Road to Reality (14 page)

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Authors: Natalie Ann

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Road to Reality
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Who was she kidding? Zoe had fallen in love with Mac the day he gave her the ruby ring.  Beth realized she wasn’t far behind her daughter.

Night Out


“So. Mackenzie, huh?” Beth asked later that night while she was braiding her hair before climbing into bed.

“What?” Mac asked, obviously distracted by her standing there in a tiny white camisole and matching white string bikinis.

She smirked, threw back the covers and slid in next to him.   “Your name.” She was still feeling a bit uneasy after the visit from his parents.  His father seemed nice enough, but his mother seemed...annoyed, and almost angry.  She didn’t understand how a mother could be angry with her child when she hadn’t seen him in a while. She would have thought his mother would’ve been happy to see him and excited to see his house. 

Instead Mrs. Malone appeared to be turning her nose up at everything Mac showed her, not that Beth had stayed around to see much of it. She hadn’t, and his parents took off as fast as they could, but not before Beth heard Mac say, “Not now, Mother.” She didn’t want to know what it was about. And didn’t ask.

She was a bit disappointed that his parents didn’t know anything about her, didn’t even know she was dating Mac.  Then again, it wasn’t like she talked to her own mother about her life, either, so who was she to judge. 

Getting out of that trailer park hadn’t happened fast enough for her and Zoe.  She didn’t even know what she was thinking when she moved back there pregnant and alone. Well, that wasn’t true. She
her mother might relate to her situation of being alone with a child and actually want to help her.  Her mom helped her, all right—asked her to split half the bills, and expected her to cook and clean the entire time. That was after working all day and caring for Zoe. 

The only good thing about moving home was a childhood friend—one of the only two Beth actually had growing up. Lynn had offered to babysit Zoe while Beth worked, and she didn’t charge a lot either, another bonus. Three years was all Beth could take living there.  It was two years and eleven months too long in her mind. 

Still, she had her settlement saved from Derek. Not that it was a lot, but it was enough.  The chunk of money she’d gotten by promising to never contact him again, or ask for any more money for Zoe, and to forget he ever existed. 

And she did, she held up her end of the bargain. His court appointed support check was deposited into her account each week. Not much, but enough to keep the wolf from the door and give her breathing room. As long as she budgeted well and bought everything on sale.  And her car didn’t break down, like it had in the past.

“What did you think it stood for?” he asked, drawing her out of her thoughts.

“Mac? I don’t know. I thought your name was just Mac. Or maybe Malcolm,” she added.

He wrinkled his nose. “Do I look like a Malcolm?”

“Well, no,” she said, chuckling at his indignation. “But you don’t look like a Mackenzie either.  You look like a Mac to me. A pretty hot one, too.  Major Hottie,” she said with a little giggle.

“Excuse me?” He lifted his eyebrows at the comment. “Are you teasing me?”

“Nothing. Inside joke,” she said, trying to brush it off. No way was she telling him that Mitchell had nicknamed him that. Or that everyone in the shop referred to him as such.

He let it go and pulled her close, tucking her head under his chin and holding her close for a moment. “So, what do you say we dress ourselves up nice for tomorrow?  I can make some reservations at a fancy restaurant. No children’s menus.” He laughed, when she looked up at him mildly surprised. “And no leaning over and cutting my food up for me, even if you get the urge.” He leaned down and kissed the top of her head.

She hesitated.   “How fancy of a restaurant?”

“I don’t know, suit and tie for me. You seemed to like it the other day.”

She blushed. A few days ago she told him to leave his jacket on when he stopped over for dinner after work.  He hadn’t had a clue as to why, but did as ordered. Later that night she had undressed him, and did things to him she had never imagined herself doing. Having him all dressed up for her viewing pleasure alone had wound her up and spun her out like nothing before.  He later confessed he would do anything she asked him if the results were as pleasurable as that night.

“I don’t have anything really nice to wear, only a few casual dresses, but nothing considered fancy. I’ve never been out to a nice restaurant before,” she said lamely, hating to admit something like that.  It was just another reminder of the fact that she wasn’t good enough for him.

“Even better,” he said cheerfully. “We can go shopping first, and I can help you pick something out.”




“So what am I doing here for this special night out?” Mitchell asked, running a brush through Beth’s hair.  She had called him frantic this morning, explaining the situation and begging him to do her hair and makeup. Well, she could have done her hair herself, but she knew Mitchell would know the right look for whatever she ended up wearing.

“What do you think?” she asked, valuing his opinion.

“Well, with that dress—which is killer by the way—I think leaving it down is your best bet.  The dress is short and sleek, so I think your hair should match. I’m going to straighten it, make it look like silk falling over your back. Keep it simple.  Make-up, hmm, that one I need to think on. Let’s get your hair done first, though.” 

They had dropped Zoe off at Brooke’s after her nap earlier. Then when Beth would have preferred to go to the mall, Mac instead took her to an exclusive boutique.  One that Beth had never stepped foot in before, and didn’t even know it existed, then tried not to cringe at the hit her credit card was going to take.

In the end Mac and the saleslady selected several dresses, never bothering to look at the price tags, and bringing them to the changing room for her to try on. A few hundred dollars for a dress might not seem like much him, and that was for one of the cheaper dresses, but for her that was the equivalent to a handful of bills each month.  She started to reject them all without showing them how they looked, even though every single one was gorgeous.

The saleslady finally handed her a short black dress that was sleeveless with a high neck that fastened in the back. It was clingy on, but not in a trashy way that she suspected when she first glanced at it. Rather, it was actually elegant. It stopped a few inches above her knees, though she suspected it was probably meant to hit the knees. But it still worked fine on her.  She felt like Grace Kelly, simple, classic and elegant, yet modern at the same time. 

She never thought of herself as wearing black before, but it looked good on her. Correction, it looked great on her.  Her skin had a nice golden hue to it from all the time spent outdoors this summer regardless of the sunscreen she always wore.

Peeking down at the price tag, she sighed. Of course it was the most expensive one yet.  Figures.  Oh well, that was what dreams were for. She went to take it off and reject this one as well when the saleslady came in and asked if she could see.  Reluctantly, Beth opened the door.

“Oh how lovely, that dress was tailor made for you.  It’s stunning on your figure. And your shoulders look so lovely and graceful on display like that.” She handed Beth a shoebox. “I was asked to have you try these on.”

Beth took the lid off, saw the simple black pumps with the red soles and knew there was no way she could ever afford to pay that much money for one pair of shoes.  She started to hand them back, but the saleslady stopped her. “Aren’t you going to try them on?”

“Sorry. I would rather not. I can’t afford them, so there is no use trying something on I can’t buy.”

“Humor me. Please?” the persistent saleslady encouraged.

Beth looked longingly at the box.  What could it hurt?

Once the shoes were on, she regretted the decision immediately.  She was never going to find anything that looked remotely close to how this outfit looked, or how these shoes felt on her feet. With a sigh of regret, she bent and took each shoe off, placed them in the box and handed them back before she shut the door. “I’ll hand the dress back to you too, if you want,” she called through the door.

“You don’t want them?” the saleslady asked in disappointment.

“Sorry, everything is beautiful. It’s just out of my price range.”

When Beth walked out a few minutes later, it was to find Mac standing there holding a garment bag in one hand and another bag in the other.  “Oh, what did you get?”

“Your dress and shoes. Let’s go.”




Now that Mitchell had finished straightening her hair, he was deciding on her makeup. “I think a smoky eye. It’s totally not you, but neither is that dress or those shoes, so let’s go for it and really knock him on his ass tonight.”

When he was all done, Beth didn’t even recognize the woman in the mirror. She looked a few years older, a much more sophisticated version of herself if she was honest. Someone she could have pictured Mac with if she saw him on the street.

“I can’t believe it’s really me,” she said, marveling at her reflection.

“It is. Now go on back and put that dress on. He will be here any minute and I want to see his reaction.” Mitchell pulled her out of the chair and pushed toward the bathroom.




Mac never knew what hit him. He had to do a double take when Beth walked down the aisle of the salon toward him.  She looked like a model on a runway with her hips swaying, and her hair flowing behind her. And her makeup, she never wore much, but right now she looked more mature than her twenty-five years.  It was Beth, he was sure of it, only better. And he hadn’t thought that was possible.

She quite simply took his breath away. Even in black, she looked like the belle of the ball and he told her so. She laughed at the comment, then watched as Mitchell started to fan himself like he was going to swoon.

She came to a halt in front of him, almost eye level in her four-inch heels, then ran her hands down the lapels of his black suit, smoothed out invisible wrinkles, and took her time adjusting his perfectly knotted black silk tie with subtle red stripes.  “You look good enough to eat,” she told him, a warm soft look teasing out of her eyes.

“I could say the same about you.” Then he leaned in and gave her a slow small kiss. Thankfully the shop was closed by now, or she would have never agreed to this.

“Thanks, Mitchell,” Mac addressed Beth’s boss. “She looks like royalty.”

They started to make their way to the front of the salon.  “Wait,” Mitchell called out.  “Photo op, let me get my camera.”

In the end Mitchell didn’t take a picture of Beth’s hair, or even Mac’s. Rather of the two of them together. Mac leaning in, his hand on the side of Beth’s face, caressing her as he slowly leaned in for a kiss as Mitchell said, “Say cheese.”

The whole movement was captured in a series of twenty pictures. From the kiss, to the break away, and to the love in both of their eyes while they smiled at each other.

Teenage Dream


The next morning Beth lay in Mac’s bed staring at the ceiling, remembering how magical the night had been.  It had all the makings of her very best teenage dream.  Only better because this was real, not make believe, not something that would fade away when she opened her eyes in the morning.  This was her real knight in shining armor coming to rescue her from the tower she was locked in.  Her real Prince Charming—the one who wouldn’t leave at the stroke of midnight when the coach turned back into a pumpkin.

Last night they had arrived at an exclusive spa, restaurant and resort in town. A place that Beth had only heard stories about growing up, never imaging she would ever see the inside of it.  Mac had held her hand when they entered, pulled her chair out to seat her, helped push her back in, then leaned down to give her a kiss on the cheek.  His eyes had spoken volumes to the emotion he felt, a mirror image to the emotions in hers.

She honestly didn’t remember much about dinner. Yes, the food was delicious. Yes, the atmosphere was, too. Romantic lit candles, soft music, and black-tie waiters. The works. But all she cared about was the man sitting across from her.  The man who made her laugh, the man who took her breath away.

They drove home in silence after dinner. Not an awkward silence, not at all. But rather, a silence filled with contentment as they smiled at each other—knowing smiles of what was to come. 

Oh, and what came was even better than any teenage fantasy she could have dreamed up.  Things she didn’t even know existed at that time in her life.

After he had pulled into the garage, he walked around and opened her door for her, reached a hand to help her out, threaded his fingers through hers and pulled her into his arms. He kissed her deeply, right there with the car door still open.

He led her through the house, straight upstairs to the master suite, then pulled her into his arms again. His large hands framed her face while he placed gentle kisses on her lips, her cheek, her neck and ear.  “You are so beautiful,” he whispered.

If she hadn’t already been putty in his hands before, she was then.  He made her feel—feel things she never thought possible.  Things she didn’t know her body was even capable of.

As he continued to kiss her, his hands moved from her face to the back of her neck, unfastened the buttons on her dress, then pulled her arms through until her upper body was bare. The top of the dress was left draping at her waist.

He leaned back and looked at her, his eyes burning right through her soul. The straight curtain of blonde hair was the only thing covering her breasts, and when he lifted her hair and moved it back, her breath caught in her throat. That simple caress conjured images of fairy tales. He ran his hands over her shoulders, down her arms, up her waist to her breasts, watching her the entire time. Until her body swayed and her eyes closed.

He lowered his mouth to her neck, then trailed kisses upward toward her ear.  “Tonight is for us.  Only us,” he whispered, making her body tremble in anticipation.

Reaching around for the zipper on her dress, he lowered it, letting her dress drop to the floor seamlessly. She had been left standing in only a black lace thong, much different than her normal cotton bikinis. And of course, her new black pumps. The red soles matching the red stripes in his tie.

Her breathing was coming in hard, not that his had been much steadier. “Turn around,” he ordered her. “Now don’t move, stay like that.” His voice sounded rough and shaken.

He made quick work of his shirt and tie, then froze when he looked up quickly as he lowered his pants and saw her watching him over her shoulder. There was a heat in his eyes, a heat she had never seen before, urging him to move faster than ever.

Grabbing the packet from the bedside table, he readied himself, and then yanked down her thong.  When she started to remove her heels he ordered, “Leave them.”

Positioning her on his bed, on her hands and knees, he climbed behind her. Reaching around, he held her breasts, teased and pinched her, the pleasure mixing with pain, bordering on the edge of too much.

“Mac,” she moaned, trying to back against him.               

He needed no further encouragement than that. Grabbing her hips, he slid in, all of him consumed her.

“Please, more.  I need more,” she said gasping for air. 

All the way in, all the way out. She panted with effort as she continued to push back against him.  His hands stilled on her hips, rocking into her, starting off slow, building her up, trying to stretch it out for both of them.  Then the tempo increased.

She didn’t want to stretch it out, she wanted it—wanted it all. All of him. He always got her there with very little effort. Her body had started to jerk, her sobs filled the room, and she reached her own hand around, touched herself, and set off a series of convulsions hurling her over the ledge.  The ledge that he followed her over blindly.

Now looking at him, the sunlight flashing through the window, she watched him sleep on his stomach with one arm under the pillow, face turned toward her, his shadowed jaw relaxed.  Only his tan broad shoulders were exposed under the cool sheets.

She knew he was completely naked underneath, his preferred method of sleeping.  She had never bothered to put any clothes back on last night, either.  This being the first time she had ever slept naked and it felt liberating, but not practical if a child were in the house.

His hair looked casually messed up. Getting long again. On impulse she ran her hands through the silky texture, messing it up a bit more, and watched when his eyes opened, then a soft sexy smile formed on his lips.

“Sorry,” she said. “I couldn’t resist.  You need another trim.”

“You can wake me with your hands anytime you want,” he said softly, then quickly, before she could respond, she found herself on her back. He pinned her to the bed, claiming her mouth for a deep kiss. “I don’t even have to undress you this morning. Even better,” he said a moment later.

Her hips bucked up to his, loving how he turned her on so fast.  Her hands reached out and over his shoulders, feeling the muscles bunch underneath, running them back up through his hair. A loving caress more than a sexual tug.

He stopped, leaned back, looked into her eyes, searching.  Then he pulled her hands away and stretched them out above her head, lacing his fingers through hers. “Beth,” he said with a sigh, “I’m so in love with you.”

She closed her eyes, blinked away the tears that formed, then leaned up and kissed him tenderly. Moving her head back a bit, she looked into his wondering eyes. “I’m so in love with you, too,” she whispered, and watched as he exhaled.

As much as the night had been memorable, everything her dreams had been made of, nothing would ever compare to that moment in time when Mac looked at her and said those words.




Hand in hand they walked the short distance to Brooke’s house, smiles plastered on both of their faces. 

“Thank you for last night,” she told him again.

“You’re welcome, but you don’t have to keep telling me that.” He grinned at her, and gave her hand a little squeeze.

“I’m serious. It was one of the best nights of my life,” she said earnestly.

“One of? Not
best night of your life?” The teasing just came so natural with her. Joy bursting through as he gazed at her next to him, holding his hand, walking together.

“Well, second to Zoe’s birth,” she replied. “Because even though that wasn’t what I had planned, I wouldn’t change it for the world.”

“The highest compliment, because she is pretty darn special. Just like her mom.  You know I love her too, right?” he asked her, suddenly serious.

“Of course I do, and it means the world to me. More so because we’re a team, Zoe and I, and you can’t have one without the other.” She was smiling, but she was serious at the same time, he could tell.

“I wouldn’t want it any other way,” he replied and pulled her close for a quick hug.

“Mommy, Dr. Mac.” Zoe came running from the beach a few minutes later where she had been splashing in the water with Brooke.  “I missed you. Did you miss me?”

Beth picked her up on the run, swung her around and hugged her tight. “You bet I did. I missed you so much, baby girl.”

Zoe hugged her back, grabbed her mother’s face in her little hands and kissed her on the lips. “I love you, Mommy.”

“I love you too, baby.” Mac chuckled at Beth. She had been so worried about Zoe’s first overnight. It seemed she worried for nothing. If anything, Zoe was more affectionate than ever. Maybe it was a good thing for both of them to have a break.

“Dr. Mac,” Zoe cried out. “Did you miss me, too?”

“You bet I did.” He reached his hands out to transfer her to his own hips.  Once settled, she grasped his whiskered cheeks in her hands and placed a kiss on his lips, just like her mother’s.

He waited for the same declaration she gave her mom. When it didn’t come he tried to hide his disappointment by blowing raspberries on her neck, causing her to giggle, and then tossed her in the air to catch her while she squealed in delight.

“Again, Dr. Mac. Again,” she cried out.

“You are going to tire Mac out, Zoe. Why don’t you get down so we can collect your things,” Beth said.

“No.” Zoe smiled, and snuggled in on Mac’s chest. “I’m never getting down.”

In Mac’s mind it was even better than saying she loved him.

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