ROAR (52 page)

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Authors: Kallypso Masters

Tags: #Fiction

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Brushing out her slightly tangled hair, she then knelt on the bath mat. They hadn’t talked about anything but position number three so far, but since he hadn’t specified how he wanted her waiting, she decided on a modified kneeling position, preferring to keep her gaze and head cast downward in submission. Instead of placing her arms and hands in a box hold behind her, she rested them palms down on her bare thighs. A mental check confirmed she presented with her back straight, butt resting on her heels, head bowed.

I am yours, Roar.

A number of minutes passed with no sign of him. She could hear no sounds from outside this room, either.

Don’t clutter up your mind with worry. Focus on your breathing. In…out. Prepare yourself for…

The door opened without a knock or warning. She kept her gaze on the tiles in front of her.

“Beautiful submission. Thank you, Sprite.”

Pleased, she awaited further instructions. He came toward her and placed his hand under her chin, tilting her head back until she stared up at him. He wore the same slacks, dress shirt, and tie.


Tall. Silent. Commanding. The power he exuded melted her to the core.

“Give me your left hand.” She lifted and placed it in his outstretched one as he helped her to her feet. Standing naked before him, a sense of vulnerability overcame her, but he’d seen her naked before and seemed to like what he saw.

He stroked her cheek, his hand warm and unwavering. She knew where she stood with him, what was expected of her.

“Trust me?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“My intention is for us to go further tonight in your mind-centering exercises, among other activities. Any parts of your body I should be aware of as being off limits?”

“No. I am yours completely.”

“Any restrictions you have concerning my body?”

Was he going to permit her to touch him, pleasure him this time? “None other than my hard limits, Sir.”

He stepped back, released her hand, and took a chunk of her hair, pulling her head back. She didn’t fight against him. This was what she’d trained for. She wanted to please him with her entire being.

He bent to claim her lips, teasing her into responding to him with tiny nibbles and sucking on her lips. She didn’t open her mouth right away. He seemed content to tease a moment then, suddenly, invaded her mouth. When his tongue pushed between her lips, claiming her at the same moment his hand reached up to pinch her nipple for the first time, her knees buckled. Thankfully, he held her upright with his left arm around her back, or she’d have collapsed on the floor.

His tongue retreated and advanced repeatedly as his thumb and finger tormented her tender peak. Was he preparing her for…

Don’t think about anything but this moment.

The hand in her hair tugged harder, opening her mouth to a deeper plundering. She tangoed with his tongue, playfully, simulating her licking the sides of his penis. He groaned and gently pushed her away.

His breathing was rapid and shallow, his eyes dilated. “Come with me before it gets too dark for this to be fun.”

He took her hand and led her out to the balcony. The sun had set forty-five minutes ago, and while private and removed from other cabins, she had no idea if anyone was on the beach below or the rocks nearby. The cool evening breeze made her nipples bunch in anticipation.

“I want your hands on the top of the railing, like so.” He positioned her hands in front of her, even with her shoulders. Tapping her shins with his shoe, he guided her feet away from the railing until she stood bent over at the waist.

“See that group of trees over there?” He pointed down the hillside a hundred yards away. She nodded. “Keep your focus on it until I tell you otherwise.”

She’d noticed someone hiking earlier in the day. Her naked body could be visible if someone was out there, but it was too dark for her to make out any shadows moving. Or had she just seen something in the trees? Her face grew warm at the thought of being seen in this compromising position.

Her breasts dangled below her as Roar stood behind her, pressing his erection against her butt. He reached around to cup her breasts. “I can see I’m going to enjoy the hell out of these.”
Apparently so
. He’d enjoyed them quite a bit in just the past few minutes.

She grinned but didn’t respond. His lips nuzzled her neck, and she moaned then wondered if she was in sound restriction. He hadn’t said anything about it, but she’d try not to be too vocal until certain she was in the clear.

When he released her breasts, they ached for more. “Maintain that position. I’ll be right back.”

Again, she began to worry whether anyone was watching her, but only found herself getting wet at the thought. Who knew she had an exhibitionist streak in her? Well, she had agreed to stand naked in front of her classmates at The Denver Academy.

Focus. Inhale…exhale

She brought her wandering thoughts under control as she waited and stared at the evergreen trees.

Roar returned and stood on her right side. “I’ve been fantasizing about placing clamps on your nipples since I saw you standing in that anatomy class.”

That he’d fantasized immediately after that incident surprised her. That he loved nipple clamps, too, thrilled her.

He pinched her nipple to make it swell before placing the first tweezer clamp on her right nipple and sliding the rubber ring up the metal to tighten it. While tight at first, given how little she’d played in recent years, the pain quickly dissipated to leave only a dull pressure.

“How does that feel?”

“Delicious. Enough pressure to know they’re there, but not painful.”

“I’ll see what I can do to add to your enjoyment.” He slid the ring closer to the clamp’s tips, and they mashed her nipple until she suddenly rose on tiptoes trying to escape. “Better?”

She nodded, unsure of her voice.

“You will answer direct questions aloud, please.”

“Yes, Sir.” Her voice came out in a whisper. “Much tighter now.”

He chuckled. “I see we’re going to enjoy finding just the right clamps to command adequate respect from you in the future.”

She’d heard of a number of clamps that had more bite than tweezer ones did and decided it might be a good idea to work on conditioning her nipples for that eventuality.

With most nipple clamps, the discomfort in the beginning was fleeting as the blood flow was cut off and the nipples became numb. The real pain would come later, when he removed them. After he attached the other clamp to her left nipple and adjusted the tension until she hissed in pain, she realized there was a chain between them. No sooner did the thought register than he tugged on it, enough to make her breasts bob and nipples start to ache again.

He stood behind her, wrapping his arms around her and cupping her breasts as though guessing their weight. His thumb and finger pinched her areolas and pulled them away from her body. She pushed out her chest to try and relieve the pain.

When he released them, he stepped away, taking his body’s heat with him. “Nice. We’ll let those work their magic for a while. The real fun will come later.”

The lights on the balcony flooded the area, showing off her naked body to anyone who might be within eyesight. She still saw no movement out there, but couldn’t rule out an audience of one or two who might be on a nature walk or something.

The swish of a flogger brought her mind back to the moment. She gripped the railing harder, anticipating the first falls hitting her backside, but he didn’t begin there. Instead, they slapped against her outer thigh. As the skin grew warmer, he switched sides and applied the tips of the flogger to her other thigh.

Hardly missing a beat, the falls of another flogger—probably a leather one—came down hard across her butt cheeks without warming her up whatsoever. “Ow!” The sting surprised her more than anything. The first flogger had been thuddy, but this new one actually hurt. She took a deep breath to recenter herself and prepare for…

Slap! Slap! Slap!

She sucked in another breath, but didn’t utter a sound otherwise. The tails of the leather one landed on her butt and the softer one, her upper thighs. Just when she thought she’d begun to predict a rhythm, he reversed them and the stings now fell on to her thighs. Holding on to the rail, she tried to maintain her focus on the trees, but it was too dark to see them.

“Let me hear how much you’re enjoying this, Sprite.”

He wanted her to make noise? Would anyone in a nearby room hear the sound? Would they be aware of what was going on next door?

“Yes, Roar, Sir.” The next blows were high on the backs of her thighs, stinging more than the others. “Mmm.” She loved the sting of the flogger and once again became used to the rhythm, so she merely moaned in pleasure.

Suddenly, the tails became silent and a new implement cracked across her butt. “Christ!” Unrelenting, he paddled her with
until tears streamed down her face. “Oh, God! My butt’s on fire.” The paddling stopped.

“What color are you?”

The sting burned even more now that he’d stopped. But she wasn’t ready to stop, even though she welcomed this break. “Green.”

“What number is your pain level?”

“Six to a seven.”

“Good to know. Why don’t we cool off that ass of yours a little before we continue? Let go of the railing.”

She’d held on for so long, her joints refused to budge. He chuckled and pried her fingers free. Standing upright took an effort, too. Surely she wasn’t getting past her prime to enjoy a little kink. Wouldn’t that be the ultimate torture—she finally found the right Dom only to have arthritis…

“Come with me.” He guided her toward the sliding-glass door, but before he walked into the room, he stopped, blocking the way. “Turn around and press against the glass from shoulder blades to ass.” She cocked her head, but after she followed his instruction, the cool glass became the perfect balm for her stinging butt.

“Clasp your hands over your head.”

The movement made her breasts rise as well, defying gravity for a moment. Glancing down at her tortured nipples, she began to dread the moment when the clamps would be removed.

“Ready for me to remove these?” he asked, tugging on the chain to rekindle the sting in her nipples.

She clenched her fists. “I’m ready whenever you are, Sir.” The sooner, the better, but conversely, she wasn’t in any rush, either. With him, she was discovering she had a higher threshold for pain than she’d once thought.

He reached for the right one, which had been on the longest. While it had only been a few minutes, she braced herself given how angry red the tip appeared to be.

“Spread your legs wide for me.” Confused by his words when her attention was held captive by the clamp, she hesitated. “Don’t ask me to repeat myself, Sprite.”

She spread them at the same instant he removed the clamp. Focusing on moving her feet should have diverted feeling the pain some, but… “Goddamn, that hurts!” His chuckle registered in some distant part of her brain, so she let loose a few more choice words she’d never utter at any other time.

Roar rubbed the offended nipple as it became swollen and much more sensitive then lowered his mouth to suck on it. “Oh, yes!” When his free hand touched the juncture of her thighs and rubbed her swollen clit, she nearly came. Apparently, he knew how close she was because he stopped touching her there and his finger slid between her folds. She hadn’t realized how turned on she was until now. “So wet. I see you’re enjoying yourself tonight.”

“Immensely, Sir.” Most likely, she was wet from the flogging a few minutes ago, but having his hand touching her so intimately for the first time obliterated semantics all to hell.

“Not yet, Sprite. But soon.” At least he wasn’t going to make her wait too long for relief, then.

The weight of the dangling clamp on the end of the chain reminded her there was some unfinished business to be dealt with first. He removed his hand from her cleft, but instead of going directly to the other clamp, he lifted it to his face and licked her juices off it, his gaze never leaving hers.

“A taste of things to come.”

She throbbed, but did that mean he planned to go down on her? How could he mean anything else?

Don’t anticipate. Stay in this incredible moment!

“First, my girl needs some relief.”

Oh, no!
He reached for the other clamp and quickly removed it. Wait for it… Wait for it… “Christ! Oh, fuck, that hurts!” He took her aching nipple into his mouth and sucked—hard—until the pain began to fade.

Before she could fully recover, he lifted her into his arms and carried her inside the bedroom. After placing her on the bed, he closed the glass door. She watched him open his suitcase and sort through it.

Soon, he pulled out rope and wrist cuffs. Had he planned on playing when they left Sonoma? Everything seemed to be happening so fast and spontaneously she wondered, although those were the basics of any scene, and she didn’t think he’d known they’d be here when they set out for her mother’s yesterday.

Having something other than her tender nipples to concentrate on helped.

He placed first one cuff then the other on her wrists. “I’m afraid the designers of this hotel room haven’t made it easy for me by providing bed posts.” He glanced around, and his gaze landed on the high-back chair at the desk. Taking the rope with him, he retrieved the chair and placed the back of it against the side of the mattress. “Lie across the bed with your head near the chair.”

She scooted sideways and took her place as instructed. “Scoot about three feet away from the chair.” After adjusting herself, he said, “Stretch your arms above you.” He threaded the rope through the D-rings of the cuffs and tugged at them as he fastened her securely to the heavy oak chair.

Roar walked around the foot of the bed and stared down at her nude body. Her nipples peaked, still smarting from their earlier torture. No doubt in her mind, she was wetter than ever before. His enigmatic smile made her wonder what he was thinking—or planning.

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