are you hovering?”

“Nah, man. I gave him more than enough space to do what I typically do. He can't hack it.”

“I hear you. This may be more of an inconvenience to you, but I want him to finish out the week.”

“Hell yeah, keeping this guy in my kitchen is extremely inconvenient.”

“I understand, but I need it to be painfully obvious to him why he didn't get the job. As long as his performance isn't having an impact on what happens in my dining room, I need you to humor me on this.”

“This has been a long-ass week and it's only Wednesday. You're going to owe big time, bro.”

“I got you, don't worry.”

Jeremiah left the office annoyed with Lee and me. I hadn't been at Eden since I met Lee on Monday morning, so I hadn't seen firsthand what Jeremiah was complaining about. If Lee's performance was affecting the quality of the food or my customer satisfaction, then we could have terminated his residency immediately. However, his airfare, hotel, car rental and stipend had all been paid. Since he was here for the week on my dime, he would most definitely be working for me while here.

I'd make amends with my brother with some Giants tickets. He couldn't stay angry if I handed over fifty yard line seats. In fact, I had better get tickets for two games, in case the next chef pissed him off, too.

I hit the speaker button on the phone and dialed Jade.

“Hey, babe,” she answered.

“Hey. I emailed you a link to a company that designs innovative spa furniture. Take a look when you get a chance.”

“I'll check it out tonight.”

“Also, we're meeting Hal tomorrow morning at Genesis. They're starting the work and he wants to go over a few details with us. I'm going to pick you up at nine.”

“All right, honey. I have to get back to work. Talk to you later.”

I had my own work to do outside of Eden. I logged off my computer and left the restaurant. I wanted to get to my corporate offices. I had other companies that needed my attention.

•  •  •

dust hanging in the air and the sounds of banging and buzz saws. Some walls had already been knocked down. “What time did you get started?”

“The crew has been here since five this morning.” Hal walked us through the site to a makeshift office in the back. Heavy plastic was draped from the ceiling blocking the entrance. We stepped inside. It could've been a large supply closet; it probably was for the clothier.

“This will be your temporary office space. I have the guys working now on your permanent office.” Hal turned to Jade. “Cain informed me that you'll be on-site often. We'll get your office done as soon as possible.” Jade smiled and he continued. “For now, this space will have to do. It's noisy and dusty as hell, but you can set up shop here. I just ask that with number of workers I have on-site, you try to stay out of the way as much as possible. We don't need anyone getting hurt.”

“We got it, Hal,” I replied. “Let's go over the specs you wanted to discuss and we'll leave you to your work.”

Hal inquired about the spa lounge and verified the layout for the private group waiting area within the lounge. He asked a string of questions about the kitchen and dining room. Jade was excited about the entire project, yet she lit up when discussing the kitchen. She was exceedingly precise about the specs and ensured that Hal understood exactly what she wanted. He left us in the office and Jade sat in the solitary chair in the room.

“What do you think?” I folded my arms across my chest. “Is there anything else you want to let Hal know?”

“I think we addressed everything. Besides, I plan to be here a few times a week. I can let him know of any changes.”

“Let's try to keep any modifications to a minimum. The last thing we want is cost overruns. It's easy to start making changes and the next thing you know we're over budget.”

“I know that, Cain.”

“I know you do. I have a rule about coming in at or below budget for any of my businesses. I've never come in over and I don't want Genesis to break my streak.”

“It won't. However, if it does, I'll be responsible for the additional capital.”

“We've already discussed this. That's not going to happen.”

“There's no way to know if an unforeseen situation will arise to cause us to exceed our budget.”

“The capital is taken care of, Jade.”

“So, I don't have a say?”

“Of course you do. We both do. But our best strategy is to meet with Hal regularly and keep an eye on his progress. We've both committed to this project, so I don't imagine we'll have any issues.”

“That's why I said unforeseen—”

“We'll cross that bridge if we come to it. For now, I need you to crack that whip and keep Hal on track.” I flashed a smile at her.


“I'll be counting on you next week. I have a crazy schedule. Between a calendar full of meetings and the second chef arriving on Sunday for a week, I won't be here much.”

“How's the first chef doing?”

“Jeremiah wanted to give him his walking papers after the first couple of days. I'm already planning to start interviewing again if the next chef, Riley, isn't any better.”

“For your sake, I hope Riley works out. I can imagine Jeremiah is not happy to have chefs he doesn't know in his kitchen.”

“Ain't that the truth.” I shook my head. “I told him I'd make it up to him.”

“We can't afford a similar situation with Genesis. We have to start our search for an executive chef immediately.”

“Have you given any serious thought to what you want on the menu?”

“I've been mulling it over.”

I stepped in front of her and extended my hand. “What do you say to playing hooky for the rest of today? We can go back to my house, get situated by the pool and discuss our menu.”

A devilish grin played on her lips and she put her hand in mine. “You are a bad influence.”

I tugged her to her feet. “That's a yes?”

She nodded. “There's nothing wrong with mixing business with a little pleasure.”


wrapped my turquoise sarong around my waist and tied a knot on my hip. Cain had already changed into his trunks, thrown on a pair of flip-flops and gone out into the yard. I was coordinating my suit and sarong as if we had company waiting downstairs. By the time I made it outside, Cain was set up at the table on the patio jotting down something in one of a few binders in front of him.

He looked up. “I see you went with the yellow bikini.”

“It's not easy to choose when you keep slipping new bathing suits into my drawer.”

“If I come across something sexy that I want to see you in, I'm going to get it.”

“I must admit you have good taste.”

“I know what I like to see on my lady.”

“Maybe I need to shop for you more.” I sat across from him at the table. “It's not like I haven't been in a store and passed a shirt or tie that I thought would look good on you.”

“What stopped you from getting it?”

“I don't know. I usually think ‘That would look nice on Cain' and keep going.”

“Can't take the time to stop and get a brother something special. See how you do me?”

I laughed. “I'm sorry, baby. Next time I'm out shopping, I promise to bring you something nice.”

“That's music to my ears. I can't wait to see what you bring me.”

“Maybe I'll get you something sexy to wear. Since you keep buying me bikinis, I can repay the favor.”

“Nah, I'll pass on the bikini.”

“Men wear bikinis. You don't want a suit to show off all of your junk?”

“Junk?” He howled. “Definitely not. Unless you're in the business of wasting your money, don't buy me any male bikini. You can bring me a tie. I'll gladly accept a tie.”

“You'll just have to wait and see.”

“Don't get me anything crazy.”

It wasn't hard to bait Cain. There were times when he couldn't tell if I were serious or joking with him, and I took full advantage of his uncertainty. I'd had many laughs at his expense. Unfortunately for me, he could be a jokester, as well, and he did believe in getting even. It was all in fun and I was thankful he had a great sense of humor.

“All right, all right,” I said. “As engaging as this conversation is, we're supposed to be working.”

“Let's get started. What do you have in mind for our menu?”

“I definitely think we should have a menu of light bites.”

“Just how light are you talking?”

“Well, think about it. Our clients will either dine with us before or after their services. In both scenarios, they won't want to be weighed down by a heavy meal. If they're preservice, it wouldn't be ideal to feel full and bloated while receiving services designed to invigorate. And if they've already received their services and decide to eat afterward, they will have meal options that won't have them dragging out of the door.”

“I'm with you so far.”

“And I don't want you to think a light bite necessarily means salad or sandwiches. The light bites are decadent tastes of heaven, albeit the portions are much smaller.”

“I get it. How about an example of a menu item?”

“Okay. One example of what we could offer is a dish of thinly sliced beef carpaccio with a basil horseradish emulsion. We can play around with the flavors of the accompanying sauce. The point is, that's not necessarily a healthy dish, but it's not an overwhelming slab of meat. Like I said, it's a light bite.”

“What else do you have in mind?”

“You didn't like the carpaccio?”

“The carpaccio is fine. I'm looking for a few more examples of how we'd carry the light bites throughout an entire menu. What would you serve with the carpaccio?”

“I see it as more of an appetizer. However, we could serve it as a tasting plate accompanied by butter poached baby asparagus or even sautéed sugar snap peas with garlic and fresh herbs.”

“Okay, I like how that sounds.”

“What about grilled salmon medallions with a balsamic ginger reduction? I can pair that with a wilted spinach salad.”

“Even better.”

“Oh, I know,” I said excitedly. “Seared ahi tuna cubes with a wasabi vinaigrette served with steamed sesame rice.”

Cain smiled at me. “I love how passionate you are about your craft. You light up when talking about creating new dishes.”

“Do I?”

“Yes, and it's so sexy.”

“They say food can be an aphrodisiac.”

“You're definitely making me hungry in more ways than one.”

“Do you remember the first time I cooked for you?”

“How could I forget? You made grilled shrimp with some sort of spicy sauce.”

“It was spiced coconut sauce.”

“That's right.”

The first time I cooked for Cain I wanted everything to be perfect. I had already boasted to him that it would be a meal he'd never forget. I had to show and prove that I was the master I proclaimed to be in the kitchen. We dined together and got to know one another better during that dinner. We talked about relationships, enjoyed some playful banter and cleaned up the kitchen together.

“And it was delicious,” I reminded him in case he forgot.

“You were delicious.” He licked his lips. “We made love for the first time that night.”

“You couldn't keep your hands off of me.”

“I seem to recall you took the initiative. We didn't end up in your bedroom because I led you up there.”

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