Rogues Gallery (55 page)

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Authors: Donna Cummings

Tags: #Historical romance, #boxed set, #Regency Romance, #Regency romance boxed set

BOOK: Rogues Gallery
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Once he and Felicia were finally alone, Hugh had planned to show Felicia he was not just a staid, sour parental sort who could not stay awake on his wedding night.

Unfortunately, he was forced to demonstrate he was a staid, sour parental sort who did not agree with her suggestion of an outing.

"But why not?" Felicia asked. "Since Lucinda adores horses, she can enjoy them without either one of us fearing she shall come to harm. I can only imagine her delight when she sees all of the tricks the horses are reputed to do."

"It is another harm to her that concerns me."

He paced the room, to ensure the minx could not distract him. Although merely thinking about her was distraction enough. He strode to the farthest side of the room.

"I do not understand. What sort of harm?"

Felicia made her way closer, and Hugh told himself not to watch her. But how could he hope to resist the sight of her bosom rising and falling as she closed the gap between them? Unbidden came the memory of her dressed in far less than she wore now, though the material was likely just as sheer.

He held up a hand, halting her. "Felicia, I do not wish to sound like a prude—"

She snickered.

He decided to ignore it. "But I am not sure you appreciate the difficulties Lucinda faces."

She shook her head. "I am entirely perplexed, Hugh. Please tell me."

"She was born on the wrong side of the blanket, as you are well aware, and I do not wish the
to mock her or shun her, all because of my failings. It is very likely to occur if we attend Astley's, as it will be the first time she has been seen in public by anyone."

Felicia's shock was plain to see. "Surely you cannot expect her to stay inside this house until she reaches her majority."

Hugh gave her a rueful look. "I had hoped so."

Felicia laughed and then barreled into him, wrapping her arms around him. He had no choice but to do the same to her.

"Hugh, do not punish Lucinda for the shortcomings of the
. Let them discover what a delight she is. They cannot do anything but love her. Just as I do."

She nestled her head against his chest. Hugh felt hope taking root, close to his heart, and he was powerless to resist it, or Felicia's brand of logic. He gave one last attempt, however.

"I could not bear for anyone to cause her even the slightest heartache."

"Nor could I." She tilted her head back to look into his eyes. "And it would break her heart if we were to say now she could not attend, merely because we fear the
's reaction to the circumstances of her birth."

Felicia's reasoning warred with Hugh's need to protect his daughter. Still, he did not want to be the source of Lucinda's disappointment, especially for something that was his fault, not hers.

Felicia must have seen him wavering, for she added, "Just to be certain, we shall gather reinforcements."

"Such as Great-Aunt Uproar?"

Her lips twitched. "I have always found it helpful to have another diversion on hand, to deflect attention from my own situations. She will prove most useful in that regard. Though I actually have another formidable weapon in mind."

"Ahh, Flighty Felicia herself."

"No, you silly goose," she said, hugging him tightly. "You shall just have to wait and see what I have in store."

Her confidence that they could protect Lucinda, while giving her an enjoyable excursion, melted the last of Hugh's resistance. It also made him realize how stifling Lucinda's existence would be without Felicia's exuberance balancing his constant need for caution.

Hugh tightened his arms around her. Now he was eager to heed some more sage advice: the recent counsel from Simon about enjoying his bride.

Hugh lowered his mouth to hers, and relished the way she clung to him, opening her mouth to his without hesitation. He pressed her even closer to his very aroused body. To his delight, she moved slowly against him, back and forth, as if needing even more of the contact.

His brain was filled with numerous licentious thoughts, and his body was ready to act on every one of them. Felicia appeared eager to follow wherever he might lead her. He glanced around the library, tempted to set her atop the desk so he could explore her passion further. It would not do for Felicia's first time, however. Perhaps later, once they had been lovers for a long while.

The soft sounds coming from her lips nearly drove him mad. He plucked at the edge of her bodice, but it did not give way.

"This is not proving cooperative," he murmured.

She smiled, her lips still against his. "It is the latest in chaperone design."

He gave her a mock scowl. "You have no need of chaperones now, Lady Weyson."

Her exposed skin pinkened, and she shivered, just slightly. Perhaps it was from his fingertips brushing even lower on her decolletage than previously. Or perhaps she found their playful banter as arousing as he did.

He stopped, moving back a pace so he could gather his wits—before he convinced himself they could indulge themselves right where they were.

"Hugh," she pleaded.


Just then the door opened slowly, and Lucinda peered around the corner. She was clearly excited about the upcoming excursion, and wanted to talk about what they might see and do. Hugh gave Felicia's bodice a regretful glance.

Felicia gave him a quick peck on his cheek before rushing over to chatter with Lucinda about what Astley's held in store.

Though his body was disappointed at Felicia's departure, Hugh's heart filled with more emotion than he thought he could bear, just from watching his wife entertain his daughter. Felicia continued to surprise him, in many ways, and for the first time he began to believe everything would work out as he had always hoped.

Yes, it seemed he had no cause for worry after all.

Chapter 16

It was just as dreadful as he had feared.

Hugh wanted to groan when he saw everyone's heads snap their direction, their jaws dropped in shock. He kept his eyes straight ahead as he led Lucinda and Felicia to the private box he had booked ahead of time.

Lucinda was too excited by her surroundings to notice people gawking, whispering behind their hands, or worse, turning aside with a cut direct. He gripped his daughter's hand firmly, to reassure himself more than anyone.

"Hugh," Felicia whispered, sliding her hand into the crook of his elbow. "We shall weather this."

Her words were strangely calming. He had experienced enough scandal to last ten lifetimes, but it meant nothing compared to what Lucinda might have to endure.

"Does your plan include a fast carriage and a race for the border?"

"No," she said with a laugh. "At least not yet."

He nearly sagged with relief when they finally arrived at the entrance to the private box. He ushered Felicia through, and once she was safely inside, he led Lucinda to the edge of the railing, to give her a better vantage point.

"Papa! The horses!"

Lucinda's squeals could likely be heard in the next shire, especially since the entire crowd had quieted the minute she had uttered the word "Papa".

Hugh straightened his shoulders, and somehow managed to refrain from growling at everyone staring their direction. He was not about to let anyone, not even him, spoil his daughter's enjoyment of the day.

He lifted her into his arms, holding her aloft so her view of the arena was not restricted. She turned back to say something to him, and all at once her face lit up with unabashed glee. She squealed again, only this time she squirmed in his grasp.

"Papa, look who is here."

If Felicia had not giggled just then, Hugh would have guessed the King himself had strolled in. Instead, it was the next best possibility: Felicia's brother, the Duke of Enfield.

"Lucinda, it is such a delight to see you once more." Julian sauntered into their box, and in full view of the crowds leaning to get a better look, raised Lucinda's chubby fingers to his lips. "I hope I shall be invited to another tea party in the near future. I so enjoyed our last one."

Predictably, she blushed and hid her face in Hugh's neck. In the next instant, she reached her arms out toward Julian. The man did not hesitate. He scooped her into his arms and bounced her jovially, as though he had done it for years.

Hugh could not help but laugh, watching his bachelor friend play the proud uncle, dispelling Hugh's fears for his beloved daughter.

All at once, a crowd made their way into the small confines, intent on making Lucinda's acquaintance. Julian cheerfully made the introductions, and Lucinda entertained everyone with all the grace of a miniature duchess.

Somehow a bevy of debutantes had managed to surround Felicia as well, chirping and chattering, delighted that their idol was in their midst once more.

Hugh stood outside the circle of his wife's admirers, bemused. Of all the things he had fretted about this outing, having it turn into a veritable crush had not even occurred to him.

He divided his attention between watching Lucinda's new admirers, and observing the jubilant crowd around his wife. He did not attend to the young misses' conversation—until one of them exclaimed, "Have you heard the latest
on dit
? Miss Lansdale has eloped!"

Hugh's gaze snapped towards Felicia, but she merely nodded and smiled at the news he found utterly surprising. When she noticed him regarding her, she gasped, a little too theatrically. "Indeed? And when did this occur?"

Hugh could not hear the answer, what with all of the women rushing to be the first to relate the specific details. He would learn more about it soon enough.

But first there were horses and acrobats for his daughter to enjoy. His eyes darted back towards his wife. He could not resist the chance to enjoy Felicia in her element as well, a prelude to later pleasures he had in mind, ones which had been delayed much too long.

He was sure she would agree.


elicia settled herself in the carriage seat across from Hugh, happy with the day's outing. She was even more delighted to see Hugh lean his head against the silk cushions, a big grin splitting his handsome face, knowing she had helped chase away his worries.

"Would I be a terrible father if I admitted how glad I am Lucinda insisted on traveling home with your brother?"

"Of course not! You have earned a respite from your parental duties, especially after such a momentous day as today."

Her recent discussion with Georgiana about the amorous uses of carriages had proved most enlightening, and Felicia was impatient to experience everything she had learned. Of course, she had wisely omitted that information when she suggested Julian accompany Lucinda home.

"I cannot thank you enough," Hugh continued. "Today was much better than I had anticipated. Although it was not without its surprises."

"I knew you would be pleased with Julian's presence." She beamed at the memory of Julian proudly introducing Lucinda to everyone from starchy society matrons to baffled bachelors. "With one ducal visit, he ensured the
would never dare to cause Lucinda harm. Now they are all completely enamored of her. As well they should be."

"Indeed. Though I was actually speaking of another surprise today."

His words were innocent enough, but his eyes roamed over her in a most deliberately naughty fashion, making Felicia's skin warm in response. If she were the sort to carry a fan, she would have fluttered it wildly, to dispel the heat filling the coach.

Instead, she quickly left her seat and sat down next to Hugh, ready to commence—

"Why did you help Miss Lansdale elope?"

Felicia choked, trying to turn it into a discreet cough. "How did you hear of that?"

"You do not protest it," he said with a wry grin. "You merely wonder how I discovered it."

"Hugh, she asked for my assistance, and I could not very well say no."

"And why not?"

He studied her, as if he could not comprehend why she would give aid to the woman he had once planned to wed.

Now that she thought about it, it did seem a bit beyond the pale.

"You cannot know the guilt I endured, since I am the reason her engagement ended. I had always hoped there would be some opportunity to redeem myself."

"You and redemption?" Hugh snorted. "I can hardly imagine such a combination."

She narrowed her eyes at him, only he did not appear frightened in the least. If she were not so intent on a seduction this evening, he would have earned at least one pinch for that comment. Perhaps two.

"Miss Lansdale came to me recently, and asked for my assistance. She confessed she had a
for someone, but because her father was intent on the alliance with you, she had not been permitted to marry the young man she loved. Once the engagement was broken off, she saw her opportunity at happiness. I was overjoyed to help her."

"Now her father has twice the reasons to be angered at me," Hugh muttered. "And Miss Lansdale has twice the backbone than I credited her with. Still, while I admire you wanting to assist the lovelorn, you cannot make it a practice."

"I do not intend to do so, Hugh." She grinned. "Unless there are even more females to whom you were once betrothed."

He gave her a mock glare.

"Great-Aunt Aurore has tried to persuade me several times to set up some sort of elopement academy. It distresses her that I am unable to make use of my vast experience. She is convinced it could be quite lucrative as well."

His shocked expression caused her to burst out with laughter.

"Felicia, your predilection for surprises will be my undoing."

"You do not like surprises? You might want to prepare yourself, since I have one planned for tomorrow, at the ball."

Hugh grimaced. "We have already won over the
today. Must we invite them to our home as well?"

She gave his arm an affectionate squeeze. "Yes, we must. We are officially introducing Simon and Georgie. It is their first appearance as a married couple."

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