Rock Notes (Book One of the Heartbeat Series) (7 page)

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Authors: Renee Lee Fisher

Tags: #romance

BOOK: Rock Notes (Book One of the Heartbeat Series)
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Well tonight was another concert in Fort Lauderdale. Again in a repeat fashion like the movie Ground Hog Day where things kept taking place over and over, I went to the show with Maxwell. I think he enjoyed my company because he really had started to open up with me and talked about his passion with the band. He wanted them to succeed, but not burn out or sacrifice their lives for this, but to enjoy it and live it and really experience it. That night after the show I did not look back to the band at all. I got in the van with Maxwell and we headed back to the hotel.

I stayed up rather late as I wrote a nice piece on Maxwell taking me in and opening up to me and how he was so unlike managers taking control. He was letting them all go on a long rope, keeping them in line but not strangling them with a too demanding concert schedule and letting them enjoy their music and successes.

A slight tap came to my door, I was unaware it was almost three in the morning. I got out of bed and looked into the peep hole and there, across the hall, leaning on the wall was Rand. I opened the door and I could smell beer over the distance of several feet.

“You okay?” I asked. “Do you need me to help you to your room?”

His room was only next door to mine. He smiled, he walked to me, actually stumbled, and as he laid his head down on my shoulder he said “Madison you have no clue, no clue what you do to me. I hurt Madison, I hurt.”

Not knowing if in his current condition he hurt himself, I asked “Rand what’s wrong, what hurts? Where do you hurt?”

He pointed to his heart and leaned on me and handed me his room key. I walked, leaning over to get him and his drunken weight into his room. As we entered he began singing a tune that I never heard. He was singing, “My sweet nervous one, oh my sweet.” The tune wasn’t half bad for his state of mind. I helped him to his bed and he pulled me down with him. He laid there and didn’t move too much, only to point to his heart and he kept a low singing voice and pointing to me, “My sweet nervous one.” I slowly slid off the side of the bed and he did not stir, only mumbled a bit. I leaned near him and I took off his shoes and undid his belt, I tried to take it off but could not, so I just left it undone. Then, I slowly tugged on his tee shirt to loosen that up a bit to enable him up to sleep more comfortably. He reached out to me and took my hands in his and placed them up under his shirt near his heart. I curled my body right up next to the heart side of his chest and actually felt heat.

Steamy thoughts poured through my head, as my shaking fingers were touching his awesome, ripped chest, and I remained there until morning. I think it was the beating rhythm of his heart that put me to sleep.

This morning was pack up day and only a short drive further down the southern coast. The band was really excited as they would have several days off in South Beach before their next scheduled concert. So when the hotel door flew open to Rand’s room and all the members entered, I was completely embarrassed and stunned. There I was tucked into Rand’s chest and I believe they all assumed that something happened. I was certain of it. They could not contain their excitement and they said “Good morning Maddy,” like this was nothing at all, like they were all entering their morning class and acknowledging their teacher.

As I worked my way up from being cramped to the side of Rand’s body, Rand sounded, “Guys, get out, give me a few minutes I’ll meet up with you at breakfast, and Madison what the hell are you doing in here so early?”

I knew he probably did not remember coming in drunk this morning and I need not fill him in, I simply said “Oh, I wanted to know what all the excitement is about this morning since we are heading to South Beach. You told us all that there was a surprise in South Beach.” The guys all looked at me confused at first that I hadn’t answered Rand’s question and I had actually been on the bed next to him when they arrived – and all night – but they then quickly changed their morning topic. They were all glad to be heading to South Beach, and as they were exiting and they shouted that I would have to wait for the surprise until a bit later and they laughed.

Rand commented, “God I smell like crap, a brewery… I need to hit the shower.” Before he left the bed though, he pulled me back into his chest, I could stay right there forever, it was so welcoming, I felt needed for that moment. As he hugged me tightly he said in a very sexy whisper, “I know you were here with me, thank you for taking care of me”.

I was the latest to the breakfast feast this morning, and I do mean feast, these guys can eat. I guess since they played their hearts out once again last night and sweated pounds off singing and playing under those lights and dancing on stage, and let’s not forget their after the show romps, that amount of food was probably necessary. When I walked in to the hotel’s restaurant, Kent jumped up to give me his seat which was next to Rand. Rand kept his head tilted down, but I did see a smile on that face.

Maxwell started to speak, explaining that today we were heading to South Beach and pleading “Guys PLEASE go easy there…I know temptation is always around with so many beautiful women, take it easy. Madison, no offense to you, you’re up there too with our list of beautiful women.” I heard a low voice agree, “She sure is.”

I totally blushed and then I noticed they were all heading out that they were all done their breakfast but me, as I had just taken my seat, I gave them all a wave goodbye. Rand continued to sit next to me and he reached under the table to caress my hand, he looked in my eyes, he was piercing into them and said, “It was nice feeling you close to me last night, I slept great.”

I wanted to ask him about the song he was singing to me when he was drunk but I let that go. I smiled back and let him caress my hand while I ate with my other hand.

Chapter Three – Bejeweled

outh Beach was a very short drive down the coast of Florida, again we were split into two vans for the ride, with the guys in one and Rand and I in the other. I wasn’t sure if Maxwell was okay with this arrangement, but he seemed to enjoy his time with the boys. He never complained, he was like a coach preparing the team for their next game. He always appeared proud and didn’t rattle easily. So far in my writing I was seeing some really crazy stunts by all band members, yet Maxwell never seemed to notice.

We pulled up to a nice boutique hotel as most in South Beach are which make them smaller, quaint, not your average chain hotel. This décor was vintage and from the entrance into the lobby, I felt like I had gone back in time. After we all checked in I wandered out to the property which was directly on the beach. I walked gracefully at the edge of the very long, thin rectangle shaped pool, and headed toward the huge, wooden gates that opened to the South Beach sand. Beyond there I viewed the beauty of the swaying palm trees waving to the blue ocean waters. Flanking the pool were the private, comfortable cabanas. Since it wasn’t summer, a few were still empty. I walked back and climbed up into one, and felt like the Princess and the Pea. Totally surrounded by white fabric sitting within the comfortable pillow cushions, I took out my writings and put my reading glasses on and began to transcribe my latest thoughts.

There was a nice breeze carrying through the cabana and the fabric doors were tied back leaving the entrance open. I looked up several times and glanced at the few people in the pool area and at one point the server from the pool bar popped his head in to see if I wanted a beverage, so I ordered a frozen Mojito. When my drink arrived, I did not watch him set it down as I was in deep thought on my laptop. Then I noticed the lighting had decreased in the cabana, and I looked and saw Rand before me with the cabana’s drapes drawn.

“Mind if I join your private cabana?” he asked.

“Not at all, it is so wonderful, I’m just taking it all in,” I replied but then he stopped my voice. He sat down next to me and turned my chin toward him, he held my chin in his hand and leaned in and took over my mouth. Kissing me softly and slowly he licked my lips in between, his hands played with my hair and then he rubbed my neck and shoulders. As quickly as this began and I started to feel excitement inside, he ended the kiss. He climbed up next to me, took out his journal and put his glasses on and began to write. This was nice, but I can’t explain it, he would tear me up with a passionate kiss and then be so close but, as a friend, next to me like we were growing old together.

I didn’t want to give any of it up; I started to realize I felt a need for his touch, his kiss, his just being near me. As we both were off in our thoughts and writing he reached over and stroked my leg a bit, always in a drawing, artistic manner and tapping so I assumed he was writing music.

What a wonderful afternoon this had been with him, tonight would not be as serene. The band asked me to hang with them as they went out in South Beach. It began with me meeting them in the lobby. I chose to wear a black beaded halter top and lower rise jeans, and strappy sandals with a very high heel. I was thinking that if we were hitting clubs that would keep me cool, when the elevator opened to the lobby they were all clapping at how I looked, seeming like my biggest fans. During this moment it was like I had a family, a band family and I felt very warm and appreciated.

Rand was not there yet and they said he would be down shortly. Moments later Kent came up to me when we were exiting the lobby and remarked on my sexy bare back. He said that he just had to kiss it. As he leaned up to me to plant his kiss, his lips were swiftly blocked my Rand’s strong hand. That was so funny; Kent actually had closed his eyes and kissed Rand’s hand. All of us were hysterically laughing. We all dined earlier so we decided get some after dinner drinks.

We were staying in the heart of South Beach and bars are at every street corner. We walked up Lincoln Drive and sat for awhile ordering some shots and beers. I looked over to see Isaac having fun with the ladies there and then I saw Kent chatting it up as well. Ron, he was actually out walking about the Lincoln Drive area, which is several blocks closed off from traffic. The area contains plenty of shopping, coffee houses, restaurants and bars. I think he was crushing on a girl back in Philly and he wanted to talk to her some more. I caught him several times this week speaking to her while we traveled. Young love, so cute I thought.

Raeford, he surprised me this evening. He stayed by my side more than most nights and made certain other men didn’t come up to me. It was like he was a back up for the nearness of Rand.

We all drank a lot; the shots went down too smoothly. The guys were all singing, hell I think I was singing too. Not that I was a bad singer, I sing in the shower often. A few times I saw Rand speaking with some stunning women at the side of the bar and he would glance back to me, and if Rand was away, Raeford was close to me. I decided to head back toward the bathroom, it was necessary after all these drinks. As I walked past I heard the one stunning girl at the bar that Rand was up near earlier rave about him taking her telephone number. I felt a pang of sadness hearing that but he wasn’t mine, I guess I was his friend. I know I hadn’t seen him lately kiss too many women or take any of them back to his room, but I also was not naïve that I only spent a few hours a day with him leaving him plenty of playtimes.

When I got back to the bar, lined up was another round of shots. I think, I know, I was way past the legal limit, we all were. I was leaning my head on Kent’s shoulder and he actually did not try anything funny with me. Isaac yelled, “Let’s put these down and get the hell out of here…it’s a surprise you’ll like, Madison!”

Rand lifted my head lightly from Kent’s shoulder and took my hand, wrapping his fingers over it. We all headed a few blocks down and then I saw where we were heading, I froze even in my altered state. It was a lit store front Bejeweled Body Piercing & Tattoo. The band was excited; they were all shouting what they were going to get done. Then they turned to me and asked what I was getting done.

“No, no, I have no tattoos, no piercings, not happening to my body,” I proclaimed. Next thing I know I was lying on a comfortable table in a private, back room with curtains drawn and Rand handed to Russ, the owner and skilled tattoo artist, several hundred dollars to cover the evening’s piercing party for the band. The guys were all out front flirting with the female employees and selecting their piercings.

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