Rock Notes (Book One of the Heartbeat Series) (19 page)

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Authors: Renee Lee Fisher

Tags: #romance

BOOK: Rock Notes (Book One of the Heartbeat Series)
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Thomas has been in touch with me at least weekly to ask me to an impromptu dinner or to meet him for a drink. I haven’t really committed to any yet. He called this past week to ask me to join him and his family, which was once my extended family at his condo for Thanksgiving Day for an early dinner. When we were married I used to host the day and make all of the food and the men contributed by eating it all and watching the football games on Thomas’s sixty inch television. It was almost like being at the game without the weather element. I know he would not be making the dinner, I could only assume he was placing an order with one of the Philly restaurants for a pick up of an entire meal with all the trimmings.

As for the band and their plans, Raeford told Rand he was heading back for a visit in Decatur. Ron was taking the girl he was currently crushing on with him for a mini vacation to his family in Florida. Kent was heading up to upper Pennsylvania, Clarkes Summit, and offered to take Isaac if Isaac could be a little quieter around Kent’s family. I had been meaning to text Kent as Cecile has been developing a major crush on him. Cecile is really a cutie, and I could see them possibly dating as she is so perky and he is hysterical to be with. I will have to make myself a voice note on my recorder to text him. As for Rand and Maxwell, I heard they were going to be working on something for the band, probably promotional work right up to the day before Thanksgiving. I wasn’t sure what I was going to end up doing on that day, but settled in the comfort of my warm bed, I feel so very thankful for all that Rand has brought to me. I reached for my phone and sent –

Rand, please note this is definitely not sexting… but I wanted to let you know that I was thinking of you while I was all settled warmly in my bed. Not sure where you’re all at this evening but hoping everything is going well and your shows are as explosive there as they are here. I also just wanted to see what your Thanksgiving Day plans are?

I rested the phone on my chest and closed my eyes. My phone sounded an incoming message from Rand –

Madison, why no sexting? I could really use some from you right about now it has been a long time that we’ve been out on the road. It’s great just to hear from you tonight. I know we talk but the days drag out here, I swear the West Coast is on a slow moving pace for everything. Things are going well thus far and well everyone is heading in one direction or another for the Thanksgiving holiday. Maxwell and I have some band business first in Chicago, so we plan to leave Los Angeles and hit Chicago and hopefully get in late the night before Thanksgiving Day. That is our plan as of now, so I would really like if you and I could share a nibble of a turkey leg and pumpkin pie with plenty of whip cream on top. Maxwell, plans to head to my Aunt’s, I don’t go as my aunt loved my father, Paul, so I want to avoid that confrontation. Great news for you, when we get home, we’ll have a break until after the New Year. I think Maxwell is trying to line up one show in Philly a small venue during the first or second week of December. But a long rest is what we need. I know our time difference makes it much later for you, so I will let you go and sleep. I’m missing you. Oh, and if you change your mind on the sexting topic, feel free and make certain you press send. See you soon.

I was getting tired, but I sent him a reply –

I know you can cook, and I want you to know that I can as well so I will try to put something simple together for us. I am looking forward to the holiday season now. I was dreading it, but perhaps this will be a thankful one for us. I think I might take you into my dreams tonight, good night and Rand, I miss you.

I fell into a deep sleep and thought only of Rand and his coming back home, well back here. It was a wonderful dream, first I was only about a step away from the top landing of my confidence ladder and new I’d grown so much personally these months. Then I recall that I actually dreamed in color as I saw so clearly the pumpkin pie I was making in a dark orange and then I saw the red wine I was pouring in the glasses. I then was dreaming of snow, a light dusting of whiteness newly fallen that accumulated enough to make snowman. I saw Rand and me at Christmas which wasn’t getting too far ahead of me and I saw all the colorful presents.

I was awakened not by opening the beautiful presents that I saw all around the fully decorated tree, but by the presence of someone outside ringing my doorbell. I jumped up and threw on a sweatshirt over my cami top and still in my pajama pants I padded down toward my front door.

“Good morning Madison,” Thomas spoke as he leaned in and kissed me on the cheek. “I thought I could grab a fresh cup of coffee from you and see if you’ve made your plans for Thanksgiving yet.” I knew his stopping all the way out here was not for coffee as he passed many coffee places on the way, but he wanted me to feel guilty so I would go to his place for the holiday. I had not told Thomas anything that I was feeling for Rand, for all I know he just thought I was friends with them all.

“Actually I’ll make you a cup of coffee as I need one now. As for Thanksgiving, I am staying home and maybe having Rand over. It’s a day that he has no place to go to and I can go over some of my writings with him since I haven’t been in California traveling with him or the band.” I added, “It’s not a big holiday for me anymore so you enjoy your family and maybe we can do something another time.” I felt good about letting it be said like that to him.

“Madison, my family adores you and there would be no awkwardness as I told them you and I are very friendly lately and who knows where we’ll go.” His reply was obviously worded to get me to cave for him. But as I started to make the coffee, I just said, “Maybe the next holiday, don’t push Thomas.”

After Thomas left I felt renewed that I wasn’t going to be put through a day with ex-in-laws. I started to get out a few turkey day recipes to see what I could prepare. I hadn’t spoken to Jillian yet today and decided to catch up with her as well. When she answered my call I said “Hey girlfriend, how are you? I had a great talk with Rand last night only to open my front door to Thomas this morning. Thomas came in person to ask me to come to his place for Thanksgiving, but I’m staying home with Rand.”

“Good for you girl, I am proud of you for finally making a wise decision to be with Rand. Although I’ll be with my brother I invited Raeford but he said he had plans already back in Decatur. I don’t want to press it. He’s so quiet at times, that I’m not sure what he’s thinking. Hopefully he’ll be here over Christmas and we’ll have some private time then.”

“I hope you have fun visiting with Jason and give him a kiss from me too. I bet Raeford will be missing you as well.” She was quiet there for a moment.

“Madison, I really miss Raeford already, crazy huh? But so glad that he came back for that overnight. I’m trying to get him to open up to me, but it is really hard, he keeps everything inside. Not like us women that shout out everything we feel. Speaking of feelings, Thomas really is pushing the envelope with you. I give him credit, he isn’t going away easy. You’re going to have to make it clear with him that you aren’t going back. I think he believes you will eventually.”

“Oh, that is so not going to happen. I still care about him, I can’t turn that off, but I care, really care for Rand. It is so different, I can’t explain it.”

“Maybe it’s love you’re feeling again. Listen, you have fun over the holiday and I will miss you, give Rand a big hug from me. Raeford says Rand is really into you. Raeford doesn’t tell me much, but he also said that you are so good for Rand. I’m flying to Atlanta tomorrow to beat the holiday rush and just staying the weekend. But I’m a phone call away if you need me. How about Monday, we’ll hit the gym after eating all the holiday food?”

“Yeah that sounds good, just how many calories do you think we’ll put on this holiday?

“Girlfriend probably way too many, but we could always burn some off with sex, so remember that while Rand is near!”

“I’ll try to take your advice, love you.” I blew her a kiss goodbye through the phone and told her to have a wonderful holiday, I was so thankful to have her in my life.

“Have a warm holiday Madison, you deserve it.”

The next few days were a bit hectic for me; I had to meet with Cecile to give her more chapters of my book for her to read through as I was on a timeline to finish. She had questioned what my dinner plans were for Turkey Day but I told her I had plans already and I think she was truly fishing for an invite but I didn’t want anyone to be with Rand and me. I know that sounds selfish but I hadn’t seen him in quite sometime and wanted to really spend a day of quality time with him. I was also busy with getting the ingredients on my list for my Thanksgiving Day dinner. I wanted it to be perfect. I felt that being on the road for so long that all Rand ate was meals out at the restaurants or room service or the buffets they brought in before the shows, and I wanted him to have some home cooking.

Wednesday night I was in the kitchen late, rolling the pie crust and making a flawless pumpkin pie. My house smelled like an autumn candle’s aroma, very warm and tasty. I was wondering what time Rand’s flight would be coming in from Chicago. I had put the news on and saw that there was some snow already in the Midwest, but not enough to cause flight cancelations. My phone sounded – it was Rand.

Madison I’m stuck with Maxwell, not that he isn’t a great guy but I would rather be lying with my arms around you. Our plane had mechanical failure and we’re grounded until further notice. Looks like we may not leave till the morning, which is if we can get on another flight on Thanksgiving Day. Everyone in the entire world is traveling now. I’ll get to you as soon as we land. I miss you.

I was so excited that he would be here tomorrow that I didn’t care when he would arrive. I replied –

I was actually watching the weather channel to make certain you weren’t hung up by snow. I’m looking forward to seeing you. Tell Maxwell Happy Thanksgiving and I will see him sometime soon too. I’m deep in flour and sugar baking pumpkin pies so you can take him one all for himself. I’m glad you are missing me.

Rand sent another text –

That sounds really sweet, you’re making my mouth water. I can’t wait to taste your pies, and taste you.

I blushed and almost dropped my phone in the bowl of pie crust. I had to regroup and then I continued to busy myself with my culinary endeavors. My skills were limited but I was determined not to have any of this meal go wrong. When I had finished all the prep work and cooking I could do at this late hour I turned in for the night and my thoughts took me away to Rand.

I woke up early enough to read a text from Rand that he and Maxwell were able to get seats on a flight midday today and he would see me later. I was thrilled. I had a spring in my step as I went to the kitchen to prep the turkey and get everything underway. Looking out from my kitchen window a few flurries swirled and stuck to the wooden planks and then evaporated. The sky was a swirl of grey, and the remaining few fall leaves were a pop of color to this ominous feeling day.

The middle of the day I looked at the kitchen clock and knew he was on a flight as he hadn’t sent me any messages changing that. I was a mess from cooking and decided to take a long bath and get all cleaned up and put something nice on with a hint of sexy for him.

I soaked in the water, enjoying the exciting scent of passion berry from a bath ball. I realized that I was here naked and wanting to feel Rand in the tub with me. I wanted to feel his desirable, sculpted body and take my hands up over his wet chest and carry my fingers to his dampened hair. I wanted to pull him into a passionate hot kiss and then watch him continue to move his lips down my body till he had his head between my thighs. I could feel myself getting all wet and aroused just by thinking of him. He will be here soon. With that thought, I slowly sank lower into the tub taking the warmth from the water into my body.

I lit the fireplace and some candles around my house to make the atmosphere warm and comfortable. I was dressed in a golden sheer sleeve short dress with a black leather belt resting low on my hips and black boots that came just above my knee. The belt complemented my leather cuff bracelet that I added to finish off my look. I glanced in my living room mirror as I walked past and for the first time in so long I liked the reflection that looked back. I had sent a text to Rand earlier –

Rand, hoping you got on that flight or another. Happy Thanksgiving. See you soon.

I began getting nervous as the hours ticked away and I had not heard from him. I was wondering why I hadn’t heard from Rand as I had already expected him hours ago. All the food cooled off as everything was ready earlier. I poured myself a glass of wine and was quite generous with the pour. My phone sounded –

Madison, hey, sorry I missed your message, we got delayed again. Maxwell had indigestion from something he ate here at the airport and got very sick. I took him to an urgent facility just outside the airport to be checked out and we had to pass up our earlier flight. We hope to catch a later flight. I’m sorry.

My phone sounded again only it was a call from Thomas – I answered it trying to be cheery and not let him notice that I was choking up from the message that just came in from Rand. I felt deflated that Rand may not make it here.

“Hello Maddy how was your day? I wanted to tell you the last of my guests have left and Thanksgiving was not the same. Your cooking was missed was the general consensus.”

It took me a minute to respond. I was trying to swallow the sad lump that formed in my throat as my day was not happy as I thought it would be.

“Maddy are you there? Are you okay?” Thomas pressed.

“I am fine, just a little let down. I was actually planning a dinner with Rand and he didn’t come.” There I said it to Thomas, I put it out there, whether he just thought Rand and I were friends or maybe something more, I actually said what I was feeling.

Thomas responded, “Maddy pour me some wine, I will see you soon, and you’ll have a wonderful Thanksgiving night. I am not letting you say no and you are not going to end this day alone.”

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