Rocking a SECRET (9 page)

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Authors: Crystal Perkins

BOOK: Rocking a SECRET
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“I can,” Ainsley says.

“Me too,” Alex says.

“Yes, the two of you can. I’m sorry that no
one else can.”

“It’s not real, Gram. It doesn’t matter who
stands up for us.”

“We all know this isn’t going to be a
totally fake marriage, Matthew. The sooner you stop pretending it
is, the easier it will be for you

“Just tell me where to be, and when. I’ll do
whatever I need to. In the meantime, I have a ring to buy. I’ll
bring it by later, okay Princess?”

“Oh, yeah. Umm…sure.”

I don’t think I’ve ever seen Reina looking
flustered. But then again, she’s never had the guy she loves tell
her he’s bringing an engagement ring by her place later. I, for
one, can’t wait to see what he picks for her. We all watch as he
kisses her forehead and walks out.

“Back to work everyone. We still have a
blackmailer to find, and other missions to work on.”

Everyone else start to file out. Tegan comes
over and stands in front of me, looking nervous. “Are we really
okay, Stell?”

“Yeah, Teeg. We are. What you did hurt me. A
lot. But we’re best friends, and I need you in my life. Just please
talk to me next time you’re upset, instead of telling some asshole
things he shouldn’t ever know about me.”

“I will. I promise. I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

“Go enjoy your baby boy.”

“He’s not a baby—in any way—but I
enjoy him.”

She laughs as I pull out my phone to text
Kace. I invite him over later, and let him know I’ll have the
guards let him in. He doesn’t respond right away, but I don’t
worry. He’s probably busy.

* * *


Rehearsal after our latest photo shoot was
intense. Our residency starts in just a few weeks, so we all want
the performances to be perfect. Especially opening night when the
media and other celebrities will be in attendance. I smile thinking
about having Stella in the front row while I sing to her, and then
on my arm for the party afterward. I haven’t asked her yet, but I’m
sure she’ll be there with me.

My smile gets wider as I see a text from her
telling me she’s set things up so I can go to her place when I’m
done. And then I swipe to the next text. It’s not from her, and
what it says makes my stomach drop and my blood boil.

Anonymous: Blow off your blonde slut
tonight. Go out clubbing or stay in your room. I don’t care. Just
don’t show up for you date with her. And don’t call or text her to
make an excuse. I’ll know if you do.

Fuck. I’m going to kill this person if I
ever find out who they are. Not just for blackmailing me, but for
calling Stella a slut, too. It makes me think that the blackmailer
has to be someone working closely with us. And that’s all I know.
There were at least twenty people in the room this morning.

My bigger worry is how Stella’s going to
react when she doesn’t hear from me today. I’m sure as hell not
going out, so at least she won’t see pictures of me partying it up
while I ignore her. I decide to see if my mom is free tonight.
Maybe we can hang out and talk. It’s been awhile since we did that.
I catch her as she’s leaving.

“Mom, wait up.”

“Hey, honey. Did you need something?”

“A night with my beautiful mother would be

“I thought you’d be with Stella, or is she
otherwise occupied?”

Whoa. “Excuse me?”

“I heard about what Wayne said to

“First of all, I told everyone there to keep
their mouths shut. And second, what she did in her past has nothing
to do with our present.”

“The past always catches up to you, Kace.
Even when you think you’ve outrun it, it comes out of nowhere to
rear its ugly head.”

“I’m not afraid of Stella’s past, or anyone
in it.”

“You love her.”

“Yes. I haven’t told her yet, but I do.”

“She’s going to break you. A woman who looks
like that and has done what she’s done won’t settle down.”

“What the hell is wrong with you? I’ve never
heard you say something so judgmental about
Yet you’re judging Stella because she looks hot. And had some fun
before she met me. Why?”

“Because she’s not good enough for you.”

“That’s for me to decide. God. It’s like I
don’t even know you anymore. Forget hanging out. I can’t talk to
you right now. Thanks for the support.”


“Just go, Mom.”

She gets into the elevator as I run my hands
through my hair and down my face. How did my life get so fucked up?
I just don’t understand it. I was a nice guy. I had a nice mom.
Yeah, we struggled, but we never intentionally hurt anyone. Yet
here I am, being blackmailed and having to listen to my mom
badmouth the woman I love. It’s almost too surreal to be
believable. But, I’m living it, so I know it’s happening.

“Thank you, Kace.”

I turn to see Sheila standing behind me.
“For what?”

“You just defended my daughter.”

“You don’t have to thank me. I’ll defend her
until the day I die.”

“Because you love her?”

“Yeah. I should probably tell her soon since
everyone else is hearing it.”

“You’ll tell her when it’s time. Just be
good to her.”

“I will.” Shit. No I won’t. But wait, I can
do this. I lean in close to Sheila and pretend to kiss her on the
cheek. “I can’t be with her tonight and I can’t call her to cancel.
I wish I could tell you why, but can you please let her know?”

“Goodnight, Kace,” she tells me with a

“Goodnight, Sheila.”

“Aww, that was so touching.”

“What do you want, Wayne? Haven’t you tried
to cause enough trouble this week?”

“Never enough, Mr. Big Star.”

“Don’t. We’re all the stars here.”

“That’s bullshit and you know it. They’ve
always groomed you.”

“And I’ve always resisted it.”

“That’s why you’re acting up now and making
sure you’re getting all the attention, huh? Those little jailbait
chicks are eating it up.”

“No. I’m not. I honestly don’t want the
extra attention.”

“Well, you’re getting it,” Chad says as he
walks over to us. “I say, embrace it. Your fifteen minutes and

“Not interested in fifteen minutes. I want
to stay in this business for a long time. With you guys by my

“Sure you do. C’mon, Chad, let’s go find us
some company for tonight while lover boy sulks in his suite.”

“How’d you know I’m staying in?”

“Lucky guess.”

“No, seriously man,” I tell him as I shove
him into the wall.

He’s been at the top of my suspect list
since the beginning and now this. Plus, I’m still pissed that he
embarrassed Stella. I’d love nothing more than to beat him until he
confesses. But we need him. I need him—if he’s not behind this.
We’ve been friends for years and I don’t want to lose that. I love
these guys like brothers.

“I heard you talking to your mom about
spending the evening with her. I figured you didn’t have plans.
Although if Stella was with me, I wouldn’t let her out of my

“Well, she’s never going to be with you, so
it doesn’t matter what you’d do. I trust her, and that means that
spending time apart isn’t a big deal.”

“Whatever you say. See you around.”

I watch them walk out, but instead of
following them, I grab my guitar from the stand and start playing.
Not anything of ours though. I’m feeling old school at the moment.
I’m so into the song that I don’t notice Brett until he starts

“Oh hey. I thought I was alone here.”

“I was going over my clothes for tomorrow.
Sheila’s been letting me help pick things out.”

“That’s cool.”

“Yeah. So what’s with the Duran Duran? Do
you really need a prayer saved for you?”

“I was feeling retro. But yes, I actually
need lots of prayers.”

“Can I ask you something?”


“Why are you such an asshole lately?”

“I don’t want to talk about that. Sorry,
dude, I just don’t.”

The reality is that I
about it. But if I use that word, I know he’ll try to get me to
tell him what’s going on. He’s not only the most quiet of all of
us, he’s also the most observant. And smartest. I’m honestly in awe
of his brain. And don’t even get me started on how talented he is.
His voice is similar to mine, but he seems to be able to hit the
notes a little easier. Lucky bastard.

Well, not really lucky when you think about
his life. He was abandoned by his parents when he was a baby. He
bounced around in foster homes until he ended up with some decent
ones who put him in their church’s choir. That’s how Marv found
him. I don’t know how he walked into a church without bursting into
flames, but it happened. And Brett joined Wayne, Chad, and me. That
was four years ago, and we haven’t stopped since. I wouldn’t change
anything. Storyside saved us all in one way or another.

Now if I could just find out who’s trying to
take it all away from me. I could probably survive losing my career
and friends. I don’t think I can survive losing Stella, though. In
fact, I know I can’t.

“I’ll see you tomorrow, I guess,” Brett
says, snapping me out of my thoughts.

“Yep. See you in the morning,” I tell him,
putting my guitar away before I head to my suite to order room
service and think some more about my bombshell. And how badly I
want to be with her tonight.

Chapter 7


I still haven’t heard from Kace when I get
the message that Matt’s arrived with Reina’s ring. I give them a
little time to be alone for it. Even though they say it’s fake, we
all know it’s not. They love each other, and I hope this marriage
will make them realize that they need to be together. Like me and
Kace. Who hasn’t called me or come over yet.

I head up to Reina’s apartment, and find I’m
the last to arrive. The girls are gathered around her, while the
guys are slapping Matt on the back. He looks really pleased with

“Hey, Stella. Go look at the ring and give
me the stylist stamp of approval.”

I flash him a smile as I push my way through
to Reina. The smile momentarily drops from my face when I see the
ring. I look up at her, and she gives a slight shake of her head.
So I plaster another smile on my face and pretend to be studying
the giant yellow diamond on her finger. Yellow. As in the color she
told me to never dress her in because she hates it. She won’t even
sit on a yellow chair or use a yellow plate when she’s out if she
can help it.

“Well?” Matt asks me.

Shit. “It’s stunning.” That’s not a lie.

The oval center stone has to be at least
fifteen carats, and is surrounded by white diamonds which also
completely cover the band. For someone who likes the color yellow,
it would be the perfect ring. For Reina, it’s the worst choice he
could’ve made. And yet, she’ll smile and pretend to love it.
Because she loves him so much.

“I knew I did good. Only the best for my

Reina smiles and goes over to kiss him.
“Thanks again.”

“Everyone get out so we can have a private

We laugh while filing out. As we’re waiting
for the elevator, Ainsley gets an alert on her phone. “Stella, you
need to see this.”

I lean over to read the text message. Damn
it. I’m going to strangle this fucking blackmailer when we finally
figure out who it is. “You still haven’t been able to trace

“No. But if they keep using the same burner
phone, we will. I’ll need to go into the office and check to see if
it’s the same.”

I feel bad because she should be going home
with Zack to plan her own wedding. But because her second in
command betrayed us on the last mission, she isn’t trusting anyone
else to take care of things. And because I’m involved, she’s
putting in extra time.

“I’m sorry. You should be going home with
your man.”

“He understands. He doesn’t love it
sometimes, but he gets it,” she says as we get on the elevator.

“I hope I have that someday.”

“You will. You have to remember that we
didn’t have an easy road to where we are, but we made it.”

“True. I thought you might kill him

“You’re the one who pointed a gun at

“No one messes with my friends.”

“Or mine. I’m going to get this person for

“If anyone can, it’ll be you.”

We hug goodbye as I get off on my floor. I’m
honestly a little bothered. Kace should’ve found a way to get a
hold of me, somehow. He doesn’t know that his phone is cloned. And
he’s choosing to protect himself over me. I mean, we haven’t
declared ourselves or anything, but there’s something more than sex
between us. At least on my side.

When I walk into my place, my mom is sitting
on my coach, watching reality TV. “Hey, Mom. I didn’t know you were
here. I would’ve come back down sooner.”

“It’s fine. The guys downstairs told me
there was something big going on, so I said not to bother you.”

“Yeah. Matt brought Reina her engagement

“They’re engaged. It’s about damn time.”

“Yeah. It really is.”

“Is it beautiful? What am I saying—the man
has more money than God. Of course it’s beautiful.”

“Yes and no.” She raises an eyebrow at me.
“It’s a giant yellow diamond. And Reina hates the color

“Oh no. He doesn’t know her favorite color
is blue?”

“Apparently not,” I tell her with a laugh.
“How did you know that was her favorite color?”

“She always has something blue on, even if
it’s just a pair of earrings.”

“If only he would’ve noticed that.”

“She’s pretending to love it though,

“Oh yeah.”

“Well, good for her. The fact that he gave
her one at all is enough. And speaking of giving, I have a message
to give to you.”

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