Road to Desire (14 page)

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Authors: Piper Davenport

BOOK: Road to Desire
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Austin held out his hand and I slid from the booth, ignoring him, and stepping toward Kim. “Hi, Mack. You look really nice.”

“Thanks, babe,” he said, sending smirk over my shoulder, and then focusing back on me again. “So do you.”

Austin’s hand settled on my lower back and I was being guided (pushed) to where he wanted me to go, which was toward the back of the club. He walked me down a dimly-lit hallway and through the fourth door on the right (I know this for sure, because I counted).

The room was surprisingly warm with the same mahogany finishings as the club, but instead of the red leather booths, there was an overstuffed sofa, flat screen television and a desk in the corner. I heard the door click behind me and I turned to face Austin. “Where’s Kim?”

“Mack’s taking her home.”

“What? Why? You have no right to blow up girls’ night, Austin.”

He crossed his arms and frowned. “I told you not to come here tonight, Dani. Told you I’d pick you up and take you anywhere else you wanted to go. What the fuck?”

“It’s a nice place. I don’t know what your problem is. We got in, which is somewhat of a miracle to begin with, so I was looking forward to having a good time.”

“You got in because I let you in.”

“What?” I squeaked.

“The Dogs own it, babe. I run it.”

“What?” I repeated.

He sighed. “I told Tommy and Tiny to watch for you and Kim.”

“What?” I threw my purse on the sofa. “So are you saying you’ve known who I was all along?”

“No, babe. I have one rule. No good girls. So you would have been denied access because my team is good. Better than good. And they would have seen you coming from a mile away. No one looked close enough at you for your name to raise any red flags. Harris isn’t an uncommon last name and your father and brother work out of Washington.”

He had a point.

“So, they don’t know I’m a cop’s daughter?”

“They do now.”

“Is that why you’re here? To make sure I don’t tell my daddy?” I snapped.

“You’re here, because tonight’s the worst fucking night for you to be here.”



“Business. I get it.” I scowled. “God, Austin, I’m so frickin’ sick of hearing that.”

He pulled his phone out of his pocket. “Yo.”

I hadn’t even heard it buzz. I stomped my foot in frustration. I guess our conversation was over.

“Yeah. Two minutes.” He hung up. “Wait here. Got me?”

“What? No. I’m not a child, Austin. You don’t get to leave me here like I’m being relegated to the principal’s office.”

He swore and stormed out of the office. I moved to follow but the door was locked. I let out a frustrated squeal and kicked the door, only managing to stub my toe.

“I swear to God, Austin Carver, I’m going to castrate you,” I yelled at the door, and then flopped onto the sofa and pulled my phone from my purse to call Kim.

“Hey, honey,” Kim said.

“Hey, where are you?” I asked.

“Just crossed the bridge.”

“I’m so sorry Austin’s such a killjoy.”

Kim chuckled. “Don’t worry about it.”

“Are you okay?”

“I’m totally fine, hon. Seriously, it’s all good. I’ll call you tomorrow okay?”

I frowned. Was she blowing me off too? “Um, okay.”


She hung up and I sat staring at my phone for several seconds before chucking it back into my purse. My girdled middle was uncomfortable, so I wrestled my Spanx from my body, then I unzipped my boots and slid them off. My toe was throbbing now, but I stood and decided to investigate the space.

A pocket door led to a spacious bathroom, complete with shower and fluffy towels. I wondered how often Austin stayed here long enough to shower. I walked back into the office and through another door to find a bar set up with several chairs surrounding small tables. What had me spellbound was a large picture window that overlooked the entire club. I didn’t remember seeing it when I was out there, so wondered if it was a one way mirror.

I’m not sure how long I stood watching the club goers, hearing nothing but my own breathing, but Austin’s arm wrapping around my waist startled me and I jumped.

He kissed my temple. “Sorry, baby. I didn’t mean to scare you.”

I pulled away from him. “I want to go home now. Will you call me a cab?”


“Why not?”

“I’ll take you home, but I can’t leave just yet. We’ve got a situation and I don’t know how long it’s gonna take.”

“Which part of I want to be alone are you not picking up on?”

He slid his hand to my neck and tipped my chin up with his thumb. “You and I have things to talk about. I get that. But you’re not leaving without me, Dani, so accept that now.”

“God, you make me so frickin’ crazy!”

“And you’re a pain in the ass.”

“So, let me leave!”

He stared at me and then his mouth covered mine slowly. I was so wound up, I reacted with pure unadulterated lust, opening my mouth and deepening the kiss, while moving my hands to his hair. When his hand pulled my dress up and slid between my legs, I whimpered with need. He slid my panties aside and slipped his fingers inside of me while working my clit with his thumb. “Fuck,” he rasped. “You’re so wet.”

I dropped my hands and shimmied my panties down my hips, kicking them to the side. “Take care of that, will you?”

He dropped to his knees in front of me, sliding my dress to my waist, and pressing his mouth to my clit. “Spread, baby.”

I spread my legs a little more and he wrapped one arm around me to hold me still. He thrust two fingers inside of me, sucking my clit until he’d apparently decided I’d had enough. He stood, lifting me in his arms, carrying me back into the office and laying me on the sofa. He tapped one of my knees and I dropped it so he could return to what he was doing before. God, what this man could do with his tongue. I tilted my hips in an effort to get closer.

“Greedy,” he said, and slipped his fingers inside me again.

I felt my climax build as his mouth covered my center and I gripped his hair as my orgasm hit. Austin kissed my inner thighs, slid his fingers out of me and rose to his feet. I watched through hooded eyes as he walked into the bathroom and washed up.


move, but I managed to slide my dress back down to cover my nakedness and roll onto my side. He walked back toward me and I saw the rock hard evidence of his arousal pressing against his zipper, but I was disappointed to discover that we weren’t going any further. At least not right at the moment.

“I have to get back downstairs,” he said, and sat down next to me. He stroked my cheek and smiled. “More of this later.”

“I want to yell at you right now, but I can’t move. Give me a few minutes and I’ll be back to fighting form.”

Austin grinned, leaning down to kiss me quickly. “If you need anything, press the button by the door. Someone will assist you. But no one will let you leave, Dani, so don’t bother trying.”

“See? Now you’re pissing me off again.” I scowled. “You’re essentially keeping me prisoner and not telling me why.”

He sighed and rose to his feet. “I have to go.”

“Fine, go.” I closed my eyes and forced back my frustration as he walked out the door.

I didn’t get up until my bladder insisted I move, so I did. After that, I wandered back into the bar area, found my panties, and slid them back on. Surveying the racks of alcohol, I found what looked like really good Tequila and opened the bottle. Common sense would have suggested I pour a shot or two, or even mix the spirit with coke, however, I wasn’t feeling very common sensy, so I decided to drink directly from the bottle. And it was fantastic.

I’d taken a couple of long pulls from the bottle and figured I should find some food, so I pressed the little button by the door. Then I pressed it again and again, giggling maniacally as I did it again… then once more, just for fun.

“You only need to ring once, Miss Harris,” a female voice came through the little speaker above the button. “What can I get for you?”

“Well, since I’m drinking, I think I should eat something.”

“Good idea. What would you like?”

I bit my lip. “Filet mignon, medium rare with braised asparagus and garlic mashed potatoes.”

“As you wish.”

“Wait, I was kidding,” I jumped to say. “Can you really do that?”

“We can do whatever you’d like, Miss Harris.”

“How about some hummus and pita.”

“Of course.”

“Thank you,” I said, and sat back on the sofa, taking another swig of my delicious drink.

Ten minutes later, the door opened, and a young, good-looking man walked in with my food. I saw the open door and glanced at him.

He smiled. “Please don’t try, Miss Harris. You won’t get far and you’ll just make Mr. Carver angry.”

I scowled. “I think I could take you.”

“You could try.” He chuckled. “I see you found the Barrique de Ponciano Porfidio.”


He pointed to the bottle of tequila.

“Oh, yes,” I said. “The tequila.”

“The two-thousand-dollar bottle of tequila.”

“Shut up!”

He chuckled. “Enjoy your refreshments, Miss Harris.”

And then he was gone. I flopped back onto the sofa and grabbed a piece of flatbread, scooping the warm hummus onto it and devouring it within seconds. I couldn’t remember a time I’d ever tasted anything better and I knew it wasn’t just because I was rapidly approaching drunkenness. It was damn good food.

I took another few bites before sitting back and evaluating my current state. I decided it would be a good idea to take a break from the tequila and maybe rest a bit. My head was foggy and I was no longer feeling tipsy and happy. I was rapidly approaching drunk… that is, if I wasn’t already… and I was back to feeling frustrated and angry.

I couldn’t believe that Austin would just leave me here. He had no right. I walked to the button again and this time a man’s voice came over the loudspeaker.

“Will someone let me know when I’ll be released from my cell?” I asked.

“Mister Carver didn’t give me that information, Miss Harris. I’m sorry.”

“Well, tell Aus—
Carver that if someone doesn’t fill me in on what the hell is going on, I’m going to call my brother.”

No one responded, so I decided to give them five minutes before I was going to pull out my cell phone and call down the wrath of Dani in the form of Elliot Harris, badass detective with a heart of gold. I giggled at the thought. Maybe I should switch careers. Be an ad person. My brilliance was obviously wasted on five year olds.

I was pulled from my thoughts when Austin walked into the room. “What the fuck, Dani?”

“You got my message I see,” I slurred, swaying a little on my feet.

“I can’t deal with you right now.”

“Then let me go
!” I snapped.

He swept past me and grabbed my purse. Taking my cell phone out of it, he slid the device into his pocket.

“What are you doing?” I squeaked.

“Protecting you from yourself.”

I forced back tears of frustration. “I hate you so much right now.”

He sighed. Making his way to the door, he opened it, handed my phone to who the hell knows, nodded, and then closed the door again. He pulled me into his arms and stroked my hair. “I know you don’t get what’s happening, baby, and if I could explain it, I would. But I need you to trust me.” He lifted my chin. “I’m trying to keep you safe.”

“By having me locked up in a strange place?”

“By having you close.” He cupped my cheek. “Please, Dani. Trust that I’ve got your back. Kim’s safe—”

“Was she not safe before?” I demanded.

“That’s something I wasn’t willing to find out. Mack’s got her.”

I snorted. “Knowing Kim, Mack’s probably tied up to the bed while she fucks him senseless.”

Austin burst out laughing. “Babe.”

“What? It’s true. She’s perfect and awesome and sweet, but she loves sex and she goes through men like underwear.” I shrugged. “They love every minute of it, but she doesn’t tend to stay with one guy for very long.”

“Well, knowing Mack, he’ll be happy to oblige whatever fantasy she can dream up.”

I licked my lips. “Can I really not go home?”

“Not right now. I
make this up to you, but if you’ll just be patient for a little while longer, I’d appreciate it.”

“I drank your two-thousand-dollar tequila.”

“I know.”

“You’re not mad?”

He smiled. “No, baby, I’m not mad. Just pace yourself.”

“It made me tired.”

“I bet.”

“It also made me horny.” I bit my lip, sliding my hand under the waistband of his trousers.

“Fuck, baby,” he rasped, grabbing my wrist. “I can’t do this right now.”

“Five minutes,” I argued.

“No.” He cupped my face. “One, I’m not having our first night together be when you’re wasted out of your mind and, two, I have shit to do.” He turned away from me and opened a cabinet door against the wall. Pulling out a blanket and pillow, he dropped them on the sofa and then closed the distance between us again. “Hydrate, Dani, okay? If you get tired, go to sleep. I don’t know how long this is going to take. If you want to watch television, do so. Do your best to make yourself at home and if you need anything, press the button. But try not to pull me away again, yeah? I need to focus.”

“Fine. Go.” I pulled away and flopped onto the couch.

He sighed again and leaned down. “Rest, baby. You’ll feel better once you sleep off the alcohol.”

“Do I need to remind you of the fact you’re not the boss of me?” I asked.

Austin smiled. “God, you’re gorgeous.”

“Don’t get all cute and sexy right now, Austin Carver. I’m not in the mood.”

He kissed my forehead. “Forgive me. I’ll see you in a bit.”

I waved my hand in the air and stuck my tongue out at him. “’Bye. Don’t let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya.”

He grinned and walked out the door.

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